Combat UI improvements
Agreed, having this feature as optional would really make my time playing guild wars 2 much more fun.
I know you can do it arenanet
Please add these features.
I’d like to see this option for controls. GW2’s combat feels great, but it is a bit annoying to have to keep managing the RMB when all I need is movement.
I highly approve of this addition and frankly think the mod should be usable as is. It so greatly improves combat that I’m not sure why it isnt baseline from the start.
This. Is. Epic! Please add this into the game..or atleast allow certain mods to be used. I still don’t understand why we can’t use mods, it makes playing a bit more fun and interesting. In any case, I approve of this 100%. Should definitely be added into the game.
This is the way i pretty much fight (but with macros) I have one key set to lock the camera and by pressing it again releases the camera. I think this is the only macro i set my nostromo to perform
Add my vote. This just makes the gameplay feel so much more alive.
I would love to see this too, I have some additions that I would like as well that might have been suggested already, I haven’t read through all the posts. I would like to see mouse 1 and 2 become skill 1 and 2 and have shortcuts for example you hold down E and mouse 1 and 2 becomes 3 and 4 and so on.
This is how the game should have shipped. Think GW2 is popular now, imagine if this was implemented.
I second this feature, I’m personally like to free up my right and left mouse buttons I have a Razor mouse with 2 extra buttons on it. So I could really use all my combat abilities on my right had and save my number keys for the utility abilities.. Please add this feature it would make playing much more effective!
Why isn’t this an option in the game
Another voice to this list. I’m not sure that I’d like it, but that doesn’t mean that’s a reason for it to not be there. It looks interesting and I’d definitely try it out. Again. and again. and again.
Holding the right mouse to turn is still my number one pet peeve in GW2.
I’d definitely love to have this kind of control scheme implemented.
By the way, just gonna say: using the script in the demo video makes playing a grenade engineer so much smoother.
At first I was thinking “Ugh, what type of dps meter is this guy going to show us?” Then I watched the video and now I feel like begging Arena-Net to give this to us so I can actually play the more ground targeted weapons. Also it would solve many problems I face in combat while reducing the chances I’ll get carpal tunnel dramatically.
I would really love to have this implemented.
I have a question about the targeting though. Does the targeting lock onto a mob that the crosshair is on automatically and then lose target when you move it away? Can you set it up so you put the crosshair on it and then press a key to target it and then make it keep the target regardless?
(edited by arcaneclarity.5283)
I used to have terrible hand and wrist pain before I stopped consuming gluten, so I know how bad it is. Sometimes I couldn’t play gw1 because I couldn’t move my fingers or my hand.
So it would be nice to have this option.
Even if you take hand/wrist pain out of the equation, gw2 game play would be a good fit for this kind of mouse-camera movement. You’re always kiting like crazy, twisting the camera to circle-strafe, and so on and so on. You always have a finger on the right mouse button! So it sounds silly not to have this option.
For those who day “but how are you going to look around corners, if moving the mouse makes you turn?”
For that, you can use the left-mouse button. Your character will keep moving in the same direction, without turning, and you’ll be able to see around corners or behind you.
It’s funny, it’s like Anet was working on this but then stopped half way.
This needs to be implemented as an option. You have so many people already fleeing TERA like a sinking ship to come to Guild Wars 2, this would be such a great thing to entice them even more so to come over.
En Masse had one thing they did great with TERA, and that was the combat.
The action style combat system they had was a refreshing change from tab targeting, and should be at minimum an option, if not the standard, of every MMO henceforth.
I gave this mod a short trial, and I liked it, except it severely lowered my FPS while enabled. I suspect (I haven’t looked through their scripts) that it’s constantly redrawing the targeting reticle overlay. Also, it may be sending a lot of mouse-clicks to keep the object under the cursor selected. I can only imagine what that would do to the server load if a large number of people were using this mod. I don’t plan to use it, because of the FPS problem I mentioned, and because these third party mods can mess up the game for others.
I do think GW2 could benefit greatly from making a “Action Combat Mode” setting for the UI that is functionally similar to what this mod does.
As it is, the combat UI in GW2 seems to be a “good effort”, but I don’t think it really works as it is; it’s trying to be both a tab-select interface, and a more action-based combat interface at the same time, and not doing either very well at all. Of the MMO’s I’ve played, I’d put the controls responsiveness (when I use a control, it actually fires), intuitiveness (the control seems a natural keyboard or mouse metaphor for the action it governs), and predictability (the control accomplishes what I intended for it to do) second to the bottom, above only “Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising” (a game I loved concept-wise, but which was a disaster in its combat UI.)
The most serious failing, to me, of the base GW2 UI is selecting targets seems … well, random sometimes. I have a key bound to select nearest enemy, and when I use that key, almost anything will be selected, including nothing at all. It’s very annoying to have an unselected target right in front of me, hit my select nearest target key, and have another target, much further away and even off my screen get selected. I’m not sure if it’s dependent on the previous targeting state, my character’s action state, simply bugged, or what, but it drives me crazy. With a modified combat UI functionally along the lines of the mod here, I would never have that problem.
I’d like to be an option with witch you can change between how gw2 is now and crosshair mode especially for aoe spells and for movement spells such as warrior charges because if you are trying to run away from some1 as a warrior by using charge and not deselecting your target then you will actually wind up back to your attacker:(
So I’d rather have a modifier key then when pressed makes all your abilities hit/cast at crosshair position regardless of selected targets
While it is theoretically slightly less powerful, it is so much more convenient.
From a PvP standpoint, I think it’ll allow for more accurate placement of ground targeting spells on the fly, as well as more efficient movement. It also looks insanely fun! I was watching some Tera PvP combat which has a very similar design to this and it looked great. I really hope we see this as a built-in option in a future patch (sooner rather than later, please!).
If this doesn’t make it in, I’ll make it out.
Any response from ANet maybe? Are there plans to improve the combat behaviour / ui? I mean, having a UI that gives you the “most-perfect way of control” is a must-have for a competitive game like GW2 wants to be.
I have carpal tunnel in my right wrist, and it’s aggravated by holding down the right mouse button all the time. So I have to throw in my vote for something like this as well (combat mode/mouselook toggle).
This looks very interesting.
Btw, are mods like this allowed or are they against the rules? I know other MMOs have things like “add-ons”, is that what this is?
Keep this thread hot and active till a Anet member reads it. I am all for this mod.
It’s useful, adds to the game, and makes combat more fun. I don’t see why this shouldn’t be a feature.
I’d also love to see something like this implemented. It’d be so much better experience with this.
I have been crying for something like this since BWE1. Honestly, I don’t think ArenaNet understands. They don’t want to “dirty up” screenshots with a crosshair. Thew great irony here is part of their philosphy in creating GW2 was to have fluid combat. Yet they won’t even acknowledge a simple UI improvment that would make combat much more fluid and user friendly than it currently is.
Judging from the video it looks as though tab targeting was also fixed. It seems to operate in a line in front of the character rather than a 360 degree circle around the character. This makes picking the intended target as simple as looking at it and clicking a button. A more surgical method of targeting if you will. Again, this is something many of us have voiced our opion on since BWE1.
I would urge everyone that understands what this actually does to stay vocal. This is such a simple fix and would make combat so much more fluid and enjoyable.
I would urge everyone that understands what this actually does to stay vocal. This is such a simple fix and would make combat so much more fluid and enjoyable.
The download was only 119kb in size. It honestly could not be that hard to put in with a quick patch and shows how simple of an implementation that could be. The question now is if ArenaNet actually wants this kind of action movement. We should, and we need to, keep vocal about this idea. My hand (and mouse) will both thank the developers we get this passed.
Simple mod, very small, HUGE difference. It’s a must. I’m sharing it everywhere I go. Hopefully ANet catches wind.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
I actually live 10minutes from Bellevue in Seattle where they are located. I would gladly walk in there with the idea and information needed myself being in the game industry. That is however not possible for a walk in policy.
I actually live 10minutes from Bellevue in Seattle where they are located. I would gladly walk in there with the idea and information needed myself being in the game industry. That is however not possible for a walk in policy.
Can you do it anyways? Guild Wars 2 is already breaking my Mouse button 2.
This looks very interesting.
Btw, are mods like this allowed or are they against the rules? I know other MMOs have things like “add-ons”, is that what this is?
Keep in mind that the difference between this and a mod for something like WoW (addons) are very different. Addons in WoW pull game information from the scripting layer that Blizzard provides (like Recount displaying group DPS) whereas this combat mode script is basically just a relatively fancy right click toggle macro.
The combat mode script doesn’t actually interact with the game in any way (i.e., it’s not reading any data out of memory or accessing it via script), and relies solely on regular keypresses (ignoring the crosshair it draws on top of everything).
So having this be allowed is a whole different thing than allowing general addons, most of which would involve pulling actual game information out and displaying it, while this is basically just a fancy keybind script.
I think it’s important that people realize this is not a mod/addon in the traditional sense at all.
Very nice addon…Please implement this as an option Anet!
+1 I currently hold RMB down the entire time just so i can look around and run. This would save my hand some pain and make combat feel much better
Send Gold to: Chrispytoast
Yeah, this mod literally doesn’t touch the game files at all, doesn’t modify anything. It just modifies the game controls by using autohotkey. I’m pretty sure you could set up the exact same thing using any programmable mouse… INCLUDING the official Guild Wars 2 mouse.
The only thing it does extra beyond that is automatic toggling off when you press M, I etc, any key that would require the cursor to be used (a very nice feature) and adding in the crosshairs so you can target more easily.
Official response from a forum moderator (I don’t think it’s a dev).
So keep at it let ANet know how much you want it.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
Official response from a forum moderator (I don’t think it’s a dev).
we-get-banned-using-it/first#post124165So keep at it
let ANet know how much you want it.
The link is broken, what did it say?
@Vorch, that’s the thread that prompted this thread :P We already knew that.
@manwhat, yeah exactly. I think it’s an important distinction to make because people are commonly conflating this and WoW-like addons. The problem with that is that ANet has good reason not to want to do WoW-like addons that give out tons of game information in script, whereas this is really just fancy keybinding magic to make it so we don’t have to hold down the dang RMB all the time (plus a crosshair, and the disabling stuff).
And all of that stuff is easily doable with any programmable mouse as you say, so it’s not like this is on the same level as third-party tool designed to automate gameplay or give special advantage to us through malicious means (speedhacking etc.), or even WoW-like addon stuff.
(edited by ChairGraveyard.2967)
what were they thinking not including this in the game from the get go?! this is exactly how I want to play the game!
I would love to have the choice to have mouse movement be camera control with a center targeting reticle so I would not need to hold RMB most of the time and be able to map skills to LMB and RMB.
I support this idea. I prefer GW2 moving towards the path of hack’n’slash because of its small skill set. This implementation would make GW2 feel more fluid.
(edited by Aedus.5973)
Wow this is fantastic, why was this not in the release?
This looks great, but honestly just an accurate aiming reticule that can be toggled on so that we actually know where our projectiles are going would more then satisfy me.
They made it so that projectiles can be shot in different direction, but there’s no reliable way to actually aim them. Something like this suggestion (or just the reticule even) would be a great addition.
I would love something like this. ANet really needs to do this. One thing a few other games got right was this free targeting idea with a targeting reticule and the mouse movement moving the camera. It really makes combat feel more fluid and puts you in control. Would be that last little thing GW2’s combat needs.
Just saw the Reddit on this and it’s almost exactly what I’ve been wanting. An alternate control set for people who don’t like holding down RMB all day. I especially like the cursor in the middle, I think it would help out a lot for fast-casting AoE.
Definite +1 from me.
+1 from me as well. Not only would this be great for players with accessibility issues it would add a lot to the gameplay. Would love to see better use of RMB and the addition of an intelligent reticle.
That really does look amazing, I for one would love being able to turn my character with just the mouse and QWES, I keybind A and D. Please look at adding ANet.