Desolation / Vizunah Square / Seafarer's Rest
and GoD guys don’t try you were like 40 invi was the only with around 15 got scout there thx:)
you ran several guilds total of 70 and you always ran together trying to sandwich or just blob over and you get wiped<3 some got tired of it and decided to anti blob you and well you died in one second when we got same numbers so GG<3
ahhh yes sfr mathematical genius at it’s best, kinda obvious how you guys can never blob now if we had 70 people :P
(edited by Eniav.9064)
Is this GoD some iron leftover guild?
No, not at all, GoD is the oldest guild left on Desolation server. INVI is the IRON leftover guild.
Bäws (Guardian), Bawscro (Necro), Paulynn (Elementalist)
You should have asked some of the FG/AFTL/pug blob from Desolation Borderlands to help you out, or tell them to not do the same thing you are complaining about.
I knew this was coming il have you know desolation map had no such constant blob we had 3 individual guilds working apart unless in the instance we had to defend an objective, open field and offensive operations where purely guild runs.
Tbh that statement is “pot calling the kettle black” CON and ECL tags where joined at the hip on our bl at reset. AFTL where 10 players with a detached commander leading the pugs the guild was scouting upgrading and keeping supply lines open joining in where fights materialized within our proximity.
Home borders get hit hard at reset and im pretty sure there is no surprise if the defenders don’t want to play fair, We placed 3 guilds between bay Hills and Garry but SFR went straight for Garry with their entire map force what did you expect we leave 15-20 guys to defend and compromise the objective hell no and how many times did SFR send a bigger force to defend Hills when 10 AFTL + a few pugs assaulted it? either your guilty of the same thing or your scouts can’t count.
Let’s be frank there is no argument Defense is completely different from Assault and holds more priority.
(edited by Axle.5182)
You should have asked some of the FG/AFTL/pug blob from Desolation Borderlands to help you out, or tell them to not do the same thing you are complaining about.
I knew this was coming il have you know desolation map had no such constant blob we had 3 individual guilds working apart unless in the instance we had to defend an objective, open field and offensive operations where purely guild runs.
Tbh that statement is “pot calling the kettle black” CON and ECL tags where joined at the hip on our bl at reset. AFTL where 10 players with a detached commander leading the pugs the guild was scouting upgrading and keeping supply lines open joining in where fights materialized within our proximity.
Home borders get hit hard at reset and im pretty sure there is no surprise if the defenders don’t want to play fair, We placed 3 guilds between bay Hills and Garry but SFR went straight for Garry with their entire map force what did you expect we leave 15-20 guys to defend and compromise the objective hell no and how many times did SFR send a bigger force to defend Hills when 10 AFTL + a few pugs assaulted it? either your guilty of the same thing or your scouts can’t count.
Let’s be frank there is no argument Defense is completely different from Assault and holds more priority.
It is has been established that SFR scouts can’t count after they said we had a 70 man GoD/ INVI group in Seafarer Borderland when we had outmanned buff….
INVI is made up of members who left IRON before they moved server, we decided to seperate from them several weeks before, nd lets just say things happened so we have no ties or anything else to them. We are in no way the leftovers of IRON.
Just clearing that up
More bullkitten on the forums as per usual. We didnt deliberatly team up to wipe you, and you seem to think you guys are much better than you are.
We usually run 25 guys and constantly get blobbed, yet we stay away from the blobbing as we think this shouldnt be the style of the game. Occasionaly 2 guilds may come together coincidently. That doesnt count as deliberatly teaming up.
Just grow up and get on with the game rather than qq ing on forums.
Look forward to some more nice fights this week.
[dF]Driven by Fury
Far Shiverpeaks
I must say that SFR blobbed at some point. But you can’t tell me you were that few. We [CoN] are open to any GvGs since we’re usually only fighting with 40+ (woops sorry, 23 tonight) so I hope to hear from you and that this matchup can start without throwing kitten at eachother. I feel deso guilds have no respect atm (chasing 3 guys across the entire map when we lost a fight) but I hope we can finish this matchup more positive than we started it
(Server admin SFR till 15-10-13, currently on Augury)
Bombing zergs since day 1
deso biggest forum warriors?
also im pretty sad by an asuran thief from vs who was using speed hacking and when he can’t kill me use /laugh emote
You mean this thief?
Video taken by my friend, 8/10/2103, On Sfr bl, Viz dont have a sec waypoint at sfr bl that time.
No more comments, watch it by yourself^^
Fun fight in vizunha borderland against seafarer rest. All we have is 15 GoD 10 Invi and a few War and we wiped a blob with 50+ seafarers. Both BOOM and CON guild had to team up with blobs of 30+ to wipe us lmao.
Impressive counting. Almost as good as your skill on the battlefield. Just accept GvG challenges or u cant be taken serious …
Tbh that statement is “pot calling the kettle black” CON and ECL tags where joined at the hip on our bl at reset.
Now, without starting further arguments there were (counted carefully) THREE ECL guys with us because ECL didn’t have a raid
Have a nice matchup (and I know AFTL dont run the numbers to take on guilds on their own, you only run like 10 ppl so It’s understandable you team up for guilds 3x your size)
(Server admin SFR till 15-10-13, currently on Augury)
Bombing zergs since day 1
Was nice to reset Viz garri but in meantime we lost a lot on EB to Sfr who wanted to dbl team Viz with us… Good joke.
Was nice to reset Viz garri but in meantime we lost a lot on EB to Sfr who wanted to dbl team Viz with us… Good joke.
It’s this weird thing called tactics…or just thinking in general. If someone has no people for god knows what reason on a border, you attack them Should try it once, seems to work great for us!
About double teaming, SFR as server would never agree to team up with any server for a 2v1 matchup, so don’t get that illusion because an individual told you so please.
(Server admin SFR till 15-10-13, currently on Augury)
Bombing zergs since day 1
GoD, make GvG with those guilds who u think was blobing u whole day, and problem solved.
Let’s have nice fights,
Vizuna Lands , Deso..umm u’re really blobbed..vizuna slacking on weekends….
lets see some nice fights during this week. Have fun guys, have fun.
Freakin hyped about this matchup! The matchup Ive been waiting for so long personally. Amazing evening so far on SFR BL where we spend a good hour on assaulting Bay, capping it in the end. Later on, borderhopping as we are severly lacking commanders, but we are standing firm!
This night is far from over, that’s for sure! See you on the battlefield lovely Viz and SFR! Great EPIC fights!
ZBs guild, I take my hat off to you, you were incredible, probably the best guild I have had the pleasure of fighting against. You have the numbers as well so you can do anything you want, with a raid of 20 or so there’s only a limited amount that you can achieve, but because you had 40ish it was incredible what you could do. I can see why SFR are so strong in the early afternoon like vizunah, which is unfortunate because we really seem to be lacking manpower throughout the day.
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
Guys…. it’s the old joke…. SFR never blob. Never. I missed you guys =)
Council of The Inner Sanctum [Coin] | Blackgate
Great match great fights at viz borderland yesterday evening the defend for hills against viz and sfr at the same time was awsome
we firmly stood oure ground Deso at it finest when being the underdog keep up the spirit .
Let’s hope thing continues during the week when viz prolly be at it strongest
shoutout to perish for sieging all things up
[Coin] Gandara
(edited by PsyllO.3728)
Hehe thanks for all the solo and 2vs1’s this morning on Deso BL, good fun
EXG – Warrior ^^
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
Was a fun day yesterday- mostly. Still the same problems with 2 and 3 man thief/ele ‘teams’ ganking (same ones that get reported all the time for using various cheats, nothing ever gets done), and the Vizi catapult/ac bots (easy to spot, fear them, they stand wherever fear ends until their owner notices and moves them) and the vizi one guardian two rangers (the rangers do EXACTLY the same moves at exactly the same time).
I’m sure there are a few on SFR and Deso too, please hit that report button if you see any, thanks!
Apart from that, the usual vizi hiding behind AC unless they outnumber you at least 2:1 or 3:1, although I did actually see a couple of 5 man squads capping guards and the occasional camp.
Had some great fights but the loot seems poorer, not quite so much lag as normal whenever facing the Viziblob.
Very enjoyable day, and good to see the score ticking along. Of course the score will go to pot during the week when our guilds run raids and there are no tags in borderlands as viz cap everything while the guilds get ready for their gvgs or guild ‘raid’ standing in the respawn area for a couple of hours. Maybe you guys could warm up by going around capping a few camps and a tower or two? Or for fun, split into 6 solo’s and attack all 6 camps at the same time so they all change to our colour at the same time.
Would be nice if we had a week off the glory boys and actually decided to play the points game for the week just to show we can still beat Viz on points if we want to. Or (God forbid!) we actually build some siege to take and defend towers instead of trying to run up and build rams against towers that are defended by the usual Viz 20 AC.
In the meantime, bring on the fights. Here’s a pro tip for thiefs- if I see you first on my zerk built LB/SB ranger and that first shot connects, reset the fight straight away- because if you keep coming my QZ’d buff fooded buffed rapid fire will leave you on the ground or forced to use your tent which I will then barrage and wait for you to pop out of stealth downed. Or bring a friend- seems like most of you have to go around in pairs now holding hands, or bring a friend and a d/d ele to use a knockdown that goes st8 through stability..
Yep,some Viz were entering into Mendons with hacks several times just now. I’m sure someone will be able to post a screenshot of it as they have been spotted several times now.
Have a nice matchup (and I know AFTL dont run the numbers to take on guilds on their own, you only run like 10 ppl so It’s understandable you team up for guilds 3x your size)
I wouldn’t exactly say teaming up we prefer to run our own raid than follow other tags but i guess where there’s trouble inadvertently we won’t be far from it nor afraid to wipe against 3x our number we don’t aim to beat these guilds but merely to divert attention away from other areas for our bigger forces which is exactly what happened in the Hills incident SFR were attempting to take Garry we took our raid to Hills and you sprung the trap by sending CON back to Hills giving our defenders breathing space.
I don’t wish to get in an argument either somebody thought to drag me into one they were having making reference to my guild however my rant is finished and so am i on the topic.
(edited by Axle.5182)
Fun fight in vizunha borderland against seafarer rest. All we have is 15 GoD 10 Invi and a few War and we wiped a blob with 50+ seafarers. Both BOOM and CON guild had to team up with blobs of 30+ to wipe us lmao.
Impressive counting. Almost as good as your skill on the battlefield. Just accept GvG challenges or u cant be taken serious …
I think us wiping your blob with an outmanned buff at hills and later at south supply camp is enough proof we are better than you. Anyway we will find out tonight when we have our real wvw event. Yesterday was just casual day.
Just another video of that teleporting thief. Reported countless times yet administrative action seems to be non-existent.
I recognize that thief! He had exactly the same signets on, and he teleported all over the map like he was lagging. But he wasn’t. He was skipping stuff, by teleport spamming via a hack. If you see asura vizunah square with exactly those two signets (the second one is rarely used, so easy to recognize him), RUN, fast before he sees you cause 1 vs 1 you can’t win/run away from him. I really hope anet bans him cause that’s really over the top.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Fun fight in vizunha borderland against seafarer rest. All we have is 15 GoD 10 Invi and a few War and we wiped a blob with 50+ seafarers. Both BOOM and CON guild had to team up with blobs of 30+ to wipe us lmao.
Impressive counting. Almost as good as your skill on the battlefield. Just accept GvG challenges or u cant be taken serious …
I think us wiping your blob with an outmanned buff at hills and later at south supply camp is enough proof we are better than you. Anyway we will find out tonight when we have our real wvw event. Yesterday was just casual day.
I wasn’t there and i don’t even blob or follow commanders or play in group, so i don’t know it was true, but the best proof is … a proof.
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock
That’s prolly the same thief that has been running with those hacks for like 4months so good luck having him banned.
Nice to see, that there are several guild groups on deso!
here is a small vid from last week
Nice job with video Efferphanten:D
200,000 WwW Kills
Nice good fights on Seafarer borderland. We just took bay after farming them. After we took bay we went to tower with our 30 man zerg and this is what happens:
GoD and 30 men zerg? Guys srsly? Next time ill screen your 30 man zergs….. You took bay with group of Unit + GoD + Pug with atleast 50 men blob so look on urself first then you post some screens
Officer & WvW commander
Veterans Guild[VG] – Proud Seafarers since Day 1
I said we only have 30 GoD inside.
And you are able to run with blob? And when we run with blob (for some moment) you immediately post it on forum?
Officer & WvW commander
Veterans Guild[VG] – Proud Seafarers since Day 1
hahaha ZB waypoint to garrison after running without a fight, only to join up with a second guild to fight, love it.
One time 60 player deso blob didn’t have kitten fight against me. They just did run away when i planed solo them. Missed 60 loot bags because of this.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
@ Con SFR guild. You have no manners. It’s guild like you that give SFR A bad name.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
It made me sad how much sfr runs now.
It made me sad how much sfr runs now.
Its sad how GoD is Iron V.2 and cannot admit it (dont even try to qq back)
Blob win best win as always.
(edited by Covis.6037)
It made me sad how much sfr runs now.
Its sad how GoD is Iron V.2 and cannot admit it
(dont even try to qq back)
Blob win best win as always.
It’s funny because GoD existed before Iron and we had no Iron members join us at all since they disbanded. They formed other Deso guilds. You just mad because you are bad.
or you are a troll
Deso approaching Elona level of forums tears. Mission accomplished.
Beginning phase 2…
Deso approaching Elona level of forums tears. Mission accomplished.
Beginning phase 2…
Even I laughed at that lol
You do realise theres enough tears from both sides to sink Orr again within this thread?.
So i guess for every SFR Forum Warrior victory in phase 1 your side scored a good few own goals let’s see how the second phase plays out.
BRING IT!! lol
(edited by Axle.5182)
maybe this will help:
But big respect to GOD.
…still improving…
(edited by kBoom.3748)
It made me sad how much sfr runs now.
Its sad how GoD is Iron V.2 and cannot admit it
(dont even try to qq back)
Blob win best win as always.It’s funny because GoD existed before Iron and we had no Iron members join us at all since they disbanded. They formed other Deso guilds. You just mad because you are bad.
Well, GoD isn’t a bad guild, but I have to admit you guys run with like 40-45 ppl sometimes.
On the other hand GoD improved that they can also run with like 20-25 ppl.
But don’t blame other players for blobbing, remember you did it too
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
Our balls were forged from the toughest of steel.
Our determination born from the endless no.1 skill spam in Stonemist.
Our resolve…
I hate the word blob. I had a group of 45 and I was running without tag, 35 DVG, 10 friendlies, and it was absolutely epic on viz bl! What am I supposed to do? Turn some guildies away and tell our friends to stop following us? Why does it matter if GoD run with 40 people and you run with 20? Maybe if you acted in a different way you’d have more than 19 friends That ZBs guild I mentioned earlier were epic, they had about 45 also and because they were incredibly organised they could achieve anything, with a group of about 20 you can have some nice fights, but you can’t exactly dominate a battlefield.
It was fun fighting against ECL and the other SFR guild on viz bl tonight, apologies for not remembering the tag. We’re struggling a bit for coverage this week, or maybe we just need to organise our foces more. SFR are very impressive with their organisation, it is really impressive.
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
It made me sad how much sfr runs now.
Its sad how GoD is Iron V.2 and cannot admit it
(dont even try to qq back)
Blob win best win as always.It’s funny because GoD existed before Iron and we had no Iron members join us at all since they disbanded. They formed other Deso guilds. You just mad because you are bad.
Well, GoD isn’t a bad guild, but I have to admit you guys run with like 40-45 ppl sometimes.
On the other hand GoD improved that they can also run with like 20-25 ppl.But don’t blame other players for blobbing, remember you did it too
I hope you dont mean 40-45 GoD, we havnt fielded that many at once for months now, 25 is our norm 30 at a big push, if you see more guys then its the pugs running with us, as we are one of the few running tags on.
(edited by Eniav.9064)
It made me sad how much sfr runs now.
Its sad how GoD is Iron V.2 and cannot admit it
(dont even try to qq back)
Blob win best win as always.It’s funny because GoD existed before Iron and we had no Iron members join us at all since they disbanded. They formed other Deso guilds. You just mad because you are bad.
Well, GoD isn’t a bad guild, but I have to admit you guys run with like 40-45 ppl sometimes.
On the other hand GoD improved that they can also run with like 20-25 ppl.But don’t blame other players for blobbing, remember you did it too
We run in groups of 40 but at least at least 15 are pugs. On our events the highest we pull is about 30
Look at you chasing an upscale. YOU’RE SUCH A GOOD PLAYER
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
Look at you chasing an upscale. YOU’RE SUCH A GOOD PLAYER
Not sure if troll or stupid