Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU
Nice straw man, bonus points for trying.
Gonna go a bit slow-motion mode, so that you CPC guys can understand:
‘You want to proof your balls? stop stick each other.’
Please do not put all the CPC members in the same bag, Charmide is strange.
But well, he is totally right, so read what he said. Twice.And learn to fear our 7-man army !
I thought you run with 10?
Atleast last time we killed you./Salute
Numbers are dropping every week, there is a huge crisis of duck-flu over here :’(
This patch is totally epic. Love the culling enjoyed taking down 80+ viz with 20 of us. We was kinda light tonight after no que issues so alot logged till tomorrow. kitten looking forward to it. Anet pulled it off very impressed now for the skill lag that still shows up at times.
One thing is clear now guilds who will have some balls. Since you do not need commander anymore to run as guild.
Ofc 20 theses screens pro lier? Yesterday you were the blob 80 vs the amazing blob pug : 22
And this morning again , sfr moove as 70+ on his homemap , as always ,you can’t do nothing when you are not more than 40.
You want to proof your balls? stop stick each other.
didn’t you know that guild only runs with one guardian and 5 necromancers with pets thats why it often looks like more when you take screenshots? >.<
SFR losing lowlands keep in eb was the biggest satisfication
. Good fighting tonight! lets keep the zerg fest coming :P
6) You are so happy with VZ victories, they took our T3 keep not Deso, transfer to them.
Agreed 100%.
And having that great satisfaction because Viz got SFR keep nevermind that you are / were in Deso server, and yet you transferred to SFR server… dat mentality… seriously!Anatolian Turk.4057 is on SFR now?
I never transferred from server, me and my Portuguese Guild are in SFR from day 1 until now.That is what it says on his signature, " home server Deso, current server SFR."
Sad isn’t it?Mabye he is just checking things out becus of the free transfer…. dont know his reason but alot are doing this unfortunately…… he cant stay away too long becus he said he will be bk.
That is quite alright. Nothing wrong with that. Only he transferred to a server he hates, bashes, and dislikes. Problem is here, imho. Of course, if he is an another Deso 007, now that makes sense.
(edited by rebelnomad.4502)
Nice straw man, bonus points for trying.
Gonna go a bit slow-motion mode, so that you CPC guys can understand:
‘You want to proof your balls? stop stick each other.’
Please do not put all the CPC members in the same bag, Charmide is strange.
But well, he is totally right, so read what he said. Twice.And learn to fear our 7-man army !
I thought you run with 10?
Atleast last time we killed you./Salute
Numbers are dropping every week, there is a huge crisis of duck-flu over here :’(
Ahh oke sry to hear that mate……hope your guild will be on your max soon so we can fight some more hehe:)
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Lol Teel you are having fun without me:(
Btw FG will be on tonight for some action…..i have a idea….lets get together as one big zerg(we will call ourself The Blob) and kill everything……..just a idea that came up @ work…tell me if you would like to experiment with it mate
PS: We must do it fast…i have a feeling alot will copy us.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
(edited by Dalure.4691)
SFR losing lowlands keep in eb was the biggest satisfication
. Good fighting tonight! lets keep the zerg fest coming :P
6) You are so happy with VZ victories, they took our T3 keep not Deso, transfer to them.
Agreed 100%.
And having that great satisfaction because Viz got SFR keep nevermind that you are / were in Deso server, and yet you transferred to SFR server… dat mentality… seriously!Anatolian Turk.4057 is on SFR now?
I never transferred from server, me and my Portuguese Guild are in SFR from day 1 until now.That is what it says on his signature, " home server Deso, current server SFR."
Sad isn’t it?Mabye he is just checking things out becus of the free transfer…. dont know his reason but alot are doing this unfortunately…… he cant stay away too long becus he said he will be bk.
That is quite alright. Nothing wrong with that. Only he transferred to a server he hates, bashes, and dislikes. Problem is here, imho. Of course, if he is an another Deso 007, now that makes sense.
Lol i hope not
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Thank you anet for making wvw as it should be . EPIC
and to all vz sfr and deso thank you as well . Its not perfect I know but I feel it`s heading in the right direction
Wish we could ! Even tho it would be hard to compete with wuvwuv guilds like yours, we’re just a bunch of randoms ^^
Yeah there were about 10 RG PuGing in that blob because Sacrx wasn’t even online. Nice to accuse him of being a liar when he wasn’t even there rofl. When he came on about at 11pm we mostly ran solo from there and we will (bar exceptions (big and strong enemy blobs, keeps))continue to do so, he in his post is actually talking about a fight that happened at like 2am GMT +1, whereas ur screenie is reflecting something that happened around 21pm … lol.
80+ VS blob at 2am… Mmh, yeah, right. This is getting loler and loler.
And your math skills are even worse than I thought :o
Wish we could ! Even tho it would be hard to compete with wuvwuv guilds like yours, we’re just a bunch of randoms ^^
It’s oke mate….remember that Viz pugs(randoms) are the best of the best
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Yeah there were about 10 RG PuGing in that blob because Sacrx wasn’t even online. Nice to accuse him of being a liar when he wasn’t even there rofl. When he came on about at 11pm we mostly ran solo from there and we will (bar exceptions (big and strong enemy blobs, keeps))continue to do so, he in his post is actually talking about a fight that happened at like 2am GMT +1, whereas ur screenie is reflecting something that happened around 21pm … lol.
80+ VS blob at 2am… Mmh, yeah, right. This is getting loler and loler.
And your math skills are even worse than I thought :o
Yeah, because it is a well known fact VS plays with huge numbers only in prime-time….
I can’t imagine what was the exact number of SFR v1, when we could see their blob of 70+ PRX &co WITH culling.
I hope everyone will stop to zerg this evening.
Does this: look like 20 players?
Counted with my colored sticks that looks like exactly 15 players + 1 necro with his pets.Really easy to spot actually
(edited by graverr.6473)
80+ VS blob at 2am… Mmh, yeah, right. This is getting loler and loler.
And your math skills are even worse than I thought :o
I cba to count if it is close to 80. But I guess we can agree it’s quite a lot.
And just before that second screenshot.
Just to make it clear. I’m not accusing anyone and I’m not saying SFR doesn’t blob. You can see quite a lot SFR players in my screenshots also.
Proud member of Velocity [VcY]
This patch is totally epic. Love the culling enjoyed taking down 80+ viz with 20 of us. We was kinda light tonight after no que issues so alot logged till tomorrow. kitten looking forward to it. Anet pulled it off very impressed now for the skill lag that still shows up at times.
One thing is clear now guilds who will have some balls. Since you do not need commander anymore to run as guild.
Ofc 20 theses screens pro lier? Yesterday you were the blob 80 vs the amazing blob pug : 22
And this morning again , sfr moove as 70+ on his homemap , as always ,you can’t do nothing when you are not more than 40.
You want to proof your balls? stop stick each other.
I think Sacrx could be refering to this other fight where we kicked you out of bay and you moved map:
Notice the time of the night, famous “20 man” VS night ride. And this is on a resting week, looking forward to see your 20 man night ride on a pushing week.
Obviously when you are playing 6 hours a day of WvW you do mix with other players and guilds at certain moments, to take and defend certain places.
I started late last night in WvW. Was getting my Warrior to 80 and getting his exotics so i got in around 12pm CET.
I heard about the massive blobbing so i tryed to stay with a small group of people. It was atually quite fun being able to see enemy’s. And made facing big blobs easier to wipe.
And because everyone is linking SS of blobs. Enjoy…
Nice straw man, bonus points for trying.
Gonna go a bit slow-motion mode, so that you CPC guys can understand:
‘You want to proof your balls? stop stick each other.’
Please do not put all the CPC members in the same bag, Charmide is strange.
But well, he is totally right, so read what he said. Twice.And learn to fear our 7-man army !
I thought you run with 10?
Atleast last time we killed you./Salute
Numbers are dropping every week, there is a huge crisis of duck-flu over here :’(
Then stop kissing the ducks!
I hope everyone will stop to zerg this evening.
Unlikely – Viz are up to 80-100 in EB already mid afternoon…….
Ain’t no blob like a vizblob.
SFR losing lowlands keep in eb was the biggest satisfication
. Good fighting tonight! lets keep the zerg fest coming :P
6) You are so happy with VZ victories, they took our T3 keep not Deso, transfer to them.
Agreed 100%.
And having that great satisfaction because Viz got SFR keep nevermind that you are / were in Deso server, and yet you transferred to SFR server… dat mentality… seriously!Anatolian Turk.4057 is on SFR now?
I never transferred from server, me and my Portuguese Guild are in SFR from day 1 until now.That is what it says on his signature, " home server Deso, current server SFR."
Sad isn’t it?Mabye he is just checking things out becus of the free transfer…. dont know his reason but alot are doing this unfortunately…… he cant stay away too long becus he said he will be bk.
That is quite alright. Nothing wrong with that. Only he transferred to a server he hates, bashes, and dislikes. Problem is here, imho. Of course, if he is an another Deso 007, now that makes sense.
Lol i hope not
I have good news for you. He is having classes on SFR Academy, he isn’t very happy atm because he want to learn why in the heel Deso can’t have trebs in overlook, but our main teacher Hjerim it’s on vacation.
Well SFR can do anything for a more competitive game.
PS: I hope Anet also can do something.
I heard a rumour that Hjerim is IRL ultramarine. Wonder if it’s true.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Had loads of fun, just enjoy it all! Just being able to go “omfg” look at the numbers.. is worth it in my book.
Reminds me of those 100 (alb) vs 75 (mid) vs 25 (hib) fights on Exalibur server in DAOC. Funny stuff
Ex Boon Control, Red Guard, Black Company, The Blackhand Order
Several pvp and WvW World / Europe various MMO game firsts
Well at least it’s kind of hard to miss skills
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
80+ VS blob at 2am… Mmh, yeah, right. This is getting loler and loler.
And your math skills are even worse than I thought :oI cba to count if it is close to 80. But I guess we can agree it’s quite a lot.
And just before that second screenshot. to make it clear. I’m not accusing anyone and I’m not saying SFR doesn’t blob. You can see quite a lot SFR players in my screenshots also.
Yes, yes.. I’m not saying we don’t either.
That’s how our offpeak is organised (and 2am would be into that).
But 80+ is just..
Wait, did someone tell him culling disappeared?
“80+” is what I would call on /t if I saw that pre-patch.
These free transfers are new level of failure completely. Been queued for 1.5 hours now……
Actually, SFR wasn’t on the list of free transfers
So that’s just people coming back from break to check out the patch!
These free transfers are new level of failure completely. Been queued for 1.5 hours now……
PPl should understand that we dont need more ppl here… will be much better to join and help other servers from t2 or t3 and be more competitive…..Its not fun when we have 2-3 hours Q and be a server like the VZ was(dominating non stop with huge zerg coverage and no competition).
(edited by Luffy.9365)
SFR isnt under the “free transfer” tag. Anet have selected the servers it seems that will get free transfers and SFR isnt one of them.
It’s funny to see that
and read IRON people telling they are not a blobby guild.
The other half part is already inside with some other golems.
Thats a really good screenshot, thanks, ill get it posted on our forums :P.
oh btw, we jsut wiped RG and took SFR with our blob ..
Gtz you wiped 5 RG.
I soloed IRON 10x earlier.
It’s funny to see that
and read IRON people telling they are not a blobby guild.
The other half part is already inside with some other golems.
Thats a really good screenshot, thanks, ill get it posted on our forums :P.
oh btw, we jsut wiped RG and took SFR with our blob ..
Gtz you wiped 5 RG.
I soloed IRON 10x earlier.
Haha u sure it was not just one of you?
Cheer up we know we outnumbered you guys by loads. But all I hear is sfr moaning about blob this blob that, pvd this and pvd that. And its all you do.
All the things Sfr moan about you do, except on a greater scale than anyone else. Getting a bit boring now.
RG running on their own as usual:
(edited by Offski.4897)
We run untagged and permanently telling pugs on /m to stay away and go with the actual pug commanders. You link a screenshot of Crag, which is a spawn tower and therefore everyone and their granny came.
Guys…..just stop those SS wars plz. You do that, we do that etc….. Since this patch, all servers blob for the win….the amount of ppl in WvW is huge from all sides. So if someone sees a blob he will blob to overcome this……either if you walk with your guild alone or you blob since the waypoint …..In the end you will forced to blob to overcome….
Iam speaking since the last patch and not in general.
It’s funny to see that
and read IRON people telling they are not a blobby guild.
The other half part is already inside with some other golems.
Thats a really good screenshot, thanks, ill get it posted on our forums :P.
oh btw, we jsut wiped RG and took SFR with our blob ..
RG has been trying to get their guild into SFR BL for the passed 2 hrs now…so i doubt you wiped their guild.
We have very long queues and allot of PUGS in every BL atm it seems.
Tonight will be very hard for us if this keeps up , because no guild is able to join any BL
Solo guard of the watergate
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]
Pushing Viz all afternoon on EB was fun. Well, it was up until they go back to the “by any means possible” mentality…
rofl, we kick viz and sfr at Redwater (sfr bl) then teamspeak gets ddos attacked
Pushing Viz all afternoon on EB was fun. Well, it was up until they go back to the “by any means possible” mentality…
I don’t usually defend VS but in this case the screenie looks 100% legit.You can perfectly shooot inside the tower and in particular at that spot if you place an arrow cart near the gate.To confirm that this is no the case in the future you should take a screenie with the position of the AC too so people can make clear judgement but as it stands the screenie shows a perfectly 100% legit situation since the ac is not visible and we can only asume is placed exactly near or in front of the gate.
(edited by graverr.6473)
Hjrerim best EB commander EU.
Moorta – Best EB Commander EU
Council of The Inner Sanctum [Coin] | Blackgate
rofl, we kick viz and sfr at Redwater (sfr bl) then teamspeak gets ddos attacked
Most likely that happened because those two servers lost the battle. Then they hacked several hundred clients and did a DoS attack to your server just to earn some time……
rofl, we kick viz and sfr at Redwater (sfr bl) then teamspeak gets ddos attacked
Most likely that happened because those two servers lost the battle. Then they hacked several hundred clients and did a DoS attack to your server just to earn some time……
not the first time it happens and probably not the last one
Is this MoS some PvE guild?
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
ok. so right now alot of guilds from all 3 servers are finding it difficult to get their members into a zone at the required time.
Hang in there! I know that its not pleasant, but in time it will get better.
Now if only the Japanese can get that bio / server hybrid out in the next 5 years …
Ex Boon Control, Red Guard, Black Company, The Blackhand Order
Several pvp and WvW World / Europe various MMO game firsts
Having tons of fun on EB tonight. It’s nice to finally be able to face Viz and SFR with nearly even numbers. Killed nearly all of my siege trying to push objectives and fight at key towers.
Keep up the excellent fights guys. Still learning as a commander to take you guys on zvz!
Council of The Inner Sanctum [Coin] | Blackgate
Ehm… page 3 in the topic list? Come on guys. Bandwagoners? Blobs? Screens? hackers? Night/morning/afternoon cap? Anyone?
I had a 20 min qeue last night. Im really upset. How is it going at SFR with the qeues?
Just checked the scores… +275 for Deso at 10am! Since when did we have a morning crew?
posting screen shots earlier today in sfr bl bay. i see so many!
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015
People are frustrated that freeloaders suddenly started doing WvW and deny access to those that actually contributed to SFR’s success.
But it will calm down soon.
Hello necromancer IRON commander at redwater in SFR, could you please ask your guild to stop /dancing on corpses of lone enemies when they zerg them? It’s kinda disrespectful and has happened a lot in the last weeks. Makes me lose a lot of respect towards you, especially when your zerg wipes my 10 men guild and spams multiple /laugh /dance on us. It’s not like I was kicking your kitten at that supply camp.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)