Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: playandchill.3908


All that QQ lol.

Iron wanna play blob game.

They get owned.

If you want to GvG with Rg just ask to them.

You ll also get owned tho :/

That’s funny, considering you switched servers from Deso to SFR as soon as they hit T1, never complained about IRON while you were here though… HMMMM

I left that kitten server cuz it was a kittening disaster.

Dont be mad

Not mad at all, glad to lose one of the gloryseekers

Don’t let the door hit you too hard on the way out when RG get bored and move again.

Still mad

[LANI] Multi glad pewpew


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shifty.3412


All that QQ lol.

Iron wanna play blob game.

They get owned.

If you want to GvG with Rg just ask to them.

You ll also get owned tho :/

That’s funny, considering you switched servers from Deso to SFR as soon as they hit T1, never complained about IRON while you were here though… HMMMM

I left that kitten server cuz it was a kittening disaster.

Dont be mad

Not mad at all, glad to lose one of the gloryseekers

Don’t let the door hit you too hard on the way out when RG get bored and move again.

Still mad

I’m glad we had this talk. Now run along little zergling, don’t get left behind!

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: playandchill.3908


All that QQ lol.

Iron wanna play blob game.

They get owned.

If you want to GvG with Rg just ask to them.

You ll also get owned tho :/

That’s funny, considering you switched servers from Deso to SFR as soon as they hit T1, never complained about IRON while you were here though… HMMMM

I left that kitten server cuz it was a kittening disaster.

Dont be mad

Not mad at all, glad to lose one of the gloryseekers

Don’t let the door hit you too hard on the way out when RG get bored and move again.

Still mad

I’m glad we had this talk. Now run along little zergling, don’t get left behind!

Take a chill pill bro

[LANI] Multi glad pewpew


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zaowi.7098


Kaz reformed into BuLL, we dont need glory hunters on our server, Srf is strong now just wait for it to turn into another Blacktide. They cant even beat Vizunah with the influx of people they got, Shocking.

Sanctum Of Rall

(edited by Zaowi.7098)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rayya.2591


lool vizunah, mesmer portals from spawn inside garison for 15 minutes.
Found your trick , you need new one now
looled at naked guys entering portal)

no.1 WvW kills

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Snapple.9251


Mate, you got 38+ IRON and another 12+ pugs on your teamspeak. Plus those that tag along without joining comms. You stood outside the keep with 50+ trying to blobb our 23.
So yes, we called the zone and gave you a taste of your own medicine. Resulting in a clear wipe with equal numbers (was 23 RG + ~15-20 RNV + ~10 BG) and IRON ending the official raid.

As Cyril said, the offer for an equal number GvG is still open.

If you are getting our exact numbers from TS then you are doing it wrong.
I think every server is vastly over-estimating the amount of players.
Just drop the whole ego thing. Enjoy the fights.

[IRON] – SoR
Snappless / Osii

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zaowi.7098


there was more than 20 but not complaining, had great fun. Cheers for the fights & shout out to OPT and MOS for the fights all week.

Whos that sexy char buffing in the first screen shot =D

Sanctum Of Rall

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Genev.2450


Can’t really take Genev’s posts seriously though considering she’s an RG fangirl.

Awww, Shifty, you should know me better than that

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Call for GvG all you want but IRON will fight you when we eventually get a GvG team up be patient.

Yea, you already learned the hard way GvG-ing vs others that you can’t just pick anyone from your guild for that kind of events.


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: sjatzkov braskav.3689

sjatzkov braskav.3689

a few "pugs

Within all of your post , i just wanted to quote this mate.As much as i can see from those 2 screenies linked by Sethanon…It’s really “a few”

You are missing out on the part they say pugs… those are not pugs..
“a few” does not apply “pugs” does not apply. Seen alot of those tags run zergs of 20+ with just their own guildies that makes them hardly pugs right? I don’t mind being wiped but as a normal human being I do have a problem with people that lie to your face while the truth is showed to them.

Anyway loved the fights! RG and “their pugs” gave a good fight compared to yesterday… MOS was getting into the border and lag kicked in.. That sucks but I do respect them for showing up with so many in so little time. Keep that up and this is gonne be a really fun final in t1.

English is not my first language nor is it my second.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sethanon Stormrage.6721

Sethanon Stormrage.6721

I don’t want to ever see RG whine on the forums about blobs anymore. you’re running with 5 guilds and pugs atm kinda hypocritical considering all your QQ’s about that exact thing

We’re only 20 RG in the zone atm. Dunno what you on about.

lol. that post actually made me laugh. rg zerg + rnv + 3 other guilds + pugs in your blob on deso. I know your “glorious leader” tells you all to spread his nonsense crap about how you’re 12 people and everyone else is 200+. but we know what we saw and you can’t deny that you had a huge blob on deso lol. wiped you a few times and made you run back into bay. was fun, I’m not complaining. just saying that your whining about blobs has turned into hypocritical blabbing now since you’re doing it yourselves.

time to give the wife my time now so ’night to everything gw2-related

Mate, you got 38+ IRON and another 12+ pugs on your teamspeak. Plus those that tag along without joining comms. You stood outside the keep with 50+ trying to blobb our 23.
So yes, we called the zone and gave you a taste of your own medicine. Resulting in a clear wipe with equal numbers (was 23 RG + ~15-20 RNV + ~10 BG) and IRON ending the official raid.

As Cyril said, the offer for an equal number GvG is still open.

Also as you can take from Genev’s post, an actual Desolation player, we fought all evening alone and only gathered a few “pugs we didn’t want to send away” to assist us in combat.

there was more than 20 but not complaining, had great fun. Cheers for the fights & shout out to OPT and MOS for the fights all week.

More then 20 players, yes. Not more then 23 RG. You see we can play your game as well.

Not complaining, I enjoyed the fights. I prefer them if I’m honest. I was commanding and it ended because I have work in the morning. Everyone else went to EB, go there if you want to continue the fight.

Call for GvG all you want but IRON will fight you when we eventually get a GvG team up be patient.

However.. how did you possible know our TS numbers? Do i smell a spy? nice tactics there brah.

However.. how did you possible know our TS numbers? Do i smell a spy? nice tactics there brah.As for our numbers, how do you know how many are AFK, are lookouts in keeps, are in EB, or have logged off already but not left TS, how many are in PVE, how many are in the Queue. We don’t run like a military unit, we don’t do events and are not as strict as you. Its an open TS and we let our community join us, but now it looks like you are spying on us

BUT.. we take it as a compliment that you guys are so bitter at the fact that we wiped the floor with you last night over and over…

BUT.. we take it as a compliment that you guys are so bitter at the fact that we wiped the floor with you last night over and over…Talk all the bullkitten you need to on the forums to keep the propaganda up.. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

The Iron Triangle

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sethanon Stormrage.6721

Sethanon Stormrage.6721

for some reason it is doubling my post cant fix it

The Iron Triangle

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Kaz reformed into BuLL, we dont need glory hunters on our server, Srf is strong now just wait for it to turn into another Blacktide. They cant even beat Vizunah with the influx of people they got, Shocking.

no.1 WvW kills

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shifty.3412


Kaz reformed into BuLL, we dont need glory hunters on our server, Srf is strong now just wait for it to turn into another Blacktide. They cant even beat Vizunah with the influx of people they got, Shocking.



Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shifty.3412


People in tier 1 take this casual gametype way to serious.

No u.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atoss.1056


maybe in game they try to play normally but on forums they act like crazy

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Empyre.2531



At least one of your members (not sure about all, since the “we’re only 30”-statement from yesterday) can count and that’s where the info is coming from. Spin it around so it suits you best. Everything to keep you motivated to play the game.

(Funny enough 30 is the exact value at which allied culling is meant to start. So I actually believe you. “What I can’t see doesn’t exist”)


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Snapple.9251


The arguing here about guilds forming up big zergs, having multiple groups per border, morning capping, lagg. Most if not all of those issues would be fixed by going to a lower tier, but it seems pride is so strong that people at all cost must be in tier 1 despite all the disadvantages. Then afterwards complain about them on the forums, makes sense I guess.

Only thing to read here is servers and guilds bashing each other in order to keep up their own ego.

I think a lot of people, including me, enjoy all the drama and trash talk that comes with higher-tier match-ups.
It is mostly nonsense talk.. but it is fun to read
Server/Guild pride is a big part of what keeps people playing WvW. Even through all the current performance issues the game has.

The issues you speak of would not be “fixed” by going to a lower tier. The reason these guilds fight in the high tiers is because they are the best, most dedicated guilds in WvW. They should be fighting each other because otherwise, there would be no competition for them.

[IRON] – SoR
Snappless / Osii

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Offski.4897


Have to agree with Snappless. For all the moaning about numbers, getting wiped, who has this or who has that, I have really enjoyed this week. There are some awesome guilds out there and the fights have been great whether we win or lose.

The sheer number and quality of these types of fights has been refreshing, so would like to thank all of the Sfr guilds for that. Lets hope both servers can stay in t1 so these fights may continue.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Raniri.6178


Thnx to siN, RIOT, Vcy, RG and Option for the epic fights @ VS Garrison all the day .

[ECL] Seafarers Rest | 137 K Kills | Rank 470

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: salluks.6017


Even though we are losing quite badly,
This week has been a blast and lots of fights with SFR and VS, this is much much better than fighting Elona and VS,

about IRON and the big blob, people should understand that we are not an elitist guild like some others there, our TS is open to all, we encourage all the pugs to run with us, we don’t turn anybody away from us, of course at times its very difficult for us to go against organised guilds with more than 50% of pugs in the group(and half of them are not on TS), but i think at the end of it all, its how much fun u have in WvW.

We are a new guild, just started with gw2 and might also be one of the bigger guilds in EU. as our only intent was to play wvw with like minded people without any requirements other than TS . hence we never paid much interest to GvG, now that we’ve done few rounds, we think its a good opportunity for us to grow as a guild and hence decided to put up a team, its sad to see RG constantly whining about IRON rather than encouraging such guilds to do WvW.

its also sad to see so many IRON trolling in this threads, all the good work we do goes down the drain because of few people here.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sacrx.6721


TO THE WIRE WE GO VIZ. Russian holiday!. In mother Russia viz gets morning capped.

Red Guard – Ultimate Dominator World First 25/6/13
if carlsberg played Guardian.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Yaro.3251


Oh brother…
You guys have too much free time on your hands to play two games, one of which is forum war

Anyway, since no one seem to have mentioned it, I’d like to thank The Rise guild of Seafarer’s Rest for being tough opponent in actually GH’s first formal GvG this Wednesday.

And of course thanks RG for continuous suspense

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]

(edited by Yaro.3251)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


It was a week funny

Sorry for my english google translate

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: warboss.1362


congratulations on this week victory SFR. you deserve it.
that match was actually lost on our side when we tought a 15k lead was enough to start slacking on tuesday night and morning. that excess of confidence costs us the match.
some will say it’s because of login server downtime or russian holliday any other excuses. that is not the case. excess of confidence and arrogance from vizu it is.
cheers for this night SFR crew that was some nice “SFR spirit”

congratulations to the 3 servers for a good match and see you next week.

(edited by warboss.1362)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: salluks.6017


ah its russian holday, no wonder, ZD’s running with full guild at this time.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tygra.4570


TO THE WIRE WE GO VIZ. Russian holiday!. In mother Russia viz gets morning capped.

I thought you were playing the fights, not the points ?

Congrats SFR, afternoon-capping was a really good answer to morning-capping.
We’ll be here next week, lets hope you can keep the distance !

Cheers from Vizu

The French Flair [FF]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fanfaron.6109


ah its russian holday, no wonder, ZD’s running with full guild at this time.

we re running with 1/3 guild roster right now
others already present their gifts and congratz to their women

[ZDs] Fanfaron, fieldcommander

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Luffy.9365


i am all fired up

[VcY]Velocity – Snowfang/Luffy D Portgas/Bagif

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: geoprimal.7182


i dont know why all that hate…. enjoy wvw with frencies… those easy to kill solo thieves are dropping exotics :-P

and warboss… +1000 from me mate! great attitude :-) was really a good week fightwise!

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Toubzsky.6087


So it seems that nightcapping/morningcapping is not a probleme anymore for sfr now that they win because of it.

Oh and you can also thanks your lapdogs Desolation.

(edited by Toubzsky.6087)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: geoprimal.7182


toubzsky what what you understand? ofc it is a problem… and a silly way to do pve in wvw… but its the only way to counter your heroic battles against doors :-D

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hrist.8972


Week is not over yet… Stay vigilant.

Hrist Unriht – [Hovi] Unseelie Court – Seafarer’s Rest EU

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Teel.9036


So it seems that nightcapping/morningcapping is not a probleme anymore for sfr now that they win because of it.

Oh and you can also thanks your lapdogs Desolation.

Kinda fun that you start complaining that SFR people go up early just one day in the entire matchup, when it’s Viz who do it every other day of the week. Hypocrisy!

Teelie l VoTF

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Toubzsky.6087


No need to defend your friend from sfr guy, i dont give a kitten about this, but seeing the great SFR crying about nightcapping/morningcapping and winning because of it, it’s a little ironic dont you think ?

Destroyed in prime time and winning because of doors, i wonder what happened to SFR.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: geoprimal.7182


if enemies never rise a lvl… then we have to drop some to fight them in the same one :-) its called tactic! yours its just called “throwing mud” toubzsky relax its just a game :-) learn to enjoy it without spamming too much :-)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Teel.9036


No need to defend your friend from sfr guy, i dont give a kitten about this, but seeing the great SFR crying about nightcapping/morningcapping and winning because of it, it’s a little ironic dont you think ?

Destroyed in prime time and winning because of doors, i wonder what happened to SFR.

SFR destroyed in primetime? I think you’re confusing SFR with Vizunah. How’s this for you:

On average SFR had around 300 each night for the last 4-5 days at 21:00 (GMT+1). Vizunah’s tick is on average for those days at that time 180-200.

Kind of hard to refute that Viz is morning-cappers if you watch this as well:

Teelie l VoTF

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: TheWizard.3719


No need to defend your friend from sfr guy, i dont give a kitten about this, but seeing the great SFR crying about nightcapping/morningcapping and winning because of it, it’s a little ironic dont you think ?

Destroyed in prime time and winning because of doors, i wonder what happened to SFR.

Bitter to taste your own medicine isn’t it ?

Seafarer’s Rest [EXT] Exterminatus
Comatose Vigil (Ran) – Lysergamid (War)
Nunbarshegunu (Mes) – Abstract Genesis (Nec)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Luffy.9365


Who is destroyed in prime time and winning because of doors? We didnt win cause of nightcapping , we win because we counter…….just one day of this week , your night/morning capping zerg.

[VcY]Velocity – Snowfang/Luffy D Portgas/Bagif

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Toubzsky.6087


No need to defend your friend from sfr guy, i dont give a kitten about this, but seeing the great SFR crying about nightcapping/morningcapping and winning because of it, it’s a little ironic dont you think ?

Destroyed in prime time and winning because of doors, i wonder what happened to SFR.

SFR destroyed in primetime? I think you’re confusing SFR with Vizunah. How’s this for you:

On average SFR had around 300 each night for the last 4-5 days at 21:00 (GMT+1). Vizunah’s tick is on average for those days at that time 180-200.

Kind of hard to refute that Viz is morning-cappers if you watch this as well:

Prime Time begin at 21h for the french you know so when the prime time begin SFR have 300 points + T3 forts and 2 hour later still in prime time they have 130points.
Strongest Prime Time EU they said :’).


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jude.5408


They cant even beat Vizunah with the influx of people they got, Shocking.

True history… oh wait

Jude Eduj – Warrior | Jude Nep – Mesmer

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: geoprimal.7182


and you get your facts from 1 time? hmmmm… i cant even comment that :-P

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: REAL.7483


We can´t beat Vizunah with the influx of people we got.. wait WHAAAAT !?
Even with tactical mistakes all week we did it, i am surprised myself ROFL! Was fun tho.

PS: VOTF Y U DO THAT TO MY HILLS YESTERDAY! Was it because i said u didn´t use Golems when you left ? kitten i apologize! Well played

Dolyaks in Disguise [DD] ~ Seafarer’s Rest Server

(edited by REAL.7483)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Luffy.9365


Cmon m8s stop answering to “creme de brule” toubzkys(w/e)……….he cant even do a proper Troll reply.
Lets continue the fighting spirit the last day of this great week.
GF to all

[VcY]Velocity – Snowfang/Luffy D Portgas/Bagif

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


No need to defend your friend from sfr guy, i dont give a kitten about this, but seeing the great SFR crying about nightcapping/morningcapping and winning because of it, it’s a little ironic dont you think ?

Destroyed in prime time and winning because of doors, i wonder what happened to SFR.

SFR destroyed in primetime? I think you’re confusing SFR with Vizunah. How’s this for you:

On average SFR had around 300 each night for the last 4-5 days at 21:00 (GMT+1). Vizunah’s tick is on average for those days at that time 180-200.

Kind of hard to refute that Viz is morning-cappers if you watch this as well:

Prime Time begin at 21h for the french you know so when the prime time begin SFR have 300 points + T3 forts and 2 hour later still in prime time they have 130points.
Strongest Prime Time EU they said :’).

Very impressive

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Stop being baited by trolls.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hebril Amolebin.9817

Hebril Amolebin.9817

Ah you have fun VZ ? night crew in friday? we 5k ahead and swing your 15k lead from thursday to 5k our lead!
Awesome job to all our guys Zds, Rg, Sin, Vcy ect. Honestly you guys with your chest beating make us only came stronger after you. Last night I had 15 bulgarians on the maps in 2-3 am at a work day !
Have fun french we are here to stay. And thanks for the lood a lot of rare and exotics and I saw Dawn falling to a friend yesterday.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Teel.9036


PS: VOTF Y U DO THAT TO MY HILLS YESTERDAY! Was it because i said u didn´t use Golems when you left ? kitten i apologize! Well played

The 10 golems still didn’t manage to break the inner tho, gonna use more golems next time!

Such an awesome fight in the lords room as well

Teelie l VoTF

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vynt.5218


It’s funny that when we counter Vizunah’s tactic, they start crying to us about nightcapping/morningcapping. Yes, I do know that we have a night crew nowadays and had an impressive morning crew THIS morning. But are you vizunah forum warriors really this blind? Your server has almost the same amount of players (if not even more) online at night/morning like we did today.
The fight turned into a fair one because of equal numbers. No reason to whine about nightcrew anymore.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: defrule.7236


The only thing awaiting SFR is burn out. I know a few who have already said they’re tired from playing so much more just to keep up, they can’t and don’t want to stay up and wake earlier, day in day out.