(edited by Axle.5182)
Desolation / Vizunah Square / Seafarer's Rest
I hate the word blob. I had a group of 45 and I was running without tag, 35 DVG, 10 friendlies, and it was absolutely epic on viz bl! What am I supposed to do? Turn some guildies away and tell our friends to stop following us? Why does it matter if GoD run with 40 people and you run with 20? Maybe if you acted in a different way you’d have more than 19 friends
That ZBs guild I mentioned earlier were epic, they had about 45 also and because they were incredibly organised they could achieve anything, with a group of about 20 you can have some nice fights, but you can’t exactly dominate a battlefield.
It was fun fighting against ECL and the other SFR guild on viz bl tonight, apologies for not remembering the tag. We’re struggling a bit for coverage this week, or maybe we just need to organise our foces more. SFR are very impressive with their organisation, it is really impressive.
Whether or not you can help it, if you run with a large number of players, thats a blob. It doesn’t matter if it’s one guild or 80% one guild and 20% another. And I think what you meant is you hate the negative taste attached with the word blob. The reason blobs are looked down upon is because when you blob, you usually force the other servers to blob so that they can counter you, and when two blobs meet in combat the server simply cannot handle it. Also when smaller guild group are trying to work on squad play and get some nice smaller scale fights and then they get steam rolled by 60 people it’s pretty annoying. The fact remains is that every server blobs and there’s nothing you can really do to stop it.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
So a guy comes to our server and wastes our entire supply in garrison and EB keep building trebs next to the supply depot. GG Trixy The Forgotten. This has completely screwed us up and has allowed vizunah to get ahead of us in the point system.
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
I hate the word blob. I had a group of 45 and I was running without tag, 35 DVG, 10 friendlies, and it was absolutely epic on viz bl! What am I supposed to do? Turn some guildies away and tell our friends to stop following us? Why does it matter if GoD run with 40 people and you run with 20? Maybe if you acted in a different way you’d have more than 19 friends
That ZBs guild I mentioned earlier were epic, they had about 45 also and because they were incredibly organised they could achieve anything, with a group of about 20 you can have some nice fights, but you can’t exactly dominate a battlefield.
It was fun fighting against ECL and the other SFR guild on viz bl tonight, apologies for not remembering the tag. We’re struggling a bit for coverage this week, or maybe we just need to organise our foces more. SFR are very impressive with their organisation, it is really impressive.
Whether or not you can help it, if you run with a large number of players, thats a blob. It doesn’t matter if it’s one guild or 80% one guild and 20% another. And I think what you meant is you hate the negative taste attached with the word blob. The reason blobs are looked down upon is because when you blob, you usually force the other servers to blob so that they can counter you, and when two blobs meet in combat the server simply cannot handle it. Also when smaller guild group are trying to work on squad play and get some nice smaller scale fights and then they get steam rolled by 60 people it’s pretty annoying. The fact remains is that every server blobs and there’s nothing you can really do to stop it.
A blob is a blob, a large guild group is a guild blob. Blob blob blob.
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
I am not often post in such Thread, but Desolation needs a compliment, for me they deliver very challenging fights, after weeks of blobing and some strange enemies. Desolation has some good guilds running on the track, keep up the work, good fights somtimes we win somtimes we get crushed, it is really a good week in my eyes.
oh i forget:
Nerf AC
(edited by Haralin.1473)
So a guy comes to our server and wastes our entire supply in garrison and EB keep building trebs next to the supply depot. GG Trixy The Forgotten. This has completely screwed us up and has allowed vizunah to get ahead of us in the point system.
No worries, we had same kind of guy yesterday at our garri, who jumped from cliff with golems. Welcome to the match-up with vizuna. They are pathetic in every possible way. That`s not an abuse, that`s a fact.
Marching with ZDs
Seafarer’s Rest
Report these people and hope anet is doing something. There is also a thief of vizunah a azura one who always when he get downed ported away, mostly he is between garri and bay. i reported him three times but nothing happened, i reported him already in the last vizunah matchup.
i hope anet react a bit faster with these guys. They need a better ingame support like one gm per server or so who can help directly.
I am not often post in such Thread, but Desolation needs a compliment, for me they deliver very challenging fights, after weeks of blobing and some strange enemies. Desolation has some good guilds running on the track, keep up the work, good fights somtimes we win somtimes we get crushed, it is really a good week in my eyes.
oh i forget:
Nerf AC
I Was commanding TLA last evening and ECL functions really well as a team. We had a good time till you guys showed up.
I think I should remove this quote given the recent developement.
I wish everyone would stop having a go at my guild tag: BLOB. Yes, there you go, conclusive proof that SFR has a BLOB.
Everyone blobs, it’s just the way the game goes- we all wish there was a proper GvG in the game, but instead we got wvw and spvp (and we all know which one ANet seems to think is important).
More interesting to note that the weekend warriors on Viz are more into farming the new events in pve than coming into wvw – wonder how the week will turn out? (At least their excuse is ready).
Was fun attacking Durios last night with 30 of us against 60 viz cowering behind their AC’s and catapults and ballistas (and 80% are playing guardian, ele and now confusion warrior). Only sad part was when the noob manning our treb decided to charge in with the rest of us when we really needed that cow.
Maybe one day we will just build AC’s closer and closer in until you all just fall off the back of the tower?
Some great fights in open field, and the usual double team thief gankers around.
Funniest moment was when a pair of invinci guardians finally split up, two of us chased one down, managed to kill him, he squaded me and complained that no one on SFR would ever let a duel happen without interupting!!! Well when you go around in two and three man teams ganking solo players, this is what happens…
Had some funny moments on my engineer which I dusted off and tried a weird condition/support build (which was useless 1v1..back to the drawing board) which worked OK but need to switch faster to make it effective.
Shout out to ECL, NoE, OSC, BOOM guilds from SFR who tryed to get their spawn tower back last night in viz borderlands took you a while hehe….. thx for the fun and I hope to see you guys more in the next few days…….
Once again, SFR people are still the trouble-makers on forum.
As if you’re crying fuel to keep going.
Hello Kingface:)
You had to be the 1st VS to come and coment.
I hope you don’t get any problems because of this.
What am I supposed to do? Turn some guildies away and tell our friends to stop following us?
What you are supposed to do is do what is necessary for Deso to win.
If that means tag up and blob then tag up.
If that means run as a tight group and wipe enemy guild groups, fine.
If that means siege up a tower or keep and hold it against larger forces – do that too.
(and ofc have fun)
and if that means coming on the forum and posting about blobs so the opposing servers run smaller groups that can be mopped up by our blob – well, we see people doing that all the time.
Basically, we are Deso – WE define how we play.
And if opposing servers dont like dieing to us I suggest they drop down the ranking a bit and fight somebody else.
Eternal Invictus [INVI]
Basically, we are Deso – WE define how we play.
And if opposing servers dont like dieing to us I suggest they drop down the ranking a bit and fight somebody else.
Well said
Every single match one server criticizes another over it’s choice of playstyle dictating that everyone should play by their rules. Viz stop night capping and hiding in your keeps, Deso stop blobbing , Piken plays for the fights and not points so everything else is unacceptable and wrong. SFR wants opponents to face them in equal numbers in open field so they can GvG etc.
It’s all an ideal world for one server that won’t exist at least Piken during the old tier system kept themselves out of the top brackets so they could play the way they wanted.
To be honest despite what gets said on here by a few individuals about Vizunah the majority of us have accepted that they do what they want to do and nobody can change that in the slightest as they say “if it’s not broke and it works why fix it”?
We moan at our opponents when despite our best efforts we fail it’s a fact of life that many of us cannot express humility in failure and it is always the other party’s fault for doing something better at any one moment be it attacking or defending with more numbers or having coverage where others do not this is hardly the fault of the other party and it goes for everyone.
(edited by Axle.5182)
Real thank to Vizuna, I think it is a guild LEAD, they are brave warriors on open fields and doesn’t hide behind the towers as we are used to see other Vizuna.
And yes, SFR were a bit kitten last night teleporting to border, all recorded several times off course, gonna upload it as soon as it is ready.
Gatekeepers of Desolation [GoD]
Once again, SFR people are still the trouble-makers on forum.
As if you’re crying fuel to keep going.
Hello Kingface:)
You had to be the 1st VS to come and coment.
I hope you don’t get any problems because of this.
And I hope I will be the last.
I don’t play the match-up anyway but I noticed one more time from where the forum trouble-makers and big-mouthed’s come, even without VS trollers.
Shout out to ECL, NoE, OSC, BOOM guilds from SFR who tryed to get their spawn tower back last night in viz borderlands took you a while hehe….. thx for the fun and I hope to see you guys more in the next few days…….
you see? you find fun to do things that for us are not .. 40 standing inside a tower using 10 ac..
Why you do not play like this during the night, to keep the towers? Why in the prime time you do not exit the towers leaving the arrow carts and fight? some guilds do it, others do not.. the only thing we see is people run inside tower for use the ac.. why you don’t do it when you are loosing not from the start of inc?
[Coin] is a strong guild but find fun whit ac.. i can’t belive this..
The sfr’s guild try fun in open field and sometimes we must pull pll using treb (viz become mad if they see treb) and no problem if we die.. we can try to become better.. but we can’t become better against ac..
(edited by Hiei.8697)
I will like to ask to SFR guilds in BL’s to stop to cooperate, never join groups, keep running around without taking any towers, that’s watt will happen if they try to get a T3 tower with siege inside. with 40 people, with the power of AC people don’t even care to much with siege, just drop 6 AC’s, and that will trash 99% of the attacks () (one alert to some guys in EB that insist in running with a blue tag above their heads, it’s your duty to make sure our towers have proper siege, and are fully repaired after being attacked, and please try to convince people to scout, they will do it).
() End of sarcasm.
Thumbs up to Axel and Solvaren from Deso, every server as the right to play as they wish, completely agree, only thing not acceptable it’s spying, cheating or hacking.
In my personal view isn’t acceptable to do 2v1 against anyone, of course some time we will do it because there are 3ververs competing. We know that we are fighting with VS to win and it’s normal to focus on them. My congratulations to Deso, you are doing a great work playing very smart.
Basically, we are Deso – WE define how we play.
And if opposing servers dont like dieing to us I suggest they drop down the ranking a bit and fight somebody else.Well said
Every single match one server criticizes another over it’s choice of playstyle dictating that everyone should play by their rules. Viz stop night capping and hiding in your keeps, Deso stop blobbing , Piken plays for the fights and not points so everything else is unacceptable and wrong. SFR wants opponents to face them in equal numbers in open field so they can GvG etc.
These are the best two posts on this forum so far.
Also, to the guy who said 10 AC built in the tower? You are joking right? You think we’d waste supplies building ACs on a tower near your spawn when we were killing you fine without them?
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
I’d like to apollogise to Deso that we on SFR are so unskilled, and yet somehow still manage to score more points than you. That’s totally unfair…
My solution would be that you drop a few tiers , where surely you’ll find more skilled servers, but which you will be able to defeat. That would be totally fair…
(edited by Grok.6714)
iiMulch.2138 <—— mate I asked deso players that play fair and square how many ppls does those guilds have and they said exactly how many then I asked my cousin that play there sometimes to check how many you got and got same numbers from him then I myself checked and well got the same numbers Q-Q
you ran in HUUUUUUUGH ITS MASSIVE numbers. no need to deny it.
we could not stand at the gate, he was magic?! 10 was a random number, such as 40 (i didn’t say 40 coin.. but you were on your own without pug?) I can always laugh for your “two hours” if you laugh for my words.. everyone always believe that what they say are right then.. you won! I do not care!
bah .. I speak quietly and people respond arrogantly or ironically .. I will avoid writing in the future if you can not talk
however I’m having fun against Deso, is a good server..
(edited by Hiei.8697)
and to the person at page 1 well I tried to team up with a commander in deso but all I got is ‘’I do not speak English sorry’’ so yh decided to ignore him play nice to deso.
go for fully upgraded keep cap it with golem rush and I see orange sword lord room bay your golem rush with 25 golems….
I get there in time just to wipe you then you decide to jump map attack ogrewatch anza same time in eb well jump map there same story then golem rush your keep your own fault-.-
I’d like to apollogise to Deso that we on SFR are so unskilled, and yet somehow still manage to score more points than you.
Since when is there a correlation between skill and points?
Have you not met Vizuna?
Good fight in Bay against seafarer. I managed to get 120 kills from that fight before we had to back out because we lost a lot of people.
Everyone blobs at some point, everyone hides in a tower behind 15 AC and everyone runs with tons of Golems at some point. Everyone has ganked a small group just because they can, everyone has been wiped by a guild group because they were outplayed and then gone back with double the numbers to ensure the win / get even.
Running around solo I see all the different enemy guilds working separately, same for our guilds running around solo, but as soon as a battlermarker goes up everyone converges and a Zerg is born. All guilds have wiped each other at sme point or been severely outplayed / caught on the back foot.
Stop bloody moaning guys, just login and go do whatever is fun for YOU and don’t give a toss what others think. If we get blobbed I tend to just laugh (or swear at people on TS) and everyone moans, but I don’t see any Deso complaining when 70 of you are following me flipping every tower / keep we go for and no-one breaking off to snipe when requested multiple times.
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
Lovely farming at redvale tyvm SFR both boom and Kon were good for lootbags
Stop that Ins, it’s always cute to see Chuck Norris wanna be trying to brag here while whinning, don’t spoil the fun
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock
GJ Iron… oh i ment GoD at viz borderlandz Good farm from u. 10god+15invi im sorry we blobbed u to death
eazy to do what ur doing against 25-30. what happened when we were together? alot down god ^^
(edited by Covis.6037)
[GOD] is farming [KoA],..yeah it’s maybe because you blob 60-25 against us??
Maybe ask [INVI] how it feels like fighting us in same numbers
Btw. we are ticking with 360-400 lol.
(edited by Rajnesh.4526)
GoD never blobs. Usually they fight 10 vs 80 and win.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
my internets been down; but its nice to see you again viz <3
know all the raging i will be doing later on in the week will be laden with love <3
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
I think I can only conclude.
There is not a single GW2 player alive who can count.
GJ Iron… oh i ment GoD at viz borderlandz
Good farm from u. 10god+15invi im sorry we blobbed u to death
eazy to do what ur doing against 25-30. what happened when we were together? alot down god ^^
Yeah gj you got us fully like once? with that tactic then how many times did u wipe doing it, kind of lost count. but the kill count was amazing on our side tonight so ty for that.
we can create zone blob between the guilds too, but we dont need such kitten ways :P
but then again, i dont expect nothing from you.
(edited by Covis.6037)
GJ Iron… oh i ment GoD at viz borderlandz
Good farm from u. 10god+15invi im sorry we blobbed u to death
eazy to do what ur doing against 25-30. what happened when we were together? alot down god ^^
Yeah gj you got us fully like once? with that tactic then how many times did u wipe doing it, kind of lost count. but the kill count was amazing on our side tonight so ty for that.
I dont think you guys are playing in the same fights as us. You seem to make stuff up. We have had some good fights always against larger numbers. But we refuse to blob up.
You seem to think you wipe us lots when you haven’t, your guild is all talk.
Don’t see why u would boast anyways when u run 40-60 guys against 27 guys.
Why not come on here and respect your opponents, why always kitten?
I will say we have enjoyed our night tonight so thanks all for the fights.
[dF]Driven by Fury
Far Shiverpeaks
Deso got one tower left on map,….
we can create zone blob between the guilds too, but we dont need such kitten ways :P
but then again, i dont expect nothing from you.
Of course not, not like your stacking guilds here+pugs at all ^^ I mean you dont need such ways.
ofc we defend our keep if u attack with 60+, thats picture when half of your group got wiped lol. stop trying to make excuses and lying.
seems you like pics so i give u one too couldnt fit all but i guess that tells enough
E: DO NOTICE! i had culling on that moment and it might seem less. zoom in and see all the names. your argue is invalid.
(edited by Covis.6037)
lol 60+, bet you did well in maths have a quick look at our numbers there and the dead if you want dousnt add up to the ammount u guys like to stack.
.nice pic no where near 60 then gj,
GoD is Anets gift to WvW remember covis!
[dF]Driven by Fury
Far Shiverpeaks
HaHa was fun to solo charge into the rear flank of the Russian SFR guild ZBS or whatever their name is i survived a full 4 seconds on my asura guardian lol
Real thank to Vizuna, I think it is a guild LEAD, they are brave warriors on open fields and doesn’t hide behind the towers as we are used to see other Vizuna
Happy that you enjoyed fighting with us
We do love our open field fights a lot and this week is providing some really nice ones !
Sadly we are in a pve week on our server, everyone is farming like hell and we can’t get people to enter wvw, i mean, outmanned buff on EB in prime time is not something we are used to see !
Too bad cause we have some nice challengers, and are probably going to lose this one but heh, can’t win all the time right ?
Oh and regarding the cheating thief people reported us, we (at least 4 guilds on viz) massively reported him when we saw him earlier this week, let’s hope Anet drops a banhammer on him, sorry that you guys experienced this, please keep reporting them to us and we’ll do our best to see them banned, and rest assured we read your complains and try to act as soon as we identify them, let’s keep the fight clean.
Cya on the battlefield people.
(edited by plug.4276)
GJ Iron… oh i ment GoD at viz borderlandz
Good farm from u. 10god+15invi im sorry we blobbed u to death
eazy to do what ur doing against 25-30. what happened when we were together? alot down god ^^
Yeah I see what you did there but everybody is laughing at you. It is clear that you think calling us “Iron” will somehow insult us even though we literally have no Iron members or Ex iron members in our guild. We also existed before Iron. Just going to point that out there AGAIN but it is clear you’re mental capacity is too low to understand.
ofc we defend our keep if u attack with 60+, thats picture when half of your group got wiped lol. stop trying to make excuses and lying.
seems you like pics so i give u one too
couldnt fit all but i guess that tells enough
E: DO NOTICE! i had culling on that moment and it might seem less. zoom in and see all the names. your argue is invalid.
Nice now why don’t you show the group you had stacked up behind you? In that picture we were raging on TS because you guys had a big BOOM group but were too scared to jump on us because you needed at least 3 other guild groups to attack us at the same time for you to win. We feel sorry for how bad you guys are.
How many guilds/zergs does it take to fight GoD? This picture kinda shows it.
lol love that ss.
Nice fights on Viz bl, some won and some lost.
Cheers to the Viz on vid
Ty [Run] for fun a bit smaller scale fights! Very refreshing to have some 20v20 action instead of two guilds forming 40 player blobs to lag each other out.
Only a WvW player
I hate the word blob. I had a group of 45 and I was running without tag, 35 DVG, 10 friendlies, and it was absolutely epic on viz bl! What am I supposed to do? Turn some guildies away and tell our friends to stop following us? Why does it matter if GoD run with 40 people and you run with 20? Maybe if you acted in a different way you’d have more than 19 friends
That ZBs guild I mentioned earlier were epic, they had about 45 also and because they were incredibly organised they could achieve anything, with a group of about 20 you can have some nice fights, but you can’t exactly dominate a battlefield.
It was fun fighting against ECL and the other SFR guild on viz bl tonight, apologies for not remembering the tag. We’re struggling a bit for coverage this week, or maybe we just need to organise our foces more. SFR are very impressive with their organisation, it is really impressive.
Whether or not you can help it, if you run with a large number of players, thats a blob. It doesn’t matter if it’s one guild or 80% one guild and 20% another. And I think what you meant is you hate the negative taste attached with the word blob. The reason blobs are looked down upon is because when you blob, you usually force the other servers to blob so that they can counter you, and when two blobs meet in combat the server simply cannot handle it. Also when smaller guild group are trying to work on squad play and get some nice smaller scale fights and then they get steam rolled by 60 people it’s pretty annoying. The fact remains is that every server blobs and there’s nothing you can really do to stop it.
Let us look deeper into this. Blobbing is used as a term to define a ‘zerg’ of 45+ players in most contexts. There should be no reason why they are frowned upon and no reason they force any special counter. Blobs can be stopped by a much smaller group of players if they know what they are doing – I know this as I have done it. Blobs are not something WvWers should hate on or use as an insult, but should embrace them as part of the system. Instead of complaining about the blobs we should start to respect them. There is no reason someone should feel offended to be part of a blob or stop it. The same goes with golem rushes, and ACs in open field fights. Yes, we should use them. Why? As it will let us win. You can’t deny yourself an advantage because it ’doesn’t feel right’. You should use every legitimate tactic to win – blobbing included.
td;dr – Blobbing is fine.
Ty [Run] for fun a bit smaller scale fights! Very refreshing to have some 20v20 action instead of two guilds forming 40 player blobs to lag each other out.
Cheers mate, idd it was fun,even if it was more of a 11v20 .
If any guild is up for a gvg from 10v10 to 12v12 we are always up to it!
[Vizunah Square]