Piken/Far Shiverpeaks/Drakkar 14/6/2012
Sad that all enemies left from FSP border after Garrison, so, we moved to EB and had awesome evening.
I hope we ll meet more guildraids during the week.
See you
Golden Horde [GH]
Get to EB and you’ll see for yourself what those ppl at South SM are doing, they come at our keep with 1 or 2, I attack them, all they can do is run away when I chase..
None of FSP on EB is doing this
Seems like they are trolling you and it is working.
Yes, since they’re so bad alone :>
Haven’t been to EB yet, but I’d run away from a 1v1 most likely, why ? because with my build I’d pretty much get owned by a competent player. I run with a build that focuses on group play and AoE etc. It’s just common sense, neither can I be bothered with a boring 1v1 when I’m in WvW for obviously the large scale fights. If you want small scale go sPvP and quit the moaning. I also find it funny how you’re surprised that you get jumped and outnumbered fights in wvw, especially EB…
Anyway, nice night in DL BL. You guys sure are suicidal tho…I got like 400 kills during in just ~30 minutes at the fights near cragtop (?) and garrison. Good stuff.
Funny Fact: PS complained (and still is complaining a lot) about larger Forces in WvW, calling them “Blobs” and wanted them to play in smaller Numbers since “Blobbing” is boring.
But if PS does it, then its okay.
@Terrorsquad – Cut it out, your server people does that too. The match-up is a bit stagnant, so I am leveling guardian in WvW. There seems to be no problem of even your server people ganking solo up-leveled character, so what is it that you hope to accomplish by posting these screenshots and singling out people?
There has been a bit higher population on PS maybe now, because I haven’t managed to get into EB yet. I just play 30-60 minutes at a time, but only once managed to get into EB. Lets see how it is during week.
Get to EB and you’ll see for yourself what those ppl at South SM are doing, they come at our keep with 1 or 2, I attack them, all they can do is run away when I chase..
None of FSP on EB is doing this
Any server that have SM have players who do that, specially if there is also waypoint in SM. I have seen plenty of FSP run back to their tower/keep when they see they are about to lose and I have nothing against that.
Get to EB and you’ll see for yourself what those ppl at South SM are doing, they come at our keep with 1 or 2, I attack them, all they can do is run away when I chase..
None of FSP on EB is doing this
Seems like they are trolling you and it is working.
Yes, since they’re so bad alone :>
Haven’t been to EB yet, but I’d run away from a 1v1 most likely, why ? because with my build I’d pretty much get owned by a competent player. I run with a build that focuses on group play and AoE etc. It’s just common sense, neither can I be bothered with a boring 1v1 when I’m in WvW for obviously the large scale fights. If you want small scale go sPvP and quit the moaning. I also find it funny how you’re surprised that you get jumped and outnumbered fights in wvw, especially EB…
Anyway, nice night in DL BL. You guys sure are suicidal tho…I got like 400 kills during in just ~30 minutes at the fights near cragtop (?) and garrison. Good stuff.
Funny Fact: PS complained (and still is complaining a lot) about larger Forces in WvW, calling them “Blobs” and wanted them to play in smaller Numbers since “Blobbing” is boring.
But if PS does it, then its okay.
Are you talking about the fights in DL BL ? If not I fail to understand how this comment is relevant…at all.
Fun fact: Everyone complains about blobs and everyone does it.
He’s complaining coz he’s from RS who we aren’t even playing. PS has always preffered to play as small roaming groups, if the servers we face force us to group up more often then we will but only for a short time(we like our independence as guilds).
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
Funny Fact: PS complained (and still is complaining a lot) about larger Forces in WvW, calling them “Blobs” and wanted them to play in smaller Numbers since “Blobbing” is boring.
But if PS does it, then its okay.
Yeah Piken is blobbing, old story started again
They kinda fail to see that Piken is often forced to blob, because when we don’t have to we certainly don’t. Like already said, our guilds prefer to run solo
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
I think Street.2176 may just be upset that ACs got a bit nerfed recently, and is just lashing out … clearly we made an impression in our recent match-up.
Poor little chap, I say we just let him get this tantrum out of his system.
Piken Square
Get to EB and you’ll see for yourself what those ppl at South SM are doing, they come at our keep with 1 or 2, I attack them, all they can do is run away when I chase..
None of FSP on EB is doing this
Seems like they are trolling you and it is working.
Yes, since they’re so bad alone :>
Haven’t been to EB yet, but I’d run away from a 1v1 most likely, why ? because with my build I’d pretty much get owned by a competent player. I run with a build that focuses on group play and AoE etc. It’s just common sense, neither can I be bothered with a boring 1v1 when I’m in WvW for obviously the large scale fights. If you want small scale go sPvP and quit the moaning. I also find it funny how you’re surprised that you get jumped and outnumbered fights in wvw, especially EB…
Anyway, nice night in DL BL. You guys sure are suicidal tho…I got like 400 kills during in just ~30 minutes at the fights near cragtop (?) and garrison. Good stuff.
While i understand why someone would avoid doing a 1v1 on a support build, i disagree with you when it comes to roaming solo in wvw. I do both spvp and wvw and to be honest, roaming around wvw on my ranger is a lot more fun than sitting in a circle all day long (spvp-tpvp). But then again, it`s a matter of preference.
So far, i liked this matchup, even if FSP is clearly no match for Piken, we had a few good fights against DL and PS, and i`m sure more will follow.
Have fun!
3 wvw kills
Get to EB and you’ll see for yourself what those ppl at South SM are doing, they come at our keep with 1 or 2, I attack them, all they can do is run away when I chase..
None of FSP on EB is doing this
Seems like they are trolling you and it is working.
Yes, since they’re so bad alone :>
Haven’t been to EB yet, but I’d run away from a 1v1 most likely, why ? because with my build I’d pretty much get owned by a competent player. I run with a build that focuses on group play and AoE etc. It’s just common sense, neither can I be bothered with a boring 1v1 when I’m in WvW for obviously the large scale fights. If you want small scale go sPvP and quit the moaning. I also find it funny how you’re surprised that you get jumped and outnumbered fights in wvw, especially EB…
Anyway, nice night in DL BL. You guys sure are suicidal tho…I got like 400 kills during in just ~30 minutes at the fights near cragtop (?) and garrison. Good stuff.
sPVP and solo duel WvW totally different on all bases.. gear/build/skills/loot/etc etc..
I prefer 1 vs 1 in WvW, cuz sPvP is indeed boring for me..
On every server u have people who just loves to duel in WvW cuz they can do the hell they want, which I also prefer..
I just spent the last couple of hours in WvW (mainly to do my dailies).
We’ve got this HUGE zerg-ball of players running round the borderlands. I don’t know where they’ve all come from, I can only assume they are all fair-weather soldiers who’ve joined on because we’re winning so heavily.
They sure weren’t around when we were facing RS last week.
So my apologies to FSP and DL. This isn’t how we usually play.
If it’s any consolation, In two hours I went up two WXP ranks without tagging a single enemy player and because of that I still haven’t got my dailies finished.
The new matchup system isn’t working at all. I don’t care that much that we are loosing but against a much higher opponent, you cann’t do anything. Last night in primetime, FS and DL were outmanned on FS borderlands, on other borderlands often the same thing. Everything we took, piken could capture it back within minutes. They even farmed us in our own garrison. With our guild we tried than to have some fights against DL, group against group in the open but from the moment we had the two swords, the blob of piken came to farm us both.
Only solution was to go play in EB map because there we had a decent amount of players left and we don’t have queu’s.
I think we are loosing a lot of casual PVE players now in FS that are sometimes playing wvw and that i regret the most.
I had a fun night at our DL home border ^^ it was nice talking to you guys (Piken and FSP).
And for everyone here who is whining… please stop it. Don’t worry about the points and just try to have some fun thats what the game is all about.
Lets all have a nice week trying our best
We must complain so Anet will do something about it. The old system was better, also a +1/ -1 system is.
We’ve got this HUGE zerg-ball of players running round the borderlands. I don’t know where they’ve all come from, I can only assume they are all fair-weather soldiers who’ve joined on because we’re winning so heavily.
They sure weren’t around when we were facing RS last week.
Bingo. We had the exact same thing with Gandara. Two weeks ago, they completely obliterated FSP and Arborstone with huge zergs. Last week, because AM had superior population, their ‘fair-weather soldiers’ left and we actually got second place by 8K points.
The match-up rating simply cannot take into account how servers that are winning by 2x get higher population because everyone wants to farm while servers that are losing by 2x get lower population than usual because it’s no fun wiping to massively superior numbers 10 times in a row.
I think we can still have a lot of fun at prime-time and I’m hoping for good fights against your guilds, but except for small-scale roaming or WXP farming, I don’t really see the point of playing offpeak this week.
The ‘Outmanned’ buff needs to kick in a lot sooner and harder.
I don’t mind being killed, however many times. I like to rush into a big ball of enemies and see how many I can swipe before I go down (Sometimes, gloriously, I’m the one left standing knee deep in loot bags)
But when you have little to no chance, at least you shouldn’t have to pay for it with gold. In fact they should pay YOU.
I just spent the last couple of hours in WvW (mainly to do my dailies).
We’ve got this HUGE zerg-ball of players running round the borderlands. I don’t know where they’ve all come from, I can only assume they are all fair-weather soldiers who’ve joined on because we’re winning so heavily.
They sure weren’t around when we were facing RS last week.So my apologies to FSP and DL. This isn’t how we usually play.
If it’s any consolation, In two hours I went up two WXP ranks without tagging a single enemy player and because of that I still haven’t got my dailies finished.
It is because there is no opposition to Piken, we are running from one empty tower to other. Rarely we see enemy’s raids, but after play against siN/RG/DsD etc. this is too simple
There is no reason to split to small guild raids like we usually do, so Piken will be blob all week
(edited by qweman.5298)
DL/FPS should just go on a vacation/go get some sun/do something productive. Trust me, it’s the best cure against a terrible matchup.
That way Piken Square may have their party alone, possibly ruining their fun.
What’s a win/win!
GoW is in FSP Borders this evening and we looking for an last minute GvG vs basicly any intrested. Send me a Tell ingame.
Servant of Dhuum
Don’t blame PS players for this weeks matchup, so far I’ve been disappointed at the opposition we have seen so far, well today at least. I was running around on my low level guardian earlier, we were just running from one un-upgraded defenceless tower to another, with literally no opposition. You have to remember we are a pretty organised servers, we are just playing the same way we have been forced to play in the past couple of weeks as we have had to contend with mega-zerg servers. Normally we do break off into smaller groups, but those groups are really, really organised so it’s going to be a tough fight DL/FSP especially if you come against VII, INC, HOB, GG, GOW, GH, these are guild groups that are really experienced and are a match for higher tier guild groups (sorry if I forgot anyone lol).
I got bored after about 2 hours of that and went roaming. Had some nice fights in DL borders against groups of FSP players on my Mesmer and some nice fights in general. It’s a welcome break from having to worry about groups of 50+ steam rolling over you and being able to roam some more (even with less people to fight against) is refreshing.
So I encourage people on all sides, for this week to roam in smaller groups, get some nice little fights going and try and make the most out of this match-up, I know it stinks, but it’s not fun for Piken either.
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
Meh. I took a break from the game over the last 2 weeks and come back to this. Suppose I’ll stick to PvE for a while.
I like the new matchup system, but I think it was implemented too soon. I look forward to seeing what ANet come up with to encourage and reward smaller scale play, but kinda wish they’d waited for that to be ready before shaking up the rankings. Maybe once the ratings have evened out they’ll adjust the ranking deviation base and/or multiplier.
Oh, and I don’t blame PS. Our turn as the strong server in a matchup will come again, as it has in the past, at which point all the fair-weather soldiers (to steal a term) will come out to blob. This one’s on ANet.
(edited by eremos.8142)
Hey you’re not useless against Piken. Come on! Shiverpeaks just took SM! That’s a great acheivement!!!
Haha, jk, we gave it to you. GLHF :p
The new matchup system isn’t working at all.
The new match-up system needs time to stabilize if you know what I mean, they wont do anything just 2 or 3 weeks after the release of this system. Devs also said that they are working on making this a bit less random, it will still have RNG in it, but to a lesser extent. A server will get matched with servers more closer to their rating than how it is now. So a rank 2 server wont be matched with rank 11, but with a server much closer to their rating.
But yeah, the new system may be horrible for some lower tier servers and boring for high tiers for now in some match-ups, but it will definitely only get better with time.
(edited by Aphix.9846)
Anyone know who is leader of guild [GoT]?
Anyone know who is leader of guild [GoT]?
That would be Rhas, why you ask?
Very nice fights in FSP Borders, tnx to GoT and also tnx to DeSun for the GvG.
cheers Rave
Servant of Dhuum
FSP bay this evening:
(edited by Mnl.8146)
Well great fights this evening on FSP border.
And Piken no bay is ours you won’t get it.
FSP bay this evening:
Soooo true.
Our lines stopped those invaders like [INC] and [KA] and many… many others.
Lootbags piled up, walls of arrows rained down…
However, from 2000 to 2400 hours, FS Bay was guarded by [GoT] and [AoA].
2 of the upmost commanders, Rhas and Cryara, made sure no one would take Bay during our watch. This, was the night that will go into the books, as the hell of FS Bay.
Kudo’s to PS using all kinds of tactics to try and take FS Bay.
You came into the lordrooms in some attempts but just couldn’t give the final push.
Kudo’s to the gameplay performed by all!
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.
Well great fights this evening on FSP border.
And Piken no bay is ours you won’t get it.
…looks like we got it and for many of our players its still not midnight ^^
(UK time 11pm ^^)
Did some WvW saturday and i must say ,although we are a bit outranked/played , i had fun. Lots of open battles vs medium sized groups. Let’s make this week a fun week in wvwv. Cya on the battlefield
FSP Server.
Thanks FarSh and Drakkar for awesome weekend. I’m glad to see you not giving up and continue figthing. Keep going and this week will be fun
FSP bay this evening:
Soooo true.
Our lines stopped those invaders like [INC] and [KA] and many… many others.
Lootbags piled up, walls of arrows rained down…However, from 2000 to 2400 hours, FS Bay was guarded by [GoT] and [AoA].
2 of the upmost commanders, Rhas and Cryara, made sure no one would take Bay during our watch. This, was the night that will go into the books, as the hell of FS Bay.Kudo’s to PS using all kinds of tactics to try and take FS Bay.
You came into the lordrooms in some attempts but just couldn’t give the final push.Kudo’s to the gameplay performed by all!
Little FSP fighter, everytime you left your walls the great red carpet appeared for us with massive ammount of lootbags. Your suicide missions or engage with 2 raids vs 20 people from INC made us laugh really often
10 AC’s + balistas + trebs + 100 people around Bay ^^ Be proud of it!
Devitz – are you using google translate ?
3 wvw kills
FSP bay this evening:
Soooo true.
Our lines stopped those invaders like [INC] and [KA] and many… many others.
Lootbags piled up, walls of arrows rained down…However, from 2000 to 2400 hours, FS Bay was guarded by [GoT] and [AoA].
2 of the upmost commanders, Rhas and Cryara, made sure no one would take Bay during our watch. This, was the night that will go into the books, as the hell of FS Bay.Kudo’s to PS using all kinds of tactics to try and take FS Bay.
You came into the lordrooms in some attempts but just couldn’t give the final push.Kudo’s to the gameplay performed by all!
Little FSP fighter, everytime you left your walls the great red carpet appeared for us with massive ammount of lootbags. Your suicide missions or engage with 2 raids vs 20 people from INC made us laugh really often
10 AC’s + balistas + trebs + 100 people around Bay ^^ Be proud of it!
We started the night with only Garrison and dawns under our control and ended with the entire map blue, so we must have left our walls quite often. Must have been some good fights if you laughed often because so did we. Took me 5 mins to sort out all the loot i got yesterday when i logged on today. I know we lost it all again, after we ended our event, But we all need our sleep. Looking forward to the next round =)
I enjoy this matchup a lot. Yesterday at fsp border was great fun! The most fun is to portal bomb you guys. I guess that you forgot how portals works since you cannot port a zerg of your normal size ^^
Fun to fight INC too, even tho i think Devitz was more impressive in small scale wvw in XT @ ROS But i guess blobbing kills skills
I’ll try to be positive so: very effective use of omega golems by SPRT.
Unfortunately that’s the only positive thing I have to say, and I’ve just permanently transferred to Vabbi.
Was impressed with the strategy and non blobbing of the guilds AoA and GoT in their borderland last night. Particularly defending bay.
However you guys (FSP & DL) ought to form an alliance, if only to make things more interesting for everyone. Winning by this much is getting boring and can’t be much fun for you either.
Worst wvw-week ever…
1 hour ago: defending our hill with 15 players against 20 players from piken – 10 mins later – overrunned by 50 pikens.
This is no fun.
Little FSP fighter, everytime you left your walls the great red carpet appeared for us with massive ammount of lootbags. Your suicide missions or engage with 2 raids vs 20 people from INC made us laugh really often
10 AC’s + balistas + trebs + 100 people around Bay ^^ Be proud of it!
Sad that we didn’t play with INC guys that day
You, FSP, have to eat some Pikens and become fatter for great farm fest
Golden Horde [GH]
(edited by Rich.1528)
Unfortunately that’s the only positive thing I have to say, and I’ve just permanently transferred to Vabbi.
Whaaaaaat? Say it ain’t so Ping!
Well great fights this evening on FSP border.
And Piken no bay is ours you won’t get it.
…looks like we got it
and for many of our players its still not midnight ^^
(UK time 11pm ^^)
But GoT is 100% dutch/belgium so for us it was midnight.
Also SPRT is a very hard guild to fight. Great job!
But overall this weekend was good. Very fun fights in FSP borderlands and complete Hell in Bay with Drakkar and Piken attacking from both sides.
Little FSP fighter, everytime you left your walls the great red carpet appeared for us with massive ammount of lootbags. Your suicide missions or engage with 2 raids vs 20 people from INC made us laugh really often
10 AC’s + balistas + trebs + 100 people around Bay ^^ Be proud of it!Sad that we didn’t play with INC guys that day
You, FSP, have to eat some Pikens and become fatter for great farm fest
There was c.a. 15 INC members Most of our ppls are on vacation
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
I must say I was not looking forward to have to command Saturday, after a rusty start in DL border came back to home just to be chased around by PS especially VII but when I felt it was the time to fight got some good fights with PS especially the bay fight took a while to take back. Could not of done it with out DW’s help though.
So thought I like to thank you guys for making my new experience as a commander fun and a enjoyable one.
Best of luck in all your future fights
Jartgo of AoA
Dear FSP mesmer near NW tower psbl,
You sent me flying a couple times to my death. I was glad to repay the favour.
Awsome fight at ruins in DL BL, FG and friendlies vs FSP (kale and FSV I think), lasted like 10 mins, was brilliant.
Awsome fight at ruins in DL BL, FG and friendlies vs FSP (kale and FSV I think), lasted like 10 mins, was brilliant.
Still don’t know where you guys keep pulling these numbers from, but it was a great fight indeed
Anyone know who is leader of guild [GoT]?
This would be me.
As stated one of my characters is named Rhas the other Alwies.
Or Rodyc.1574
Had fun in drakkar lake bl this evening, with some really epic fights in there.
And at this very moment FSV is attacking citadel in Piken Square bl.
So all in all a nice evening.