I have to say, the upcoming EU Silver League is looking rather tasty at the moment. EU mid tiers have always been pretty tight in terms of scores and coverage however with the servers towards the lower ranks getting some strong transfers in recent weeks I really think it will be a very hard league to predict. Also with the large number of multi national servers I expect the forum wars to be epic as well.
Abaddon’s Mouth – Probably slight favorites due to current ranking and wvw population.
Desolation – Anyone’s guess where they will finish, depends on the large PvE population helping the remaining wvw guilds.
Gandara – Jekyll and Hyde server from one day to the next, another strong contender for a top 3 finish.
Aurora Glade – A couple of strong guild transfers have boosted their already decent chances.
Miller’s Sound – Probably out gunned for the top spots but have potential to spring a few surprises
Gunnar’s Hold – Some recent transfers and a recruitment drive have seen them climb the ranks in recent weeks, will it be enough to compete with the higher populated servers?
Fort Ranik – Will suffer from the strengthening of most of the other servers around them, although they may be able to spring a surprise or two if the PvE playerbase gets enticed by the league format.
Far Shiverpeaks – Some strong guild transfers have bolstered their strength in recent weeks, as with Gunnar’s it will be interesting to see how they fair against the larger wvw population servers in the league.
Underworld – The weakest on paper. Much depends on thier ‘Very High’ server population and if they can entice their larger PvE playerbase into WvW to cause an upset or two.
So who will come away with the crown? Are Desolation still a force to be reckoned with? Will Abaddon’s Mouth venture out of their keeps? Can the forum really handle another matchup thread between Gunnar’s Hold and Far Shiverpeaks? Is Aurora Glade actually Piken Square in disguise? Can Underworld avoid the wooden spoon?
Really looking forward to it. All these servers have been a challenge and I think, nobody can say right know who will win in the end. I think its like you said: The servers need to pull people together, from PvE and Spvp to win and get the achivement.
But one think is clear I think: I´m really looking forward to all of these matchups, should be a fun time! Gl and Hf everyone.
Yeah silver league in EU is gonna be amazing. With all the nice servers we are gonna meet from a gandara pov.
Going to be an interesting League for sure. Let The Gold League blob it out, we will showcase true WvW Fights guys!
My guess it will probably come down to AM, AG and Gandara. I kinda have my doubts that Deso will recover in time and i don’t think league will attract many PvE players in general. But will see.
No i doubt the forums can handle it tbh lol. GH seriously lacks coverage out of primetime although our primetime is stacked. imagine we will finish in the lower half of the silver league. I think Deso will wake up when it starts and take the crown with their massive pvx coverage.
Abaddon completely stopped playing for points in order to drop to 10th place again. Expect them to outnumber you everywhere.
ATM the are losing to servers not even Kodasch lost to and they almost won against us once and beat us the other time.
Cheap play in my eyes, but in 8 weeks we talk again.
Pretty sure the first spot will go to Adaddon, i think they are the first that deserve Gold league 100% with amount with blob they run ,the should REALLY play gold league, but yeah if they dropped playtime for stay in silver it’s cheap anyways, i would personally like to have Augury rock in silver and Both Kodash and Abaddon in Gold because they totaly deserve it.
Kodash has some Roamer but it’s just few people that also know english and type on the forum.
For second third and forth place well i think every server can make it, Gandara, Gh, Ag, Miller maybe even FSp with their new nightcapping team.
Gandara, it’s so much time that we don’t face each other that i think Anet doesn’t want us to play together, don’t know their situation, their guild run a bit small of Ag and Gh but very skilled player and good fun server.
GH Primetime Stacked, i saw a early morning team during our last matchup for few day to boost points, i think they can pull off a very good coverage, way more than what they except.
Miller Primetime Meh at best, they have group of people starting from 4am till 12am to PPT. Will see what happens, If Miller get’s a good Bash the first few days of every matchup their pugs will Rage quit hard.
Fsp Primetime don’t know with the new guild but i think it will still be too weak to be competive with the rest, i Heard they have a Nightcapping Team not sure 100% but that should make the matchup way closer.
Deso, Underwolrd, Fort Ranik: Deso don’t know, haven’t played aganist them, Underwrold seems internal Drama, Burnout people can’t really be competive in Silver league, Fort Ranik random matchup never saw us playing aganist each other, somebody told me mid-size Blob so, yeah i don’t know.
Aurora Glade Primetime, very good, early night decent, absent, morning cap and day cap.
Said that, Silver league seems the league to be for Fights, i think every top guild it’s there VII, Votf, Tup, Rage, Fury, Inc, Punk, Dawn(me), Diva, Yak, XxX,Vcy and MANY MANY OTHERS.
I think we miss Second Law and literally have the best guild in the game in one League.
There will be Insane Fight, Close fights, Handholding, Forum Drama, Rallybot Blob, Rallybot guild, Shout out to good roamer, Call out of Bad roamer, GVG GVG GVG GVG, small amount of daily QQ, Big amount of weekly QQ.
Can’t wait, I hope the first Matchup will be Ag-Gandara-Fsp for finally a REAL EU DERBY!!!
I suggest everybody to GANK ON AM, the more Am pugs ragequit the better it’s for the game, let’s keep close, and let the Drama and Hatred flow freely on the forum!
I’m eager to begin leagues, we (at least me) will fight to death. It will be very intense, too bad studies take me this amount of time.
I’m waiting mostly to see AG , Gandara and GH (why Banner Hold ? i preferred Golem Hold ) in action, good reputation on forum seems to have good roamers and obviously UW (stay in silver league please don’t care about drama and have playing ) and their almighty GuM, love you guys. Desolation seems falling like Arborstone in old days and I have unpleasant memories about old FSP but all of this seems promising.
We will (at least try to) rain fire upon yours keeps, wreck havoc among your zerg, kill thousands of your helpless dollies, gank every lonely player, deny you supply to death, build so many ACs that AM will be jealous/proud, camp the ruins all day long and last but not least have fun
FR is aiming at high~mid ranking (we are ambitious) , we have a great pve population that we hope will help wvw community during the league. We will actually suffer from reinforcements on others servers since we got little to no transfers and may lack of nightcrew (curse of national server) but it won’t hamper our will of battle, destruction, sportsmanship, and resilience.
I used to be the only FR player on official forum but since my fellow mates are now helping me (they usually lurk on french forums), consider FR winner of the First Great Forum Flame War.
Deso still has guilds and can field a lot of players if we start winning and people flock to WvW snowballing us. We are rebuilding but I wouldn’t under estimate us
Will be good fun fighting servers I haven’t fought for a very long time, and afew faces I’ve played along side / fought in the past and in Warhammer Online and the old CIR guys scattered through guilds in the lower tiers.
Not even in this league, but will be watching closely with interest.
Snowballing and PvE-bandwaggoners are gonna be so important in this league. All servers in silver league suffer hugely from the problem of massive queues and population when winning, and empty maps when losing.
I would expect Abaddons to win on paper, but if any of the other servers can take an early lead and whip up the enthusiasm of their pugs, it could go to nearly any of the servers.
I will be very surprised if Abbadon don’t win the first season. They have the largest night presence of all the Silver league servers and can quite easily golem rush and flip anything they want.
However, Desolation had a suspicious decline into Silver league. It’s widely known that some WvW groups on their server intentionally tanked their rating to get into Silver league, yet at the same time they’ve also had quite a few people leave. So who knows what will happen with them.
I’m just looking forward to matches with AG and MS again.
I have not been on WvW since the last major patch for WvW.And it seems the same for the whole Deso server.
Is it true DVG left? If so that was the heart that pumped our blood all week long.Never saw CS for weeks before that.Did FG move again?
Funny that Deso is now only a few ranks above Gunnars Hold. That was a dead server when I played there but seems to have pulled its socks up.
Gandara gonna play as usual no matter medals (we play for fun and open fights mainly), take it for granted.
That means Silver gonna be a fun league from 3rd spot down, top 2 gonna be Blobbadons/Desolation imo.
Both of em servers “played” very well lately to drop down.
I have not been on WvW since the last major patch for WvW.And it seems the same for the whole Deso server.
Is it true DVG left? If so that was the heart that pumped our blood all week long.Never saw CS for weeks before that.Did FG move again?
Funny that Deso is now only a few ranks above Gunnars Hold. That was a dead server when I played there but seems to have pulled its socks up.
Whilst we did intend to drop to silver anyway, the scores we have been getting show the amount of coverage, or lack of coverage that we suffer from now.
DVG, AFTL, TeQ, War, FG are the main guilds that left. DVG got us PPT in off hours, AFTL were always the main guild in home BL putting up a defense with pugs alongside CS and DVG. CS have lost their guild leader / main commander due to RL issues. FG were mainly active each prime time providing entertainment in enemy BL’s.
Indivdually nothing is a major loss, but between these guilds + others that have gone we have lost ALOT of commanders.
However the WvW focused guilds we still have left are now a solid core with no internal fighting. EXG, TLA, Unit, CS, INVI, PT & GoD etc PT is kind of the new DvG but slightly different intentions
We have one of the highest PvE populations of all servers, if they can be dragged into WvW it won’t take long for us to come back fighting.
(edited by Ins.7139)
meh. looks like apart from a couple of servers, most other match ups will be too boring with no one to fight against except at peak hours. When winning the usual bandwagon will come along and ruin the fun for everyone else.
I hope I’m wrong.
Well the EU silver league will be the most competitive league just because it has the smallest ranking gap between all servers in the league. If the servers are playing to win the league they will have to always try to keep the top server from coming in first. Since first places give 5 league pts. dMost of the servers have a good chance to win the EU silver league.
I hope you guys will realise that everybody who IS in the sílver league already won.
Abaddon’s may have coverage but quantity won’t bring em everywhere.
With the point progression we see at the moment, i fear we at kodash can’t even go to silver league because we make so many points from getting roflstomped by vizuna, sfr, piken and riverside that it is nearly impossible to drop to silver league. (Best example last matchup vs sfr and vizu with +27.847)
So if we wan to leave the league we have to stop playing what isn’t really an option. If that’s what we wanted to do we would have done that in the first place to enter silver league.
I hope i am wrong there as i don’t feel like we are a gold league server with our 6h activity window and 18h outnumbered buff.
But silver league looks like a lot of fun. Enjoy it.
With the point progression we see at the moment, i fear we at kodash can’t even go to silver league because we make so many points from getting roflstomped by vizuna, sfr, piken and riverside that it is nearly impossible to drop to silver league. (Best example last matchup vs sfr and vizu with +27.847)
So if we wan to leave the league we have to stop playing what isn’t really an option. If that’s what we wanted to do we would have done that in the first place to enter silver league.
I hope i am wrong there as i don’t feel like we are a gold league server with our 6h activity window and 18h outnumbered buff.
But silver league looks like a lot of fun. Enjoy it.
It’s a shame cause Kodash always brings good fights.
Can’t wait to fight the guild stacked servers gonna be awesome =Q_
We have one of the highest PvE populations of all servers, if they can be dragged into WvW it won’t take long for us to come back fighting.
Don’t rely on your PVE population they only come to WvW when you are in a match you are winning by a landslide to easymode it.
Talking about the casuals not the PvXers or PvX guilds.
I have hopes for silver league since we don’t have to face the blobbers in blob league all the time.
we still got abaddon though :p
Edit: The best forum warrior is Dayra from Elona and I am sad he wont be in silver league
(edited by oblivious.8074)
The added meta achievements will draw a huge part of the PvE population into WvW, so that will be an advantage for servers that already have a very high population. This is why I think AM will not win Silver League. The server is middle to high population, while servers like desolation or aurora glade will get a much much greater boost in players. I think for this reason that one of the “Very High” pop servers will win in the end, Aba will maybe get to 3rd place
Rather be stomped then PvD 7 weeks long is prolly going to be my spirit.
It’s the fight between players that’s interesting, blobs and other structure carnivores can just stick to the gold league and think to themselves that it’s all about the points. Rank says nothing about your toon other then that is has a number of points. And from what I’ve seen this last week it usually means, the more complexed name on top of yer head, the worse they are in the battlefield against non NPC’s.
So bring it on!
What do we know about these achievements? Afaik only the league winning server gets something special(I think some finisher) so 3 servers will have a lot of PvE players playing and a long queue.
But at the other servers: What are the special rewards for the weakest server in a league? If there’s only some bonus chest with green stuff and a few badges(like now) then this won’t get PvE players to play there.
I suggest something unique for everyone participating. Limited time. So they can’t just say “we do the achievements in 1 or 2 years”.
Some mini and/ or title EVERY new season. Should be a totally new meta like dailies/monthlys it should be “current matchup” / “league season” and require you do do some “current matchup” like we atm need 4 dailies for the monthly. So not everyone could farm it at the first week and then leaving – to get a constant supply of PvE players to play.
The Meta achivements it’s a big variable, will see what happens, even on steamroll matchup i don’t see that much of Pve population coming to WvW, maybe they go Eb but i basically go there once a month.
I think the biggest variable will be Deso, will learn the truth only the silver league start!
^ APs? PvE players love APs ^^
They need to give a lot of AP then. Mabe a chance on an item that gives 500 AP. From chest rewards. Lol.
No, it doesn’t really need to give lot of AP. Some players would do anything that gave them easy APs, no matter how few.
Just look at all the posts on the forums about people complaining that they can’t do certain stuff for those extra 5 APs.
That must be the people that do every daily subachievement because of the 1 AP. Lol.
Looking forward to clashing with the guild groups!
I dont want to fight Blobbaddon.
And AG roamers are boring, really cant stand them atm. But with the upcoming Perplexity nerf, it COULD become somewhat fun. We ll see.
Really looking forward to fight against Gandara, since I still have to face them in combat.
Too bad Kodash wont be in Silver League, they had some of the best Rangers I ve fought with.
@hihey : "Unidentified Woman – Norn Thief " LOOOOL funny name
This will be interesting for sure. I will be looking forward to facing Gandara, Gunnar’s Hold and Far Shiverpeaks the most, simply because of the amount of organized guilds these server has.
@hihey : "Unidentified Woman – Norn Thief " LOOOOL funny name
Here comes the 9999th person to make fun of my Thief
@hihey : "Unidentified Woman – Norn Thief " LOOOOL funny name
Here comes the 9999th person to make fun of my Thief
I am saying I am a fan of the name. It fits with thief. Though not as good as some of the Gandarans we have Vlad the Inhaler and Sigourney Cleaver are the best names I have seen in GW2. haha
@hihey : "Unidentified Woman – Norn Thief " LOOOOL funny name
Here comes the 9999th person to make fun of my Thief
I am saying I am a fan of the name. It fits with thief. Though not as good as some of the Gandarans we have Vlad the Inhaler and Sigourney Cleaver are the best names I have seen in GW2. haha
+1 to Sigourney Cleaver, that’s really hilarious
Seeya on the battlefield, mate
Even before the mass exodus #2 and Desolation being still rank #3, Desolation was several times enjoying outnumbered “buff” against much lower ranked servers e.g. Gandara. It just tells that the so called mid-tier are not that empty.
Desolation was ranked so high because we had a night capping team, which is still a rare thing in EU. A lot our players were playing crazy hours and getting a burn out, especially several commanders and key players from DVG. Such cannot continue for months. The points we ticked at night really set the score. Now that night capping team, DVG, is at Piken Square, current EU rank #2, soon rank 3.
To my knowledge AFTL, Coin, DVG, FG, TeQ and War have left Desolation for other servers. That is a total of 6 guilds. Some of the above mentioned guilds are small e.g. AFTL and Coin, but very high quality. E.g. Coin went to BG (top NA server) and AFTL to their nemesis SoR (another top NA server). DVG and FG are big. I have been in contact with some of the ex Deso players and some are actually missing Desolation, but I do not think they are coming back anytime soon. Guild loyalty matters a lot.
It is true that Desolation has a really big pve population and lots of good pve commanders as well (doing all those events and event chain farming). However unless something drastic happens when it comes to WvWvW rewards I do not see those people coming to WvWvW. They would also need to change their builds from zerker gear to more like PVT.
Abaddon’s Mouth has the biggest number of players and best coverage. I still don’t rank their zergs high, mostly just win by server wide blob while enemy has outnumbered buff, but I think they will win silver league.
I would not be surprised if Desolation needs to fight very hard to get the bronze or silver medal in silver league. Without the night capping and seriously lacking numbers it will be a difficult fight indeed. Everybody in silver league will target Desolation and be angry that former EU rank #1-3 server is here.
Abaddon’s Mouth will win, and they should feel ashamed.
Their blobs are Gold league worthy.
Pls give me Kodash or AR
I dont think we willl target desolation more than the other server, as long as you bring fights and good open field combat everyone will be happy
Thanks for the update on Deso,that is a body blow. I guess it’s CF who dropped out of CS,one of the best commanders Deso had imho. To all those Commanders who have moved on with their guilds.It was the best of times.All the best.
Don’t really care about the league. Although it should be fun facing some strong guild groups, a lot more exciting than Gold League that’s for sure.
I think it’ll be Desolation though, There Population is insane.. Alot of PvE players will join WvW for the meta achivments and the coverage will be too much. Don’t think AG will do too well, Maybe 3rd-4th our coverage in off peak times is crap.
As Ethier said, I highly doubt AG will be in the top 3 due to very low off peak coverage. Yesterday I was lucky to gather 3 people to defend EB and AG borderland from 3am-5am, while we normally have 10-15 players from 1am-3am and 5am-10am.
Our primetime in the other hand is very strong, probably not as strong as GH’s is now with all their new guilds just pouring in^^
And to the guy who said AG roamers are boring to play against, GH roamers are also very boring to play against, 90% perma invis thiefs is not very fun to play against Some of them are really good though, while others really should re-roll to another class^^
And to the guy who said AG roamers are boring to play against, GH roamers are also very boring to play against, 90% perma invis thiefs is not very fun to play against
Some of them are really good though, while others really should re-roll to another class^^
This was my typical roaming night in our match-up against Aurora Glade:
-D/P thief
-D/P thief
-Perplexity Engi
-Perplexity Engi
-Skullcrack Warrior
-D/P thief
-D/P thief
-Perplexity Mesmer
-D/P thief
Most of GH roamers are P/D thieves, D/D Eles (never seen a single one in AG), Condi Mesmers (with no perplexity), S/D thieves, GS Hybrid Warriors, and we even have some really good rangers and, of course, D/D thieves.
Actually, most of our “good” roamers have dropped using Perplexity because they clearly understood how broken it was. I will surely laugh HARD when the incoming nerf of that rune will get out.
I roam with a D/P myself but only abuse of stealth when I want to delay a zerg. In small scale battles I don’t stay stealthed more than any D/D thief, unless I’m badly outnumbered.
Whereas D/P users in AG are just a bother. I usually “/laugh” at them waiting for them to use their basilisk-backstab on me, then go away as they are still wondering why I am still alive with 50% HP.
However, now that I think about that, I believe I will cary some StealthTraps with me. Maybe it will teach them how to fight in extreme situations.
(edited by hihey.1075)
The last guild GH got was FG and i believe they were on the server when we last fought AG. Actually our queues have been very mild compared to what we had a month or so ago. Although i imagine the league will bring them back.
(edited by fab.3298)
My Co-Leader posted his opinion regarding the Gold League. Had to post it here;
" Hey, don’t be so negative! I expect to see people being stuck in queues for 5 hours in gold tier and then crying of joy while receiving their Golden Dolyak Finisher of Eternal Patience.
I expect new fantastic “State of the WvW: League Edition” which I won’t even listen to:
Ultra Pro WvW Player Host: – Hello everybody and welcome to our new fantastic State of the WvW: League Edition. How are you doing guys? Do you enjoy our majestic WvW?
Blob Follower: I don’t know, I’m in queue for a week now.
Super GvG Master: Doing great, I finished my Dungeon Master Achievement today.
Zerg Roamer (while crying): – I logged on Wayfarer Foothils to kill some Dolyaks with my roaming group of 20.
Ultra Pro WvW Player Host: Sounds great! Let’s hope we can get in today at 3am when queues are only 3 hours long. "
My Co-Leader posted his opinion regarding the Gold League. Had to post it here;
" Hey, don’t be so negative! I expect to see people being stuck in queues for 5 hours in gold tier and then crying of joy while receiving their Golden Dolyak Finisher of Eternal Patience.
I expect new fantastic “State of the WvW: League Edition” which I won’t even listen to:
Ultra Pro WvW Player Host: – Hello everybody and welcome to our new fantastic State of the WvW: League Edition. How are you doing guys? Do you enjoy our majestic WvW?
Blob Follower: I don’t know, I’m in queue for a week now.
Super GvG Master: Doing great, I finished my Dungeon Master Achievement today.
Zerg Roamer (while crying): – I logged on Wayfarer Foothils to kill some Dolyaks with my roaming group of 20.
Ultra Pro WvW Player Host: Sounds great! Let’s hope we can get in today at 3am when queues are only 3 hours long. "
Let’s just get these out there so people are able to properly flame each other for blobbing.
Blobbadon’s Mouth, Blobalation, Blobbers’s Sound, Blobber’s Hold, Fort Blob, Far Shiverblobs, Blobbingworld, Blobbing Lake, ummm Zergingonur, Zergash, Blobdara.
Let’s just get these out there so people are able to properly flame each other for blobbing.
Blobbadon’s Mouth, Blobalation, Blobbers’s Sound, Blobber’s Hold, Fort Blob, Far Shiverblobs, Blobbingworld, Blobbing Lake, ummm Zergingonur, Zergash, Blobdara.
The only one of those nicknames who has been universally acknowledged is Blobaddon. And for a specific reason.
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