Future Classes for gw2
What’s a Dervish?
Also I like the Witch idea. We can summon a cauldron to heal allies and deal damage to enemies or something. :’D
What’s a Dervish?
Also I like the Witch idea. We can summon a cauldron to heal allies and deal damage to enemies or something. :’D
if you ever played guild wars 1 , they were robed sand people that wield a scythe . they were uber cool awesome
We already have a “Samurai”-esque type class. That role is filled by the Warrior. A Dark Knight, however, I see as being the opposite of a Guardian, with dark, unholy powers. A Shaman, could easily be referred to as a Norn Elementalist, or perhaps the Guild Wars 1 Ritualist. A Witch, I assume, would basically be any of the 3 spellcasters we already have in-game – one who casts magic. Personally, I would like to see the Dervish make a comeback, or maybe have a melee-based spear-wielding class, similar to a Phalanx.
Where does Dark Knight, Shaman, Samurai and Witch even come from?
I havn’t seen any of these names mentioned anywhere.
Where does Dark Knight, Shaman, Samurai and Witch even come from?
I havn’t seen any of these names mentioned anywhere.
That’s why this topic is under the “Suggestions” sub-forum. You can have original ideas, brought into the game, you know? They don’t have to be suggestions that improve an existing part of the game. So, in essence, it really does not matter, whether these have been mentioned before, or not.
Dark knight is from this
as for shaman
and the witch
would be sort of a new thing .
New classes won’t be coming.
This it how it will work…
Professions get to use new weapons, the Ranger gets a staff to be a bit like a Druid, the Guardian and Warrior will get to use spears, the Thief will get hand weapons like claws, the Mesmer will get scythes to be like the Dervish.
So they just get new weapons to BE like other classes without being them.
Adding new classes will unbalance the game.
Is that what you think? Because in the original game, new professions were released with expansions. The potential is there. At the moment we do have all the professions we need but there is always room for growth. As the setting and lore expand they may release new professions to fit that theme or flavor.
It’s true that professions generally get new abilities and skills with expansion releases as well but neither you or I know for certain that “new classes won’t be coming.” Unless you have proof anyway.
Like I said, the potential is always there.
New classes won’t be coming.
This it how it will work…
Professions get to use new weapons, the Ranger gets a staff to be a bit like a Druid, the Guardian and Warrior will get to use spears, the Thief will get hand weapons like claws, the Mesmer will get scythes to be like the Dervish.
So they just get new weapons to BE like other classes without being them.
Adding new classes will unbalance the game.
I disagree. That is why there is a developer team, to work and test out new things and make sure its balanced b4 throwing it at the public. They had 10 professions in Gw1 and It was fine, excluding Warrior becoming near useless. If they did just add new weapons instead of new weapon skills for each profession it would make this game very boring and lackluster. Too much combining of other professions is already a problem imo because it just gets that much harder to introduce new content to play with in their new maps without just being a repeat.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
I could see them being added with expansions.
First off, Direngrey, those were groundless statements you made.
With the way boons and conditions work in this game, no amount of professions will ever truly unbalance the game.
As for future professions, assuming expansions come as regions like in GW1…
… Cantha:
1 – Ritualist – Light armor caster focused on summoning and spirits
- Stationary Attacking Spirits, skills that improve the more active spirits you have, etc.
- Skills that have stronger effects if a spirit is within earshot
… Elona:
1 – Introduce Scythes (Dervish and Necromancer only)
2 – Introduce One handed Spears/Javelins (Paragon, Ranger and Warrior only)
3 – Dervish – Medium armor caster focused around enchantments and deity-oriented skills.
- Dervish Flash Enchantments, wich are instant cast temporary effects with a mandatory Initial effect (such as AoE damage), optional Ongoing effect (such as gaining a Boon every second), and End effects (such as AoE Burn)
- Skills that forcefully end your Flash Enchantments to produce extra effects.
4 – Paragon – Medium armor caster focused around Shouts, Chants and Echos, maintaining Echos with Shouts, mostly skills related to Sound and Thunder.
- Chants are essentially non-instant Shouts that grant an effect to allies within earshot on their next spell (aria)/attack skill (anthem) /attack/shout
- Echos are skills that, can have their own effect and/or empower Shouts or Chants and/or renew their own duration whenever a Shout or Chant is performed within earshot
Endurance 2.0 || Attributes, Traits and Conditions || Skill Variants
(edited by Nurvus.2891)
Didn’t ANet say early in development these 5 classess were it?
Didn’t ANet say early in development these 5 classess were it?
First off, there are 8 professions in Guild Wars 2, not 5.
Secondly, things changed since early development.
Thirdly, if they said the current professions were “it” in early development, it certainly meant they were the only ones being released at launch.
I never saw ANet denying the possibility of adding more professions in the future, nor should they do such a negative promise.
Ritualist, Dervish and Paragon mechanics are pretty unique and interesting and the Boon/Condition system is such that ANet can implement as many professions as they want. It will never truly unbalance it.
I would love for the dervish class to come back. In GW1 that was my main class with my secondary profession as an assassin. Also I would love to see the ritualist class come back, it was definitely my favorite for PvP due to all the CC power it had. To be honest I have looked at all the class and I am currently playing a Necromancer. I, in my opinion, do not like the class as much as I did in guild wars 1, yet the class is still over-powered to say the least.
Have the dervish and the ritualist come back out and I would be forever pleased!
I don’t think we need new classes, per se. We just need some additional variation in the ones we have.
I really don’t think there should be any more classes for now, until they balance the existing classes. Speaking of variation, it’s long-known that Warriors need sustain, but if they do get sustain or a more defensive/supportive role, the line between Warriors and Guardians is blurry. There’s no need for even another profession whose role is undefined or already accomplished by other professions.
Warriors’ unique traitline got “bandage fixed” around launch to be +0.1% burst damage per point and never fixed since, and the whole concept of +burst damage when only 2 skills actually benefit from it, traits that encourage NOT to use your class mechanic, 2nd points given from their traitline is Crit Damage which encourages glasscannons etc, all needs to be reworked entirely.
Traits across the board need tweaking. Eles just got hit with their one viable build in a way that further kills the other non-viable builds, they need to split PvE/PvP and stop balancing PvP for PvE, and ultimately they need to just spend some time polishing the existing professions and balance so there’s more build diversity.
Quit to play my 2 favorite competitive fps and moba games ported to my favorite OS.
(edited by Bushido.2184)
Dervish was enormous fun in GW1, but a profession centered around deities won’t work anymore. Still, something more about PBAoE damage spells and weapon skills in that vein might be interesting. I’m still hoping for another successor to the GW1 ranger, since being permanently shackled to your pet is not fun (as I predicted when they first announced the class…). Maybe a light armor class which specializes in martial weaponry, most of it ranged? Say, with guns, bows (I still want a better longbow skillbar), throwing weapons and maybe greatsword and sword/shield to round it out?