T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

I was going to post that on your matchup thread, for AM i think you guys you will an alliance with Rs just to stop AM to blob

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: KaMiKaZe.1874


We want gandara back, please switch Gandara for Millers =(

72.000 Kills in WvW
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Smoky.3125


We are not just a big blob
We have also small guild group action.
—→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Gyi-IYdrk&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Had a lot of fun in our ts
Hart Rammen = kill and destroy anything

MFG Vlox Dunkral

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saturn.6591


We are not just a big blob
We have also small guild group action.
—-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Gyi-IYdrk&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Had a lot of fun in our ts
Hart Rammen = kill and destroy anything

MFG Vlox Dunkral

Ugh, with that music it actually feels kinda epic to see you beat us, haha. 23 minutes the same track might have overdone it, though. I saw myself in the first part of the video being targetted a few times. Also saw maloki. Uhm, whoever recorded that was probably one of the reasons why I somehow ended up having almost all the conditions in the game on me a few times (usually leading to me going from full health to downed state in a matter of 2-3 seconds). Uff. I think I’ll never get to like EB (not just cause of that evening; I’ve never managed to like it for several reasons).

Btw, I don’t get how “hart rammen” would make any sense, except if you mean it in a twisted way. ^^

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

Great fight in FSP Border tonight, bigger numbers on both FSP and Miller, was a good session of traning for us even if we had less numbers, Mya i respodend to your gvg request we can do it, let me know

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Beri.3156


Thank you MS and FSP this has been best match up in last 3 months =)
Awesome fights so far. I’m looking forward to see what rest of the week will bring.

Shout out to DW guild u guys got balls. Was nice to fighting with you sadly we were more than you. I’m intressed what would it be to fight with equal numbers.

Ps Is Kalevala[Kale] Fully Finnish guild or do you have some others in there. If its fully finnish thats one big finnish guild. We got few finnish guys in Ag but not enough to form guild.

Awesome charr necro 66,000 kills
Aurora Glade

(edited by Beri.3156)

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kaleygh.1524


does TUP always blob or was it a special occasion today ?

Kaleygh – MNMN
3 wvw kills

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Krato.4729


does TUP always blob or was it a special occasion today ?

We didn’t deliberately group up with anyone else tonight, and tried to do our own thing as we always do. I’d say for the majority of the evening we were running by ourselves, but apologies if you did encounter us at the same time as another guild. Unfortunately it happens from time to time, but is not intentional.

We also had a higher than normal turnout from within the guild too peaking at 27, which may make us look a little blobby, but this week has already promised and provided some exciting fights so our backs are up. Looking forward to the rest of the week and thanks for the battles so far MS and FSP.

Kratoon – TUP Officer/Warband Leader

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: KaMiKaZe.1874


Millers ticking 535 points right now… I really do hope we don’t have to meet you again, so boring playing against you


72.000 Kills in WvW
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa

(edited by KaMiKaZe.1874)

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Venna.7923


Thanks FSP and AG for the awesome fights on AG borderlands yesterday evening. We got some great open field battles with all 3 partys.

Venna Drax – Mesmer / Venna Dax – Guardian
Alphaflight – Commander
Miller’s Sound

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tyialo.6532


Great fight in FSP Border tonight, bigger numbers on both FSP and Miller, was a good session of traning for us even if we had less numbers, Mya i respodend to your gvg request we can do it, let me know

Yeah sure, we are always open for a GvG. Just contact me or legolinho.6425. Best days would be are tuesday or thursday for us.


Tyialo – Mesmer/Warrior
Guildlead of Menelya[Mya] – Piken Square

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

i send a pm he didn’t anwser me yet i’ll send an other one

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tyialo.6532


I tell him to get in contact with you.

Tyialo – Mesmer/Warrior
Guildlead of Menelya[Mya] – Piken Square

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sythus.2396


Hmm Miller’s are destroying us..not cool! :P

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Emixam.6834


Shout out to DW guild u guys got balls. Was nice to fighting with you sadly we were more than you. I’m intressed what would it be to fight with equal numbers.

Thanks ! Was nice to fight you indeed. We are working to getting more people

Farshiverpeaks [SOUL]
One of the Leaders

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: OchrisO.8450


Mr Quackers- Guild leader

The Night Pact Legacy [NP]

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: OchrisO.8450


Mr Quackers- Guild leader

The Night Pact Legacy [NP]

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Acotje.5689


Logged in WvW, had some nice fights on MS border…then they have to blob up again 5 to 1…
Is this even fun for you guys?

Hello darkness, my old friend.

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Logged in WvW, had some nice fights on MS border…then they have to blob up again 5 to 1…
Is this even fun for you guys?

Yes they think it is,also spamming laugh when they just killed a few ppl with their huge zerg is also lots of fun for them.All german servers play and act the same way..Let Ze germans tier up so we’’re rid of them,let them fight it out in the upper tiers and let them all lag like hell.Let the other servers enjoy wvwvw again,the ones that Know how to play and dont need 70 people for every move they make.

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tyialo.6532


Logged in WvW, had some nice fights on MS border…then they have to blob up again 5 to 1…
Is this even fun for you guys?

Yes they think it is,also spamming laugh when they just killed a few ppl with their huge zerg is also lots of fun for them.All german servers play and act the same way..Let Ze germans tier up so we’’re rid of them,let them fight it out in the upper tiers and let them all lag like hell.Let the other servers enjoy wvwvw again,the ones that Know how to play and dont need 70 people for every move they make.

FSP and Aurora aren’t better…

Tyialo – Mesmer/Warrior
Guildlead of Menelya[Mya] – Piken Square

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: KaMiKaZe.1874


Logged in WvW, had some nice fights on MS border…then they have to blob up again 5 to 1…
Is this even fun for you guys?

Yes they think it is,also spamming laugh when they just killed a few ppl with their huge zerg is also lots of fun for them.All german servers play and act the same way..Let Ze germans tier up so we’’re rid of them,let them fight it out in the upper tiers and let them all lag like hell.Let the other servers enjoy wvwvw again,the ones that Know how to play and dont need 70 people for every move they make.

FSP and Aurora aren’t better…

FSP dont run a 30man guild group + commander so the fsp blobbs you meet are mostly pugs… No one likes a blobb but are basicly beeing forced to blobb up to try to take out enemy blobb… Even tho we encourage to split up…

72.000 Kills in WvW
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Karahol.9840


To be honest i thought that we would have gotten over the “ac mentality” in this bracket but i guess it’s not happening any time soon. Maybe Tier 6 is the place for Aurora Glade to be where ACs are not placed by enemy groups of 30 as soon as they cap a wooden tower in our turf…
Really boring to use the buffed arrowcarts for easy kills.

Aurora Glade’s [Emergency Heroes]

(edited by Karahol.9840)

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

Love for MS who doesn’t manage to do a single thing when not outnumbering us 3:1 <3 Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win by trading out individual skill for numbers

No but seriously, are you enjoying running with 80 people? Because I know I wouldn’t.

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


I don’t mind use of siege. It’s just that superior AC’s with AC mastery are way too overpowered at the moment. There should almost be a gentleman’s agreement not to use them until they are nerfed.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aralon.7501


Thanks Magiiiic [SM] from Miller’s Sound for the great duels! We couldn’t kill eachother, but it was fun nonetheless

Aralon Mors – Norn Hybrid Necro
Aralon Scutum – Charr Healing Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks! – Guild of Tweakers [GoT]

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Acotje.5689


Most boring match-up ever

Hello darkness, my old friend.

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sythus.2396


Most boring match-up ever

You clearly haven’t been in a match-up involving RS and AM :P

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Acotje.5689


Most boring match-up ever

You clearly haven’t been in a match-up involving RS and AM :P

We had AM before you and fought against RS when I was in FURY, MS is just as bad when it comes to blobbin up

Hello darkness, my old friend.

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

I think the blobbing side of this match is much better, Ms most of the time runs with groups of 30-40, tonight i saw 3 groups that means that they try to split, sometime groups come together but that’s normal, Ag runs with groups of 30 and we try to split, FSP blob run with 40-50 many times but they don’t have the man power to do the classic Super blob of AM, or old RS of about 60-80, plus the don’t morning cap or night cap of AM and RS.

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Thanks Magiiiic [SM] from Miller’s Sound for the great duels! We couldn’t kill eachother, but it was fun nonetheless

You might want to join the Tyrian Dueling Society. =)

Had some duels tonight, and I’ve noticed I still have lots to learn. Very interesting (and much more rewarding if I win) to fight players that know how to play their characters… doesn’t happen very often otherwise. Looking forward to more.

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: legolinho.6425


Thanks to NP for the GvG!
Still searching for other opponents during this week.
Just message me.

Drrim – Guardian
Guildlead Menelya[Mya] – Miller’s Sound

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kuper.2641


Good Fun tonight. Shout out to Mya, DIE, Dc and a few others that were running around. Could see you guys running in 3 separate groups setting up flanks, was nice to see that organisation for once on an enemy server.

Look forward to the rest of the week.

[VII] Seventh Legion
Ex-Guild/Raid Leader/Commander

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gwyncilla.7395


MS dont need to blob up. We have many organized Guildgroups to fihgt against the enemys border.
The Organisation in this time is much better then other times.
Thx for the nice fights AG and FSV.

See you on the Borderlands.

Greetings Yuna

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Venna.7923


Nice fights yesterday evening at AG Hill and sunnyhill. Especially the Battle at Hill was epic.

Venna Drax – Mesmer / Venna Dax – Guardian
Alphaflight – Commander
Miller’s Sound

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Emixam.6834


Nice fights with TUP yesterday on FSP border Was quite fun !

Farshiverpeaks [SOUL]
One of the Leaders

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Buga.3146


Well Guys you are clearly overact about the hole current situation.

I’m from Miller and we are one of the less populated servers in GW2.

Yes ofc we have a pretty good WvW activity and kittening awesome organisation…….BUUUUT all you say we are running around with 80 men blobs this is total bullkitten.

Here is an example:


We fight in Guild alliance of 2-4 guilds…..sometimes the alliance breaks and a new gets created.

But to say we outnumber you all everytime is wrong^^.

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: wombatpanda.8165


Sad to see FSP blaming every server to blob even if they have no guild group that runs 20-25 on their entire server since DeX left^^

But AG is a fantastic replacement for Gandara! Almost same number of roaming guilds. [NP] [DAWN] [TUP] ands i think there are many more we did not encounter yet
MS Guilds can only improve when we meet servers like AG or Gandara! Hope to get some good fights this week.

PS: i am not going to post my Pics of FSP 60+….just stop the flame about blobbing…every server does it sometimes and we try to keep the blobb population as low as it is in this matchup.

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kaleygh.1524


We can post screens of zergs until GW3 will be released, nothing will change the fact that fighting against MS is boring as hell. Also posting a video of a few guys running around is somehow supposed to convince us that MS is no running in large groups.

To make this easier to understand, i`ll give you an example – Gandara.

Fighting against Gandara was beyond fun. Even if Gandara as a server outclasses us in almost every possible way, from the number of organized guilds to the “quality” of their pugs, fighting them was one of the mokittenn things i did in quite a while. At any time i could have just join wvw and it would not take long to find small scale fights, regardless of the map i was in (even in EB to my pleasant surprise) without the fear of the “big bad zerg” that is going to roll over you.
Now, im trying hard not to bash MS, but in all honesty, as soon as i try to take a camp on your border a rather large and angry german mob appears. When things don`t go so well for you out in the open, you stick to your AC`s and upgraded towers, only to come out for some “fun” pvdoor nightcapping.
I understand and respect your desire to win, but lets try to also have fun while winning (or losing in FSP`s case).
I wish you guys all the best

Kaleygh – MNMN
3 wvw kills

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kaleygh.1524


does TUP always blob or was it a special occasion today ?

We didn’t deliberately group up with anyone else tonight, and tried to do our own thing as we always do. I’d say for the majority of the evening we were running by ourselves, but apologies if you did encounter us at the same time as another guild. Unfortunately it happens from time to time, but is not intentional.

We also had a higher than normal turnout from within the guild too peaking at 27, which may make us look a little blobby, but this week has already promised and provided some exciting fights so our backs are up. Looking forward to the rest of the week and thanks for the battles so far MS and FSP.

I know you don`t blob, i was just joking. During some of the fights on FPS`s border there seemed to be a pug group following you guys around (i know its annoying))
PS – did you guys used to play Warhammer by any chance ?

Kaleygh – MNMN
3 wvw kills

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Buga.3146


Oh just stop whining about blobbedibobs already and get your “behind” on the battlefield.

If your Server cant bind the randoms into one group I would really change the Server “strategy”

Because thats the real challenge get your randoms to work in a large group and that’s why there are blobblledsjfssdla.

End of discussion….

PS: Maybe you should try to fight with lvl 80 Chars and not with 20 30’s…

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: KaMiKaZe.1874


Well Guys you are clearly overact about the hole current situation.

I’m from Miller and we are one of the less populated servers in GW2.

Yes ofc we have a pretty good WvW activity and kittening awesome organisation…….BUUUUT all you say we are running around with 80 men blobs this is total bullkitten.

Here is an example:


We fight in Guild alliance of 2-4 guilds…..sometimes the alliance breaks and a new gets created.

But to say we outnumber you all everytime is wrong^^.

its a month old video… alot have changed since then….

But yeah FSP blobbs aswell, Do not really approve of this…. But when you defending 1 thing only there is no point of splitting up.

When we attack Millers border our small group try to avoid the commander and hit other targets but its always the same First commander gets wiped by the blobb then goes for the small group but sometimes the smaller group get the tower or keep cause Millers always is running 1 blobb and not splitting up…

And most people in FSP are giving up cause they feel they can’t do anything against those blobbs, after fighting AM with their uber blobbs on every border millers comes with more organized blobbs…

Seeing Mya that are a good guild in MS and running with commander is just sad, You don’t need the pugs to kill our pugs. I just don’t understand why you run with commander, cause everytime ive seen Mya i’ve always found the commander even when u have 20ppl which is good enough.

But yeah we do whine alot but it’s getting sickening, cause its forcing servers to blobbing up even more

72.000 Kills in WvW
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tyialo.6532


Seeing Mya that are a good guild in MS and running with commander is just sad, You don’t need the pugs to kill our pugs. I just don’t understand why you run with commander, cause everytime ive seen Mya i’ve always found the commander even when u have 20ppl which is good enough.

But yeah we do whine alot but it’s getting sickening, cause its forcing servers to blobbing up even more

What you say about us is a lie.. Watch my stream and the past broadcasts. You will see that we don’t walk with commander. We use this just to check supply – not more.


Tyialo – Mesmer/Warrior
Guildlead of Menelya[Mya] – Piken Square

(edited by Tyialo.6532)

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

Yesterday Mya was running only with other Mya , i think at top it was 35 not more but probably less, Milller had 3 groups in FSP border during 20.00 to 22.00 they were split at all times, only in 2 occassion they were near and still moved alone, on one point they were the 3 groups together, mya quickly went away, for now i saw no blob from them, and i think asaid few day ago were i seen them running with around 40 but i think the were people following them even without commander up, they same thing happens to us in AG, in this tier i still have to seen the super blob of AM or old RS.

The only big blob that i seen yesterday was FSP around 22.00 and after we Dawn we’re a bit low on number at that point coudn’t really engage that group, and Tup enter the map around that time, we moved with tup only into inner bay we’re FSP had 5 Ac many of us died but the end we won the fight.

Still Fsp at Top was no more than 50, the only problem was on our side we’re low on number because many got tired.

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gaberen.4325


Well Guys you are clearly overact about the hole current situation.

I’m from Miller and we are one of the less populated servers in GW2.

Yes ofc we have a pretty good WvW activity and kittening awesome organisation…….BUUUUT all you say we are running around with 80 men blobs this is total bullkitten.

Here is an example:


We fight in Guild alliance of 2-4 guilds…..sometimes the alliance breaks and a new gets created.

But to say we outnumber you all everytime is wrong^^.

its a month old video… alot have changed since then….

But yeah FSP blobbs aswell, Do not really approve of this…. But when you defending 1 thing only there is no point of splitting up.

When we attack Millers border our small group try to avoid the commander and hit other targets but its always the same First commander gets wiped by the blobb then goes for the small group but sometimes the smaller group get the tower or keep cause Millers always is running 1 blobb and not splitting up…

And most people in FSP are giving up cause they feel they can’t do anything against those blobbs, after fighting AM with their uber blobbs on every border millers comes with more organized blobbs…

Seeing Mya that are a good guild in MS and running with commander is just sad, You don’t need the pugs to kill our pugs. I just don’t understand why you run with commander, cause everytime ive seen Mya i’ve always found the commander even when u have 20ppl which is good enough.

But yeah we do whine alot but it’s getting sickening, cause its forcing servers to blobbing up even more

What you say about us is a lie.. Watch my stream and the past broadcasts. You will see that we don’t walk with commander. We use this just to check supply – not more.


I just quickly looked through the most recent stream and yes you do run without commander tag. But i do see several occasions where you do engage in fights with commander tag. So not a completely lie

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Marlinn.6428


Yesterday Mya was running only with other Mya , i think at top it was 35 not more but probably less, Milller had 3 groups in FSP border during 20.00 to 22.00 they were split at all times, only in 2 occassion they were near and still moved alone, on one point they were the 3 groups together, mya quickly went away, for now i saw no blob from them, and i think asaid few day ago were i seen them running with around 40 but i think the were people following them even without commander up, they same thing happens to us in AG, in this tier i still have to seen the super blob of AM or old RS.

The only big blob that i seen yesterday was FSP around 22.00 and after we Dawn we’re a bit low on number at that point coudn’t really engage that group, and Tup enter the map around that time, we moved with tup only into inner bay we’re FSP had 5 Ac many of us died but the end we won the fight.

Still Fsp at Top was no more than 50, the only problem was on our side we’re low on number because many got tired.

Yes, I was the commander until 23:00, for AoA. When we were called to the home border to deal with you guys, the commander there dicided to turn his commander tag off, so our 25-30 man guild group swollen to about 45 I believe. For me this was quite frustrating because every time we engaged you, 10 people who weren’t from our guild immedietly died.. Turning off commander wasnt an option either at it would have left the border without one. Hard times. Thanks for the fights, eventhough the sight of DAWNS on the left and TUP on the right running from the spawn kinda scared me off

Commander at the Farshiverpeaks

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kaleygh.1524


Oh just stop whining about blobbedibobs already and get your “behind” on the battlefield.

If your Server cant bind the randoms into one group I would really change the Server “strategy”

Because thats the real challenge get your randoms to work in a large group and that’s why there are blobblledsjfssdla.

End of discussion….

PS: Maybe you should try to fight with lvl 80 Chars and not with 20 30’s…

I only do wvw on 80`s…
As for getting randoms into a large groups, i think most of us like/do different things.
Sitting in a zerg and autoattacking (you know, because nothing else works, skills dont trigger) is not something i would call “fun”.

Kaleygh – MNMN
3 wvw kills

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


AG and FSP: let us (gandara) come with you!!! It’s horrible. AM doesn’t fight until they have 5x our numbers and the moment they do, they come zerging us flat. WvW is getting really, really boring now for us gandarans. Anyone else want to ban zerging?

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

Gandara STAY UP THERE, here is so good, people say when they have more numbers, people respect each other, people try to split, BEST TIER EU
/joke off
Probably with the random matchup bullkitten will face some like T2

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: KaMiKaZe.1874


AG and FSP: let us (gandara) come with you!!! It’s horrible. AM doesn’t fight until they have 5x our numbers and the moment they do, they come zerging us flat. WvW is getting really, really boring now for us gandarans. Anyone else want to ban zerging?

Well we told you to take a chill pill when you were meeting us FSP

72.000 Kills in WvW
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa

T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Pink AG guy that was facing us last night near jerrifer,you started waving to us and sitting next to us..sorry i jumped and killed you..It was late,and i was hungry.Won’t happen again,i mistook you for miller for some reason..My apologies.