Combat UI improvements

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: NeryK.5301


I also would like to have this control scheme available in the official client.

I wonder what would be the impact on PvP though ? The popular opinion seems to be that using this type of control would be a disadvantage but only thorough field testing could tell for sure.

I like this job. I like it !

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: derekisazombie.2359


I REALLY love this idea. I used to play Tera when it came out and I gotta say that reticle targeting was pretty sick. I understand the use of the wow type targeting that is currently in GW2 (I say wow type because thats what most people get in their head first. you know.)

But giving the option of a reticle, coupled with controller support? YES PLEASE ANET that would DRASTICALLY improve the game to a load of people who hate mmo’s but love console games/just using a controller for action combat.

Yes yes please please show this creator the light and give us his target system!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: pmprcv.3854


I love it. Please, Arenanet, add this option to GW2!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vander.1035



When in combat I am just holding right click. It’s actually does take its toll on my hand after extended fighting.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kinto.9485


Signed! Would be so happy to have this!


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Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nehoes.6403


+1 support. Wow this would help so much with my wrists!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Edmo.7159


I and my friends who loved it (and 2 not bought the game)

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jay.9407


That’s the spirit folks!

Keep this thread hot and active till a Anet member reads it. I am all for this mod.

I read most of all your supportive comments people and love them!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rahaji.8312


Yes! Please add the OP’s suggestions as an option! I’ve been asking for something like this since the game first went into beta!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jay.9407


Your supportive comments people are welcomed and ArenaNet better see this!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Artemau.9503


Absolutely behind this idea. There is no reason for this to not be built-in, in my mind. Fast ground targeting is great, but when you have to hold down right click(like 98% of the game) you find yourself rushing the cursor from who knows where to the right spot as you’re trying to cast. This simplifies that issue, reduces strain and the complete waste of the right click’s potential, and would make combat a lot more fun. Holding right click to change camera angle is just an outdated artifact of point-n-click games circa ‘98. You’re breaking many molds with this game. Why handicap it with that old system?

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispytoast.3698


I have an update from my friend who messaged someone at arenanet, unfortunately not the answer we are looking for

AN: it has been looked at

F: is anything going to be done about it?

AN: probably not soon

Save the orphans of Divinity’s Reach
Send Gold to: Chrispytoast

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esorono.1039


I have an update from my friend who messaged someone at arenanet, unfortunately not the answer we are looking for

AN: it has been looked at

F: is anything going to be done about it?

AN: probably not soon

I hope this suggestion list gets so long that they can’t ignore it and just make it. I’m pretty sure anyone who knows coding can make this mod within an hour.

Playable Tengu please!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Miseris.7498


Where is the red response on this already?
If this just gets ignored, I’m going to be pretty unhappy.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jay.9407


I hope this suggestion list gets so long that they can’t ignore it and just make it. I’m pretty sure anyone who knows coding can make this mod within an hour.

Agreed! so Agreed. I believe if we keep this up for a week or 2 they wont be able to turn their heads.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jay.9407


I believe they can make this mod within a minute lol Jk more like a few days to do it totally right.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispytoast.3698


I do not think it would take to long to implement, or at least allow use of this mod without being banned

Save the orphans of Divinity’s Reach
Send Gold to: Chrispytoast

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Miseris.7498


I do not think it would take to long to implement, or at least allow use of this mod without being banned

In beta people asked for a feature like this, and they gave some response to the effect of (paraphrasing from memeory here, not a real quote) “a crosshair would be an intruisive immersion breaking UI element” or some such nonsense.

I suspect the best we can hope for is if we use the AHK script, they’ll look the other way for awhile.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jay.9407



Conversation with team member of ArenaNet

Hey are you seeing this forum? the whole GW2 Community wants this very soon. thanks for checking it out.

CC Eva:
Hi Jay.
Thanks for bringing this into my attention. I had already a look on it some hours ago and I will forward it to the team in the end of my shift.
Have a nice day!

(edited by Jay.9407)

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Jaguar.9504

Lord Jaguar.9504

Could not support this more. +1

I can’t tell you how many frustrating experiences I’ve had with my Warrior trying to target someone in WvW. Left-clicking a specific target while strafe dodging with the RMB held down is a PAIN. Tab target is obviously of no use in that kind of cluster.

This would allow me to attack an opponent the way I want too without being hampered by the targeting system.

Please and thank you Anet!!!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sabbatum.7263


+1, would be great to have this add to the game

Your weakness makes me laugh!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: ensis.5137


Would really improve the gameplay alot and make it much more fun for a lot of players.
Please implement this kind of “action mode” for GuildWars2!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: abseden.4561


I agree this looks fantastic, but I have to agree with Anet’s stance on 3rd party.
If they allow this script, through some kind of review or testing, then they would have to spend considerable amount of time to review and test every new update as well.
But the biggest concern would definitely be this; if they allow this script, then they’d have pressure to allow other scripts as well, then the floodgates would be open and there would be major disparities between “scripters” and “vanilla” players. They definitely want and need to keep control of such things.

I never did play WoW but I heard of the huge amount of mods available. Imagine complex scripts in GW2, ex: a mod that aims trebuchet shots for you in sPvP, DPS meters or a mod that tracks which utility an ennemy player has used in PvP.

Anyway, they could just easily implement such a thing in the options menu or make a bind available in the controls, I do support this idea.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skelly.1896


For the love of god please do this! I posted here many times during the beta along with others and it was blatantly ignored. As far as I’m concerned we got false advertisement as far as the combat goes. Either make an Action MMO or don’t. Don’t try to go halfway on it. As it stands the combat right now is WoW with dodge..big deal.

This will improve every aspect of the game for those of us that prefer this style of combat and control. For those who like WoW style they can stick with the way it is now. Make all these toggles in the options menu. Everyone wins!

(edited by Skelly.1896)

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryld.1340


Really want to see this mod in game. Looks really nice.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pachuri.2014


signing this so it happens

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: NZ Scyther.8675

NZ Scyther.8675

Want this so bad. Please implement it or at least allow us to use this script. I find my self always holding right-click (and will continue to do so with this script on) because my extra mouse buttons are a bit stiff and I can control the mouse much easier while applying pressure where the right mouse click is but this creates a big problem. I can’t see where my ground target abilities are going to cast. With this script I always know the position of the mouse cursor when it’s hidden due to right-click and as a bonus feature you don’t lose track of the mouse in the heat of battle.

Sekta [DiE] Sea of Sorrows

(edited by NZ Scyther.8675)

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jay.9407


Want this so bad. Please implement it or at least allow us to use this script.

+1 and totally agreed!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: pregnable.1954


This is everything we have been begging for since the first BWE!

Make this happen!


Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: GuilguiS.2738


This is so awsome!!!!
You have to implement this, it can’t be that hard.


Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aragmor.5786


OK so AN should add this. If they do that I will go back to my Thief, cause targeting with him was so hard.
btw. Watched movie again. This is awsome!!! I want it now!

Proud member of Fan Blog Team

(edited by Aragmor.5786)

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wyrdthane.6801


+1 (times a billion)

I want this so badly.. Im always holding down the mouse button to accomplish this anyways, and my kitten hand gets sore as a result. This should have been an option from Launch.

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


Hey combat mode/mouselook toggle lovers!

Did anyone else see this thread:

The guidelines mentioned for the Xbox 360 controller AHK script (essentially, no macros that fire multiple skills at once) fit with what combat mode does perfectly, especially since it doesn’t actually do any skill actions at all, and the left/right mouse button remapping is also one-to-one.

Aside from moving the mouse cursor to the center and drawing the crosshair, everything in Combat Mode is a one-to-one mapping just like Mark mentions as being okay.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jay.9407


Hey guys any ideas on that will do for now that wont get us banned? like binding the keys to a controller?

that sounds like a good temporary idea to me, I have asked some friends to see if the can help me with this.

also any new updates about the mod?

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: wharone.1809


My god, this looks amazing, I would LOVE to see this, since I always like to use smart casting, but when I’m constantly holding down the right mouse button, I kinda have to guess where I’m aiming! Though I can see changing all the keybindings like in the vid to be useful, I’d be happy enough with all the current controls, but with an option to have the whole “targetting” thing while running.

Please look into this Arenanet, please!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nadegiri.1952


I really really want this in game. If not with a mod just a strait up option in game.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeffiro.1298


+1 ANet


This is the only resource that TERA’s good!!

Engaging in Tyria

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eskali.1380


+1 Constantly holding RMB down cramps my hand, this would be perfect.

Don’t take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tywnnvlad.9405


Would love to love this


Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: FlipzXOmar.3928


Signed. Enough said.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ravengyre.1246


As some one who has trouble right clicking/holding, this mod would help tons. +1 from me!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bucketoffail.7154


This would be incredible. I would love to see it in game.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kanikama.9284


I hate looking around with the RMB. +1 from me!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyranniss.4167


+1000 from me
Add this to the game Anet and you would make most if not all of your player happy happy campers…

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: AsteriskCGY.5931


Arguably the animation lock in TERA is also working as intended. It’s in a way on how Monster Hunter and Dark Souls force you to commit to your moves beforehand.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhazmuz.8637


+1, Anet pleas please please allow/or implement yourself what this mod does!

Show that you care

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pawlegance.7012


Exciting times. I hope it will come soon. I know ANet love to play (good) games and they certainly know how to deal with a community.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deazarook.7569


i support +1 it would help me especially alot when my necro as i hate having to move my mouse to put down a AoE

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadowborn.3529


Have a look at this video of a fan made mod:

The only difference from how I am playing GW2 right now without any mods is:

  • I don’t have to hold right click all the time
  • The mouse changes to the middle position of the screen while rightclicking, so I don’t have to move it manually to that position before I start a fight. And I know where I will put AOE abilities on the ground even while I am using right click to move.
  • My Aoe Abilities are always casted at the crosshair position
  • fast targeted ground targeting on button release: While I hold the button I see the circle indicator. When I release the button, the spell goes off.

These are only some things, which would improve the combat significantly. I hope they will get addressed, because other competitive games like league of legends already have these features. (e.g. smart cast on button release is a hidden option and everybody plays with it)

Best wishes,

Seriously WOW yes this is a definite great idea and would help so many in combat making it alot mmore pliable to play these classes