A Post About Dervish Weapon Aesthetic :)

A Post About Dervish Weapon Aesthetic :)

in Suggestions

Posted by: solanu.3784


Really looking forward to them being released (they are going to be released..right? RIGHT?!).

My suggestion;

I would like to see Dervishes wield staves. However! I do not want to see them stereo-typically wield them to cast spells! I want a combat staff!

I want spinning and slapping and poking with my staff!

For reference; Aion’s Chanter class uses staves in the most enjoyable way than any other MMORPG staff. Ever.

Necromancer 80 – Guardian 80 – Thief 80 – Warrior 80 – Mesmer 33

A Post About Dervish Weapon Aesthetic :)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


Scythe and Axe are the ideal type of weapons for Dervishes.

I made a full suggestion here:

A Post About Dervish Weapon Aesthetic :)

in Suggestions

Posted by: solanu.3784


That is your opinion. My opinion is I would like for them to wield a combat staff.

Necromancer 80 – Guardian 80 – Thief 80 – Warrior 80 – Mesmer 33

A Post About Dervish Weapon Aesthetic :)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


A bo staff style weapon skills set would be fantastic, although I personally never really liked the Dervish.