Note: The files I’ve attached are rather hefty. I have a large monitor and JPEG is an awful file format, so they are large PNGs. If you have a slow connection, you might want to just use your imagination or check these things in-game
Well, it’s pretty obvious the non-cultural armors were developed on a human body and later adapted to fit other races. If that isn’t obvious to you, you probably play human, and definitely don’t play charr
I consider this to be somewhere between “major issue” and “pretty big deal”. It’s probably not going to kill the game, it’s not as important as adding more end-game content, but let’s face it, Guild Wars’ “end game” pretty much always has been(and probably always will be) fashion, looking 1337, bling bling, however you want to word it.
Lemme get this out of the way, I’m a sylvari player, I know people from other races face this issue; I’m not forgetting about you, it’s just that I don’t have the non-sylvari characters to show you everything. I’ve seen issues on other races, I just can’t remember the specific armor sets these issues are on.
I’ve been spending a lot of time as a sylvari nec lately(The one in the images), and I’ve noticed more and more armor that is just completely unwearable due to massive clipping, weird distortion, and other issues I could never see coming.
In the images(The hefty ones I mentioned earlier) I included some examples that my charr(which is a new character, hence the lack of charr images) and sylvari nec face. These aren’t all of the problems, and I even forgot to include one of the issues I screenshotted, where the CoF chest piece includes the mesh for the legs, making it completely impossible to mix the chest with other leggings.
You’d think sylvari, being the closest to humans in shape, wouldn’t have the problem, but we do! What’s even worse is that the distortion, stretching, and “weirdness” that sylvari face is nothing compared to what charr players have to put up with.
All of this has left me pretty disappointed, I know Anet could do better, these wouldn’t be hard to fix, and it’s upsetting that it seems like they didn’t even try.
So, Anet, PLEASE fix this, PLEASE FIX IT! You can fix it! You have the power to! No, don’t give me that, I know you can do it! It’s not terribly hard! I know armor is a really delicate thing to fix, you’re worried you might upset some players who are already happy with their armor, but what about those of us who aren’t? What about things that are just downright wrong? I wouldn’t care about buying a few replacement exotics if it meant having armor with 0 clipping and 0 distortion!
PS: I encourage other players to include images of clipping/distortion/armor-related-disappointment in their responses. The images I included are really only scratching the surface.
(edited by Gerroh.3812)