Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pure Heart.1456

Pure Heart.1456

Don’t create humanoid, human-size demi-god bosses. (Unless they’re demi-gods)

It doesn’t make sense having humanoid, human-size bosses that are physically the same size as player characters, that have god-like powers!—unless they are, in fact, demi-gods.
Bandit bosses with a gazillion HP and mega-damage attacks, for example.

It begs the question, “How do I become that powerful?”—We can’t (currently) so that’s lame.

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Many bosses should be a little taller then a Nord at-least.

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Ugh so … if there is a human more powerful than others than is a problem? To begin with the power limitation is a gameplay thing not a lore thing.

One human cant hope to ever beat Logan , yet he is just a town guard not a god.

A simple example is how a lvl 80 is a god to a lvl 2. You can say that one NPC is simple stronger now , but if you could progress forever you would reach him. just like a lvl 2 can get to lvl 80.

It is simple not in the gameplay right now.

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Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pure Heart.1456

Pure Heart.1456

If I’m level 80 Norn/human/Asura whatever, I should be able to hold my own against a level 80 opponent of the same level. If I can’t, then that should mean that the opponent is something like level 90, 100, or 150.

I swear, all the dungeon bosses seem like level 50 demi-gods. It doesn’t make sense. I want to be able to be as powerful as them.

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


They are on drugs.
Player characters are heroes, so they are not on drugs.

Drugs o some kind of evil magic or something like that. It doesn’t matter what you call it.

The thing is, they are doping. You don’t. You can’t. You won’t.

No exceptions!

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: wolfstricker.8241


They are on drugs.
Player characters are heroes, so they are not on drugs.

Drugs o some kind of evil magic or something like that. It doesn’t matter what you call it.

The thing is, they are doping. You don’t. You can’t. You won’t.

anyway if you could get to thier power there will be no boss and then people will complain that the game is to easy

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skie.8246


Eh, people. U didnt understand. What he does mean is not to be able to achieve boss power, but not to create humanoid bosses that are much more powerful than players – it makes no sense. I can understand having big bosses like dragons, elementals, other fantasy creatures but NOT the same race as players, that can kill gamer with one skill.

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


I completely agree that it’s absolutely ridiculous that enemy veterans and champions/bosses are balanced around a gazillion HP and 2-shot skills.

It’s okay if they’re beefed up compared to us, but at least make them have to use defensive skills, healing and whatnot.

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


Many bosses should be a little taller then a Nord at-least.

Seriously? WoW syndrome?

If it’s a human it should be as tall as a human, period.

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Satakal.6971


You should be dead after one slice with a sword but you aren’t, so you could argue that players already are demigods. On the other hand, if you take level scaling into account, your level 80 “demigod” character isn’t any more powerful than a level 1. In fact, as far as the game world is concerned, levels and giant health pools don’t exist, your character isn’t a demigod, and the champion bandit isn’t a demigod, he is just a regular human who is a little stronger than you.

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Many bosses should be a little taller then a Nord at-least.

Seriously? WoW syndrome?

If it’s a human it should be as tall as a human, period.

It about being able it the boss with all the effects on screen.

And I don’t play WoW.

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Some of the Nightmare Court Sylvari inside Twilight Arbor are as tall as Norn, and they can two-shot you.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


I’ve never tested it really, but my Sylvari also can be (at least nearly) as bis as a Norn. Or nearly as small as an Asura. Just need to eat the “Red Cap” mushrooms in the Caledon Forest…
So why should size matter?

Boss demi-gods, can I be one too? No=lame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Im fine with them being that powerful because, at the end of the day, they are still weaker than me.

With the exception of zone bosses, I have yet to find a champion NPC that I could not solo. Them having a massive HP base and able to 2 shot me doesn’t make a difference if they can’t hit me, and in fact just makes our struggle all that much more epic. Normally I’m not a fan of “more HP = harder combat”, but in this case because it does so much damage, it means I have to keep up a solo battle with him for up to 5-10 minutes without making more than 2 mistakes in a 30 second period.

Not exactly console game difficulty, but better than most MMOs I’ve played.