Aurora Glade EU
o/ all, miss the banter :P I still think ANET should implement winner – promoted, loser – relegated = Everyweek! Atleast then every single week would be refreshing
Wonders what next week will hold!
Regards TUP – hoping for fresh opponents soon, i’m sure RS dont bathe after all that time couped up in towers
I been leading quite a few events this week, I must say i have had some fun, I hope to keep Gand in our tier and improve fighting them, Won´t mind seeing MS go.. Thieves killing themself on retailion is just getting old along with their workship of ACs.
to BT roaming on FSP border, You guys are truely a pain in the kitten when i´m attempting to casual leading some pugs in our border from the sylvari warrior.
I hate when people post videos with music and it’s blocked in germany… Can’t watch them at work then ._.
But anyways:
Thanks for the quite interesting and fun bracket.
I hate when people post videos with music and it’s blocked in germany… Can’t watch them at work then ._.
But anyways:
Thanks for the quite interesting and fun bracket.
Yeah, sadly you can’t tell in advance whether the music will be blocked there or not and it’s a lot of time / effort to replace the music again.
We had a lot of fun with Dius and TDA too, i think we outnumbered TDA by 2 or 3 people, great fight though.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrowe
I blame it on Tullamore drunking state! Was a nice fight tho
I hate when people post videos with music and it’s blocked in germany… Can’t watch them at work then ._.
But anyways:
Thanks for the quite interesting and fun bracket.
Most of the videos would be very dull without any music :< But feel no fear! You can use to get around the blocks.
Thanks to Dius for the GvG!
Well we certainly fought you well at hills today. After that it seems you lost morale and bay and garrison were forfeited by you. I can’t blame you millers, it was a bloodbath.
Some of our fun yesterday:
featuring [dC], but sadly the video is blocked in Germany so you’d have to use a proxy to see it I know it’s always fun to see yourself being fought from the enemy PoV though.
(edited by multivira.7925)
Great fun yesterday inside the dredge tunnels, we ran into a similar sized group (about 20+ on each side, they had maybe slighter more than us), and I finally taught one of our commanders the value of throwing down well positioned siege – one arrow cart, quickly built (great job those that heeded the ‘build fast’ call), and I had a blast turning the tide of the battle.
Just goes to show that siege is not just for attacking/defending keeps, etc- it really is useful out in the field too.
More fun was had by the 3 carts we put down when Gandara came knocking on SM’s door- it’s always much more fun when you wait before using them until they are well within range and then all let rip at once!
Ty all, enjoying the battles when I can spare the time to play but still missing the variety after the recent nerfs- so many thiefs, eles, guardians and not a lot of anything else.
Guess I should dust off the mesmer and see if I can make something viable with it without changing every piece of gear on there…
I’d like to give a shout out to the gandaran warrior that banner rezzed the lord @ sm. Acts like these are often not appriciated or seen, but it saves everything. Gj.
Just goes to show that siege is not just for attacking/defending keeps, etc- it really is useful out in the field too.
Sorry im one of the people that despise the ac buff for reasons just like this.
Everytime i see an ac built in the open field i die a little inside
Hey guys,
after Part 1 & 2 here is Part 3 of “Get your Bags – WvW Guild action” from our guild Menelya[Mya]. Fights against FSP & Gandara (DW, DIE, DeX, INT, CNTK, IC).
My favorite scene begins at the tower at 18:45
Get coffee or popcorn and chill out!
Hey guys,
after Part 1 & 2 here is Part 3 of “Get your Bags – WvW Guild action” from our guild Menelya[Mya]. Fights against FSP & Gandara (DW, DIE, DeX, INT, CNTK, IC).
My favorite scene begins at the tower at 18:45
Get coffee or popcorn and chill out!
Nono…something not right here…
“hmm [Mya] run without commander tag and 25-28 player”
Oh there it is, nvm
Shifty, we havnt say that we run always without commander tag. And you see, that we almost with our guild and 1-3 friends.
lot of fun yesterday evening on FSP border even if we were outmanned in our own BL for the first 30-40 mins.
MS force (mainly Mya) appeared but they were sent back quickly, while Gandara was able to keep pressure on us on two sides creating a funny stalemate situation with a lot of open skirmishes from Bay to Godslore.
Shame the day YaKs decided to defend GBL is the day no one wants to attack it had to move BL leaving a few to protect the keeps was a little funny wiping that grp in front of bay and seeing the 2nd grp just run off .. Priceless moment like that bring a tear in my eye
I know how you feel , if that ever happened in gandara the guild would get spit roasted :/
Shifty, we havnt say that we run always without commander tag. And you see, that we almost with our guild and 1-3 friends.
I quoted one of your own players from this thread :P
Well… besides the flame shifty constantly trying to get into the thread( Not gonna happen shifty ) This matchup is great and we hope the constellation of servers will last a while!
[DYE] really kicked us out of FSP BL yesterday! Hope to get some revenge the next days
Thx for Dius for being so spontaneous and big shout out to gandaras guild based community! Very impressive!
Some of our fun yesterday: [dC], but sadly the video is blocked in Germany so you’d have to use a proxy to see it
I know it’s always fun to see yourself being fought from the enemy PoV though.
Cookie Stalkers got ya
At the beginning we were a bit uncoordinated.
But well played Guys
Rise Co-Leader of [dC]
Well we cant keep up with this night force,
i have some fun but all this oh my.( only shows about half)
There’s another 20 on our border @ 3 am aswell ^^
No that can´t be. because Gandara doesn´t have a nightcrew, they barely have players playing off-peak, even in peak hours, they are struggling badly without organized guilds but just a FEW dedciated players.
Sorry Gand, you must inform me if i forgot something, after-all you are the underdog right ? ..
It’s certainly true that our nightcrew has been dominant this week, running about 20ish most nights, compared to 5-10 from FSP/MS. However, compared to the T3/T4 servers we’ve been fighting for the last few months our night presence is tiny. Our prime-time guilds and commanders can hold their own against the prime-time of AG and RS, but we were pushed out of T4 by AG’s strong night and RS’s strong morning. That’s what Immolator was saying, so no need to get sarcastic :P
(edited by Ragnar.4257)
Gandalf has always had a big(in respect to the other servers i’ve faced) nightcrew, certainly bigger than Pikens(we manage 15 on a good night). I respect Gandalf a lot as they are one of the better servers to fight against, but guys please don’t deny you have the numbers at night that outstrips all but BB and T1/2 servers.
Sorry to drop in here, but i like following Gandalf’s fights. Hope you guys continue to have fun and hopefully we’ll see you soon Gandara!
Was fun last night being outmanned from about 11pm on in EB and from 1am having the outmanned buff in our own borderlands- made the fights interesting!
The golem rush on our garrison meant it was time for bed for me at 3am, but it’s always fund fighting against Gandara.
FSP definitely suffering from a lack of players at the moment- they probably all trying the new pve content or guild missions.
Gandalf has always had a big(in respect to the other servers i’ve faced) nightcrew, certainly bigger than Pikens(we manage 15 on a good night). I respect Gandalf a lot as they are one of the better servers to fight against, but guys please don’t deny you have the numbers at night that outstrips all but BB and T1/2 servers.
Sorry to drop in here, but i like following Gandalf’s fights. Hope you guys continue to have fun and hopefully we’ll see you soon Gandara!
Not anymore unfortunately. We spent most nights outmanned in both EB and very often our own borderlands when up against Riverside, Abaddon’s and even Aurora over the last few weeks. It was pretty frustrating. I don’t know if we can really keep up with their nightcrews anymore.
This week is completely different though. FSP and Miller’s have noticeably less people for much of the early morning, but I think this might be due to some Gandaran guilds being much more active this week. It’s the excitement of a new matchup I guess that brings in more players ready for something new. Hopefully they’ll stay around if we move up a tier so we can get more competitive with servers in the higher tiers again.
Eh? After being in multiple tiers now I can safely say that our nightcrew is dependant on how well we do initially. We win, larger nightcrew, like this matchup, we lose, smaller nightcrew. (like when we were in T4). Fickle nature of our many many pugs alongside how much effort our guilds put in.
So yea, when we win our nightcrew is quite large, when we lose it sucks.
Gandalf has always had a big(in respect to the other servers i’ve faced) nightcrew, certainly bigger than Pikens(we manage 15 on a good night). I respect Gandalf a lot as they are one of the better servers to fight against, but guys please don’t deny you have the numbers at night that outstrips all but BB and T1/2 servers.
Sorry to drop in here, but i like following Gandalf’s fights. Hope you guys continue to have fun and hopefully we’ll see you soon Gandara!
I do remember dominating Piken hard at night time, ‘cos you seemed to all log off together at about 23:30, so our 20 randoms could take an entire map uncontested, and the night-ticks did help alot keeping us in T3 for a couple of weeks longer than we probably deserved. But against Aurora Glade we were always getting beaten at night, because several of their guilds kept their ops running until 1-2am, so it’s perfectly justifiable to say that for the past 2 months our night presence has been weak. But this week, now that our night-crew can actually achieve stuff without having 2 20-man guilds drop on them, our night presence is strong again. I expect we’ll move back to T4 in a few weeks, so it’ll be interesting to see if we can maintain that, or if we’ll go back to failing at night.
Hi guys,
hope you three servers doing some great fights there!
Couldn’t join this week and next week due a surgery a few days ago but I can’t wait to join you guys again..
Have fun and wait for me ^-^
Greetings Denied Goddess
40+ MS blob on EB @ 3pm…seems legit
Hope we will go back to a tier where people
dont throw away personal skill to blob up and spam 1
Gandalf has always had a big(in respect to the other servers i’ve faced) nightcrew, certainly bigger than Pikens(we manage 15 on a good night). I respect Gandalf a lot as they are one of the better servers to fight against, but guys please don’t deny you have the numbers at night that outstrips all but BB and T1/2 servers.
Sorry to drop in here, but i like following Gandalf’s fights. Hope you guys continue to have fun and hopefully we’ll see you soon Gandara!
Piken had one of the weakest nightcrews of any server i faced
No seriously though your on a similar level to FSP, it was definitely your weakness and just about the only one really.. Millers Sound are a bit better and yes our nightcrew and capping is a bit silly this week.
Our nightcrew normally hasn’t been bad for T4, enough to manage against most but AG are (or were?) on a similar level to BB so we struggled against them. German servers by and large seem quite strong in the morning. Seems golem rushes at 7/8am is par for the course so again we struggled against RS.
I miss the early morning golem rushes, i must say. RS didn’t do that the last time they were in our tier. It certainly got the adrenaline pumping(better than coffee) especially as it was always within the same 30min window, the only unknown was which keep they’d hit 1st.
I miss the early morning golem rushes, i must say. RS didn’t do that the last time they were in our tier. It certainly got the adrenaline pumping(better than coffee) especially as it was always within the same 30min window, the only unknown was which keep they’d hit 1st.
Most of our dedicated bunch stays up half the night so just weren’t around for it generally (i think?). Leaving our pugs to deal with it tended not to end well
Are you ready for a new week, with the same opponents?
Yess, we are
Looking fwd to one more week of fair and funny fights
Enjoy our borderlands :P
FSV has balls, respect for that.
Thought didnt expect any less with Aco =p
FSV has balls, respect for that.
Thought didnt expect any less with Aco =p
We make it a point to run away from our allies and towards our enemies.
FSV has balls, respect for that.
Thought didnt expect any less with Aco =p
(still have to teach you how to tank DoA )
Gotta tip my hat for MS dedicated EB JP camper guild [HI]
You guys finally got me after i grew bored :p
o/ all, miss the banter :P I still think ANET should implement winner – promoted, loser – relegated = Everyweek!
No ty
Me no want AM and RS, they’re not fun to fight at all. Please tell me we’re staying with FSP, one of the most fair opponents we’ve had.
Leave the pink quaggans alone XxX…. It really felt like you were looking for us at reset.
But no hard feelings, even though we died atleast a couple of times
(edited by Gaberen.4325)
Leave the pink quaggans alone XxX…. It really felt like you were looking for us at reset.
But no hard feelings, even though we died atleast a couple of times
Our 8man stronk like bear bear
To bad it wasnt enough ;P
Saw some strange guild names today while commanding in EB:
One FS guild with tag [spaz] and name “May The Force Be With You Gandalf”. And another MS guild with tag [AAA] and name “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah”.
Saw some strange guild names today while commanding in EB:
One FS guild with tag [spaz] and name “May The Force Be With You Gandalf”. And another MS guild with tag [AAA] and name “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah”.
Well to be recognized or remembered you either gotta be creative with your guild name or create a big enough impact in the match up…
…although neither of them are easy :P
Pretty good night tonight indeed! Some nice fights with [Punk] here and there in Vale camp. Had fun with other groups of FSP + Millers about aswell
Shoutout to NXM and their lightning elemental horde <3 Sorry we couldn’t stop the randoms from killing you
Was a good night till FSP decided that they need to pack up 60 (or whatever numbers that grp had) ppl to feel safe to take stuff or fights , its plainly pathetic.
Also loved the elemental horde NXM , sorry if we killed you once or twice , we got couple bloodthirsty ppl in the guild really hard to contain them sometiems.
And some ppl dont see effects due to low end pcs xD
Aye wasn’t going to mention that to avoid any arguments but it was ridiculous indeed. :P
due to low end pcs xD
I’ve seen your videos, calling what they use a pc is a blatant lie xD
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