HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013
Nice zoom hacks bp, very professional. So good at this game.
You have mad AC skills, BP.
If it was a zoom hack I would be mad too. But it wasn’t. Should of noted where the ac was and what type of gate that tower has. Go try it yourself.
How does the ac in the screen I posted work, there is no gap in keep gates. Plz teach me gud AC master.
Edit: Also borlis.org for the lols.
quote the right person with the right screenshot that he posted before you go goofing
No, that’s entirely my point. Waffler is so enraged that he has completely lost track of who is talking about what. Everyone he quoted is refering to Langors.
I made enhanced image just 4 u!
As much as I hate zoomhacker’s I’m going to have to say thats not zoomhacking, you can see through the grate area in the below SS and kill anything in that area. Langor a AC near gate can take out that treb too. And yes zoomhacking is very bad on Ebay, most of there commanders do it and its pathetic.
The same guy was shooting up on top of the back north inner stairs the second any ACs were placed down. Can you hit that area also?
(edited by Waffler.1257)
You do a lot of chest thumping buddy.
It’s [ApeX], right?
Can we please go over a thief with 20k hp?! The kitten you running full ptv gear bro? kitten nnn.
On a side note I am enjoying my 1 month break from GW2 please don’t make me and others have to stop to walk to fight club. Show up, fight the same 4 people, sit there for 2 hours talking, and then proceed to turn into tonics and rush people. Im sure we will have some people there for you to fight. I ask morn or wint for you.
Also Asura suck #nornthiefforlife
Yes I just hashtagged you. Carry on.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
I respect some guilds on BP but kitten do you guys like to blob up.
Guild Leader
I respect some guilds on BP but kitten do you guys like to blob up.
^ this so so sad.
Everyone wants that [MU] D
Guild Leader
Thanks for the fun fights on bp bl at s bay / vale. That was a fun hour of zvz
[KöMÉ] Guild Commander
Crystal Desert
Everyone wants [MU] to not run away
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]
Everyone wants [MU] to not run away
Hahaha…that’s it.
Guild Leader
So sad there are no fights tonight. Tried to get a [MU] group to attack in ogre camp, proceeded to chase them across the map, then got winded at the top of HoD garri. Went to Obsidian Sanctum to /wrists.
Now my kitten is throbbing so hard I gotta unload. Sorry about the stain.
Thank you for showing that spot in the keep. I tested it out and it does work with an ac. I think overall people just don’t like to admit that they are wrong, or when something happens they may resort to hacking claims. But is zoom hacking an offense that one can be banned with? I believe they are not hacking the system but using two monitors or a larger monitor with a bigger window size. So is it just something people just frown upon?
The dual monitors thing (or even just making your game window really short and wide on a single monitor is technically not hacking. I agree, it’s poor form given that it’s not available to everyone and not an intended part of the game, but its not zoom hacking. Real zoom hacking is something Anet will ban for if they can prove it. The cheesy window/screen size trick is not.
Everyone wants [MU] to not run away
Coming from a guild that camps OS portals and emote spams, then gets spanked and runs away? Huehuehue
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)
Which guild are you? The one that runs or the one that runs?
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]
All BP ever does is run away into their little pillow forts to scare off the big mean monsters outside.
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”
All BP ever does is run away into their little pillow forts to scare off the big mean monsters outside.
Thief from [MU].. LOL.. I feel bad for you man. Ganking you over and over and over outside SM was fun. Those venom shares hurt don’t they. ;D
Thief from [MU].. LOL.. I feel bad for you man. Ganking you over and over and over outside SM was fun. Those venom shares hurt don’t they. ;D
The cannons hurt more
Mushroom-Headed thief
Thank you Dio for the information.
Nice job tonight BP and HoD, I was out on a guild event with my guild tonight on CD and we thought your tactics were really quite strong. We especially liked your reaction time BP when we tried to take our home garrison a few times and you responded last minute. I think you guys keep a scout there watching our actions, or you send a scout when it becomes tagged, but either way I thought it was impressive.
Thief from [MU].. LOL.. I feel bad for you man. Ganking you over and over and over outside SM was fun. Those venom shares hurt don’t they. ;D
The cannons hurt more
Heed my suggestion. Read your combat log.
Thief from [MU].. LOL.. I feel bad for you man. Ganking you over and over and over outside SM was fun. Those venom shares hurt don’t they. ;D
The cannons hurt more
Heed my suggestion. Read your combat log.
Thanks for the advice
Mushroom-Headed thief
Thief from [MU].. LOL.. I feel bad for you man. Ganking you over and over and over outside SM was fun. Those venom shares hurt don’t they. ;D
The cannons hurt more
Heed my suggestion. Read your combat log.
Thanks for the advice
Well hot diggidy dang, I lured you in pretty well, huh?
It might be due to some ego issues tho.
“Cannons can’t hurt me. I am a good player.”
Plus, I’ve got good reason to stay back when you consistently outnumber us 2-1.
Thief from [MU].. LOL.. I feel bad for you man. Ganking you over and over and over outside SM was fun. Those venom shares hurt don’t they. ;D
The cannons hurt more
Heed my suggestion. Read your combat log.
Thanks for the advice
Well hot diggidy dang, I lured you in pretty well, huh?
It might be due to some ego issues tho.
“Cannons can’t hurt me. I am a good player.”
Plus, I’ve got good reason to stay back when you consistently outnumber us 2-1.
The only fights i could get were literally right outside your portals at SMC. Obviously you took advantage of that with your ability to run in the portals when you were low and shoot cannons at us. Even when there were 4 of you guys against another thief and I you pulled that. I guess you did bait me well with the amount of times you went down tohugh, so props to you!
Mushroom-Headed thief
Thief from [MU].. LOL.. I feel bad for you man. Ganking you over and over and over outside SM was fun. Those venom shares hurt don’t they. ;D
The cannons hurt more
Heed my suggestion. Read your combat log.
Thanks for the advice
Well hot diggidy dang, I lured you in pretty well, huh?
It might be due to some ego issues tho.
“Cannons can’t hurt me. I am a good player.”
Plus, I’ve got good reason to stay back when you consistently outnumber us 2-1.The only fights i could get were literally right outside your portals at SMC. Obviously you took advantage of that with your ability to run in the portals when you were low and shoot cannons at us. Even when there were 4 of you guys against another thief and I you pulled that. I guess you did bait me well with the amount of times you went down tohugh, so props to you!
The hypocrisy is strong in you. Outnumber us all day, then hell yes I will take advantage of portals. Though I also think it’s pretty funny when you laugh on my other BP peeps when you 6v1 them. Props to you! ;D
(edited by The Game Slayer.7632)
Thief from [MU].. LOL.. I feel bad for you man. Ganking you over and over and over outside SM was fun. Those venom shares hurt don’t they. ;D
The cannons hurt more
Heed my suggestion. Read your combat log.
Thanks for the advice
Well hot diggidy dang, I lured you in pretty well, huh?
It might be due to some ego issues tho.
“Cannons can’t hurt me. I am a good player.”
Plus, I’ve got good reason to stay back when you consistently outnumber us 2-1.The only fights i could get were literally right outside your portals at SMC. Obviously you took advantage of that with your ability to run in the portals when you were low and shoot cannons at us. Even when there were 4 of you guys against another thief and I you pulled that. I guess you did bait me well with the amount of times you went down tohugh, so props to you!
The hypocrisy is strong in you.
You’re just the Masterbaiter.
Mushroom-Headed thief
Thief from [MU].. LOL.. I feel bad for you man. Ganking you over and over and over outside SM was fun. Those venom shares hurt don’t they. ;D
The cannons hurt more
Heed my suggestion. Read your combat log.
Thanks for the advice
Well hot diggidy dang, I lured you in pretty well, huh?
It might be due to some ego issues tho.
“Cannons can’t hurt me. I am a good player.”
Plus, I’ve got good reason to stay back when you consistently outnumber us 2-1.The only fights i could get were literally right outside your portals at SMC. Obviously you took advantage of that with your ability to run in the portals when you were low and shoot cannons at us. Even when there were 4 of you guys against another thief and I you pulled that. I guess you did bait me well with the amount of times you went down tohugh, so props to you!
The hypocrisy is strong in you.
You’re just the Masterbaiter.
I edited the last post right after I posted it. Lol wow you are quick to respond!!
Thief from [MU].. LOL.. I feel bad for you man. Ganking you over and over and over outside SM was fun. Those venom shares hurt don’t they. ;D
The cannons hurt more
Heed my suggestion. Read your combat log.
Thanks for the advice
Well hot diggidy dang, I lured you in pretty well, huh?
It might be due to some ego issues tho.
“Cannons can’t hurt me. I am a good player.”
Plus, I’ve got good reason to stay back when you consistently outnumber us 2-1.The only fights i could get were literally right outside your portals at SMC. Obviously you took advantage of that with your ability to run in the portals when you were low and shoot cannons at us. Even when there were 4 of you guys against another thief and I you pulled that. I guess you did bait me well with the amount of times you went down tohugh, so props to you!
The hypocrisy is strong in you.
You’re just the Masterbaiter.
I edited the last post right after I posted it. Lol wow you are quick to respond!!
The anticipation is killing me. You truly are the masterbaiter with the way you got me on that one. My / button is broken so i can’t do emotes, sorry was someone else.
Mushroom-Headed thief
Thief from [MU].. LOL.. I feel bad for you man. Ganking you over and over and over outside SM was fun. Those venom shares hurt don’t they. ;D
Well hot diggidy dang, I lured you in pretty well, huh?
It might be due to some ego issues tho.
“Cannons can’t hurt me. I am a good player.”
Plus, I’ve got good reason to stay back when you consistently outnumber us 2-1.
>Talks about using venom share
>Says he was 2v1d
[TI] Team Ignition (Gandara)
Thief from [MU].. LOL.. I feel bad for you man. Ganking you over and over and over outside SM was fun. Those venom shares hurt don’t they. ;D
Well hot diggidy dang, I lured you in pretty well, huh?
It might be due to some ego issues tho.
“Cannons can’t hurt me. I am a good player.”
Plus, I’ve got good reason to stay back when you consistently outnumber us 2-1.>Talks about using venom share
>Says he was 2v1d
learn reading comprehension plox
All BP ever does is run away into their little pillow forts to scare off the big mean monsters outside.
You can’t be serious now. All our skill guilds try to find fights and only one we see is a que zerg of MU + pugs. Even when it’s 20 vs 50 MU runs away and wps when they start losing people.
Only time you see hod is a que Zerg or not at all it seems, cd is dead.
All BP ever does is run away into their little pillow forts to scare off the big mean monsters outside.
You can’t be serious now. All our skill guilds try to find fights and only one we see is a que zerg of MU + pugs. Even when it’s 20 vs 50 MU runs away and wps when they start losing people.
Only time you see hod is a que Zerg or not at all it seems, cd is dead.
kitten it, this is the last sub thread.
Please don’t talk about numbers, like I said earlier I’ve got respect for some guilds in BP such as Rekz but the other guilds hide behind them and attack us from behind when we are fighting them.
Grow a pair and fight us in open field without 3 different guild groups.
As for roaming goes the only good roaming guild or players I’ve run into is vT. Everyone else just stands by SM and fights tell they get low and go hide behind the cannons.
Guild Leader
(edited by Odies.8017)
Every server in these tiers is used to being Ike and is also used to being Tina in a WvW relationship. The only thing that really separates any of the servers is population.
Crying about it is only feeding the trolls as everybody else who is an experienced WvW vet knows how it goes.
Great fight last night with CD in our BL. It cost CD a lot of WvW points to focus our zerg, but you gave every bit as good as you got in that fight maybe even more so.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
All BP ever does is run away into their little pillow forts to scare off the big mean monsters outside.
You can’t be serious now. All our skill guilds try to find fights and only one we see is a que zerg of MU + pugs. Even when it’s 20 vs 50 MU runs away and wps when they start losing people.
Only time you see hod is a que Zerg or not at all it seems, cd is dead.
Who are these “skill guilds” and do they run in numbers of less then 15. All we’ve found are zergs or terrible small man groups who get wiped a couple times by equal numbers and don’t come back.
This isn’t even a troll post, that’s literally been our experience this week: overwhelming numbers or lackluster play, nothing in the middle at all. I’d like to know who we should be trying to hunt down to get a decent fight outta this match.
(edited by Aratoa.7398)
I suppose I could go to maximum over troll as its the last week in response to some of these HoD comments, but you know what, I think I’ll make my last post a positive one.
HoD, from what I have seen your zergs and so on generally get the right idea. You use siege properly and for the right reasons, and the way you try and set up fights is generally, correct. I have no doubt in the lower tiers you probably wrecked face.
The fact that you are not wrecking face against BP’s zergs is probably creating the idea that we are simply hitting you with superior numbers. This is not the case. In fact, many times when I was commanding, both on reset and yesteday, HoD had our forces outnumbered by at least 2 to 1. There was however, a major difference.
Tell me, when you crash into one of our zergs head on, how many of our people go down vs. your people in the first 5 seconds? In general, I have found that HoD’s zerg are wet paper bags, running nothing but uplevels and 80’s in full zerk gear. On reset night, I led the force that capped your overlook. We wiped you half a dozen times on the road to overlook and then another half dozen more inside your lords room, and very few people got killed for the entire push. This was reset night in Eternal Battlegrounds, so the numbers were even.
The second time I led a cap of Overlook (yesterday) you once more had the right idea and came in behind our golems rather then out the front door. But again, the execution was horrible, we just charged down the ramp and killed the entire force in about 5 seconds. While under AC fire. That pretty much sealed the deal on my thoughts about your zergs. They are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too squishy.
Another thing I have noticed is generally HoD does not make much effort to restack (MU) is an exception. What I have found is that after we have pushed through the zerg, those who have survived our initial attack can be mopped up with a second pass fairly easily. There is no cohesion past the moment of impact. Without being able to do quick maneuvers in the middle of a battle, any enemy will make mince meat out of you.
BP is hardly a mega blob server. You’ve not seen blobs until you’ve played SBI, or Magroomba. In fact, our coverage is very tame compared to some of these other servers. Most of the time we can maybe que 1 map on an average night, maybe 2 if things are going well (which this week they are). We are pretty much the border server, along with Ehmry. BP is at the point where you have a skilled player base and a few small guilds that are hardcore WvW, but not having a major persistent presence all day long that you would see from Maguuma or Yaks Bend.
(edited by Aeros.2046)
Well I do have to respond here. I was ‘commanding’ last night in EB and out of that zerg, I had roughly 7-10 people on TS (later in the night up to 15-20ish when our team in the BL gave up and moved to EB). I dare say we would have had more success if you had only a small % of your people on TS too
IMO that’s HoD’s major issue, TS is not a normal way of life and so actual tactical coordination is impossible. Only the dedicated wvw guilds (and all field relatively small numbers in comparison) have 100% teamspeak members.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
I’ve had a ton of fun this matchup albeit not being able to play as much. I’ve seen some really good small man groups from BP. I was able to get in a small ruckus with HOP earlier in the week and met two deaths at the hands of vT. Props to you guys/gals. Also can’t agree with the notion MU runs from fights, just ask me how many times they’ve ruined my 1 vs 20. Apologies to the two BP warriors I spam /sat /sleep /dance /dry hump’d on but if you’re gonna focus me in a large scale fight and then proceed to die it’s your own fault.
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "
Don’t even gotta say anything with this.
From yesterday.
Happy New Years!
Violent Tendency [vT]; twitch.tv/agriope & YouTube Agriope
Don’t even gotta say anything with this.
From yesterday.
Happy New Years!
Impressive, not quite sure why the delay was there to attack you all. Once you came across the bridge a group that size should have rushed you. I was half expecting to see a merchant or tp npc in front of the gates. Also stop killing me 1 v 6, I cri evrtim.
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "
Impressive, not quite sure why the delay was there to attack you all. Once you came across the bridge a group that size should have rushed you. I was half expecting to see a merchant or tp npc in front of the gates. Also stop killing me 1 v 6, I cri evrtim.
Dunno why they delayed, more of a treat for us that they did though! :] And yeah, they shoulda rushed us, but we were able to just push in and lure them to the bridge over and over in small groups. Much easier to manage a fight when it’s chunks of an elephant rather than the whole one, you know.
PS. If we have 6 people (kinda rare!) and we kill you 1v6, you were probably in the way that we were running or you were one of those thieves who trails along behind us trying to pop out of stealth and burst someone down before stealthing again. Sry, can’t control bloodlust of the boys when either of those things happen. We’re always roaming and looking for equal-to-larger fights, 1 person just ain’t that.
Violent Tendency [vT]; twitch.tv/agriope & YouTube Agriope
(edited by Agriope.4523)
Impressive, not quite sure why the delay was there to attack you all. Once you came across the bridge a group that size should have rushed you. I was half expecting to see a merchant or tp npc in front of the gates. Also stop killing me 1 v 6, I cri evrtim.
Dunno why they delayed, more of a treat for us that they didn’t, though! :] And yeah, they shoulda rushed us, but we were able to just push in and lure them to the bridge over and over in small groups. Much easier to manage a fight when it’s chunks of an elephant rather than the whole one, you know.
PS. If we have 6 people (kinda rare!) and we kill you 1v6, you were probably in the way that we were running or you were one of those thieves who trails along behind us trying to pop out of stealth and burst someone down before stealthing again. Sry, can’t control bloodlust of the boys when either of those things happen. We’re always roaming and looking for equal-to-larger fights, 1 person just ain’t that.
Naa I’m stupid but not stupid enough to go into a solid guild group alone. I was in the way one time and the second time I was scouting outside hills (poorly mind you as I went afk). Either way effective CC’s and nasty burst.
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "
Fun fights this week CD and HoD! Definitely providing some challenges which is exactly what we are looking for. Hopefully the match-ups become more balanced soon, but until then, keep on keepin’ on. Also, if you see one of our guildies who is a warrior with horns and an epic blonde beard, make sure you kill him extra hard… tugs collar
(edited by Mich.3981)
All BP ever does is run away into their little pillow forts to scare off the big mean monsters outside.
You can’t be serious now. All our skill guilds try to find fights and only one we see is a que zerg of MU + pugs. Even when it’s 20 vs 50 MU runs away and wps when they start losing people.
Only time you see hod is a que Zerg or not at all it seems, cd is dead.Who are these “skill guilds” and do they run in numbers of less then 15. All we’ve found are zergs or terrible small man groups who get wiped a couple times by equal numbers and don’t come back.
This isn’t even a troll post, that’s literally been our experience this week: overwhelming numbers or lackluster play, nothing in the middle at all. I’d like to know who we should be trying to hunt down to get a decent fight outta this match.
Seems like an issue over definition of terms.
If anything >=15 is a zerg in your book, then BP is indeed a zerg server… to you. I wouldn’t consider anything less than 40 true zerg.
BP has skill guilds that normally run between 20-30 players, maybe getting as many as 45 on rare nights where everyone seems to be on and/or they can’t shake the followers they have picked up crossing the map.
Whoever this [BS] comm is, props to you! I’ve seen you leading zergs around on numerous occasions during this week, and they generally tend to be pretty nasty. I have noticed that your zergs always tend to be huge (35-45ish), which sorta sucks, but I’m sure BP loves you for all the karma you’ve been giving them
That’s Kalkz. He likes golems and all caps.
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]
(edited by airstu.2579)
So it has come down to this. Smaller server complains that bigger server is inferior because they have bigger numbers, bigger server complains that there are no fights. Never thought I would see the day where I am on the bigger server now that leagues are over.
PS I heard that increasing the size of your guild helps some.
Whoever this [BS] comm is, props to you! I’ve seen you leading zergs around on numerous occasions during this week, and they generally tend to be pretty nasty. I have noticed that your zergs always tend to be huge (35-45ish), which sorta sucks, but I’m sure BP loves you for all the karma you’ve been giving them
him to party and say “Cup Kalkz” and he will rage quit #DatCuPcAkErAgE
So it has come down to this. Smaller server complains that bigger server is inferior because they have bigger numbers, bigger server complains that there are no fights. Never thought I would see the day where I am on the bigger server now that leagues are over.
PS I heard that increasing the size of your guild helps some.
This happened in Leagues, HoD was the top contender in the Bronze, every other server screamed foul at HoD for tanking and having silver tier blobs while every other server got wrecked, at times HoD would qeue all maps and the forums became chest thump and about superior tactics and etc.
Even back then I saw some HoD cannon campers and tower campers and etc. Their only defense was that the other server was inferior in tactics, and no skill and etc. I made a promise I would wait one day for them up in a higher tier so I could test these tactics and stuff. I was wrong they are just another server.
What i did learn was that in the end, it does become a game of numbers and a game of trolls. This time im the one sipping coffee rolling my eyes on the forums, it feels so good!!!
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
As for roaming goes the only good roaming guild or players I’ve run into is vT. Everyone else just stands by SM and fights tell they get low and go hide behind the cannons.
Well thanks for the kind words =) We’ve definitely managed to put a great team together over the past year and it appears that you’ve been able to do the same. It’s rare in this game to find solid guilds but it’s definitely a pleasant surprise when you run into one.
Don’t even gotta say anything with this.
From yesterday.
Happy New Years!Impressive, not quite sure why the delay was there to attack you all.
- Charr Warrior
- Charr Necromancer
Don’t even gotta say anything with this.
From yesterday.
Happy New Years!
Was expecting something more impressive given all that hype and pomp. Am disappoint.
(edited by Recursivision.2367)
So it has come down to this. Smaller server complains that bigger server is inferior because they have bigger numbers, bigger server complains that there are no fights. Never thought I would see the day where I am on the bigger server now that leagues are over.
PS I heard that increasing the size of your guild helps some.This happened in Leagues, HoD was the top contender in the Bronze, every other server screamed foul at HoD for tanking and having silver tier blobs while every other server got wrecked, at times HoD would qeue all maps and the forums became chest thump and about superior tactics and etc.
Even back then I saw some HoD cannon campers and tower campers and etc. Their only defense was that the other server was inferior in tactics, and no skill and etc. I made a promise I would wait one day for them up in a higher tier so I could test these tactics and stuff. I was wrong they are just another server.
What i did learn was that in the end, it does become a game of numbers and a game of trolls. This time im the one sipping coffee rolling my eyes on the forums, it feels so good!!!
I see you jumped to a different server, so they could carry you too. Cool story Bro.