Elementalist color-changing armor

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isredel.4302


This is an idea I had for a while. An armor set just for the Elementalist. Call it, “Prismatic Cloth” or something. It would be a very hard-to-attain set to get, but it would come with the very special ability of changing it’s colors depending on your attunement.

So say it turns Red when you’re attuned to fire,

Blue when attuned to water,

Violet when attuned to air,

and Brown when attuned to earth.

Now it wouldn’t be all one color. A really good armor with a single hue in mind has at least 3 shades. A light shade, a Medium, and a Dark.

The picture below is my Ele in Heritage gear. Notice that the trim is Malt, Most of it is Lava, and the middle of the chest is Heirloom. It’s good a good textural look going for it.

So something like this, only they change hues when you swap attunements. Is something like this doable?


Viktor Rageclaw: Seaimpin na Cu, (Officer)
Gaiscioch Social Gaming Community http://www.gaiscioch.com/

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


Then every class would start whining that they want one too…

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isredel.4302


I can see other profession-specific armor sets that has all different features!

Viktor Rageclaw: Seaimpin na Cu, (Officer)
Gaiscioch Social Gaming Community http://www.gaiscioch.com/

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


It would be a cool idea for an armor set in the future, but people would want to customize their appearance and not be forced into one. It’s kind of a staple of this game right now.

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


Maybe it could be an Elementalist-specific Dye, applicable to all armor.
1 per “material” type:
Metal – Chromatic Dye
Natural – Prismatic Dye
Vibrant – Attunement Dye

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I could see a Prismatic dye that changes with skill or special ability usage:
- Warrior: Starts black and gets brighter like hot metal as adrenaline builds up.
- Guardian: Starts bright white. When each of the virtues is recharging, it loses parts of the basic colors corresponding to a virtue. Justice would be red, courage blue and resolve green. Use justice and courage, but not resolve, and the dye looks green. Use them all, and the dye looks pitch black.
- Ranger: Linked to the health and type of your pet. Healthier pet means brighter colors. Equip a pink ma, and you get pink. Equip a pig and you get lighter pink. Your pig is knocked out, you get dark pink. Your moa gets knocked out, you get darker pink.
- Thief: Linked to steal. Color changes depending on what you’ve stolen.
- Engineer: Liked tothe toolbelt.
- Elementalist: Linked to the attunements. Fire is orange, water is blue, air is lilac and earth is brown.
- Necromancer: Linked to the Death’s Shroud health bar. A darker armor means less shroud left.
- Mesmer: Linked to the number of illusions and recharging skills.

No exceptions!

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isredel.4302


I could see a Prismatic dye that changes with skill or special ability usage:
- Warrior: Starts black and gets brighter like hot metal as adrenaline builds up.
- Guardian: Starts bright white. When each of the virtues is recharging, it loses parts of the basic colors corresponding to a virtue. Justice would be red, courage blue and resolve green. Use justice and courage, but not resolve, and the dye looks green. Use them all, and the dye looks pitch black.
- Ranger: Linked to the health and type of your pet. Healthier pet means brighter colors. Equip a pink ma, and you get pink. Equip a pig and you get lighter pink. Your pig is knocked out, you get dark pink. Your moa gets knocked out, you get darker pink.
- Thief: Linked to steal. Color changes depending on what you’ve stolen.
- Engineer: Liked tothe toolbelt.
- Elementalist: Linked to the attunements. Fire is orange, water is blue, air is lilac and earth is brown.
- Necromancer: Linked to the Death’s Shroud health bar. A darker armor means less shroud left.
- Mesmer: Linked to the number of illusions and recharging skills.


Do this, Anet.


Viktor Rageclaw: Seaimpin na Cu, (Officer)
Gaiscioch Social Gaming Community http://www.gaiscioch.com/

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Twilight Zone Guy.1487

Twilight Zone Guy.1487

How about you just add an effect where your character tints slightly depending on alignment? Easier to implement, no complaints about hard to attain items, and you get your color.

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isredel.4302


How about you just add an effect where your character tints slightly depending on alignment? Easier to implement, no complaints about hard to attain items, and you get your color.

That would be cool too!

Viktor Rageclaw: Seaimpin na Cu, (Officer)
Gaiscioch Social Gaming Community http://www.gaiscioch.com/

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


I like this! So long as it’s an optional thing to apply. While not much of a PvPer myself, I can see people not wanting to broadcast something like “Hey, I just stole Whirling Blades” or “Look! I’m in Earth!”

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isredel.4302


I can see guardians having some sort of purity seals on their armor much like Warhammer 40k Space Marines just hanging off of their shoulder armor.

Much like the ones this Ultramarine has on. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/207/b/1/space_marine_by_piofoks-d41pg0b.jpg They’re those scraps of paper held up by a red seal on the shoulders. They’re written in High Gothic though for this game, they would be written in New Krytan.

For a more realistic look, http://i3.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/250/draft_lens18128192module151347356photo_1310065123SKL_fullvert_01.jpg

Viktor Rageclaw: Seaimpin na Cu, (Officer)
Gaiscioch Social Gaming Community http://www.gaiscioch.com/