Don't create new classes.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Direngrey.1247


I’m getting extremely tired of seeing silly topics begging for new classes to come, like Monks and Druids.
If they did add a new class it would completely unbalance the natural order of it all, every class you can try to add and think of already falls under the family tree of other classes. Don’t add a Ritualist because we have necromancers, don’t add a Monk because we have Guardians, don’t add a Berserker because we already have Warriors.
We have enough.
I’m almost 100% certain that the only thing they will add in the future is new explorable areas, a new race (Tengu), and new weapons.
Why add new weapons? Well, because it’s better than adding an entirely new class, why add a Druid to the game when you can give a Ranger a staff?

Before I get hate about the Tengu suggestion, the chances are it will most likely be the Tengu, they have a way of deciding on how to add new races, and they have stated before that new races are coming in the future of GW2.
If you don’t believe me, read this :, and see how the Tengu fits all the questions more than all of the others.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


So it’s impossible to add more classes because of balance? Why would a new class be imba compared to any existing ones? Giving a ranger a staff, is just a ranger with a staff, a ranger with a GS doesn’t make the ranger a warrior. New weapons add to the class options, but new classes add to the game as a whole. Just because they add new classes(professions) doesn’t mean you have to play them.

BTW this is the suggestions forum, tad silly coming to a suggestions forum with a suggestion telling people not to make suggestions isn’t it?

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GabrielD.9582


I agree with this topic, much better to give us more option with the classes with have, then more classes. New weapons means everyone will have new content, new classes are useless for people who dont want to make a new character.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


I have to agree too.
I prefer most variety and balance on the 8 existing classes instead of new and statics classes.

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


Direngrey, I have to wholeheartedly disagree.

First, the professions aren’t balanced right now.
Secondly, I don’t really know where you got the idea that a new profession means a huge amount of work redesigning or re-evaluating the way everything is balanced.

Actually, I do. You got it from WoW. You should’ve left it there.

If a new profession somehow brings new boons/conditions, or new and powerful types of skills then it’s ANet’s fault, not the concept of new profession itself.

Otherwise, it’ll simply slightly increase the “Burden of Knowledge”.
You’ll have to learn how to play against the new profession.
There may be a period of adaptation where everyone will think the new profession is OP because they don’t know how to deal with it, but eventually the dust settles down.

Dervish, Monk (placeholder name) and Ritualist are good ideas.
Not going to comment on Druid.

Dervish MUST be included in the game.
Its gameplay is awesome (flash enchantments & teardown), and I’m not even talking about the Avatar skills.
Would require implementing Scythes, though.

Ritualist would also be a good idea, as its concept is quite unique, playing somewhat like a light armor engineer/necromancer/elementalist cross-over.

Monk would be tricky to implement but very interesting if done well.
Would require implementing fist weapons though.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Dervish MUST be included in the game.
Its gameplay is awesome (flash enchantments & teardown), and I’m not even talking about the Avatar skills.
Would require implementing Scythes, though.

I love the idea of a Dervish which strips Boons off of itself to add an effect to an attack (if you have Protection and you use a certain attack, Protection gets stripped and applies Vulnerability to your target(s)).

Not sure how the Dervish would fit into it lorewise for the other classes however i.e. only the Humans worship the Six Gods, and Charr have no basis in religion. Unless they just renamed the Avatar skills / models depending on the Race.

Monk would be tricky to implement but very interesting if done well.
Would require implementing fist weapons though.

Would also have to think of another name as well, I feel, since Monks have taken the role of Guardians.

Grandmaster / Ironfist / Brawler maybe, or are the names too pretentious?

Style based on attacking different points of the body to inflict conditions (legs = cripple / immobilize, arms = weakness) for fist weapons. Can use a Staff as a Melee weapon. Utilities focused on avoiding damage / using opponents strength against themselves.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


Well you could say Dervish could have a different interpretation within each race.
It could even have a different name.

I don’t care if it’s not called Dervish, I would simply like the medium armor, scythe wielding, enchantment stripping berserker from GW1 make its way to GW2.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Asking them not to add new classes is about as absurd as asking them to change core gameplay mechanics that act as the selling point of the game. The Guild Wars series has a history of adding new classes with every stand-alone expansion (thus EotN didn’t count), and it’s fans have come to expect this. This is a selling point of the series and its expansions.

Sorry, but in this case- resistance is futile.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


And it’s quite pretentious too.
To say “don’t add new professions”, is insinuating that ANet might actually otherwise add new professions without considering the pros and cons and properly designing them to fit the game with as little negative consequences as possible.

If Direngrey didn’t warn ANet not to include new professions, I don’t know what would happen to us! -_-

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


if they make new classes and you don’t like them you don’t have to play them its that simple. the more content they add the more interesting the game gets and guardian is not like gw1 monk more like paragon.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


Yup. Actually adding a profession is more content than adding 1 new dungeon and 3 new areas.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


Yup. Actually adding a profession is more content than adding 1 new dungeon and 3 new areas.

Yeah because they are just pumping out new content faster than we can do it right? /rolleyes

Take a person longer to level a new profession, than to clear 1 new dungeon, and 3 new areas. More time, more money for ANet. Besides, GW2 has no end game, so new instances should be on the back-burner no?

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

New professions are going to be added. There’s nothing you can do about it.

They don’t break the game, because A-net knows what they’re doing in terms of balance. They did fine, for all PvE, for seven years in a straight row. This isn’t WoW, where one new class comes in and destroys the entire game. You don’t have to be scared, you’re in the hands of an incredibly capable team of people.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Direngrey.1247


Nels the Cornwhisperer, you sound pretty certain, almost as if you work at ArenaNet, oh wait, you don’t, whoops!
I guess the only way is to wait and see, I’ll be sure to send you a message when they add a new expansion without new class’s.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: joykafka.4308


New classes only if they are essential. New races are more plausible since they will definitely bring in new maps and new stories. I like the settings of polar bears for example. They reminded me of Philip Pullman’s Dark Materials. A pity they all look the same.

Perhaps a polar bear born with bony plates or spikes or bumps… but not tattoo or artificial decorations, better not lizardman. No frogman either. They look neither intellectual, nor magical, nor full of strength.

(edited by joykafka.4308)

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


Dervish, Monk (placeholder name) and Ritualist are good ideas.
Not going to comment on Druid.

Dervish MUST be included in the game.
Its gameplay is awesome (flash enchantments & teardown), and I’m not even talking about the Avatar skills.
Would require implementing Scythes, though.

Ritualist would also be a good idea, as its concept is quite unique, playing somewhat like a light armor engineer/necromancer/elementalist cross-over.

Monk would be tricky to implement but very interesting if done well.
Would require implementing fist weapons though.

For dervish, the only thing required would really be giving a scythe to a guardian.

ritualists are already in the game, their called engineers. Anet have said that specifically several hundred times. So ritualists aren’t going to make it, especially with the way both necromancer minions and mesmer illusions work.

monks are the ONLY ones that are viable out of that list, but of course they can’t be called monks because of guild wars 1.

druids, again no need, just give magical weapons to the ranger.

the only viable additional class would be the chronomancer that was supposed to be introduced with GW: Utopia. It was unique enough to be thoght up of as different from the reality warping mesmer. The games ONE time related skill, time warp, is not enough to render the chronomancer obsolete, that’s more of the mesmers reality warping skill than anything else, this one just happens to affect time. Mesmers have an illusionary rez, can create portals, can store and fire back projectiles and can swap conditions for boons.

New classes only if they are essential. New races are more plausible since they will definitely bring in new maps and new stories. I like the settings of polar bears for example. They reminded me of Philip Pullman’s Dark Materials. A pity they all look the same.

Perhaps a polar bear born with bony plates or spikes or bumps… but not tattoo or artificial decorations, better not lizardman. No frogman either. They look neither intellectual, nor magical, nor full of strength.

The kodan are essentially only able to live in the colder climates, and as far as we know very very few have ever left the cold north. One such example is a lone kodan in lions arch which had his entire tribe slaughtered by jormag.

As for the Hylek, they’ve only been found near rivers and have even been called a ‘lesser race’ by the three orders, alongside skritt, grawl, quaggan and even ogres.

so almost no chance for the kodan and absolutely no chance for hylek, considering their status as a ‘lesser race’

(edited by castlemanic.3198)

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


I would like to see a bard profession.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


I would like to see a bard profession.

would that work lorewise?

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


I would like to see a bard profession.

would that work lorewise?

Why wouldn’t it? Lore is mutable, if nothing in the existing lore supports a bard class, there’s nothing stopping ANet from adding lore that does.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


I would like to see a bard profession.

would that work lorewise?

Why wouldn’t it? Lore is mutable, if nothing in the existing lore supports a bard class, there’s nothing stopping ANet from adding lore that does.

Im just making sure, i dont know the lore well enough if it supports bards or not. Also there’s a difference between non-existing lore (like i believe to be the case for bards) and lore that completely destroys any chance of the bard existing.

From what i know, the norn would be the perfect place lore wise to start a class, their story telling skills are supposedly legendary, which would tie in fascinatingly well with the class. Just like how the charr are the perfect way for engineers to be implemented in the game.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yinn.6507


I agree. Professions need more balancing. Don’t add one more.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Other than the Imbagon which never got fixed ANET does a pretty good job with profession balance so i say add away .

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

New classes will happen. We all know they will. Besides, what we’ve currently got is pretty balanced as it is. Ever played in tournament PvP?

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yinn.6507


New classes will happen. We all know they will. Besides, what we’ve currently got is pretty balanced as it is. Ever played in tournament PvP?

Guardian, Mesmer, Thief.

Warriors and rangers need more love.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

I’m amazing, with a 74% win rate in tournaments, as a roamer ranger. Maybe you just aren’t meeting the right people.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: adagiophoto.4512


+1 for not adding new professions. I think adding new weapons would be a much more effective way of adding diversity to playstyles without increasing to the powercreep too much.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maskeus.2396


I might be mistaken, but didn’t they say at one stage that adding too many new professions to GW1 made balancing it a nightmare?

Anyway, I’d rather they added new weapons to expand the playstyles of existing professions than make new classes for the sake of it. A guardian using a spear on land could function like a dervish, for instance. Adding the dervish as an entirely new class would make them too similar.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eladriel.7295


I’m getting extremely tired of seeing silly topics begging for new classes to come, like Monks and Druids.
If they did add a new class it would completely unbalance the natural order of it all, every class you can try to add and think of already falls under the family tree of other classes. Don’t add a Ritualist because we have necromancers, don’t add a Monk because we have Guardians, don’t add a Berserker because we already have Warriors.
We have enough.
I’m almost 100% certain that the only thing they will add in the future is new explorable areas, a new race (Tengu), and new weapons.
Why add new weapons? Well, because it’s better than adding an entirely new class, why add a Druid to the game when you can give a Ranger a staff?

Before I get hate about the Tengu suggestion, the chances are it will most likely be the Tengu, they have a way of deciding on how to add new races, and they have stated before that new races are coming in the future of GW2.
If you don’t believe me, read this :, and see how the Tengu fits all the questions more than all of the others.

FYI monks had been part of GW1 and since they done away with the holy trinity I don’t think you have to worry about monks being added.. Who are you to have the audacity to tell Arenanet what classes they can and cannot add? FYI Ritualist and necromancers were also part of GW1 and I want the ritualist and the dervish back. Considering Ritualist were part of Factions and from the Cantha area… So if and when they open those areas I expect to see the Ritualist. Don’t make the misatake and assume Ritualist and Necromancers are the same class, they are not. They are far from being the same. If and when they reopen Elona I expect to see the Dervish since they are from that area. As far as Druids go, I could care less since they were not part of the GW lore. As far as silly topics, they were no more silly than your silly rebuttal. Really give a ranger a staff? You obviously ignorant of what a ranger really is. You might want to do a little more research on the Druid and Ranger classes as both are totally different. So how did you move from not adding new classes to adding new races? Your rant was over new classes then suddenly adding new race…whatever!

Together we stand in the face of evil!

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

GW1 had Warrior, Ranger, Necromancer, Mesmer, Monk, Elementalist, Ritualist, Assassin, Dervish, Paragon.

GW2 has: Warrior, Ranger, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist.

Of the not represented profession names:
Assassin = Thief.
Dervish = Human Guardian with a greatsword.
Ritualist = Engineer.
Monk = Part Guardian, part water Elementalist.
Paragon = Part Warrior, part Guardian.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eladriel.7295


Dervish, Monk (placeholder name) and Ritualist are good ideas.
Not going to comment on Druid.

Dervish MUST be included in the game.
Its gameplay is awesome (flash enchantments & teardown), and I’m not even talking about the Avatar skills.
Would require implementing Scythes, though.

Ritualist would also be a good idea, as its concept is quite unique, playing somewhat like a light armor engineer/necromancer/elementalist cross-over.

Monk would be tricky to implement but very interesting if done well.
Would require implementing fist weapons though.

For dervish, the only thing required would really be giving a scythe to a guardian.

ritualists are already in the game, their called engineers. Anet have said that specifically several hundred times. So ritualists aren’t going to make it, especially with the way both necromancer minions and mesmer illusions work.

monks are the ONLY ones that are viable out of that list, but of course they can’t be called monks because of guild wars 1.

druids, again no need, just give magical weapons to the ranger.

the only viable additional class would be the chronomancer that was supposed to be introduced with GW: Utopia. It was unique enough to be thoght up of as different from the reality warping mesmer. The games ONE time related skill, time warp, is not enough to render the chronomancer obsolete, that’s more of the mesmers reality warping skill than anything else, this one just happens to affect time. Mesmers have an illusionary rez, can create portals, can store and fire back projectiles and can swap conditions for boons.

New classes only if they are essential. New races are more plausible since they will definitely bring in new maps and new stories. I like the settings of polar bears for example. They reminded me of Philip Pullman’s Dark Materials. A pity they all look the same.

Perhaps a polar bear born with bony plates or spikes or bumps… but not tattoo or artificial decorations, better not lizardman. No frogman either. They look neither intellectual, nor magical, nor full of strength.

The kodan are essentially only able to live in the colder climates, and as far as we know very very few have ever left the cold north. One such example is a lone kodan in lions arch which had his entire tribe slaughtered by jormag.

As for the Hylek, they’ve only been found near rivers and have even been called a ‘lesser race’ by the three orders, alongside skritt, grawl, quaggan and even ogres.

so almost no chance for the kodan and absolutely no chance for hylek, considering their status as a ‘lesser race’

Sorry, ritualist are not in the game and I don’t care how many times you try to tell me that the engineer is one. I will flat out tell you and engineer is a engineer. They are not ritualist. Ritualist used spirits and delt with the spirit world not machinery or explosives or torrents. And since Cantha has closed itself off from the rest of the world there would be no reason for Arenanet to release the ritualist professions at launch since they are a Faction profession.

Together we stand in the face of evil!

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


GW’s word is professions, not classes.

There’s room for more professions, but NOT many, and done right, and without silly limitations.
All races and all areas should have access to all professions.

GW1 had 6, then added 2, then another 2.
That was a mistake.
Instead, they should have started with 6, then another in Factions, and another in Nightfall.

Also, it’s horrible when you can start as a certain profession only in one place, like starting as an assassin only in Cantha, when there’s Ascalonian assassins like Anton.
They pushed all the content in the new areas, which make the old areas look empty and desolate.
A D/P traveling in Maguuma had literally nothing of real use around there. No armors, no weapon drops, no skills to learn… That was simply unacceptable.

In GW1, getting a campaign should have meant you can make the profession requiring that campaign as a starter in the others.
One of the initial 6 should have required Prophecies; and, for example, getting Factions in your account should have meant that you can start as an assassin in all 3 campaigns.
So getting all 3 campaigns would have meant that you could start as any of the 8 professions in all campaigns.

But for GW2, I really don’t think there should be more campaigns where you can start.
Extra personal storylines, extra races, new places to visit, even one or two new professions (more than that would be no good)… anything should be added expanding the world, not splitting it and pushing all the new stuff in the new areas.

No exceptions!

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


GW’s word is professions, not classes.

Profession, class, tomato, tomahto. It’s all the same thing, doesn’t matter what you call it.

That said, I’m not against new classes. I only hope that they continue to diversify the classes we already have and continually add new things to them alongside the new ones.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: poe lyfe.5879

poe lyfe.5879

im against not adding new classes. i enjoy every class and each feels and plays differently. just because on your own you cant imagine a way to make a druid, ritualist work doesnt mean that anets team cant. i would want them to make as many classes as they possibly could. with as many races as they possibly could. a bigger game might spread everyone out. but it might also attract a lot of players that can play “1 of 20 unique classes” of " 13 different races" of “many, many unique (subtly) storylines” . you seem more worried about spreading out the community too thin than being against new races and professions.

make more more more anet.

Wintersday is for the Charr, also Meatober.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Sorry, ritualist are not in the game and I don’t care how many times you try to tell me that the engineer is one. I will flat out tell you and engineer is a engineer. They are not ritualist. Ritualist used spirits and delt with the spirit world not machinery or explosives or torrents. And since Cantha has closed itself off from the rest of the world there would be no reason for Arenanet to release the ritualist professions at launch since they are a Faction profession.

No, you’re not seeing it. If they add the ritualist, what can make the profession unique that also links it to its roots in GW1?

If they add spirits, how are they different from reskinned turrets? Spirits and turrets provide the exact same playstyle, and if ritualist spirits were added, then they’d be overlapping with turrets. Or they could be changed and become more mobile and overlap with either clones or minions. It just doesn’t work.

Bundle items and weapon kits? No, those are basically kits, but kits are just expanded to a much fuller potential. The only thing that could keep their flavor but make them stand out from engineers would be if they could be cast, last a certain duration, and could be picked up by others, but that’s encroaching on elementalist conjured weapons territory.

Destructive was Glaive AoE damage? That’s the same thing as the bomb kit, but again, just reskinned.

Restoration Magic heals? Then you run into the problem that GW2 can’t have a class that can be a dedicated healer. Resto magic could be stylistically unique with spirit-esque particle effects, and they could essentially fill the same niche that other classes have with a more support-oriented weapon. But it’s not enough of a unique playstyle to constitute a new class.

Channeling Magic Anti-armor lightning damage? How would that be made distinct from the Elementalist’s air magic line?

I played a Rit in GW1 more than any class, and I loved it. I wished the class could come to the sequel, but honestly, Engineer has taken most of the class, and small parts of it have been distributed among the others. I feel like, if Cantha is re-introduced, it’s going to be like real-world China, having strange exotic technologies, like repeating crossbows and explosives and a waning belief in gods. That way, most classes would get stuff like crossbows and some would get guns, and the ritualists of old would basically be long dead as a result of a growing reliance on technology, not magic. It’s set up to be that way, as well, since there’s a complete wall of silence between Tyria and Cantha, and Cantha is now under xenophobic autocratic rule.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: poe lyfe.5879

poe lyfe.5879

i think a ritualist could summon spirits that follow it around like a necro (think zelda fairy for animation . and then are sacraficed to use the skills. there could be three types a war a restor and thunder spirit. they wouldnt do much on thier own besides giving a passive benifit like gaurdian boons. and when used you lose the boon and have to resummon or let it recharge. again im not saying this is how i would do it 100% certain im just saying there are ideas.

Wintersday is for the Charr, also Meatober.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: PlagueParade.7942


This early in the game adding a new class would be asinine. Maybe in a couple years I could see them doing that and possibly adding even a new race we could play but right now? No. Just not smart.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


I might be mistaken, but didn’t they say at one stage that adding too many new professions to GW1 made balancing it a nightmare?

Anyway, I’d rather they added new weapons to expand the playstyles of existing professions than make new classes for the sake of it. A guardian using a spear on land could function like a dervish, for instance. Adding the dervish as an entirely new class would make them too similar.

The problem with guild wars is that they had over 150 skills that could result in probably thousands of combinations, and that’s not including the dual professions thing. Add those two things together and it’s a balancing nightmare.

Luckily, in GW2, skills are separated by different categories, making balancing much easier, since they dont have to worry about tons of different combinations that break balance.

Also, it was the Paragon that used spears and threw them on land. The dervish used a scythe.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.3289


At the current I would prefer that ArenaNet focus on further game content & the GW2 Community. New Professions might be considerable in the future, we’ll just have to wait & see.

“A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom”
StormBluff Isle

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


This early in the game adding a new class would be asinine. Maybe in a couple years I could see them doing that and possibly adding even a new race we could play but right now? No. Just not smart.

At the current I would prefer that ArenaNet focus on further game content & the GW2 Community. New Professions might be considerable in the future, we’ll just have to wait & see.

I certainly thought that waiting for an expansion for new professions was the base line of thought. With that in mind, I certainly see no harm in suggesting new professions.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Dervish = Human Guardian with a greatsword.

Exactly. Specific to Human. ANet made it so all professions are available to all races. Besides, not seeing how you drew the comparison, to be honest:

  • Guardian Greatsword – Main mechanic focuses on sacrificing Virtues to support allies. Greatsword focuses on CC (with the pull / blind) and Buffing (Retaliation / Might).
  • Dervish – Main mechanic focused on Flash Enchantments and Enchantment stripping to enhance / add additional effects to own attacks. Mostly focused on Cold and Earth damage (so Chilled and Bleeding?)
Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Dervish = Human Guardian with a greatsword.

Exactly. Specific to Human. ANet made it so all professions are available to all races. Besides, not seeing how you drew the comparison, to be honest:

  • Guardian Greatsword – Main mechanic focuses on sacrificing Virtues to support allies. Greatsword focuses on CC (with the pull / blind) and Buffing (Retaliation / Might).
  • Dervish – Main mechanic focused on Flash Enchantments and Enchantment stripping to enhance / add additional effects to own attacks. Mostly focused on Cold and Earth damage (so Chilled and Bleeding?)

But no scythes! That’s the let down.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Dervish = Human Guardian with a greatsword.

Exactly. Specific to Human. ANet made it so all professions are available to all races. Besides, not seeing how you drew the comparison, to be honest:

  • Guardian Greatsword – Main mechanic focuses on sacrificing Virtues to support allies. Greatsword focuses on CC (with the pull / blind) and Buffing (Retaliation / Might).
  • Dervish – Main mechanic focused on Flash Enchantments and Enchantment stripping to enhance / add additional effects to own attacks. Mostly focused on Cold and Earth damage (so Chilled and Bleeding?)

But no scythes! That’s the let down.

But whose to say that they won’t be implemented at some point? They’ve pretty much said they’ll be putting 2H Axes in. I doubt that that is the only weapon they’ll be adding in the future

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


But I want my Chronomancer =(

Knowledge is power.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Direngrey.1247


But I want my Chronomancer =(

They have said that they are not releasing the Chronomancer.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


But I want my Chronomancer =(

They have said that they are not releasing the Chronomancer.

I could have sworn this was in regards to GW1. I don’t remember seeing anything about GW2. If possible link the official statement, so I can get sad momentarily and then continue living without false hopes.

Knowledge is power.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Direngrey.1247


But I want my Chronomancer =(

They have said that they are not releasing the Chronomancer.

I could have sworn this was in regards to GW1. I don’t remember seeing anything about GW2. If possible link the official statement, so I can get sad momentarily and then continue living without false hopes.

“Other things did not make it over; for example the Chronomancer will not be making an appearance in Guild Wars 2. " ~ Eric Flannum.
Source :

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Direngrey.1247


“We have decided to develop and include the Chronomancer and the Summoner in the initial release of Guild Wars 2.”, GW2 is released and I don’t see either of these, so?
I just think it was a conflict of information and confusion, I don’t think we’ll see either of them, but the Chronomancer is always on the table, although I still don’t expect any new class’s.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlakThornArrow.2389


Dervish is a must in my opinion cause its an amazing class.
hope they wear medium armor! not light … cause that would suck in my opinion.

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Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

They are gonna add new classes, a third heavy is needed. There is no need to worry about balance, they will balance things as they have been, it wont come out completely broken but it may not be perfect from the start either, like every other class.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


All I wanna know is when I can play my worgen Death Knight. Cowards who hide behind walls in WvWvW really upsets me! So Death Gripping them off would make my year

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