Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


What the heck is that gif? Is that apes throwing a living animal at a wall?

Its a clip from a documentary. A wild raccoon had repeatedly pestered monkeys in an exhibit at a zoo stealing their food etc. The monkey at this point has had enough and tossed the raccoon and then immediately walks off disregarding the raccoon. A sentiment that closely reflects how I feel towards that user. I can PM the source if you like. I was thinking of using this clip of a french bulldog that was all bark and no bite instead, but my buddies in VLK already did:

The problem with this guy is that he does this every week… He (and his group of 4) contribute nothing of consequence to his server. Then he comes to the forums and talks crap about guilds that rolled his face because his group of 5-8 killed a straggler from a good guild group that was destroying his server. Here is a picture and quote from Jrunyon.3012 of [OHai] on Devonas Rest from the HoD/SF/DR matchup:

Never before have I seen a group of people so mad. 5v1 such brave. very skill.


Stay classy SF

Notice the player that is highlighted at the top is none other than DZ. rollseyes

The problem here is that even after beating SF and doing your chest thumping, HoD (or more specifically MU and VLK) keep comming stalking SF to keep talking crap about them… Maybe if you left SF alone, you wouldn’t “have enough” of the people that YOU are calling out.

EVERYONE knows that SF is no perfect server… They win by overwhelming numbers during the prime time, but they fall when facing a server that have a sizeable force on their enourmous coverage gap… Anyone that deny this is an absolute blind fool.

So we don’t need some Tier1-Tier2 try-hard to come down here on the slums to talk about how we live play. If you can’t handle the forum war, stay out of it.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dreadforce.6980


So for the HOD people who keep talking from what I have seen every match has been a easy win for you so when/if there is a season 2 you guys should be in silver. If that happens how do you think your going to do?

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cymric.7368


SF had more people in week 1 farming the nonsensical achievements. Instead of treating the 7-week season like a marathon, they treated like the other 2-week LS garbage.

So around week 3 we started to see some dropoff, and by the time HoD rolled around the first time a lot of us noticed a much more “soft” showing for reset.

But hey it isn’t the end of the world, I was part of SF when there was nothing to play for (IE: no leagues) when we spawn camped HoD for 7 days straight and made them (by their own admission at the time) quit WvW in protest, awaiting the next week’s match.

I would like to say that HoD has came a long way, but really you just motivated your players to play again and I guess that in itself is a “win”.

This is the reason I have no respect for SF as a server from the impression I fought against them the first 2 times.

When they are winning all their fair weathers come out. http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/history/20

When they are getting beaten, even ET show more fighting spirit than them. http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/history/22

When we were falling down the ranks together with ET, at off peak hours when we own nothing and start trying to take back our stuff, ET will push too and help take pressure off us. But SF? They don’t even try.


The huge zerg that spawn camp us 24/7 1 week ago just mysteriously disappeared.

Props to those SF that are dedicated enough to carry on to fight, but your server just fold too easily when the going get rough.

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: losieight.4807


HoD will hide again, so they can have another easy win :P

Died with Basic [BS]

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

The huge zerg that spawn camp us 24/7 1 week ago just mysteriously disappeared.

Props to those SF that are dedicated enough to carry on to fight, but your server just fold too easily when the going get rough.

Quoted for truth.

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manoa.5897


This is the reason I have no respect for SF as a server from the impression I fought against them the first 2 times.

When they are winning all their fair weathers come out. http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/history/20

When they are getting beaten, even ET show more fighting spirit than them. http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/history/22

When we were falling down the ranks together with ET, at off peak hours when we own nothing and start trying to take back our stuff, ET will push too and help take pressure off us. But SF? They don’t even try.


The huge zerg that spawn camp us 24/7 1 week ago just mysteriously disappeared.

Anyone reaching back to a year ago (when server transfers were still free and everyone and their brother was abandoning lower ranked servers and dogpiling onto the top tier servers) is really trying a little too hard to get their jabs in.

Here’s the real skinny (and it’s no mystery, it was even pointed out in that match-up thread above)…at that time, we had just lost a the majority of our organized WvWers to higher tier servers thanks to free server transfers. We went from having WvW guilds to having almost none and being reduced to random, unorganized PUGs who had next to no communication. As a result, our population/coverage/momentum tanked, our rankings sunk like a rock, and we dropped into the Glicko Ghetto.

The SF in Dec 2012 is not the same server that you’re seeing now. Just as the HoD in Dec 2012 is not the same server we’re seeing now. And just as the ET in 2012 is not the same server we’re seeing now. And DH, and FC, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

(Seriously?? A year ago? During free server transfers? :facepalm: Talk about ancient history!)


Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

(edited by Manoa.5897)

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: skullmount.1758


What the heck is that gif? Is that apes throwing a living animal at a wall?

Its a clip from a documentary. A wild raccoon had repeatedly pestered monkeys in an exhibit at a zoo stealing their food etc. The monkey at this point has had enough and tossed the raccoon and then immediately walks off disregarding the raccoon. A sentiment that closely reflects how I feel towards that user. I can PM the source if you like. I was thinking of using this clip of a french bulldog that was all bark and no bite instead, but my buddies in VLK already did:

I think I like that second video better. Though the apes gif is pretty good too.

Darkhaven server
Please give us a keyring…

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


The problem here is that even after beating SF and doing your chest thumping, HoD (or more specifically MU and VLK) keep comming stalking SF to keep talking crap about them…

Hey this isn’t suppose to be hostile, only reason we’re in here is because before HoD (along with many other VLK) Darkhaven is where we called home.

Also, no one is chest thumping, gloating, or any of that. We know why HoD beat SF and it had nothing to do with having superior anything other than coverage.

Also to my good friend Acium, Love you.

To whoever asked what will happen when HoD makes it into silver league, here’s the correct answer:

Fair weather population will disapear completely, leaving the main WvW guilds on HoD fighting it out. [FKB] [MU] [NDA] [VLK] [TAA] are some examples, not sure why I even typed that out.

Anyways, we will get our kitten handed to us on a nice fat golden platter, lose every week until we drop back down to Bronze league. Unless it’s a NSP/IoJ and maybe even CD week.

Hows that?

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: clint.5681


After all these weeks SF trolled itself into a corner haha! The smack talk was good up until their coverage gap became their go to excuse. AR didn’t lose Garrison for 3 weeks, we played ET twice and never lost it to them. DH even had a hard time taking keeps from us. AR didn’t lose our entire ptt to the Brahzilians, yea we lost eternal but we kept them out of our bl. We have started doing a server “night cap” to help our skeleton crew and made it known to our server when we are weakest. Now we are 600 points ahead of GoM. If they lose to us they will place under FC. It’s called playing for something. AR plays for improvement. Just like DH is playing to beat you. I know it isn’t about ptt but ptt is what makes a community stronger. A nasty little trick Anet did but it is worth it.

There are trolls but trying to recruit our players when we played was just bad form.

GG to DH.

Lol please just stop, AR stays losing, the fact that you didnt lose garri hasnt won you any matches. Im not really sure what your post was supposed to mean to any of us in this match up.

And to those who said we fold when the going gets tough?? We didnt give up at all against HoD. I wish some of you had to deal with 2 weeks of that in a row and then come talk to me about giving up.

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

(edited by clint.5681)

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dreadforce.6980


The problem here is that even after beating SF and doing your chest thumping, HoD (or more specifically MU and VLK) keep comming stalking SF to keep talking crap about them…

Hey this isn’t suppose to be hostile, only reason we’re in here is because before HoD (along with many other VLK) Darkhaven is where we called home.

Also, no one is chest thumping, gloating, or any of that. We know why HoD beat SF and it had nothing to do with having superior anything other than coverage.

Also to my good friend Acium, Love you.

To whoever asked what will happen when HoD makes it into silver league, here’s the correct answer:

Fair weather population will disapear completely, leaving the main WvW guilds on HoD fighting it out. [FKB] [MU] [NDA] [VLK] [TAA] are some examples, not sure why I even typed that out.

Anyways, we will get our kitten handed to us on a nice fat golden platter, lose every week until we drop back down to Bronze league. Unless it’s a NSP/IoJ and maybe even CD week.

Hows that?

I asked the question and at least your honest about it. As for WvW in general it will never be balanced or fair you can only hope for fun. That said fighting HoD or DH during prime time was fun and if SF could get some overnight/morning guilds I think a great match would be SF/HoD/DH.

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


I asked the question and at least your honest about it. As for WvW in general it will never be balanced or fair you can only hope for fun. That said fighting HoD or DH during prime time was fun and if SF could get some overnight/morning guilds I think a great match would be SF/HoD/DH.

Oh hell yeah, only issue is that each of those servers has a pretty hefty fair weather population. Seeing the name “Henge of Denravi” pop up on reset may be enough to cut the population in half.

And on the flip side, all those fair weathers on HoDs side are going “Oh boy! Karma train! More orange bags and keep lords!”

Inflated HoD population + Deflated DH, SF population = Not such a great match up.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Righteous.4307


The problem here is that even after beating SF and doing your chest thumping, HoD (or more specifically MU and VLK) keep comming stalking SF to keep talking crap about them… Maybe if you left SF alone, you wouldn’t “have enough” of the people that YOU are calling out.

There is a difference between chest thumping and defending your guild against statements that are not only false but also derogatory like this, “Good job, MU you are still PPT gazing bads with 2-4 thieves that like to duel.” – King A. Particularly when the statement comes from someone who refuses to backup his words with actions.

Secondly, HoD isn’t stalking SF. We have been following this matchup with interest because it is the matchup that determines second place in our league. This was a matchup everyone in bronze league NA was following. I wont begin to speak for everyone, but it is frustrating for me to see DH work hard and improve as a server between Week 1 and Week 7 only to then see some SF players say that DH is only beating SF because of the following excuses that have already been addressed: “Its black friday”, “It is the holiday break”, “SF doesn’t care about PPT”, “Winning doesn’t matter”, “We had to play HoD”, and the list goes on.

In regards to the current DH/SF matchup perhaps nobody said it better than Manoa:

The SF in Dec 2012 is not the same server that you’re seeing now. Just as the HoD in Dec 2012 is not the same server we’re seeing now. And just as the ET in 2012 is not the same server we’re seeing now. And DH, and FC, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

At the end of the day, SF when we faced you I saw a lot of improvement. You all gave us some really fun fights, and I hope to face you again soon. I gained a lot of respect for most of your server over the coarse of our two week matchup, particularly those who came out week 2 despite losing week 1. However, you have to respect DH for really working hard and preparing for this matchup. DH lost to you all Week 1 with a significant point deficit. Week 7 DH came out swinging and showed that they had earned second place in Bronze league. Throwing out excuses as to why your server is currently losing rather than identifying weaknesses and working to improve them is probably why DH is beating SF this week.

That said fighting HoD or DH during prime time was fun and if SF could get some overnight/morning guilds I think a great match would be SF/HoD/DH.

ArenaNet has yet to say what the matchups will be this Friday at the conclusion of WvW Season 1. Personally, I hope that they take the servers and place them exactly in the way they placed that season (1-9) within the league for the first week. Which would mean a HoD/DH/SF matchup exactly like you want. After that matchup the ladder could resume. I think the matchup would be a lot of fun and the perfect way to see Season 1 off for everyone.

[MU] Barnabas Hale
HoD Commander

(edited by Righteous.4307)

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: melodey.4652


If anyone still takes King Amadeus seriously they should probably remedy that ASAP. :P

Yak Slappin’ Bunker- roamin n stuffs [PD] [Duck]
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


This thread got ridiculous lol.

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manoa.5897


In regards to the current DH/SF matchup perhaps nobody said it better than Manoa:

The SF in Dec 2012 is not the same server that you’re seeing now. Just as the HoD in Dec 2012 is not the same server we’re seeing now. And just as the ET in 2012 is not the same server we’re seeing now. And DH, and FC, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

At the end of the day, SF when we faced you I saw a lot of improvement. You all gave us some really fun fights, and I hope to face you again soon. I gained a lot of respect for most of your server over the coarse of our two week matchup, particularly those who came out week 2 despite losing week 1. However, you have to respect DH for really working hard and preparing for this matchup. DH lost to you all Week 1 with a significant point deficit. Week 7 DH came out swinging and showed that they had earned second place in Bronze league. Throwing out excuses as to why your server is currently losing rather than identifying weaknesses and working to improve them is probably why DH is beating SF this week.

I think what you’re seeing is a lot of people trying to pinpoint the exact causes for our population/coverage drop, and frustration and disappointment is coloring those attempts at rationalizing. Some are legitimate factors. Some may sound a little silly. Not one is the sole reason why we’ve seen a population/coverage drop in the final weeks (there’s never one problem), but each can certainly compound the underlying issue.

Personally, I think much of what we’re seeing right now is the end result of momentum ebbs and flows (see my earlier post). Like many servers in the lower ranks, SF can see swings in population/coverage depending on our momentum. And there’s no denying that 2 weeks straight of HoD impacted our own momentum (again, that’s not a jab at HoD, just talking about the ebbs and flows here).

All servers (especially in the lower ranks) have their momentum patterns. And DH and SF are simply at two different points in the momentum ebb/flow pattern. DH is currently flowing. SF is currently ebbing. Had DH just come off of some tough back-to-back matchups, they could very well have ended up in an ebbing momentum pattern too. And had SF just come off of a number of weeks of solid wins, we may could very well have ended up in a flowing momentum pattern. Nobody should be griefing DH for the good fortune of being in a flowing pattern. And nobody should be griefing SF for having the not-so-good fortune of being in an ebbing pattern. Both servers have shown considerable improvement from the past and should be proud of that progress.

But coulda, shoulda, wouldas. It’s been a good season and we should all be congratulating ourselves on a great first season. Not bickering with one another.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

(edited by Manoa.5897)

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: ptitminou.6489


The problem here is that even after beating SF and doing your chest thumping, HoD (or more specifically MU and VLK) keep comming stalking SF to keep talking crap about them… Maybe if you left SF alone, you wouldn’t “have enough” of the people that YOU are calling out.

There is a difference between chest thumping and defending your guild against statements that are not only false but also derogatory like this, “Good job, MU you are still PPT gazing bads with 2-4 thieves that like to duel.” – King A. Particularly when the statement comes from someone who refuses to backup his words with actions.

Secondly, HoD isn’t stalking SF. We have been following this matchup with interest because it is the matchup that determines second place in our league. This was a matchup everyone in bronze league NA was following. I wont begin to speak for everyone, but it is frustrating for me to see DH work hard and improve as a server between Week 1 and Week 7 only to then see some SF players say that DH is only beating SF because of the following excuses that have already been addressed: “Its black friday”, “It is the holiday break”, “SF doesn’t care about PPT”, “Winning doesn’t matter”, “We had to play HoD”, and the list goes on.

In regards to the current DH/SF matchup perhaps nobody said it better than Manoa:

The SF in Dec 2012 is not the same server that you’re seeing now. Just as the HoD in Dec 2012 is not the same server we’re seeing now. And just as the ET in 2012 is not the same server we’re seeing now. And DH, and FC, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

At the end of the day, SF when we faced you I saw a lot of improvement. You all gave us some really fun fights, and I hope to face you again soon. I gained a lot of respect for most of your server over the coarse of our two week matchup, particularly those who came out week 2 despite losing week 1. However, you have to respect DH for really working hard and preparing for this matchup. DH lost to you all Week 1 with a significant point deficit. Week 7 DH came out swinging and showed that they had earned second place in Bronze league. Throwing out excuses as to why your server is currently losing rather than identifying weaknesses and working to improve them is probably why DH is beating SF this week.

That said fighting HoD or DH during prime time was fun and if SF could get some overnight/morning guilds I think a great match would be SF/HoD/DH.

ArenaNet has yet to say what the matchups will be this Friday at the conclusion of WvW Season 1. Personally, I hope that they take the servers and place them exactly in the way they placed that season (1-9) within the league for the first week. Which would mean a HoD/DH/SF matchup exactly like you want. After that matchup the ladder could resume. I think the matchup would be a lot of fun and the perfect way to see Season 1 off for everyone.

I agree with that matchup. But we all know it will probably be HoD, Yak’s Bend and AR and SF will get DB and DR and DH will be stuck with GoM and ET. Because that’s how their broken system works.

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


The problem here is that even after beating SF and doing your chest thumping, HoD (or more specifically MU and VLK) keep comming stalking SF to keep talking crap about them… Maybe if you left SF alone, you wouldn’t “have enough” of the people that YOU are calling out.

EVERYONE knows that SF is no perfect server… They win by overwhelming numbers during the prime time, but they fall when facing a server that have a sizeable force on their enourmous coverage gap… Anyone that deny this is an absolute blind fool.

So we don’t need some Tier1-Tier2 try-hard to come down here on the slums to talk about how we live play. If you can’t handle the forum war, stay out of it.


[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


If anyone still takes King Amadeus seriously they should probably remedy that ASAP. :P

I always take my brother from another mother seriously…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

This thread got ridiculous lol.

You mean this thread got entertaining.

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


This thread got ridiculous lol.

You mean this thread got entertaining.


Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: CornChips.5392


After all these weeks SF trolled itself into a corner haha! The smack talk was good up until their coverage gap became their go to excuse. AR didn’t lose Garrison for 3 weeks, we played ET twice and never lost it to them. DH even had a hard time taking keeps from us. AR didn’t lose our entire ptt to the Brahzilians, yea we lost eternal but we kept them out of our bl. We have started doing a server “night cap” to help our skeleton crew and made it known to our server when we are weakest. Now we are 600 points ahead of GoM. If they lose to us they will place under FC. It’s called playing for something. AR plays for improvement. Just like DH is playing to beat you. I know it isn’t about ptt but ptt is what makes a community stronger. A nasty little trick Anet did but it is worth it.

There are trolls but trying to recruit our players when we played was just bad form.

GG to DH.

Lol please just stop, AR stays losing, the fact that you didnt lose garri hasnt won you any matches. Im not really sure what your post was supposed to mean to any of us in this match up.

And to those who said we fold when the going gets tough?? We didnt give up at all against HoD. I wish some of you had to deal with 2 weeks of that in a row and then come talk to me about giving up.

2 weeks. hahahaha. 2 weeks. Come back after months of damaging fights against everybody and we can talk.

Come to AR Clint. We can teach you how not to give up after losing once or twice. (Don’t really, we don’t want you, your poor attitude is unwelcome.)

CornChips | Sylvari Guardian |
Dvaita Vedanta | Human Mesmer|
The Fluttering Horde [TFH] | CD

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


to the 3 BRL guys from DH who chased around the map for an hour….why are you so tunnel-visioned o.O

Good job not actually catching me either…you should be doing something more productive, you think?

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: DocHoliday.9218


to the 3 BRL guys from DH who chased around the map for an hour….why are you so tunnel-visioned o.O

Good job not actually catching me either…you should be doing something more productive, you think?

This is not a bragging statement by any means; but 3 guys chasing you for an hour is the least of our worries when it comes to not being productive. After all, they kept you out of the fight for an hour simply by running away, right?

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Devon.9061


I would like to change this thread to: Fight For Second -SF/DH (and ET) with HoD taking over this matchup thread.

But seriously, there is more talk about HoD in this thread than our own o.O

Last Forum Account Left.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: groc.7945


I tried to dance with StAR while they camped DH N BL camp, they killed me instead. I just wanted to officially apologize if my dancing was offensive to you guys.

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


I would like to change this thread to: Fight For Second -SF/DH (and ET) with HoD taking over this matchup thread.

But seriously, there is more talk about HoD in this thread than our own o.O

HoD momma is so fat she need more than one thread…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deaddawg.9418


to the 3 BRL guys from DH who chased around the map for an hour….why are you so tunnel-visioned o.O

Good job not actually catching me either…you should be doing something more productive, you think?

This is not a bragging statement by any means; but 3 guys chasing you for an hour is the least of our worries when it comes to not being productive. After all, they kept you out of the fight for an hour simply by running away, right?

Concur. IF my BL is all green, I don’t mind chasing someone around even with no hopes of catching them. Just the chase keeps that 1 out of the game. But hey, kudos to your escape, hope that serves you well at the end of the week.

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Assassin X.8573

Assassin X.8573


nice try tho

Darkhaven Gold Tiger Assassin X [JPGN][Sold][VII]
Videos on Youtube

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: beyonder.9735


oh btw MU is trash they got wiped plenty of times in our match up from us and even PUG commanders wit PUGS so yea.. i’ll leave it at that lmao.

Mesmer – Geekin The Visage
Necro – Mavaldo Gravemore [StaR]

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


to the 3 BRL guys from DH who chased around the map for an hour….why are you so tunnel-visioned o.O

Good job not actually catching me either…you should be doing something more productive, you think?

This is not a bragging statement by any means; but 3 guys chasing you for an hour is the least of our worries when it comes to not being productive. After all, they kept you out of the fight for an hour simply by running away, right?

What fight lol? This is our morning coverage, we don’t have a group even running right now.

Oh and now it is 5 of the BLR guys ;p (yes they are still doing the same thing)

I guess i should take it as a compliment if you are using that mentality though, 1 of me is worth more than 5 of them in terms of time allocation.

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Adaxia.5406


Its funny how SF are so angry that they are just raging at everyone now. Atleast wait until HoD start stomping your face into the ground before you start trash talking to them, its DH’s turn to do that.

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Reaper.1748


So lemme see, what this Darkhaven stepping their game up is about…. Hmmmm oh I see it, they’ve built more arrowcarts in their keeps, and more field ACs.

In all seriousness it isn’t a step up, its a sad spectacle, there is a reason I’d take another week of HoD over Darkhaven, you wanna know the difference? HoD actually, I dunno… fought, didn’t matter we were losing, they were winning, they fought us. Didn’t try any bullkitten field siege.

I miss having those fights with VLK or MU on any given night, and actually being fought with, not seeing twenty nameplates retreat into a tower.

And while the last thing I expected was those two guilds really even caring much about the match-up, their presence is interested in any regard.

I dunno I just loved how Darkhaven wanted to say they’ve stepped their game up, when I’ve had better fights with ET’s groups than Darkhaven, so step up or step down? And this is in all disregard for PPT, cause in Coverage Wars 2 its a fools game.

[Syn] Syndictive I [PYRO] Pyromancers I Sea of Sorrows

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Adaxia.5406


So lemme see, what this Darkhaven stepping their game up is about…. Hmmmm oh I see it, they’ve built more arrowcarts in their keeps, and more field ACs.

In all seriousness it isn’t a step up, its a sad spectacle, there is a reason I’d take another week of HoD over Darkhaven, you wanna know the difference? HoD actually, I dunno… fought, didn’t matter we were losing, they were winning, they fought us. Didn’t try any bullkitten field siege.

I miss having those fights with VLK or MU on any given night, and actually being fought with, not seeing twenty nameplates retreat into a tower.

And while the last thing I expected was those two guilds really even caring much about the match-up, their presence is interested in any regard.

I dunno I just loved how Darkhaven wanted to say they’ve stepped their game up, when I’ve had better fights with ET’s groups than Darkhaven, so step up or step down? And this is in all disregard for PPT, cause in Coverage Wars 2 its a fools game.

You can say we didn’t step our game up all you want, doesn’t make it true. You are having better fights with ET because you two are fielding a more balanced number of players, its hard to have a good fight when its just us running over you over and over with a 700 ppt.

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Righteous.4307


If anyone still takes King Amadeus seriously they should probably remedy that ASAP. :P

I think you have the right idea…


[MU] Barnabas Hale
HoD Commander

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


So lemme see, what this Darkhaven stepping their game up is about…. Hmmmm oh I see it, they’ve built more arrowcarts in their keeps, and more field ACs.

In all seriousness it isn’t a step up, its a sad spectacle, there is a reason I’d take another week of HoD over Darkhaven, you wanna know the difference? HoD actually, I dunno… fought, didn’t matter we were losing, they were winning, they fought us. Didn’t try any bullkitten field siege.

I miss having those fights with VLK or MU on any given night, and actually being fought with, not seeing twenty nameplates retreat into a tower.

And while the last thing I expected was those two guilds really even caring much about the match-up, their presence is interested in any regard.

I dunno I just loved how Darkhaven wanted to say they’ve stepped their game up, when I’ve had better fights with ET’s groups than Darkhaven, so step up or step down? And this is in all disregard for PPT, cause in Coverage Wars 2 its a fools game.

You can say we didn’t step our game up all you want, doesn’t make it true. You are having better fights with ET because you two are fielding a more balanced number of players, its hard to have a good fight when its just us running over you over and over with a 700 ppt.

Don’t forget the ACs…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

I’ve had better fights with DH than SF. But then I can pretty much say, I’ve had better fights with [insert any other server] than SF.

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Adaxia.5406


So lemme see, what this Darkhaven stepping their game up is about…. Hmmmm oh I see it, they’ve built more arrowcarts in their keeps, and more field ACs.

In all seriousness it isn’t a step up, its a sad spectacle, there is a reason I’d take another week of HoD over Darkhaven, you wanna know the difference? HoD actually, I dunno… fought, didn’t matter we were losing, they were winning, they fought us. Didn’t try any bullkitten field siege.

I miss having those fights with VLK or MU on any given night, and actually being fought with, not seeing twenty nameplates retreat into a tower.

And while the last thing I expected was those two guilds really even caring much about the match-up, their presence is interested in any regard.

I dunno I just loved how Darkhaven wanted to say they’ve stepped their game up, when I’ve had better fights with ET’s groups than Darkhaven, so step up or step down? And this is in all disregard for PPT, cause in Coverage Wars 2 its a fools game.

You can say we didn’t step our game up all you want, doesn’t make it true. You are having better fights with ET because you two are fielding a more balanced number of players, its hard to have a good fight when its just us running over you over and over with a 700 ppt.

Don’t forget the ACs…

I can guarantee that we are using the same amount of ACs as before, along with a sweet guild trebuchet that can hit all 3 inner gates at the valley keep. Stopped that SF assault dead in its tracks >:)

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: ghost.3208


Where the hell am I?

SF vs DH vs ET vs HoD vs GoM vs AR matchup??

Oh no sorry, GoM usually had some funnier gifs. 5 pages of chest-thumping it just keeps getting better.

edit: Ty Jek!! How could I forget that?

Gliradda – The Lil Death – Too Drunk to Aim
Guerreros de la Ultima Alianza [GDUA]
#TeamKiel #TeamPrecipice

(edited by ghost.3208)

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Where the hell am I?

SF vs DH vs ET vs HoD vs GoM matchup??

Oh no sorry, GoM usually had some funnier gifs. 5 pages of chest-thumping it just keeps getting better.

You forgot AR… We had some fights over AR garisson on this matchup aswell.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

The gif providers moved to ioj. Are the GoM threads still rich with gifs?

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Assassin X.8573

Assassin X.8573

all im hearing whine whine whine whine cry cry cry cry tears tears tears tears.

the way leagues work is the one with the highest ppt is the winner. that is all. 60k winning. we are playing to win. that is all. when is the last time anyone has actually seen darkhaven actually defend something pre-season?

Darkhaven Gold Tiger Assassin X [JPGN][Sold][VII]
Videos on Youtube

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manoa.5897


I would like to change this thread to: Fight For Second -SF/DH (and ET) with HoD taking over this matchup thread.

But seriously, there is more talk about HoD in this thread than our own o.O

HoD momma is so fat she need more than one thread…

HoD’s momma is so dumb she thought she was still matched against SF.

For HoD’s momma…

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manoa.5897


Poster claims to understand what the StaR leader types. No one can do that.


Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Arius.7031


So lemme see, what this Darkhaven stepping their game up is about…. Hmmmm oh I see it, they’ve built more arrowcarts in their keeps, and more field ACs.

In all seriousness it isn’t a step up, its a sad spectacle, there is a reason I’d take another week of HoD over Darkhaven, you wanna know the difference? HoD actually, I dunno… fought, didn’t matter we were losing, they were winning, they fought us. Didn’t try any bullkitten field siege.

I miss having those fights with VLK or MU on any given night, and actually being fought with, not seeing twenty nameplates retreat into a tower.

And while the last thing I expected was those two guilds really even caring much about the match-up, their presence is interested in any regard.

I dunno I just loved how Darkhaven wanted to say they’ve stepped their game up, when I’ve had better fights with ET’s groups than Darkhaven, so step up or step down? And this is in all disregard for PPT, cause in Coverage Wars 2 its a fools game.

I don’t think even one person said Dh has gotten much better in a fight, you need to learn to read. We said we’ve improved in organization on a strategic scale (what to take, when to defend, etc…) and we’ve improved in participation. I think the fact that we had EQUAL or LESSER numbers to you on reset night shows that you’re not out of our league. As a reminder, you have never had the lead in this matchup, even on reset night. We know for a fact that you queued 2 maps (as one guy admitted it) and I strongly suspect you also queued Dh BL or close to it.

Keep the trash talking up. We’ll let our victory over you on reset night speak for itself.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Righteous.4307


@Gornok – This thread is going downhill fast. To help illustrate my point, I present you with a fantastic video about visualizing gravity…

[MU] Barnabas Hale
HoD Commander

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gman.3789


So lemme see, what this Darkhaven stepping their game up is about…. Hmmmm oh I see it, they’ve built more arrowcarts in their keeps, and more field ACs.

In all seriousness it isn’t a step up, its a sad spectacle, there is a reason I’d take another week of HoD over Darkhaven, you wanna know the difference? HoD actually, I dunno… fought, didn’t matter we were losing, they were winning, they fought us. Didn’t try any bullkitten field siege.

I miss having those fights with VLK or MU on any given night, and actually being fought with, not seeing twenty nameplates retreat into a tower.

And while the last thing I expected was those two guilds really even caring much about the match-up, their presence is interested in any regard.

I dunno I just loved how Darkhaven wanted to say they’ve stepped their game up, when I’ve had better fights with ET’s groups than Darkhaven, so step up or step down? And this is in all disregard for PPT, cause in Coverage Wars 2 its a fools game.

You can say we didn’t step our game up all you want, doesn’t make it true. You are having better fights with ET because you two are fielding a more balanced number of players, its hard to have a good fight when its just us running over you over and over with a 700 ppt.

Anecdotally, every DH group I’ve faced this week of measurable size has quite literally provided about as much resistance as butter does to a knife.

Also, lol @ Anet spending more time policing the forums than addressing their broken game mecahnics.

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: ghost.3208


@Gornok – This thread is going downhill fast. To help illustrate my point, I present you with a fantastic video about visualizing gravity…

Going downhill? I guess this just proves that you haven’t been in many “Bronze” matchups (and I’m not meaning this league, I’m saying all the previous matchups from the servers on Bronze).

MU needs to step up with those gifs and links, with a few more weeks you guys can provide solid bronze material!!

Gliradda – The Lil Death – Too Drunk to Aim
Guerreros de la Ultima Alianza [GDUA]
#TeamKiel #TeamPrecipice

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: ghost.3208


Now we’re talking!

Gliradda – The Lil Death – Too Drunk to Aim
Guerreros de la Ultima Alianza [GDUA]
#TeamKiel #TeamPrecipice

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Arius.7031


So lemme see, what this Darkhaven stepping their game up is about…. Hmmmm oh I see it, they’ve built more arrowcarts in their keeps, and more field ACs.

In all seriousness it isn’t a step up, its a sad spectacle, there is a reason I’d take another week of HoD over Darkhaven, you wanna know the difference? HoD actually, I dunno… fought, didn’t matter we were losing, they were winning, they fought us. Didn’t try any bullkitten field siege.

I miss having those fights with VLK or MU on any given night, and actually being fought with, not seeing twenty nameplates retreat into a tower.

And while the last thing I expected was those two guilds really even caring much about the match-up, their presence is interested in any regard.

I dunno I just loved how Darkhaven wanted to say they’ve stepped their game up, when I’ve had better fights with ET’s groups than Darkhaven, so step up or step down? And this is in all disregard for PPT, cause in Coverage Wars 2 its a fools game.

You can say we didn’t step our game up all you want, doesn’t make it true. You are having better fights with ET because you two are fielding a more balanced number of players, its hard to have a good fight when its just us running over you over and over with a 700 ppt.

Anecdotally, every DH group I’ve faced this week of measurable size has quite literally provided about as much resistance as butter does to a knife.

Also, lol @ Anet spending more time policing the forums than addressing their broken game mecahnics.

If you were beating us on reset night in battles, why did we beat you on reset night? Sorry, your anecdotes may suggest one thing but kind of hard to argue against results, such as us consistently dominated EB (which you’re probably queuing, thereby making our numbers even).

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mark Katzbach

Mark Katzbach

Content Marketing Manager

Since you guys can’t interact in a civil manner in this thread, it is now locked.