T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sevenn.3085


We got a wiedly accepted eventcalendar where commanders announce their public raids.

So as with most things it an issue of ego…. “Im not giving up my BL spaces without it being on planner” “lets kitten those KoA guys gvg cause they havent completed the required administration”

pretty sad response in a match up where the point game is already irrelevant.

[ECL] [CE] [Oz]

(edited by Sevenn.3085)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grok.6714


Your answer has nothing to do with the common accepted understanding that interrupting a GvG on purpose means that you are disrespecting both guilds involved.

Points have no meaning in this game as long as you don’t aim for T1, so don’t bring up that excuse either.

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


vanensang.1389 I’m sorry but how is your answer relevant to what I’ve said ?:P Or do you want to tell me a story how in both games you mentioned, all other guilds were interupting GvG of other guilds from their own servers ? ;-) ( wink ) Don’t remember beeing ever interupted in Warhammer mate. Maybe you got my words in a wrong way.

(let us leave who played what, how long and how intense. If you want we can brag about it on whispers)

GWTiger.5178 Please explain to me how a higher level of complex WvW group is “Childish” guild zerg ? can you call 20ppl a zerg ? Well I guess…

We are playing a game with a broken rating system so basicly we do not play for points but to stay in a Tier that offers something interesting, to improve our guild groups and have some awesome fights. Why not let KoA have fun for 1-2h ? I really don’t get that. Maybe I’m young and immature and that is why I do not understand. I’m only 27 years old… someone enlighten me.


Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

(edited by Darkman.1257)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Danielle.3152


Interrupting a GvG is bad mannered, the people who do it get nothing out of it, but the satisfaction of annoying other players, and they usually get killed trying to do it.

The interrupts and 100’s of spectators who stand there making culling / slight delays worse are the reason GvG’s do not get announced, it is not the other way around. If there were no GvG interrupts and unnecessary spectating (there are usually streams/videos) every GvG would be announced. Saying that you interrupted because the GvG was not announced is like the ultimate nonsense. Think why it wasn’t announced? Yes, expected interruptions/adding.

[Scnd] Daniellita,

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Thx SD for the few fight

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dominik.5162


Thank you SFR for all the great fights tonight!

Especially [ECL], [Xaoc], [CoN], [ZDs].
We can learn really much from you and your style of fighting against us!
And for sure all Seafarer’s who don’t play in any of these Guilds.
We want more of this fights, much more…
Hope we will see you the next days of the week, too.^^

See you on the Battlefield,
Greets from Eyes Of Wars [EoW] and You See Me Trollin [YSMT]

Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]

(edited by Dominik.5162)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: K Kaine.4678

K Kaine.4678

Thank you SFR for all the great fights tonight!

Especially [ECL], [Xaoc], [CoN], [ZDs].
We can learn really much from you and your style of fighting against us!
And for sure all Seafarer’s who don’t play in any of these Guilds.
We want more of this fights, much more…
Hope we will see you the next days of the week, too.^^

See you on the Battlefield,
Greets from Eyes Of Wars [EoW] and You See Me Trollin [YSMT]


Hope you had fun, too. I’m just one of the “PUG’s” coordinated by chat-lead only. No TS. And we had really great fun fighting you! I appreciate the way you fight with your guild groups.

K Kaine – Kodash – [sly]
Looking for fun in WvW and PvE? We’re recruiting!

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


JS has some of the most determined trebbers in the whole game! Nice job pushing us back in EB earlier today.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moderator.9532


Please stay on topic (score updates, matchup etc.) without personal attacks or hostile insinuations and continue the discussion in a friendly and respectful manner. Thank you!

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Catastrophin.3928


Nice Fights on sfr border tonight. Thx to CoN and all other guilds, was great fun at the west tower.
Luckly for us you don’t scout that good so the guild teams managed to get into t3 bay fast without a fight while you were fighting our pug zerg:)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


Some of our enemies believe that [Bots] are cheating and raised their concerns in the official forum (AFAIK, now deleted by the mods). [Bots] takes great pride in being a proper, 100% mature guild that is not cheating and will never cheat (ANet, you are welcome to verify that this recording is completely legit. The chat time stamps in this recording are blurred, but I can give you an unblurred version to ease the verification process if you want me to). Being accused of cheating, while we are not, is probably one of the best compliments we can ask for. However, let’s not forget that this was a Kodash community effort and our thanks go out to: KoA for supporting us (which is fairly uncommon, as KoA tends to have more manpower than Bots), WdR for your guild raid and finally WdR again (?) for leading the public raid, too (while our TS was DDoS’ed – so that counts twice). Want to be part of [Bots]? Apply now (German): http://bots.notaion.com

Sorry for the lack of nice colors and music – I had to rush this video to counter the cheating complaints in the forum ASAP.

[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: K Kaine.4678

K Kaine.4678

With our community TS still under DDos attack (or still down after the DDos) it’s an even harder challenge to coordinate on the borderlands.
Thanks to all the commanders and people out there who still keep up the good work!

K Kaine – Kodash – [sly]
Looking for fun in WvW and PvE? We’re recruiting!

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


Chillnan.4186 I sincerely hope that none of those accusations came from our guild members and hopefully not from Seafarer’s Rest Alliance community, however if they did… I apologise on behalf of them. We know that scouting is our weakness [ because it’s boring and nobody want to do it ;-) ]

Kudos to you for your fast rush and exploiting our lack of scouts. This is how it should be done.

Best regards from CoN and Seafarer’s Rest Alliance

Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: innocent ouarior.1954

innocent ouarior.1954

[CoN] are funny.

Are you sure full Water Elem pop at inc is usefull btw? We* tend to rather use Tornado in Ether.


T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ridafyt Whitestrike.8397

Ridafyt Whitestrike.8397

Dear [PHX],

I think giving away what we find useful in fights to our opponents is not the wisest decision :P We let our elementalists swap skill according to what we find most useful in that particular scenario, let it be said we enjoy encountering you in the field [PHX]

Kind regards,


Raidleader CoN
(Server admin SFR till 15-10-13, currently on Augury)
Bombing zergs since day 1

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Butti.7365


We use them to get even numbers with your massive blobbs. We also use minipets

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rajnesh.4526


[CoN] are funny.

Are you sure full Water Elem pop at inc is usefull btw? We* tend to rather use Tornado in Ether.


Using Tornado in a first inc is just wasting resources.

Rajnesh | Critical Wave [WaVe] | Seafarer’s Rest

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: GWTiger.5178


Are you from Seafarer proud about your spawncamper? Specially from Volition Cult [VOLT]. This guys don’t do anything else than camp at spawns with 2-6 and farm single player. If you come with more they run.

(edited by GWTiger.5178)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grok.6714


PvP happened… quick, post on the forums

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Jade looks like they are heading to tier 1 and Des will be joining Tier 2, nice…

I wonder what will happen with Elona, a german server vs 2 French servers?

Oh well, not my problem…

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


Some decent fights on SFR border yesterday. Don’t know what happened to Kodash guys but I hope you will go back to 25-30 roaming groups like you had when we cam here. This blobbing you’ve been doing for the past 2 days on SFR border. Not your style guys ;-)

Don’t blob, make groups, roam, look for fights. Let us enjoy this game with amazing battles !

See you on the battlefield.

Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: vanensang.1389


Well, actually I just join blobs to level my ranger. Else I consider even 20-25 roaming as zerging since I’d rather roam with a fullgroup of 5 or solo. (I don’t want to throw up some “how many people are a zerg”-discussion since it really depends on the point of view.)

Kodash [DE]
Avallora Erasleigh // e
Tara Airgetlám // m

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


Completely agree on that vane. But when we dropped to T2 we were really positively surprised that Kodash had 2-3 roaming groups and we were able to fight normally without blobbing. You (Kodash players) earned a lot of respect here on SFR because of that. We sincerely hope we will go back to the previous state. Past 2 days were horrible. We normally have 3 groups, 2 different guilds and a pug commander on a border. It was extremely hard to stop Kodash blob without making 100man blob ourselves.

Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Laurenz.2936


Completely agree on that vane. But when we dropped to T2 we were really positively surprised that Kodash had 2-3 roaming groups and we were able to fight normally without blobbing. You (Kodash players) earned a lot of respect here on SFR because of that. We sincerely hope we will go back to the previous state. Past 2 days were horrible. We normally have 3 groups, 2 different guilds and a pug commander on a border. It was extremely hard to stop Kodash blob without making 100man blob ourselves.

Don’t know what happend yesterday, but tuesday we had “only” Bots, KoA, WdR and some rondoms (sry for the expresion) on the border.

Can’t wait for the reset :-D


T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Catastrophin.3928


One of the problems is that our guild groups are mostly too small to match the menpower of CoN and ECL and others on their more populated days. Its just not that much fun to run into a guild group of 30 people with your 15. After a few deaths we team up with others so we have more people. Then you have to team up and so on. One other reason ist that we do have more “randoms” than you do, and that tends to end up in blobing.
And in the end, its not like you never blob. Like now on sfr border:)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thyophelis.8035


Completely agree on that vane. But when we dropped to T2 we were really positively surprised that Kodash had 2-3 roaming groups and we were able to fight normally without blobbing. You (Kodash players) earned a lot of respect here on SFR because of that. We sincerely hope we will go back to the previous state. Past 2 days were horrible. We normally have 3 groups, 2 different guilds and a pug commander on a border. It was extremely hard to stop Kodash blob without making 100man blob ourselves.


First we have to say we are really enjoying this match up with sfr and I m looking forward to Desolation joining us.

We would be glad to not have to join forces. There s a little discrepancy between the guild grps of Kodash and SFR atm during prietime. Bots are 25 ppl max. during primetime KOA s manpower has varied this week strongly from 10 to over 20 ppl. From Eddq i ve seen 15 max, ECL runs with 32-38 people and Con i would guess are slightly bigger. so if 1 guild stays alone they are outmanned by atleast 8 people. If we join forces 1 of your guilds is outnumbered by 8ish. If both join forces we are again outnumbered.
I mean a little discrepancy of max 5 people we could handle but 8, +5 res banners is on the tuffer side :-)
some food for tought, maybee we could come to an unoficial agreement to run in grps of 25 on 1 border. (we are always on the same for a whole week) a number 1 of our guilds can handle even if we are not fully represented and, I m sure you could get 3 / 4 x25 man grps running with ECL, Eddq, Boom and Con.
kind regards from a bot

certainly one of the most enjoyable weeks of wvw this has been

Aurona- fugly white bark sylvarie ele
MS-Mondsucht, pure small scale forever !
Kodash-we thrife on outmanned

(edited by Thyophelis.8035)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: K Kaine.4678

K Kaine.4678

I’m sad about the exe-massfailures…

Could’ve been a nice showdown between SFR and Kodash for the 2nd place in this weeks’ matchup. Hopefully next week will be better.

SFR didn’t really get guilds on Jade tonight did they?
And we had no chance capping the garrison. Just of the new hidden exe-traps Anet built in the game.^^

Or like it’s posted in the German Forum by Jack Mc Daniel:

Hat vielleicht hiermit was zu tun:



K Kaine – Kodash – [sly]
Looking for fun in WvW and PvE? We’re recruiting!

(edited by K Kaine.4678)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Well game crash after couple sec in jade sea BL.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: scureuil.4052


It was the same for everyone on Jade BL

Jade Sea [PHX]

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


Well I can understand what you’re writing about your numbers on Kodash but our numbers are slightly off. We never had over 33ppl in CoN during one raid time. This is our record for now. Normally we run 25-30 as we like that the most. Although I must say it is quite nice to read so many kind words about us.

We are really enjoying this matchup. Try to roam like you did before when we came to T2. All our guilds will improve then. There is absolutely no fun in running 60+ groups.

We do hope you will go back to the previous state of matters and continue on improving all your guilds together with us. Especially that now Desolation will come here with 4-5 guilds that will be roaming also. Let’s unblob this tier completely ! So we can enjoy the game even more.


Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thyophelis.8035


Well I can understand what you’re writing about your numbers on Kodash but our numbers are slightly off. We never had over 33ppl in CoN during one raid time. This is our record for now. Normally we run 25-30 as we like that the most. Although I must say it is quite nice to read so many kind words about us.

We are really enjoying this matchup. Try to roam like you did before when we came to T2. All our guilds will improve then. There is absolutely no fun in running 60+ groups.

We do hope you will go back to the previous state of matters and continue on improving all your guilds together with us. Especially that now Desolation will come here with 4-5 guilds that will be roaming also. Let’s unblob this tier completely ! So we can enjoy the game even more.


Ok good to know, on the 22th I had the impression you were close to 40 in our spawn camp. If you don t mind me asking, how many were you? Enemy numbers tend to look big bigger :-)

Well to asure you, we also prefere to stay to ourselfs and never call for help in fight, so if a second guild comes in it s because they saw the swords.
The only time we asked for help was when we were going for your west tower. defending catapults with 24 people against 30+ and randoms close to your spawn just doesn t make much sense.

So from your side no chance for a 25 man agreement? You ll understand that your asking us to fight mostly with a 25% manpower disandvantage.

kind regards

Aurona- fugly white bark sylvarie ele
MS-Mondsucht, pure small scale forever !
Kodash-we thrife on outmanned

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


On that evening after our GvG with KoA was interupted. We were really kitten ed off so we buckled up and went to kill everything that was not KoA. We had 33 guys online and me and Ridafyt kitten ed off to no end. At that point it wouldn’t matter what you would throw at us. We would kill anything with that bloodlust in the air.

Try also to understand us. When we run in 25 man group and encounter 60+ group we still fight. Sandwitch with ECL or any other guild but just try to picture this. If we were to blob can you imagine a 100 man blob out of ECL, CoN, ZDs ? or Option, Rise, IDDQ ? that would have absolutely no sense and would not be funny for neither side. That is why we are promoting unblobing. We play without commander tags most of the time because of that.

Blobbing has no sense. It is not fun. Thus here on SFR we will never promote that.
Now we have the opportunity to create an even better Tier with Desolation here.

Looking forward for all the upcoming fights.


Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

(edited by Darkman.1257)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thyophelis.8035


ok i guess no answer is also an answer :-) I am the last person to advocate in favor of blobbing. we also engage zergs twice as big as ours but those are pugs. there s no point in engaging Ecl who allready outnumber us when they are running with Boom. The thing is the spiral goes upwards. we ve got 20+ and fight all night against 30+ guilds, if we run with kill or Koa we ve got 40+ and the odds change for you. when does the blobb start for you?

so a satisfactory solution for both sides could be to limit the zerg size to 25. If 2 of our guilds run with 25 people our pug zerg won t be much bigger then 30-40 randoms and that s certainly somethig manageable with 25 coordinated people. we always have smallscale grps on our borders like Buka, Sly, MS who do their own thing. So there s plenty of entertainment for the 7 people who wouldn t be running with your main zerg and they can even merge with iddq or boom so you ve got 3×25 man squads :-)

ps: it s just a suggestion from my part so the zerg sizes don t spiral upwards.

Aurona- fugly white bark sylvarie ele
MS-Mondsucht, pure small scale forever !
Kodash-we thrife on outmanned

(edited by Thyophelis.8035)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


There is no way to restrict that to 25. If we raid and have 4 more people we will run with 29. I can’t just tell them, “hey you can’t play the game” We usually run with 25-30. For me blob is 45+ if you have 10 more players than us, that is not blobbing. Then you just have slightly more and it’s a challenge for us. It’s better to create 3x 25-30 groups and coordinate sandwitches and tactical movements than actually zerging together.
( not to mention that you can attack multiple locations at once )

This is just my private opinion. KoA is perfectly able to match our numbers or outnumber us and fight on equall footing. We’ve had so many good encounters. I want to go back to that. Desolation will be happy about that too I bet.

You match BOOM and ECL easily but I’ve never seen those guilds run together. You probably stumbled upon a random sandwitch.

You say that you always have 25-30 roaming group on the border. Tell me on which border so we can go and fight them normally because we roam the maps looking for fights. For the past 3 days we’ve never met a single group from Kodash (not counting camp cappers and dolly assasins). All 50-60 if not more (enough to create 3-5 sec skill lag) and if they consist of KoA inside which are already hard to kill that is not funny. Stomping on a 50+JS pug zerg is boring. Don’t know what happened to their guilds.

I hope Kodash will resolve their internal issues and promote strong guilds and guild roaming.

We’re looking forward to that.


Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

(edited by Darkman.1257)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thyophelis.8035



Well on the 22th, I think the day before you complained that we are blobbing and we were on the same border we had 3 big grps. bots with 25, Koa (my guess slightly less) and Kill doing the public lead with close to 30 people, all 3 guilds doing their own thing. Yes we ran into each other serveral times because the action was all between your west tower and our spawncamp. All three guilds only got together once at your west tower. The rest of the evening was always only 1 or 2 guild grps which is around the size you re saying is ok. 45-50 people.

But since we can t tell a grp of 5 people to do their own thing or join up with a other guild, we seem to blobb. See what I did there. Just some food for tought :-)

Kind regards

Aurona- fugly white bark sylvarie ele
MS-Mondsucht, pure small scale forever !
Kodash-we thrife on outmanned

(edited by Thyophelis.8035)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


Coincidentally everytime we were searching for a fight we found 60+ zerg. Maybe we had bad luck then.

When 5 randoms join us, we ask them to go away because we’re having a guild practice. Place a “pug” commander on the map and roam alone. Other guilds do the same stuff.

It’s not that you “seem” to blob but for the past 2-3 days you did blob.
So 5 randoms join one guild, 10 join the other. You don’t ask them to go away. Then the 2 guilds join one zerg and you “seem to blob” You see what I did there ? ;-)

That is why I’ve asked what is going on because you weren’t doing that before.

I hope you will go back to the previous state of matters. CoN will answer all sparrings, gvg’s , duels.

Cheerio !

Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

(edited by Darkman.1257)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Imacop.6409


GVG Option gaming – Dex 4-0. Thx to Dex for the gvg.

[ZBs][ZDs] Nikogda ne slakai
200,000 WwW Kills

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


Darkman, I’m genuinely sorry to hear that you are currently not enjoying the matchup anymore. Believe me, I’m familiar with the feeling, so I can perfectly understand where you are coming from.

In case you are talking about Bots in particular, I’m not exactly sure what made this week so much different from last week. We didn’t actively try to blob (except maybe yesterday, but I’ll get to that later). At the beginning of this week, we had some friends from KoA running with us, as they didn’t seem to have their own guild raid that day. Later that week, we had one day where MS joined us (but we were mostly focussed on ECL and I can’t recall many guild on guild encounters with CoN on that day). Maybe that skewed the numbers a bit against your favor, as we ended up being closer to 30+ than our usual 20-25. It wasn’t our intention to form a blob, we merely wanted to socialize with other guilds/meet new people (after all, we’re still fairly new to the server, so getting to know each other is important). I would classify this as some kind of “natural fluctuation” and not a change in our general playing style or strategy.

Yesterday was a completely different story. A couple minutes prior to our regular raid start, we were called to arms to defend our spawn tower against something that sure looked like a massive SFR blob to me. Was that intended, e.g. did you (maybe not CoN especially, but certainly the rest of SFR on the map) try to counter-blob and teach us a lesson?

We had WdR, KoA and Bots on the map, each with a separate lead, but no public lead for the majority/maybe even all of the prime time (so we couldn’t send non-guildes away [some were also prospects applying for membership], as there was nobody to send them to. We generally try to do that whenever if we can, since we don’t want to steal the pub commander’s menpower and also don’t want to give you any free rallies in case the non-guildy is a lowie).

Anyways, after defending the spawn tower, each of our three guilds tried to go separate ways, but none of us could quite handle SFRs force on their own at that time. As I’ve mentioned earlier, it appeared like SFR is now trying to blob. Thus, we decided to coordinate an attack on your bay (we all still had separate leads etc, but of course we would try to sandwitch you/SFR whenever necessary . Not technically blobbing, but fairly close, I guess). Hello spiral! I’m not accusing CoN of blobbing too much, as you still had your very own movement, but you have to realize that you are a threat on your own. If there are various other SFR players in your proximity, it’ll be very tough to handle the situation as a single guild. But well, I guess that’s what happens if we force you to defend your bay because we felt like being forced to team up more than usual because you thought we are blobbing …

Personally, and I guess I’m speaking for most, if not all of my guildmates, do not enjoy blobbing and love good fights on the open battlefield (yet, every now and then we may still have guests guilds joining our raid and will obviously also engage in coordinated attacks with other guilds in order to take or defend big objectives. I consider that to be a completely fair strategy).

Finally, thanks for the week and the good fights. Good luck tonight and next week, with Jade leaving this tier and Deso joining us, I’m expecting and looking forward to more roaming guild action, which is what we all enjoy so much.

PS: It looks like Bots will be mostly on Deso BL next week – presuming that the new matchup mechanic doesn’t kick in and changes the matchup.

[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


Oh kitten this is long :P

Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


Well actually I don’t recall Bots blobbing with the rest. We were defending bay alone yday. Our other groups were handling JS in hills for the most part. I get it that sometimes people blob to take a bigger location no argue there. But I was talking more about roaming on the map and encountering a massive force moving e.g. to the camp > ruins > water > north

CoN is roaming a lot to defend, poke locations and look for fights. It’s a pain to encounter 60+ blob on the way.

Also I’ve never said that I do not enjoy this matchup anymore. We do enjoy it a lot.

That SFR zerg you’re talking about was probably one of our server pug trainings we organise to show them that structured and more complex WvW is better. Also gives incentives to join our community and guilds. That is how we recruit. This is how we handled the situation that almost killed our server before. We organise server-wide training for new commers. You may have stumbled upon one of those.

Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

(edited by Darkman.1257)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: vanensang.1389


Alright, its the last day we match with Jade Sea. After several weeks and months matching with you lads I still have just one question left to ask. Why are you guys so little PvP interrested in WvW?

Don’t get me wrong, its not a flame. But after fighting with Elona and SFR I saw much more PvP orientated guilds and players than I ever met on Jade Sea. I played … a lot during our matchups on every Border and on Eternal Battlegrounds … The only – more or less – PvP enthuisiastic guild on Jade seems to be [DEX]. To be honest … I roam pretty often alone. And everytime I saw some solo player of Jade he avoids fighting at all and tries to escape. At least it was like this in most cases.
So … Why is there so little interrest in PvP aspects on Jade Sea? :o

Anyway … Have fun matching with New Vizunah Square (also known as Elona Reach) and Old Vizunah Square this evening. :P

Kodash [DE]
Avallora Erasleigh // e
Tara Airgetlám // m

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Hammer.5960

The Hammer.5960

@Chillnan.4186 – that meme – LMAO!!! :P

I think the big SFR blob you encountered was our afternoon map-hop Pug zerg. We have a few very charismatic commanders that tend to be good at getting quite a large following. This is also partly because SFR spent considerable time and effort in getting pug/randoms/pikachus* (*as we’ve grown to call them) on TS and organised.

I can’t speak for our all-powerful Russian contingent (who to be honest, we would be lost without <3), but our organised CET guilds play a bit later – so I think the crossover is what causes this.

Also, I think you are absolutely correct about the upward spiral effect. It happens and is natural – each side has their own perspective. When defending or taking important points on the map, it’s all part and parcel of WvW.

As Drq says though, sticking to a limit of 25 isn’t really practical. sometimes we’ll have less that want to play, sometimes more, and we all have the same right to enjoy the game.

I’ll finish by saying huge (huuuuugggeee) love and respect for all Kodash from myself and my brothers in arms. Apart from that one time with the GvG. That time we were out for blood!

PS – nice Ninja on Bay the other day. CoN were on the map and probably passed right by you. Bad scouting – you won’t be so lucky again! ^^

Good luck and have fun in the coming week, Kodash!

[CoN] Atom
- aka The Iron Baby

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Congratulations to KoA and their small group who kicked our kitten at Jade Sea border last night

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grok.6714


You were able to play on JS BL yesterday?

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


No, my bad. It was SFR border, Jade Sea kept crashing for everyone. I’m young but my memory sucks already

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemoncurry.2345


Inc wall of text, sorry!

Thx SFR for some of the best small-scale fights (2-10 ppl) I had in gw2 so far – and most of my guildmates think the same!

Regarding the problem of mega-blobbing – I can understand, that from a big dedicated WvW guild point of view being steamrolled by a much larger skill-lag producing perceived “zombie-herd” is not much fun. However you must also see the other side – being farmed by an equal or smaller-sized guild group as a random-group with no group-wide-voice-coordination, no hammer-train, suboptimal zerg-classes/builds etc. is no fun either, so people tend to clumb together.

Furthermore, servers have a different amount of big WvW guilds (as mentioned earlier Kodash lost some good ones a few weeks ago to Abaddon), so the side with more random or small guild players tends to blob more (* cough * Jade * cough *).

Speaking of Jade, i’d like to say Au revoir! and Bon courage! in T1 against the two giants (at least till the new ranking system kicks in next week).
What always puzzled me was the amount of night-time-players you could bring to the battlefield (and Vizu is notorious for that too, of course). Just have a look at the income evolution chart of this week!
I always thought, a multi-national-server would be more capable in this regard (take SFR’s russian guild for example which surely adds a few more time-zones to the active WvW-playerbase).
Is this because of Canadiens français guilds, or players from Départements d’outre-mer? I somehow doubt, that French servers simply have a higher number of shift-workers, students or unemployed players who can afford to play at night than the rest of Europe….

Anyways, great fights so far – I am very much looking forward to next week!

Red Illie
Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Imacop.6409


Nice to see Js blob leave T2, have fun with Vizuna. Welcome to Desolation. Ihope for some good guilds fights this week.

[ZBs][ZDs] Nikogda ne slakai
200,000 WwW Kills

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Nice to see Js blob leave T2, have fun with Vizuna. Welcome to Desolation. Ihope for some good guilds fights this week.

Kodash and particularly Sfr are not really the best placed for taunt JS about blob.
Anyway it’s always more easy to see enemy blob rather than its own.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sevenn.3085


Nice to see Js blob leave T2, have fun with Vizuna. Welcome to Desolation. Ihope for some good guilds fights this week.

Kodash and particularly Sfr are not really the best placed for taunt JS about blob.
Anyway it’s always more easy to see enemy blob rather than its own.

Whilst both SFR and jade may end up in a blob, the difference lies in that it is the default play style for jade whilst being a reluctant play style adopted by SFR.
Its ok though, we don’t begrudge your training for T1. Enjoy it and close the door on your way out.

[ECL] [CE] [Oz]

(edited by Sevenn.3085)