About the name "Canach" ...
CAbbage + spiNACH = Canach
He is a walking salad bar.
but so is every sylvari and f.ex. Cadeyrn doesn’t seem like a combination of two vegetables names for me :-D
not saying you’re not right but I like my theory, that they just wanted to do a tribute to my (unknown, unimportant) guild much better hahaha :-D
It means “duck”, right? Like the bird.
EDIT: Never mind, that was “canas”. Shame.
Nameless Inversion/Ascension/Evasion/Ruination/Impression/Perdition/Compassion/Tactician
Guild Wars 2 will be an amazing game when it’s finished. Compare Prophecies to EotN!
CAbbage + spiNACH = Canach
He is a walking salad bar.
For the record, we call him “Garnish”.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
It means “duck”, right? Like the bird.
EDIT: Never mind, that was “canas”. Shame.
or you mean the french “canard”
but quite frankly, I don’t think the name of our village has any particular meaning at all … or it has been lost in time. The village is very old … founded somewhere in the pre-roman times, it was occupied by the celts, then by the romans who made a military base out of the village .. then you had the plague, then the French invaded etc. etc. etc.
Hey Sicho, I might call you neighbor then, well almost, there is the Saarland between us (citizen of Palatinate here).
Regarding the name, to me Canach always sounded gaelic, which would fit to the Sylvari since most of their names are old irish/scottish as far as I know.
According to this site: http://www.englishirishdictionary.com/dictionary?language=irish&toLanguage=english&word=c%C3%A1nach Canach means tax or taxation. Not sure if that was intended by Anet or if it’s just coincidence.
Well, how DO you pronounce Canach? I can think of over 10 ways to pronounce it and I am pretty sure the one I use is false. =P Is it really the Cabbage+Spinach version? How is your hometown pronounced, that should be the cannon.
Well, how DO you pronounce Canach? I can think of over 10 ways to pronounce it and I am pretty sure the one I use is false. =P Is it really the Cabbage+Spinach version? How is your hometown pronounced, that should be the cannon.
well no, you do no pronounce the “nach” like in “spinach”
it’s pronounced like in the german word “danach” which means “after”
just go to Google Translate, type “nach” in, set the language to German and click on the speaker icon to hear the pronounciation.
the “Ca” is pronounced like in cabbage.
I’m german so that explanation was very helpful. Thank you so much for clearing that up for me =3 I’ll take your version as cannon.
(can english natives pronounce that particular ch-sound? It’s phonetically quite far)
(can english natives pronounce that particular ch-sound? It’s phonetically quite far)
I don’t think so. They pronounce “spinach” like “spinätsch” so …
Hey Sicho, I might call you neighbor then, well almost, there is the Saarland between us (citizen of Palatinate here).
Regarding the name, to me Canach always sounded gaelic, which would fit to the Sylvari since most of their names are old irish/scottish as far as I know.
According to this site: http://www.englishirishdictionary.com/dictionary?language=irish&toLanguage=english&word=c%C3%A1nach Canach means tax or taxation. Not sure if that was intended by Anet or if it’s just coincidence.
you may have a point there … maybe they are naming Sylvari after gaelic words and somehow stumpled over the word “cánach” …
hey, it could even be the origin of my hometown’s name
you should check the tax level in comparison to other towns in that case =P
When I first read it, I thought of "Kanak", which is quite insulting. Considering ANet’s policy of punishing people for almost everything that could be slightly insulting to some indigene at the end of the world because it means something different in their language, that’s not the best choice imo.
Hopefully this isn’t one of those names that everyone says differently….
Like “Aatxe”
Most of the sylvari names are from gaelic names for boys or girls or gaelic plant names. When I searched for a name for my new sylvari I also looked up where Canach could come from. (Cause I’m interested in Canach alot.^^)
I found out that it seems to be a kind of cotton, or the gaelic word for cotton. Don’t know exactly.
I have a list of possible sylvari names for my characters and I can’t tell you how many times I have to cancel one from this list cause Anet used it for an important NPC. *g* I really liked "Cadeyrn" and "Dagonet". But they are sylvari firstborn. So as I’m a role player they are no options anymore.^^
I wait for the day, when there will be an important sylvari in game who has the name of my main-RP-sylvari "Cadfaél". *g* Could happen. Don’t know if this would be a time to laugh or cry. *g*
As for Canach, I like how the name reminds me of the Karnak-temple in egypt. ^^
I found out that it seems to be a kind of cotton, or the gaelic word for cotton. Don’t know exactly.
that is really interesting although I’m pretty sure that there are no cotton fields in my hometown haha ;-)
I found out that it seems to be a kind of cotton, or the gaelic word for cotton. Don’t know exactly.
that is really interesting although I’m pretty sure that there are no cotton fields in my hometown haha ;-)
I don’t think that the name has anything to do with your hometown. It’s just a coincidence.
I found out that it seems to be a kind of cotton, or the gaelic word for cotton. Don’t know exactly.
that is really interesting although I’m pretty sure that there are no cotton fields in my hometown haha ;-)
I don’t think that the name has anything to do with your hometown.
It’s just a coincidence.
sure but I’m also trying to find out where the name of the town comes from
sure but I’m also trying to find out where the name of the town comes from
I wouldn’t look into gaelic if I was you.
Though the name could have some gaulish roots, which is also a celtic language. Besides that, the roots could be latin, french or german. Or a mix of any of the former.
Some additional details would help, for example when the town was founded and by whom.
well the site of the village was already inhabited during the stone age.
occupied first by the Celts, the place then goes to the Romans, making it a military base designed to contain the barbarian inroads on both sides of the Rhine and the Mosel river. A roman road connects the fortress to the city of Trier.
Welcome to the club, my home town has the exact same history. If that applies to the name too, than it’s probably a latin name, that got kittenized over time. My town started as the celtic Noviomagus (which is the most common celtic town name ever), was later conquered by the romans, who allowed the probably germanic Nemetes to sattle there, naming the thing Civitas Nemetum. But apparently that name was to long for the common towns folk, so they called it Spira, because the town was set in a curve of the river Rhine. Eventually Spira evolved into Speyer and there you have today’s name.
so you are only about a 2 hours car drive away from Canach … you should get in the car, drive there and get a picture with the village sign of Canach! You could then use that picture to be the cool guy in your guild! “Look I found Canach’s REAL Lair…”
That is actually a pretty cool idea.
I still live in Canach (therefore I’m a member of LoC since GW1 ) . As soon as the weather gets better, I try to remember to do a picture of the roadsign and get it online.