why did you select norn?

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Aramanth.1546


It’s based around my giantess, Aramanth Aegis. It’s part of her back story. I know no one really cares about it, but long story short she’s suppose to be the tallest human in the world, and is just under the impression she’s a giant/norn.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

because i like the way the their weapons, hair and body clips through their armor

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Ageia.5843


I picked Norn for my ranger because the whole frozen north theme just seemed like fun. I would disagree about the other races being ugly and stupid though I think they are fun and unique. Even the Charr which I really dislike, are unique and fun in their own way. That said, I picked the Norn for my ranger because I thought it kinda fit. Northern frost, hunting, trapping, fighting. Nature at its harshest. Since I created her, I’m finding it hard to not make every character I create a Norn.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Dark Revan.7634

Dark Revan.7634

Having all of the races I personally think the norns are a lot of fun, be it the male norn with his extra long arms and goofy feet or the beautiful female norns however I think they have the worse voice actors.
The male norns voice are nothing like what I imagined they would be, he kinda sounds like a noble or something like that and the female voice has no emotion and the deep voice seems forced. Despite that I still play them as I find them fun.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: jonas.7692


Because I was born and raised in Iceland and never really got the whole attraction to what I’d call Anglo-Saxon “glory seeking”. I am not a role player but personal responsibility and quiet heroism (with lots of boasting afterwards) is kind of how “my people” are at home.

There’s some decent butchering of Norse lore and minds in the Norn story and world, but it’s still closer to what reality is for me than a bunch of prancy princes and princesses uttering “I am RICH, you know” as a way of introducing themselves.

Look at it this way: I doubt a game based on South African lore would be as successful in America. Not because people hate the lore but because it’s easier to identify with a game and suspend some disbelief while creating immersion if the foundations are familiar. Norse is more familiar to me.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Zandatsudo.1067


Norn are just amazing, all my characters right now are Norn(Warrior, Ranger, Guardian and Engineer). Their lands are the most tough and unforgiving(apart from the dragon-cursed lands in Orr), and yet beautifull and outstanding. I always liked nordic regions, the trees, the white of the land, the tall gigantic moutains, and the idea of barbarians and vikings is just brilliant in my mind. The only thing I more or less dislike is that they look way cooler in all artworks, their armors and looks have a way more tough style. In-game I dare say they are not that cool and some even have childish-asian faces. But yet you can make a real cool one if you add the right skin-color, tattoos, face features and hair style.
I would only want for Arena Net to add more serious man faces, not so rude and old but young with scars and closed lips with focused eyes. More “younger” body types, with the skinnier style but tougher legs and more perfected muscles(the skinnier one looks way too shaggy). My engineer is a hell of a brute for the contrast of his class, with the tallest height and the heaviest build with bald head and brown braids about his chin and face. But my warrior’s style is supposed to be a younger one, yet serious and determined, but the younger faces seem very “smiling”. Tattoos are amazing by the way, specially for female Norn, men should have one like that of Eir’s but more masculine(covering the face with those stripes along with the chest and arm). It’s a shame they don’t have many hairstyles too, atleast really cool ones not the asian-like ones that the humans use with skatter themed fringes. Hair falling wildly in their faces with braids scattered across the sides and back, that would be awesome.
Apart from all that, their voice is great, their architecture pretty awesome too(specially those hobbit-looking houses and the tents, Hoelbrak itself seems way too stunning in some ways), their shamanistic ways and the constant boasting and drinking is awesome for Norns!

And yes, they seem to thank for each day of their lives, every day they live seems like a day to cheer and drink! A day to keep their legend growing.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Dseaver.8740


I once upon a time had this great idea about Skyrim as an MMORPG.
The dream came true when I created a norn character in GW2.
Now I can die happy.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Streyiken.7239


The reason I play Norns is because a lot of their culture is influenced by Norse mythology which is a subject area that I love.

That and nomadic/borderline-barbaric cultures are fun. That’s why I loved the Luxons. I hope they return.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Voltic.6912


female norn because their legs go on forever

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: FiachSidhe.3654


I chose Norn for my guardian, because I wanted an elegant/graceful Valkyrie-type. Influenced partially by the character Lenneth, from Valkyrie Profile.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Celestina.2894


1. Seems the most fitting for a Guardian, best female figure + muscle option

2. The female human using a GS just makes me want to tear my ears apart.

3. When I first heard norn would be playable in GW2, I kitten near cried in joy.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: zero.5248


Because they live for drinking and adventure. A race true to my own heart

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: wetbeard.7496


Norn’s the only one with a fat model. Also human facial hair is pathetic. Are they supposed to be white asians?

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Ramethzero.3785


I actually rolled my first toon and norn and was very much unhappy with it. I liked Norns in the EotN, and the norn I see now are nothing like that at all. They seem so far gone from the ones I remembered that I can’t even deal with it in their dialogue. When I rolled my ranger, I was blown away by the beginning intro. Later, as i progressed through the game.. I felt like the cover story was a lie. I never once could connect the two. At least with my Charr, you get a sense of how far they have come and how little you really wanna mess with the Legions. The Norn however, seem like they were all churned out of the Slab RockBeef cloning labs, and if you listen close enough to can hear the same voices in your head selling Bowflex machines at your local mall.

I deleted all of mine but one. He is short, portly, bald, and doesn’t give two kittens about being legendary.

For the Toast!
Tarnished Coast Server

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I’m not really a fan of the Norn culture and history (seriously, we’re not all gluttonous, glory-seeking boozehounds… :P), but I do enjoy running around as a giant woman looking down at all these human, sylvari and asura scampering around her feet.

And putting arrows through the knees of unsuspecting bandits.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Ebonlas.6758


I chose Norn because, it my opinion, they have the best (Not just prettiest- they’re just amazing) females of any race (See female Norn voice ), with an awesome cultural identity and surrounding maps (Icy mountains with lodges everywhere? Amazing).

I also like their “judging individuals individually” mentality, and how beautiful Hoelbrak is.

“All the truth in the world is held in stories.”

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: LupusAlatus.6421


Wolves are my favorite animal. So Norn with the wolf transformation and Ranger with a wolf pet was just a dream come true.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Melchior.2135


Three reasons:

1.) I wanted one character of every class, and didn’t want any Race/Gender repeats. If my Human Male Elementalist had the same voice as my Human Male Thief, it would bug the crap out of me, so my Thief became a Male Norn. My Ranger was already a Female Norn. I don’t have a Male Asura or Female Charr, but have ideas stored up if additional classes are ever added.

2.) The shapeshifting Elites got me on concept, even if they’re not that great in play. I was a big World of Darkness tabletop roleplayer, so making various were-critters was a big draw.

3.) Norn Ladies. Holy crap!

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

(edited by Melchior.2135)

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Bard.7215


Because norn women are more attractive than humans.

Because everyone likes a tough, life loving nordic race.

Because shapeshifting.

Because I couldn’t think of a better engineer other than Charr.

Sort of like building a sandcastle

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Red Jay.2516

Red Jay.2516

Because they are norn.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Zafer.9106


I started playing the game like a week ago or something and made my character a male-Norn. I think it’s the first time in my life that (at playing a game which offers several races and classes) I feel sooo interested with the toon. I also liked the fact that these guys, while huge don’t really fit into the bodybuilder type. Still I appreciate the differences with the more… let’s say “bishounen” human types, lol. The background story for the race is also very interesting and the way the game developes it makes it very approachable (this saying by somebody who didn’t play the first game/s).

I cannot say the other races are less cool-looking or something, for certain people they might be and thank god for it. But aesthetically and lore-wise I’m sooo loving playing as my Norn!

PS: Eir is awesome. Period.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Sahel.6480


Because norn women are more attractive than humans.

Because everyone likes a tough, life loving nordic race.

Because shapeshifting.

Because I couldn’t think of a better engineer other than Charr.


and because of Eir, and her Armor…

Raelynn Tylneine – Norn Ranger of Dragonlegacy (SFR)

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Ulviden.3187


Huge fan of Nordic culture and the Norse mythos.

Playing a Nord in Skyrim to me was the perfect gaming experience ever!

WoW Wrath of the Lich King introduced the Nordic themed Vrykul and continent, Northrend. I always wanted to play a vrykul! Fast foward to cata and they give us werewolves and goblins. I thought maybe if i kept posting on the forums to give us playable vrykul it may happen…

Then…. Pandas happened….

Guild Wars 2 has given me something that WoW couldn’t…

GW2 killed WoW for me, and I thank it for doing so!

Valbarde – (Norn Necromancer) -
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Ulviden.3187)

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: kelvor aron.9768

kelvor aron.9768

I started with a Sylvari and i wanted a change so i made a norn and did not look back, I got my norn to lev 80 before my sylvari and still my most used character to date.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Mimir.4690


For a large variety of reasons… I love the lore behind them, I’ve recently fallen in love with Norse mythology, and I love the snow!

Like another user had said, I too wish that the female voice wasn’t so deep. Other than that, she’s perfect.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Ansatsushaa.6103


I chose my Norn because I wanted the facial and hairstyles to choose from, I set her on the shortest setting possible and a rather slim/medium build to match my own in rl. I like to make toons that look like me. (besides that nasty deep voice all norn females have, I mean come on!) After I played her for awhile I just got into the mindset that I’m not tall you’re just short. I look back to my human ele who was my first toon. She looks like a stick compared to my norn ranger who looks more realistic and I love her. I was against the thickness of the norns since the beginning. I’m glad not all norn women are thick like with broad shoulders etc. They do appear to be the most realistic of any race.


(edited by Ansatsushaa.6103)

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Blob.2863


The real question is why DIDN’T you make a Norn? Norn are awsome, they live in the moment always striving for greater feets of legendary accomplishments so that others will sing they of legend even long after they have left the land of the living.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Psychomaniack.1953


Hairy, beards, tattoos and north.

I lot like me in real life. I’ve always loved snowy moutains and everything that goes with cold. In 2-3 months, it’s going to be freezing where I live and it’s going to be awesome to be on top of a snowy moutain looking at a frozen lake.

I’m a hairy, bearded and tattooed guy. So…. I guess Norns to fit with me.

But, to be honest, I really did not like the look of Norns male at the beginning. I did not like the way they looked, too big, too cartoonish.

But I made the “slim” Norn male, with a great beard, cool tattoos (the one with 2 hands tattoo on the torso) and now… I love him.

Ohhhh… and there is some Native American influence in them too. And…. I’m a history teacher. My favorite subject? Native American cultures. Living in the province of Quebec, having some native blood in me, it was normal for me to love the history behind Norns.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: EmoxiHaX.1726


it’s fairly obvious


why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Salt.6794


I had originally made a few asuran characters to try them out. Then a few charr. Then I half-heartedly made a norn (just to see how they were) and I was pretty interested, but once I saw the cultural armors I was sold.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Sorin.6713


Awesome culture, awesome home city, awesome cultural armor, plus you get to be a giant. What’s not to love?

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Ferum Flamebender.5910

Ferum Flamebender.5910

Free, proud, independent, wise an reasonable. All of those things are what Norn are.

People say: Norn are just big humans. About that: HUMANS ARE EVERYWHERE.

Aetra Ironbender, Rated E for Engineer- [WoT] Warlocks of Tyria- Far Shiverpeaks

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Balthazerg.5307


I like how Norns live

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: bpphantom.8243


I have one of every race. No duplicate classes yet. My Norn was first simply because my buddy rolled a Norn Ranger and we didn’t know how easy it would have been to meet up after the tutorials.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Then leave the rest to Batman.”

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


It’s not often you get to play a race of giants. the fact that they aren’t a boring and generic giant is also bonus.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Pure Heart.1456

Pure Heart.1456

Epic female abdominal, thigh, backside muscles… muscles all round really. My dream girls, really.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Because I couldn’t be an ogre. Not the goofy demon/vampire/pig Ogre’s Anets got but really big fat ugly Ogres.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Robert Andrews.7168

Robert Andrews.7168

Their attitude mostly. It’s not about HOW you did something, only that you DID do it. That appeals to me. Combine that with the cold of their native lands (I’m a freak, I love snow and winter,) their large size (not just muscular, but large,) and some of the most epic beards available in a video game short of a Dwarf’s, and they are quite appealing to me.

Plus, I also find their whole Animal Spirit worship to be quite interesting.

Oh for the love of little green tomatoes…

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: ThatDudeJon.2597


Living in the cold mountains, drinking brew, all muscle, beards, why not? we’re the bosses in GW 2 >=)

Member of [Death Corps]

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Excursion.9752


Long story short I was out playing my human thief and teamed up with a Norn Guardian and thought the way the armor looked on the giant frame looked pretty awesome so I rerolled Norn Guardian Myself!

Cant deny how cool the armor looks on them….


| 80 (Guardian) Rusty Tooth | 80 (Warrior) Razer Tooth | 80 (Ranger) Eir Stegallkin |
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Ridgeblader.7135


I chose Norn for my Guardian as it seemed appropriate. Massive tower of muscle wielding a hammer at the forefront of the fray, turning into a bear in the heat of battle.

Hell yeah.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


Because there aren’t enough Norn Shamans running around (Norn elementalist here).

And yeah, all kinds of armor just looks awesome on them. Plus their culture and background seems most interesting to me.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: reikken.4961


After killing a few dozen sons of svanir, I realized that norn males have the best getting hurt/dying sounds of any race, so I made a norn (ele) for my next character. best character-creation decision I ever made (I have 9 characters)

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Hellmood.2097


The females look much better than humans. Seriously, human females are so kitten ugly.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


I’ve tried to play other races but cannot get into any of them. Norn are just epic.

Thinking of making the largest Norn Thief I can make just because I can.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: faustus.8493


I made my male norn mesmer (you read that right) because I saw that on my server that Asura and humans were the most popular. I also liked how the Mesmer profession tactics are completely at odds with the Norn views of honor. Also armor that looks good for Mesmers (frilly and colorful) look very good on my norn.

“Why yes, I am that kind of Mesmer.”
~Aric Landvick
~Level 80 Norn Mesmer

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: MMOJumper.8504


I went with Norn on my Warrior and Necromancer for their intimidating field presence.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: xman.4576


two words : Giant Vikings


why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


Don’t often get the choice to play as a giant. I love it.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: KolyFrog.5970


two words : Giant Vikings

Two words: Huge Boobs

it’s fairly obvious


Chiksilog lvl 80 Human Engineer – Emma Mann lvl 80 Norn Necromancer
[KAIN] Centurion
“I play female characters, so what?”