Combat UI improvements

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: JediSange.1645


This absolutely needs to be an option in the game. For players who want an truly action-based combat system, this would go a long ways. Considering the coding is largely done for you, there is really no excuse to keeping this out of the hands of your players.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thunderbolt.3542


I would love to see this added to the actual game. It’s a masterpiece as it is.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akaterina.4276


+1000 as a primarily grenade and elixir throwing eng this would take a significant part of the burden of GTAoE away!.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enigma.3950


I wish a Anet Dev would read this thread and reply ._.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ikavan.2876


I want this in the game!

Main: Ikavan (Human Theif)
Server: Ehmry Bay
Guild: Raiders of the Four Lakes [ROFL]

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lewzephyr.5281


another +1 on this… It looks schmoove.

Putting the laughter back into Slaughter!!!!!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrTeMK.3125


The mod is toggled by pressing Tab by default, and you can remap the button to any key you want. It’s freely toggle-able, especially if you fiddle with the script to make the transition between ‘combat mode’ and ‘unmodded mode’ seamless.

My sister has severe arthritis in her wrists but wants to play this game. Come on Arenanet, is she really going to be breaking the rules if I recommend this mod to her in order to reduce permanent deterioration of her joints?

+1 Sounds really evolved for a mod!
Really hope that they implement this in the game Or let people download it and use it!

(for Andazeus.1928, ty for explaining. I mostly playing Water (dagger/dagger) Ele. and the water ring moves through both targets and its nice to have focus on some target behind and hitting the mobs/players in front of the target also ^^)

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispytoast.3698


I just asked my friend who worked at AN to pass this suggestion on to people who work there and so we will see where that goes

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Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zergs.9715



Logged in just to support this idea. Took me half an hour total in game time to figure out this option is missing from game. Even while rummaging through Options, for the first time, I half-expected to find it there and available.

Please, AN, make this happen!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: JediSange.1645


I would really like a dev to comment on this. There is absolutely no reason why this wasn’t in the game at launch.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esorono.1039


Bringing this up so the thread doesn’t die, this is too good of an idea to let die.

Playable Tengu please!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Art.9367


Has anyone tried it out in-game yet? I’m curious to see people’s reactions to how it plays and feels (mostly in a PvP environment).

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esorono.1039


Has anyone tried it out in-game yet? I’m curious to see people’s reactions to how it plays and feels (mostly in a PvP environment).

Even if they did, no sane person would admit it since it is against the rules to use a mod.

Playable Tengu please!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mistgun.1706


It would be real cool to play with something like this. It would also make playing with an xbox controller a lot easier seeing as you don’t have to press 3 buttons at once to target someone.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: SwineFluShmu.3528


So…it really seems that one of the most popular threads for one of the most desired features/mod allowances merits SOME sort of response, no?

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


So…it really seems that one of the most popular threads for one of the most desired features/mod allowances merits SOME sort of response, no?

Unfortunately ANet have not responded even one time to requests for a mouselook toggle so we don’t have to constantly hold down the stupid RMB, even though there have been dozens of threads ever since BWE1.

It’s arguably a much more desired feature than a lot of the other things that have already gone in the game, but instead of adding it or telling us why they haven’t, we get told we’ll get banned if we alter our hotkeys (by using the combat mode script) to prevent us having to hold down the RMB.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Art.9367


Has anyone tried it out in-game yet? I’m curious to see people’s reactions to how it plays and feels (mostly in a PvP environment).

Even if they did, no sane person would admit it since it is against the rules to use a mod.

Oh yeah, that’s right…

I’m sad.

EDIT: WAIT JUST ONE MINUTE! Aren’t all these people who are using console controller programs/mods (or whatever they use to allow for their integration into the game) technically doing it against the terms of use, then? I saw a ton of guides and videos on it, and it seems quite accepted publicly.

(edited by Art.9367)

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fry.6184


Has anyone tried it out in-game yet? I’m curious to see people’s reactions to how it plays and feels (mostly in a PvP environment).

The control feels more like TERA or Vindictus or a third person shooter game. It still uses GW2’s autotargeting, though… so you don’t really need pinpoint accuracy with the reticle.

It’s definitely a lot more comfortable to turn/circle strafe because you don’t have to keep holding your RMB.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Remmi.7329


This feature needs to get in.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


@Art, yeah it’s basically the same exact thing. In fact, I think most of the Xbox controller setups also hold down RMB for you or at least have a toggle for it. The reason people are probably fine with that but think that the combat mode script is “hacking” or “altering” the game is because they don’t really understand how either thing works.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zwergner.6508


I didn’t try this mod when it was available due to the lack of ArenaNet stamp of approval, but I was really really tempted. ArenaNet, please allow it or implement it yourselves.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponyan.3471


This is actually something I kinda envisioned when i first heard of Guild Wars 2 from a friend, and very much something i want to be put into the game.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: SnakeWaffles.4759


Anet. Please, please, please can we have this or something like it? You’ve got something really special in the MMO market with GW2, but leaving out in-depth control customization is a detriment to such a great game.

I know you have a lot on your to-do list, Anet. But you’d really be doing the playerbase a solid by moving this issue into a higher priority in the queue.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slaven.3721


Makes me want to “weave”.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thypari.9043


ANet pleaseeeeeeeee

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sagittar.5792


This is absolutely amazing!!

To be honest, few weeks before the first BWE I tried TERA. Then I played GW2, and I felt the latter would have been what I wanted to play, without no second thought. BUT I someway missed the fixed camera view mode (don’t know how to better call it). devs, please note that we pass most of the time keeping pressed the right mouse button. It’s a nonsense: if that’s a button we have to keep pressed, switch its logic: press to release the pointer!

Maybe a good implementation could be to put this into the settings, so players can choose the mode they are more comfortable with. It could also be something implemented like the CAPS LOCK: press capslock once to have fixed camera view (like in the video in this thread), press again to release the pointer to click the GUI, and so on.

Pleeeeeeease ANet, remember we love you :o)))

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deans.9415


Ha, I made a thread suggesting this exact thing. Guess I should have looked around more first.

I’m definitely of the opinion that Guild Wars 2 + Tera controls = best game ever. Please put this in!

Big A** Monsters from Tera would be a nice addition too

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shroom Mage.9410

Shroom Mage.9410

I was disappointed that they didn’t have something like this at launch.

I just read a mod’s response in another thread asking if using this is allowed. Extremely disappointed (and aggravated) at their blanket response that using this can get you banned.

There is no excuse for the current control method. It is nothing short of disappointing. Not only should this be available in the game, it should be the default setting or even the only setting. The current arrangement leads players to play very badly unless they already know to never let go of right-click.

Implementing this should be a priority for their UI team.

“Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don’t matter
and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkwombat.3695


This is awesome.
I think Guild Wars 2 should implement something like this as an option in the options menu. Call it “Active Combat UI” with a nice checkbox.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mellowz.3728


Just saw the video preview for it and it looks very amazing, that’s exactly the type of combat that will just make it for fun. I definitely want to try that out. Please reconsider Anet.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shell.3584


This will definitely reel in more players and will also improve the game’s combat. You can do a quick google search for TERA vs GW2 and most of the views are that GW2 wins TERA in every aspect except for combat. I have played many ARPGs like Dragon Nest, Vindictus, TERA, GunZ, S4 League and when I tried to do keybindings similar to OP’s script, GW2 actually felt complete and very combat engaging. Just that single small change manage to make the game feel more engaging.

The video shows that this script is able to improve the player’s overall reflex and I think it would make PvP a whole lot more interesting.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Remnance.1682


The modder did all the work for you. Get off your lazykitten and make this game better.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fruppi.7516


Would love this mod, atm it’s very hard to move and keep right mouse button pressed all the time. Please Arenanet implement this. Also remove the right mouse click targetting pls.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cevebed.9842


This needs to be added as a option/alternative way to play. It create an awesome way to play the game with out feeling like ur movement is restricted.

Please add!!!!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: importune.7120


I would love to see this added.

More importantly, I would love to hear the thoughts of the developers and designers on this subject. Is this even a remote possibility? (From the design standpoint, as well, is this something you would consider allowing in the game?)

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Warden.8927


This needs to be an option for people who wants to play like this. Its a simple UI fix/ improvement which generally makes combat a lot more fluid.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarius.6983


Myself, I would like for Arenanet to officially implement something like this. If it has to rely on third party then to be implemented I lean more to their current stance on no mods cause that can and would open it to be exploited..perhaps not this mod but perhaps other and then a whole slew of issues might happen.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esorono.1039


I would love to see this added.

More importantly, I would love to hear the thoughts of the developers and designers on this subject. Is this even a remote possibility? (From the design standpoint, as well, is this something you would consider allowing in the game?)

Someone made a simple mod for it, that takes up almost no space. If a random person with some free time can do it, I’m positive Arena-Net can do it. Will they? We have no idea, it’s unlikely however. Arena-Net did say this and other mods are a bannable offense.

Playable Tengu please!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tereus.2876


I would absolutely love this as an authorized mod or as an option in the GW2 menus, I want the ability to play adequately with my ps3/xbox remote and this is the best way to do that and enjoy the game on a 60 inch hdtv rather than a 24 inch monitor!!!!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkhearts.1923


As long as it can be toggled on and off with a hotkey then it would be awesome to have.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jareth.4813


+1 for this. Think it’s a great idea.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maser.3827


I would love this being implemented! I’m tempted to install the mod right away ^^

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smog.4058


This would be amazing especially for ground targeted heavy builds I might actually play my eng

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Endymion.2369


This is amazing. Anet PLEASE not only allow this… hire the person who made it.

Brirelle – Lvl 80 Human Ranger
How much time does it take to kill a shortbow ranger? 40 milliseconds.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah Jenn.1253

Ronah Jenn.1253

This transforms GW2 in a FPS game which I don’t necessarily oppose if it is an option not a default feature

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zechs.8092


If I +1 this any harder my screen would break.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avelade.4702


This hands down needs to be an option in the game. Anything that could increase the fluidity of combat is a major plus.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Miseris.7498


Awesome looking improvement.
As long as it’s something people can turn on / off, it seems like a win / win to me.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Looks pretty awesome, I’m all for it

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Entombed.4605


This feature if added would bring that excitement and fast paced action feel to guild wars that I feel it is lacking at the moment that would help to propel the game to a new level having this option would not break the game in any way in my opinion because of the fact that the use would have their cursor locked to a position in front of their character. While the people that used this would have to face where they wanted to cast something, people that play without this will be able to cast AOE spells off to the sides and all that as long as its in range giving an advantage above the people that want this to enhance the action feel of the game..