Game Improvement - Suggestions

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: jmotuck.4276


I know there is a feature to join people in the party on their overflow but sometimes I can spend hours trying to get into the same area as friends in my group are in.

Would it be much to ask for a simple “Invite to Region” button to solve all of these grouping problems? this is getting a bit ridiculous for an MMO that is supposed to player friendly instead of player infuriating.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Acension.9270


Rangers lack on good utility skills, they aren’t as fun or good as other classes. Something that I think should be added is like a skill that could add a element to you weapon for 15 – 30 secs eg;
Water > Freeze for next 5 attacks
Fire> Burns for next five attacks
Earths > Bleeds for next five attacks
Air > Shock for next five attacks.
Or a utility the brings out you other pet for 30 – 45 secs.
Leave comments on what other utility skills should be added or if you like my ones so far, the list will grow as i start to think of more

Trolls :)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: KingOfGuilds.3601


To be honest this game is great but the only thing i would like to see are better optimized graphics, i don’t have the best graphics card but i can play games like bf3 ect… on high/ultra fine, but i cant play gw2 !
it seems to me that when i put the settings up i start to get a higher fps. please can you do something about these graphics settings/options

I completely agree I use a graphics card which can handle max Skyrim graphics at 60 fps, but max GW2 graphics run at <10 fps

*The Master Has Arrived*

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jet Che.3790

Jet Che.3790

WvWvW scoring suggestion:

Lets get European Guilds on European servers, and North American Guilds onto North American Servers.

We do this by modifying the point system:
On North American servers (All times below are pacific):
From 4pm (since this is when the week starts/ends) till Midnight (8 hours) the points stay as they are. This is when most people have time to play.
From Midnight to 8am the points are reduced to 20% (1 point where 5 was usually received). This is when most people are sleeping.
From 8am to 4pm the points are reduced to 60% (3 points where 5 was usually received). This is when most people are working or going to school.

On European servers:
Similar scoring and time frames as above.

This will help keep Guilds on the appropriate servers, when their efforts to cap everything (when the enemy is not there to defend) produce much smaller returns.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: awe extender.1908

awe extender.1908

Separate trait builds for pve, dungeons and www!

I wish you had the option of having different builds for different instances.

I’m sure you all agree with me that pve, dungeons and www are 3 totally different things. Therefore it would be really practical (and more efficient) if we had separate builds for pve, dungeons and www. Just like the separation between spvp and pve.

Imo, dungeons and SPECIALLY www requires a different kind of play style and trait set up compared to pve. These different instances should have their own specific build options.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


Better sPvP practice area:

  1. choose opponent class and build: example, glass thief, tank guardian, condition mesmer etc.
  2. practice in sPvP maps, so you can train using terrain, and such things
  3. option to practice vs players and not NPCs.
How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carrot.4785


1 Dungeon Finder
2 More skills – cuz after unlock all skills gameplay is dull and boring
3 More skills again
3 adding WvW content that will give us major bonuses in game cuz no1 play WvW
4 Siege system Improve (like an Event that will grant bonuses)
5 a lot more content for low-mid lvl there is no need to do any dungeon its disappoint for me (in rift after lvl 20 ppl all the time do PvP and dungeons due to dungeon finder and much more better rewards)
In GW2 i dont need to do dungeons cuz i can easly get green gear from mobs… and diffrence between rarity of weapons is too small (only exotic/legendary gear make some sense but till 60 its useless to do dungeons )

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cosplays.2937


Guild wars 2 should actually have guild wars, What do you think. It would totally make this game more competitive.
This morning i was puzzled wondering what is guild wars 2 missing. I asked my brother, “Do you have any problem with the game” and he says “Well, the game is called guild wars so shouldn’t guilds at least get to fight other guilds with rankings to see the top guilds”. I don’t know if its just me but the PvP we have now feels boring and average with almost no goal. There should be a reason to make guild besides just having them for an excuse as a big friends list.
Please add this feature. Maybe If Enough people want this we might actually get it!

The last time someone fought me… lets just say, eating oatmeal is too tough on their teeth.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carrot.4785


indeed…. pvp have MOBA system… its boring and unplayable for me cuz u have the same gear set like evry1 and the only goal is to get more wgear skins… PvP should be more value in game… we cant get any nice rewards that will help us in game and i dont see any challange in PVP if u have 80 like evry1 and same gear. another cons for me is lvl system… in WvW u ahve 80 like evry1 that dont make sense of progress for me… and i get lvl 25 want to help my mate on 15 and i get downgrade to 15 so what the point of making lvl ? just decresse the drop with lvl but dont take the time from me! i spend many days to et good lvl and cant solo champion on 15…. (i no need drop from him its exemple) and the most annoyning in gw2 is the fact we dont have RPG (role-play-game) and the game seems for me to be more solo than mmo

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Skiy.1640


I’d love to see dueling and an inspect option implemented. With filters for people who wish to restrict either of them of course. That would be awesome

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carrot.4785


and i forgt about the most simply thing
more filter options in AH like armor type selection
why if i wear heavy i need to see all med/light armors…

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Militiaa.9735


Mullet hair styles would be nice, and scruffy long hair

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Diba.4682


I know you wanted to have great weapon effects on the mobs, such as blue fire from guardians, but can we scale down these effect? It becomes hard to see what the bosses are doing and if I need to dodge or move away because they are covered with so many glowing effects. Not a problem with the Super size bosses, but the humanoids or smaller it is definitely hard to see.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kurosagi.4790


i suggest that you either remove the precursors, or make them buyable for a steep cost for karma, leaving such a large part of the endgame up to chance is ( of course in my opinion) poor game design, if for whatever reason you guys at Anet find that your unable to do this i suggest that you at least tone down how hard it is to even freaking acquire it in some way : / seriously should not force players to spend possibly months trying to acquire even the first step!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: qSolar.6517


I suggest the ability to adjust the bust size of females using the makeover kit.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cosplays.2937


The last time someone fought me… lets just say, eating oatmeal is too tough on their teeth.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: striker.3704


I’m suggesting a change based on my opinions shown in this thread:

In short I feel like AOEs shouldn’t scale off of the number of allies, but instead have a flat number as it shuts some builds entirely out of certain instances. To keep pet builds in check to avoid people running around letting the AI kill mobs I propose a “smart spread” system.

The best solution I can come up with is to make the AOEs have a flat number but make the AOEs have a “smart spread” depending on the boss. Bosses that simply have flat AOEs should send 20% of the AOE to allies and 80% at players. Since the AI will not try to avoid the AOE, that 20% will go a long way, but not completely shut out a build as there is a natural spread to most pet builds. Mechanic based AOEs will only target players (like lupicus grub summon) so as to not make pets completely detrimental.

A more ambitious approach would be to make the smart spread change depending on ally proximity to ensure that the AOE doesn’t go wasted.

Since most AOEs have a cap of 5 targets, As the number of targets increases, so does the likely hood AOEs target that location. If 5 allies are in one location 1 AOE is sent there as that’s the most effective ratio. If there are 6 then it will probably still only send 1, but if the number is closer to 8 or 9 then it’s likely 2 AOEs will be thrown there to guarentee the damage is maximized.

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eviscera.9703


1st: We need a 1vs1 dueling system!
2nd: Need an inspect option so you can see others gear / traits etc..
3rd: Increase the camera distance ingame, Because it’s way to short (Charr)
4th: A name change option, both ingame characters and account names.

Other then that i’m really enjoying the game ALOT! Thank you Anet for an awesome MMORPG.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: JWaggz.5862


Thought I would post this here so that a dev or someone would see it.. Could be something like a skin crafting tree or such.

Join me on Jade Quarry
AMD A8-6500 || 8Giggabooties Rum || AMD R9 2SexyX || Vinderz 7

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adam.7095


Hi, great game btw just 2 suggestions to make it even more amazing

1- DUELING – now hear me out – (1) gives players another way to interact, entire communities centre around this and huge groups of players gather to duel or spectate, although competitive i’ve rarely seen anyone be nasty over dueling primarily because
(2) it allows a fun and experimentation
(3) allows players to improve their pvp skills in a low pressure situation where more experianced players can easily give advice
(4) allows players to understand and experience other players builds and other proffession’s skill sets

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Adam.7095


2- also pls allow us to sit on chairs

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Maverick.7802


Name changes w/ character re-customization.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bez.5349


I have a couple

This game is all about builds, can we get a build and weapon set saver

the other, once we complete a zone for all its way points, points of interests, lookouts ect, we should be able to travel free to the zone and its way points.

also in death it should be free as well to travel to the nearest way point,
I actually died and had no money once and was unable to res untill a friend mailed me some cash.

gotta say a dueling arena in the mists would be a grand Idea


Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: grommie.6107


I did a search of the Equipment Repairs here and found nothing so I suggest the following:

Trader’s Green between the Waypoints: Town of Cathal and Caledon Haven both waypoint areas have Equipment Repairs…look at the map, you will see what i am talking about. Why not have those spread out more? Right now I am at Sandycove Beach Bay Haven outpost, sure would be nice to either have an Equip. Repair there or at the waypoint Brigid’s Overlook instead. What do you think?


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Novatris.1760


I’d like to see Charr horns when Charrs use full helmets. It irritates the heck out of me!
The fact that the horns disappear is horrifying!!! FIX IT!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: rajjy.4832


Pretty sure this was already covered by several people, but I’mma throw it out again anyway:

The world is DEAD. I don’t know what caused it… Fractals or just people leaving the game or whatever, but it needs to be fixed. Now I’m not blaming the dungeon for this completely (just a bit ), cause I really have no idea why people aren’t just out there playing around in Orr or something. It’s difficult for completionists to get to certain skill points when they are guarded by Champions. This wouldn’t be an issue if there were actually people out there.

Plus… well, I dunno. It gets lonely out there man!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: DaBleuberry.1780


In WvW you should be rewarded for upgrading a camp, tower, keep, and castle as if it was a dynamic event so people will actually use this wonderful feature ArenaNet has placed into the game and maybe to encourage people to do so there can be a minor change allowing thieves to scale onto a tower, nothing else, unless the said tower has the upgrade that prevents the thieves from scaling the tower, the upgrade should be in tier 2.

Ássurance [ÆSS] ~Lablueberry

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Hello, i’ve already made a post about improvements i think would be valuable, but now i’d like to add one suggestion i’ve thought about recently, The Gem <=> Gold interface :

So yeah, it’s nice to be able to buy gems for gold, and vice versa, but, the annoying thing is that to get gems from gold, we have to enter the amount of gold we want to spend, and when buying gold from gems, we have to enter the amount of gems we want to spend. This is all fine and dandy, except for one thing, the fluctuation of the trade price. For exemple : i wanted to buy 600 gems to buy an additional bank tab of 30 slots (by the way, why 30? such an unconventional number), and i had to first enter the maximum amount of gold i took from my bank for this (12g), then narrow it down so that i don’t pay more than it’s needed for the right amount of gems. After all, i need only 600 gems, not more not less. And then i saw a problem, the price of 100 gems changing rapidly, i had to add or substract money often to try and approach the right price (unless there is a mechanism using only the right amount of money for the amount of gems displayed, i guess that’s the right way of doing this, but i haven’t heard of any such mechanism up to now). So, why not add the possiblity to enter the amount of gems we want to buy, and the price will be calculated automatically, of course we couldn’t buy the gems if we don’t have enough funds on us. Same for getting gold from gems (though i haven’t used this one yet), we could enter the amount of gold we want, and it would be calculated based on the current gem price.

If there is an easier way of doing this, i’d be glad if someone could pm it to me. But in any case, i maintain my suggestion because it’s always easier to check the amount of money needed for gems, or the amount of gems needed for the gold we want this way, than the actual way.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: DaBleuberry.1780


As a guild leader it is hard to keep track of who is active and who is not, I do not want to kick someone who I think is inactive but is actually on when I am not, It would be really nice if ArenaNet could add a system to show you the last time someone is on in your guild so I can tell who is active and inactive and do as I wish from there.

Ássurance [ÆSS] ~Lablueberry

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArmoredRaptor.2850


I would like to see mounts, many players enjoy riding mounts…

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: greeter.8267


yes i would love that see weps and gear on trade post and try them on for previewing
that would be nice thx : )

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ApoJake.8139


Preview gear and weapons on the trading post.

^Please. =)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: shxd.8146


I want to suggest to put the scythes back to the game, i liked them really much in GW1 (I have them all) and i would like to suggest this:

Weapon name: Scythe
Weapon level: 3-80
Weapon profession: Thief, Warrior, Guardian, Necromancer.

And maybe some skills too?

Some normal skills:

- Slash < This just slashes the enemy.
– Bloody slash < This slashes the enemy with the function to bleed the enemy.
– Poisonous slash < This slash makes the enemy poisoned
This above me are the automatic skills
– Sharpen < This is an enchantment, it sharpens your weapon for 10 – 15 damage (Depends on your level) (Not usable on pistols!)
– Enchant slash < This will remove all of your enchantments and heal yourself of the amount of the enchantments you have (Like in GW1)
– Concentration < This spell is an enchantment, it stays for 20 seconds but when unleashed it heals you for 120 health (Depends on your level)

Some Elite Skills:

- Demolish < You run upon your opponent with limited time, you have your scythe in the air to slash him. When slashed you do around 150 damage and gives bleed to the enemy. (Depends on your level)
– Reapers Scythe < This is an enchantment, this enchantment will give you for 15 seconds the change to steal someones life. Every damage steals 20 health.
– Scythe of Doom < This is more a damage type skill: It deals 350 damage on 3 targets near you and give them fear for 30 seconds.

This is where i tought of a lil bit, i hope u like it a bit. (You ofcourse may change the skills a bit or everything of the skills thats GW2 Teams choise) I hope this all will be added, ME LIKE SCYTHES.

If there are more suggestions about this tell me!


(BTW im sorry about my topics in the suggestions topic it stands there 3 times, i had lag >.>)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: shxd.8146


Btw every skill depends on your level remember that!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Aeden.8513


First off, excellent game. Family and I have been looking for a game to hold our interest longer than a few months for a decade now.

  • Tool Tips: Allow players to delay / turn off tool tips. After using a skill a thousand times one should be pretty well versed in what it does.
  • Character Creation Save Settings: As I mentioned, my family plays and at times we play twins or more. A save settings (write it to a local xml/txt) during character creation would be a massive help. Also, we’re often recreating for that perfect character to fit our play style. Recreating a look from scratch is nearly impossible.
  • As mentioned a thousand times prior, preview from the Auction House.
  • Cosmetic: Allow players to dye their bathing suit. This usually isn’t an issue, unless the bathing suit is displayed. And as we all know, it is at times.

That’s all I have.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kalastraer.8264


Hello! I have been thinking about how we could add mounts into the game. I know a lot of you will say ‘We dont need mounts!’ and to that i’ll say, i completely agree. but listen to my idea. What if there were mounts that gave 33% speed boost, like most speed boost skills, for as long as you are riding it? and if you cast a spell while on the mount you would be dismounted so that there isn’t mount combat. it wouldn’t give any player stats just 33% speed boost. in WvW this could be very fun/good. Anet could even make some legendary mounts, and for that i have a special idea. For legendary mounts, you would have to do a slightly smaller legendary grind, but depending on your race, depends on the basic look of it. if you were asura, it would look maglyphic. if you were charr, it would be steampunky, if human, it would kinda be like the rock dog elite skill, but a horse. if sylvari, it would be a tree horse, if norn, it would be ice kinda horse, with the effect of the d/d ele #2 ability. also, all mounts would be ground AND horse based. i think it would also be cool to have guild horse tabards. so you could have horse cloth armor only for your guild, and they would be guild color’s. and if it didn’t have the guild thing, you could dye the tabard thing (if you had one on it). Ofc we dont NEED mounts, but it would be cool. i will be making a quick sketch of a mount idea asap and posting it as a reply to this. also, you can get your first mount at level 40, 1/2 done leveling,but it would cost like 5 gold so that it would be a challenge to get. but you couldn’t upgrade from 33% at all, at any level. pics go in this order: Norn legendary horse (kinda what it could look like); Human legendary horse (kinda what it could look like); Sylvari legendary horse (kinda what it could look like); charr legendary horse (kinda what it could look like); horse with guild armor hing (kinda what it could look like); and last but not least, i have one last thing that i think is a good idea. horses. could. be. mobile. banking. it would be an expensive thing (about 20 gold) to make 1 of your horsed a bank, and 20 gold for the next. it could be great for people that use their bank quite often. it could be great for storing extra items, even great for having some bags on the horse. thank you all for reading this, lets make this a reality.


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bangarang.8162


Two Suggestions:
1. When dual wielding weapons display them across the back instead of on the sides. When watching characters run by dual wielding it looks like the are dragging their weapons on the ground. Not good for weapon durability.
2. Bring the preview option to the Trading Post. I don’t know how many weapons or armor pieces I have bought that had an icon that looked one way but looked a totally different way when I actually previewed them from my inventory. This would greatly reduce the amount of currency I spend on the Trading Post trying to get the right look.

PS. If you guys haven’t realized it yet you have put together a great game. I “SUGGEST” that you keep up the good work!! You guys ROCK!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: shxd.8146


I’ve other suggestions:

- Bring the Guild Battles back!
- Bring the Random Arenas back!
- Bring the Luxon/Kurzick back but now some better like:
– You have no PvP skills anymore, they are just the same as they are.
– You can join a group by talking to someone like:
– A Kurzick/Luxon character says: ‘Hello, we need your help! We are being attacked by the Kurzick/Luxon! Come join us and help us defeating them!’
– Then you can choose out of three phrases:
– ‘Yes i want to help defeating them!’
– Now a message popsup what shows: ‘You have joined the group: Kurzick/Luxon’
– ‘No sorry, i dont want to. I have much to do.’
– ‘Ugh… Ok but tell me when you still want to join!’
– ‘Would you like to explain me more about this war?’
– Here it explains the whole war of the Luxon/Kurzick (Im not sure why they are fighting so i cant explain it.)
When you joined the group you can earn:

- Factions (Like in GW1) < With this factions you can buy special things.

In a group everyone is able to see you are in that group something like this:
You can dual eachother just in the world, but the other one must like it something like this:

/|\ <——— He sends a message to the on who has Kurzick.
/\ by typing: /battle [Name] (Name) (Name)
but this guy uses the command like this:
/battle Blahbliep1443
You can battle up to four people!
[] < Is required
() < Is optional

I hope you all enjoyed my idea, you ofcourse may think about this idea and change it a bit!



Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: shxd.8146


Im not sure if this all is already there… Just double check

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: rajjy.4832


Oh another thing… Probably unlikely to happen, but I would love it if outfits in the gem store were just unlocked for the entire account, for all your characters to enjoy. That’s the same boat as dyes being unlocked for the account too though. :\ Still, would like to throw it out there.

Edit: Oh yeah, PUT IN UGLIER CHARACTER CREATION OPTIONS FOR ALL RACES AND GENDERS! I’m not talking about JUST scars either, I want UGLY. Ugly hair, ugly faces, and so on. Wouldn’t mind having more aged looking options too. I personally think that the Norn females look WAY too fragile too. The males are kitten beefy, why not at least make an option to make the females a bit bulkier? Not saying they should look like weight lifters, but you know what I mean. They just look too similar to human females… just taller. Heck, why not let people have more body type options for all races for that matter? :P

(edited by rajjy.4832)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Forestiza.5107


Im not sure if this is on already, or posted on this thread but…

I think the viewing should be like RaiderZ, and you do a basic attack by left click and use your shield by using right click. I like that sort of combat style and viewing, and i think there should be a option for that.
Thank you for reading

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Soulfury.3280


Hey all,

There is one thing that I would like to see put into the game, and that is an on-screen notification when someone from your contact list or guild comes online. It would make things a lot simplier for me instead of having to check both list every so often to see if someone has logged on recently. I haven’t done a whole lot of checking but if this feature already exist, could someone post how to access and turn this function on. Thanks.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: AcE.3418


Check out my Post on the game, and how I think it can be more attractive

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Fearius.2879


1) Mystic Forge should show all crafting components like other crafting stations (I mean also these which are in collection part of bank) and not only in a bags.
2) Add a new weapons. I really like a whip. It is so cool in this game. Maybe caster classes can have it. Another suggestion is also crossbow.
3) Possibility to change whole armor with one click – for example next to the button for coloring clothes and clothes in the city can be another button in which you can have whole another set (with one click you can change your armor from DPS armor to Healing armor etc.)

(edited by Fearius.2879)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: ToonPhil.4052


A few improvements I would like to see with respect to the visuals, that would require little work (hopefully) to implement.
1) More anti-aliasing options – The world is beautiful and detailed but a lot of that detail is burred out because of FXAA.
2) An option for ambient occlusion – We know the engine can support it because you can currently force it in the Nvidia control panel, however their are issues with doing that and ATI users have no way to add AO.
3) Direct x11 rendering – This option could potentially improve frame rates for as many as 50% of users (according to the December 2012 Steam survey 49.75% of users have support for Dx11)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Shanna.4762


1) Broaden the game laterally with more hobby content, like housing, and I know fishing is a popular one if you could find a way to make that entertaining.

2) Another thing would be instead of always adding jump puzzles, add mazes and hidden labyrinths to explore, no mobs/fighting, but more exploring and possibly some traps, have lore behind them, and if you make it through there’s a chest with a chance at really cool things. Some of them could be instanced so you don’t have players flooding them together and figuring them out right away, but you could do them with a group, or 1 other person if you wanted. This has seemed to go over well in a discussion with a bunch of people I play with, there needs to be more non-combat content, and jumping puzzles get annoying when there is the potential for more interesting things to do with world interaction.

3) Broaden ranger pet options, pinipals, owlgriffons, etc. There are so many cool creatures in the game, but we’re restricted to a lot of mundane/boring ones.

4) Add incentive for people to return to old zones regularly, so that they are more consistently filled with players, you could do anything from adding open world end-game stuff to them, to hobby/lateral content etc.

(edited by Shanna.4762)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


well if people are going to give suggestions i might as well give mine ^.^
Could you guys make more underwear tipes with default dye options this underwears could be like skins and sold in Style shop mabe add a few bikinis and onepice swimsuits. Also mabe a marriage option to the game. With the marriage option you can add even more costumes to the style shop like bride and groom dress this should be required in order to mary as the rings to. There should be a reward for it like a buff you get wen playing together. Also wen will the town hat problem be fix no one wears them coss they make characters look bald plz fix this. Hope this is taken into consideration.

(edited by Cloudwild.4381)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Greyone.7453


I’d love to see more specialized gear. It seems once you hit 80 and get Rare gear and rune it all out your done.. This is easy done by foraging or buying gold. The best gear in game is crafted and readily available. So maxing out your character doesn’t take long. Doing all the instances you want ec.. etc.. improves your characters ability/gear very little. If you want to keep the hard core Daily players that plays for hours daily.. There has to be significant benefit involved in gear or boredom will set in.. You can goto the trader and get Rare lvl 80 gear for a few gold equivalent to the Karma/instance gear. So what is the point of the questing/instance gear?

All advancement after 80 seems to be austetics.. no real weapon damage/gear upgrades. Sure you can run around doing things, but there is basicly 0 character progression for it. I guess you could start a ranking table of who has the most money in the bank.. but that doesn’t even have a true value because you can buy it.. Love the game but upset there is no benefit for your time after 80.. The way I see it.. Lvl your character to 80.. Gear him/her out.. and then make an alt.. till you get tired of repeated grinding…
The Game doesn’t seem to have a long life.. not for the true Hardcore player.. I played eq1/eq2 combined for over 10yrs.. Love the game but if there isn’t significant characer benefit for the time put in and the average social player has the same gear dmg/stats wise then there isn’t any benefit to me putitng in 6+ hrs a day after lvl hitting max lvl.

Now for the easy stuff.. How about tool belts for consumeables and toggle on/off food option. With most food being 30min duration.. half the time I’m starving.. /p

(edited by Greyone.7453)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Diba.4682


2 More skills – cuz after unlock all skills gameplay is dull and boring
3 More skills again

In order to add more skills, there are several things that will need to be considered, (and I do agree that more abilities could be better).

First off, if you add more utilities, it may work for awhile but then there would be the problem that every class can basically do everything. This may lose the uniqueness of each character. Yet certainly a few more will help form uniqueness because right now I feel like every warrior basically has the same abilities as me.

The second place to add abilities is in the weapons. Which presents at least three ways to do this:
1. Add weapon customization like that of utilities. That is, for Weapon slot 1, you have say, 3 different choices of auto attacks reflecting more dps, more survival, more support (depending on weapon type, maybe even power dps, condition dps, or prec. dps). Then slot 2 have three options to choice from, and slot 3 and 4 and 5. Each having their own choices to choose from separated from each other. A benefit and a caution with this is: Players will have more flexibility to choose a weapon, but if you allow players to do anything with any weapon (bleed with hammer?) then it will lose the realistic feel that certain weapons can only do certain task.

2. Add weapon customization like a new “attunement.” This is not to say we can switch in combat like an elementalist, nor that the option is so easy to switch as an elementalist. However, like the previous suggestion, being able to switch abilities of weapons but instead of each individual slot, the whole 5 skills in the weapon line.

3. Another way to increase weapon customization is through a separated trait field (not attached or included with the already existing trait line).
a) Being able to upgrade traits with certain weapons, making them grant certain benifits.
b) Or, instead of providing boons/conditions for our weapons, allow us to choose from a selection. (Ie. Greatsword for warriors grants vunerability, disallow that and instead provide the options: vunerability, bleed, and whatever.)

Of course all these options have downfalls, but these are ideas none the less. I certainly like the customization so far, and have spent hours playing around with it. But for those who want more, would this be what your looking for?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Athix.5106


Thief headgear – HOODS PLEASE!

Why as a thief can I not find a medium armor hood at any level? There are masks by the truckload, and alot of light armor hoods for casters, yet the only normal medium armor hood you can get is the one given to your character at creation if you pick the 1 of 3 choices you are given then. Honestly, if I had known that was my only chance for a “traditional” thiefly hood, I’d have chosen it then and then transmuted it all the way along! Heck, the character-creation hood is even soul-bound so that I can’t make an alt and move the hood to my 80 thief! LOL

Every other game has hoods for thieves that are easy to come by, but not GW2. Please add some or remove the soul-bound feature of the character creation medium armor hood!