Game Improvement - Suggestions

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morana.3908


I’m sure this is equivalent to beating a dead horse.. but..

1) Make weapon sets customizable. Perhaps give 3 weapon skill sets to choose from and let us mix’n’match. It gets boring after a while with the same options.

2) A Post-80 Trait system specifically for aesthetics that people have suggested over and over. This system can be much like the current one, but have different trees for Spell Color, Skill Looks, and possibly special weapon skins or added effects to weapons. Points can be rewarded much like Skill Points are at max level.

For the Spell Color tree, allow us to unlock different but standard colors (Starting dyes, pehaps?) on the first tier of the trait tree. On the second tier allow a different particle effect or different hues of the standardized colors. On the third tier allow us to mix’n’match colors for a brand new one. Instead of a blue guardian we now have an orange one, or a purple necromancer or a yellow mesmer.

On the Skill Looks trait tree allow gag effects to happen. It could be simple stuff such as Necromancer Death Shroud turns into a Golem for Asura, Life-force powered gun for Charr or an Avatar of Grenth for Humans but with more class-related stuff. I’m not sure how to break this one into three parts but I’m sure other players could come up with some great ideas.

On the Weapon Skins trait tree, you could allow specific class-related skins as well as race-related as well. I vote on one of the tiers being a silly weapon skin category (I love that legendary disco ball mace, we need more silly things!)

3) Dyes become account-bound. I love the hunt but only for the first two toons.

(edited by Morana.3908)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Servianos.8271


Hi there, I’m not sure if this type of post belongs here but here goes

I’m sorry if i’m bothering anybody with these suggestions, i just thought that it wouldn’t hurt to hear it from another person’s point of view =)
I have no intentions of offending anybody so if my wording is poor, i’m very sorry. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

I understand that GW2 is heavily CPU dependent and these settings that i’m about to mention would be a direct FIX for most computers using your game that lack the processing power and they would certainly help with Latency as well!

First off i’ll start with Spell Detail since it is the major lag cause in the entire game. My wife’s laptop has it running on 640 resolution with every video setting set to the lowest possible and her laptop is hooked in directly to a CAT-6 cord so i know it’s not a latency issue. Her PC handles the game just fine even in other pvp but when it comes to WvW it gets bad with the huge battles. Not only is it nearly unplayable for her in that situation but the Spell Detail is almost just as flawless as it is on a 1200 resolution. If we could customize the spell detail to the point of even being able to disable it completely, i’m absolutely positive that 60% of your players would experience less than half as much lag in WvW battles while implementing just one setting option.

Secondly in terms of general terrain i’ve noticed that on my laptop, i have 1200 resolution and the lowest settings on everything else. I have seen in just one screen shot, texture on a grassy ground to be really choppy and hard to perceive while the mountain detail and texture, right beside it, were absolutely flawless and shiny. Also i have noticed that the water detail is simply too high to not be able to reduce much further than the current options. Even on the lowest settings, i’ve never seen water detail look that nice in an MMO which is amazing but for lower end pc’s, it would help to keep people interested and having a happy experience if we could severely reduce the water detail. I have also noticed that once the water splashing effect turns off, my pc immediately runs smoother with no lag.. There should definitely be an option to take that off, just like you can take off the camera shake =)
I Think if we could customize different types of terrain detail it would help just enough to relieve people’s systems while in the midst of having to process these huge battles, castles crumbling, all the water and mist around it, etc.

Last but not least would be weather detail. I have noticed in WvW in the wide open terrains with minimal weather, there is no lag for me whatsoever and barely anything for my wife’s laptop as well but the moment we’re in the PVE world and the storms start brewing, or for example how The Grove has so many floaty, shiny, particles flying around, all of a sudden things get choppy and just turning the camera to find your direction becomes slightly difficult. Though these are absolutely breathtaking visuals, they also lag up every pc more than they need to, especially when there could be the option to disable them.

All in all if i were to generalize how to improve computer performance for every player on your servers, i would review your game experience and all of the different visual effects that come with it and simply create a sliding bar for customized options. Everything from maximum detail down to completely disabled.

Even though the game is not intended to be played that way, simply because it was meant to have amazing visuals, most people don’t care for the visuals as much as they care for the game itself.

Most games that i have preferred in the past and have absolutely loved, have very little visual appeal but the functions of the game are amazing. The Guild Wars 2 functions in the game are by far the best i’ve ever experienced with any MMO so once the visual settings are implemented i’m positive it will be a full home run for nearly everybody who plays it =)

Thank you so much for your time reading this, as well as all your time making this absolutely wonderful game!

Everyday i become a bit more addicted

Take care,


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: WeightTrainer.3219


Stop changing orichalcum vein locations with each patch/update. This game is already a huge grind/farm fest as it is, the least yall can do is to stop making the farming difficult. As it is, this game is becoming a huge letdown. The world boss encounters are a grind/farm as well, they don’t scale and are extremely easy. The only reason I do them is to get the (now guaranteed) rare loot to salvage into ectos. The whole purpose of my playing guild wars now is to just farm gold because it takes forever to get. Not to mention how much I lose just by using the waypoints. Why can’t those waypoints just be asura gates and be free? WvW is no fun anymore either. Its just one zerg against two other teams that it usually runs over (tier 3). I read up on the march update for WvW. I hope yall have the means to get rid of culling, but I doubt it. outmanned buff feels pointless. ascended stuff now so no reason for becoming a jeweler(thanks). A better way to find a dungeon group rather than just spamming “LFG” in map chat all day. It is so much work just to find a group, I don’t even feel like running the dungeon once I finally find 4 others. So WvW, Dungeons, World Bosses are out of the picture. Living Story…another grind. I sat where the invaders would spawn for like 2 hours just to get the achievement. Had zero fun doing at as well. So far living story has been a bore. I will put more up when I think of it.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mr K.3126

Mr K.3126

My beef is with the Guild system. Guesting between guilds is ruining the community. If you’re not a Youtube start or a world-wide famous guild you’re more or less in the crapper. In a simmilar way, bigger, national guilds overshadow small(er) guilds of the same nationality, forcing them to either leave behind a unique guild name/tag or die out.

My suggestion -to rid GW2 of these problems- is hence the following:

A-net, go back to your roots! Guild alliances from GW1 was (and still is) an EXCELLENT system. Here’s how I see it working in GW2:

1) GUESTING: Guilds could join in alliances where players would have a “home” guild but could guest between the guilds in the alliance (a maximum of 10 guilds could join the alliance).
There would be a “home” roster and the “alliance” roster, so you could easily team up with either players from your or allied guilds (if whatever you’d be doing should require more people).
2) ALLIANCE LEADER: The alliance leader would be the person that would form the alliance and invite the guilds into his marry band of players. A permit for doing so could be bought from the Guild trader for 20-50 gold (or something like that), the costs of which could then be divided between the guilds joining in the alliance – this would of course be a matter of personal arrangements. One would have to buy the alliance permit in any case.
A similar system to the current Guild panel could be implemented to be seen in the alliance roster, where the Alliance Leader would have the optimal control and could update the -let’s call them- Guild Lords on the roster (leaders of other guilds in the alliance).
3)INFLUENCE POINTS: As one of the leading guild currencies, these would still be earned within the guilds, which would translate into this: guilds would earn their own influence points which they could use for upgrades of their guild or consumables (such as banners, buffs etc.) BUT they could also donate influence points to the alliance – so the bigger the alliance the better – ATM it’s like this: bigger guilds = more influence; same thing could be done with alliances: bigger alliance = more influence. The alliance leader (or players that he would appoint in the alliance roster) would then make the guild mission upgrades and trigger them.
If you want an influence “farming” alliance to run guild missions all the time you can do that; if you just want an alliance of guilds to enhance cooperation and player base, you can do that as well.
Upgrades could be triggered or set in queue by people that the alliance leader sees fit for the job, hence the alliance roster, which would serve in the same way as the guild panel.

PS: If you REALLY want just ONE guild and if you are that famous world-wide known guild or a Youtube star with more than enough players, you would just do these things within your guild. The alliance leader and donation of influence points doesn’t apply to such examples – these guilds would just carry on and play just like they currently are.

All of the features mentioned aboue would make guild missions a LOT easier -not in the sense that you would do them with ease but rather being able to do them with a relatively normal ammount of players (because truth be told, a normal guild will have a really hard time finishing guild bounties with i.e 10 steady players).

At the moment the situation is as follows: if your guild is small, or medium-sized, you have LITTLE chance of finishing the bounties or whatever missions you’re doing because you cannot build a steady base of players, or at least it’s bloody hard as kitten. Random players DO NOT join your guild in your cause, rather the opposite. People stand next to bounty targets just so it scales up and watch others fight and gradually die, so things are more or less disappointing, to say the least.

What do others think? I would love your opinion on my suggestions.

Stabby Raa

(edited by Mr K.3126)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

The buddy interface really needs some love…

What im thinking is a group system so you can organise your pals currently everything is jumbled up I cant tell who is my fractal partner or who is my wvw partner. Currently i’m resorting to using a note pad so i remember the names and the nickname is not practical as it is.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: VeddeV.2146


Experience earned through structured pvp would be nice, like a quarter of a bar per match, and to make it so you can’t abuse the feature, have it so that ppl would need to earn a certain score per match. IF anyone else has an interest, I do have a thread started to discuss this idea.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cundall.6402


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jakub.8761


Hi there
I played this game since beggining and i want to say something about it.

Last update of difficulty-scalling is crazy. Because there are limit of players on event when it is playable. It’s wrong, please make cap of difficulty so event can be succesfuly finished.

Crazy are pistol-shooting mobs (overpowered). My thief with exo pistols is like children with toys compared to them. Even my guard with exo equip have problems with them. And CM dungeon is Hell. Nobody want to go there!

I was really dissapointed after story line finished. WTF reward is it? A hat? Are you kidding me? What about something with boost agains risens? If you kill their boss so you become their perdition.

Do something with botters!! When you go everywhere there are ppl who teleporting from one point to another instantly, how you can allow it? This I reported couple months ago and it’s still there. I don’t care if somebody using walker .. but this is serious violation.

Make NPC tougher .. for event and story line. It’s shame if they die on second hit and you need revive them. In story they are useless sometimes. I have idea to let them live longer but make just decent demage. As group of soldiers fighting with group of monters as long as somebody come and help them.

And I hope that there will be possibility to mount some animal and build my own house there in future, because it is another level of self-realization in game and another range of goods to your store.
Let players build their own city on some new wilderness map

(edited by Jakub.8761)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: mantis.6459


One simple and quick suggestion:


Seriously, 100% map completions, jump-puzzles, and achievements are all icing on the cake and should never be considered the cake!

Why am I leveling to 80? To go back and do things I seemingly should have been able to do at 30?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gulesave.5073


Can something done about how the flame and bottle profession icons for Elementalists and Engineers look so much alike? Even with good eyesight, I need to look closely to see which is which.

Perhaps a wrench for the Engineer?

I should be writing.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Agrios.1957



When will we be able to filter armor in the TP by type (light/medium/heavy)?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Topix.6974


Guild Calender – Would help a ton with setting up in game events.
Dungeon Finder tool – Something like But in game.

These two things should of been in the game before it was released imo.

Mentally On Call – 80 Elementalist
Mentally Disturbed – [MD]
Sanctum of Rall

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Komotz.6072


So with this new guesting thing going on and everybody’s hate on it, yes I know and I’ll prove that its part guesting and part party system that’s the problem.

Here’s my suggestion

Take a page from Aion’s book and implement a “Shift+F12” feature to turn off loading of other characters and only loading guild/party members. This is purely optional as in WvW and PvP it would be highly useless, this is mostly for large world events or even casual play in PvE where massive amounts of people congregate.
Now for the guesting problem. Yes its a problem, not by itself though. The guesting system combined with the party system can make playing on world boss maps virtually unplayable.


Max guild membership without upgrades is 50 players, say we have a guild that meets the max amount. Now for the parties, 10 parties with 5 people in each is, of course, 50 players. All you need is 1 party member from each 10 to be on a world boss map before it starts, once the event starts the rest of the 40 players hit “join party member” on the members portrait.

By doing this players completely bypass the overflow system and the map limitations, I’ve tested and confirmed this by going to Frostgorge Sound and waiting for Jormag to spawn, then having 20 of my guild members invite random people in the overflow on Frostgorge. We bypassed the system and essentially got 100 people in on Jormag passed the overflow filter.


Guesting is for playing with friends on other servers, not ignoring your own world events. Prevent guests from getting chests on worlds other then their own. It’s already been proven that Anets able to prevent chests from spawning for people who’ve done world events within a 24hr period, not much harder to put a server check command in there either.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: DjC.7039


Having just done our Guilds first Guild Mission, I would like to add my voice to a Guild Calender upon which, leaders/officers can put up when the Missions (and any other aspect i.e. Dungeons, Wv3 etc) will be happening so we can organise better groups.

I hate to say this (Really!), but the calender system was one of the few things I really liked about WoW. It was great for organisation. It can only improve guild organisation in GW2 as well.


Guild Organiser – Reunited Ronins [RR]
Guild Forum / Facebook Group Page
Lvl 80 Guardian(x2), Ranger, Warrior, Elementalist, Engineer, Necromancer, Mesmer, Thief.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eciruam.1309


The biggest thing for me would be the transition from Guild Wars 1 to Guild Wars 2.

Many of my IRL friends and Guild mates agree that Guild Wars 1 was more enticing to play because you could customize all 8 slots to make very specific and unique builds.

Essentially, in the current system, one’s play style does not change past level 10. This means players are playing the exact same characters from levels 10 – 80.

(Note: I picked level 10 because that’s the approximate level when I maxed all my weapon skills)

As well, utility skills add little to no customization aside from very few. Playing a Ranged DPS Ranger, I simply have 2 buffs (Quickening Zephyr and the Bleeding active) with Lightning Reflexes and Rampage as One. However, these skills do nothing to actually change my play style, and many of my attempted “builds” have had a similar feeling.

What I would like to see (maybe not soon, but in the future) would be a way to customize the left side of the bar. Make hundreds of skills like in Guild Wars 1, so unique builds can start to flourish and players feel attached to their own creation.

However, the skill quality of Guild Wars 2 is a lot more flashy, which means developing hundreds of skills would be painful. Nevertheless, I feel like Guild Wars 2 is trying to be a MOBA instead of trying to be the sequel to Guild Wars 1, where skill was determined by strategy, planning, and coordination.

I hope later expansions and patches release to make this combat less stale.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gerzanthulus.9642


Ideas for new elite skills
-Well of _______
Does damage in the same fashion as Well of Corruption or Well of Suffering and each pulse revives a percent downed allies inside of it similarly to the engineer’s Toss Elixir R.
-A Corruption Skill
Burn yourself to gain boons and burn all nearby foes. (Not sure what kind of boons would be appropriate.)
-Phantasmal Transformation
Transform yourself into a more powerful version of your weapon’s respective phantasm. Seeing as to how each weapon combination possible includes one, I think this could be doable. For example, none of the non-2-handed weapon main hands have a phantasm, but all of the off-handed weapons do, so if the person is wielding anything with a sword in the off-hand slot, then the mesmer could turn into a more powerful version of the Phantasmal Swordsman (with a new set of skills of course).
-Elixir I (Immortality)
Drink Elixir I to revive yourself the next time you are downed. Lasts _ seconds.
-Elemental Flux
Fluctuate the surrounding environment based on your attunement.
Fire: Burn your foes in a sea of flames and grant might to yourself and nearby allies.
Water: Chill your foes and heal your allies in a torrential vortex.
Air: Electrocute and immobilize your foes in a web of lightning.
Earth: Bleed your foes and make them vulnerable by impaling them with large stalagmites.
Your next _
hits don’t break stealth.
-Nature’s Call
Call more animals to support you in combat. (Similar to the thief’s Thieves Guild)
-Divine Intervention
Damage all foes and heal all allies in a target area.
-Overzealous Strike
Strike target foe with such ferocity that you damage yourself.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taylor Swift.4190

Taylor Swift.4190

Please make it easier to level 80. I want to make new char to play but all of the good stuff is at lv80. I want to be able to wear endgame armor asap so I don’t immediately get destroyed in WvW. Sure the story was fun but I would never want to do it again. I liked how in Guild Wars 1 you can easily reach level 20 and jump right into the battles. Right now the only alternative to this is crafting up to level 80 which takes ~60 gold. I’m extremely poor in the game and don’t want to buy 60 dollars worth of gems for a lv80.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Irena.1062


perhaps if you get 100% exploration okittenone, if using a waypoint in that zone there is no cost?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Irena.1062


which of these words is bad


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: caiomacos.1694


Being able to transmute the appearance of different weight armor sets.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Era.6179


I have recently been stupid enough (I admit it) to buy a Token Amour piece that was not the correct type for my profession i.e. I bought a Medium piece of armour on my Elementalist. When I sent in a ticket, they replied saying they do not have the tools to even do what I asked. Therefore, I have a few suggestions:

- Make the tools available so that the support team can refund/swap armour pieces for a customer when they run into this problem,
- Make all of the Token Armour pieces Account Bound (it does not make any sense for the tokens themselves to be account bound and the armour you buy with it soulbound)
- Have a checkbox within the merchant window to hide/show all unequippable items for your current character
- or All of the above.


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: sage.3580


Any developers reading this?

I can’t be the only player that feels like the game developers had a troll face on when making this game. I bought this game because I am not a sociable person and I cannot explore this beautiful world you call Tyria because there are enemies everywhere. I do not wish to play the game with other people. Is there some kind of middle ground that you guys could reach in order to appeal to a broader group of gamers when you make Guild Wars 3?

I don’t know if you really anticipate single players to just keep playing after they die, it is actually very preposterous. The only way to play this game is with other people and the simple fact of the matter is, in case you did not know, a lot of people like to play role playing games in order to escape from the difficulties of a social real life.

Thanks if you read this. Please add more NPCs so other people can enjoy this game who do not have a full friends list.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Negrul.5423


A Dungeon Finder should be added.

Proper Dungeon Finder is needed.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Warzog.6315


I believe that there are a huge number of missed opportunities in Guild Wars 2:
1). The personal story.
-a). Except for the level 1-10 quests, all of the personal story quests are identical, no matter what race or profession is chosen.
-b). The home instance is so under used, it really shouldn’t even be called home.
-c). Events from the various story branches should carry forward, offering more game/role playing. I.E.
—1). A Charr’s warband should be able to ask for the player’s assistance from time to time.
—2). The various orders could have special tasks for the player.
—3). The minor races should change their attitudes when encountered later.
—4). Past events should play a larger role as the player advances.
2). Cartography
-a). Map completion should only require uncovering the map, discovering waypoints, and points of interest
-b). Home instances should only be available to the player’s home, not to all of them.
-c). Hearts, Vistas, and Skill challenges should be there, but completely optional, which would give players a reason to come back to that zone later.
-d). There should be different map completion achievements for PvE and PvP/WvW, not combined into one.
3). Leveling
-a). Leveling should be limited to PvE and personal story quests.
—1). Other forms of leveling removes the need to ever explore, or to do the personal story. Especially, since there is no real reward in doing them once at level 80.
-b). Leveling by crafting seems to be very pointless.
—1). Crafting should be tied to the character’s level, I.E. one can only craft up to their current level, and the items crafted should be worth the effort (read: useful to the character.)
—2). Crafting should be a desired ability, not a means to level up. Once max’ed, why bother doing anything else in the game?
-c). PvP and WvW already level one up to level 80, so why allow it to level the PvE side too?
—1). Sure, you would need to make all skills available in PvP/WvW, but that would help players decide which way to go on their PvE side of gameplay.
-d). It would be nice if armor and weapons leveled with you. Having to constantly buy new armor and weapons is the main reason that players opt for leveling by crafting and doing PvP/WvW, where they can keep their original armor until they get to level 80. PvE types can’t do that as every five levels or so they see a big hit to the damage that they receive, or do. (Unless, that hit could be reduced to every ten to twenty levels.)
—1). It would also be nice if the armor and weapon vendors sold gear that was actually useable at it’s stated level. Most of them, above level 10, is so underpowered it’s not worth the effort to buy, other than to transmute good gear into the look you want.
4). Dungeons
-a). As they are supposed to be (other than the fractals dungeon) optional parts of the personal story, why not make them doable by players, instead of by groups.
-b). Make the dungeons less complicated. Many require several things to be done at the same time, and many pickup groups have no clue what those are. If dungeons were soloable, things would be much more enjoyable.
5). End Game
-a). What end game?
-b). For most mmorpg types, PvP and WvW aren’t end game content
-c). The only recourse, once one reaches level 80, and completes the story is to roll new races and professions. Unfortunately, except for skills, the content and gameplay are to similar to make that a viable option.
-d). Once level 80 is reached, and the personal story is done, why not have a player’s race, home instance, order, and assisted lower races ask for help?

I had high hopes for Guild Wars 2. I’ve followed it’s developement for years, played since the beta weekends, have eight characters, played every race, every profession, and I’m utterly bored after just seven months of play. (I played Guild Wars 1 for five years and was never bored. Unfortunately, Guild Wars 1 is slowly dying too.)

I’ll check back, from time to time, to see if there are any improvements, but I’m not holding my breath, the PvP/WvW side of things seem to be getting the most attention in Guild Wars 2.

Personally, I doubt that Guild Wars 2 can really be fixed, but an expansion might be. Quite a bit like Fractions and Eye of the North were huge improvements over the Prophecy release of Guild Wars 1. (Don’t even get me started on Nightfall.)

(edited by Warzog.6315)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Un Poulet.9754

Un Poulet.9754

Like others mentionned before, endgame stuff to do.
I’m thinking about stuff like minigames, solo dungeons.
Cause right now all i do is grind : /

Alliances so my smaller guild would not have to disband to do guild missions and to rally all the french guilds on my server.

Something to get exited about the living story, was disapointed especially when i read somewhere that developpers were as exited as release for the feb update.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Lucar.4036


I know this has probably been hit on by several people but I would really like to see a possible group waypoint for the global and minimap and also to possibly have it so people in group can see the red “ping’s” on the map while even in different area’s to help organize the Guild missions a little better in-game. Please and thanks. Awesome game love every minute

Level 80 Ele Lucanar

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nomar Ramon.3107

Nomar Ramon.3107

Do you know the feeling of going into a map for the first time and not knowing what to expect? It gets your adrenaline up, makes you pay attention to what is going on and forces you to play from instinct.

Add a map region, an instance or something, where the creatures, their spawn point, their levels and many other things about the map would be vastly different every time a group entered. Even the terrain could be different if you wanted, or maybe i find my character swimming in air having to use underwater skills and only able to walk under water and use ground skills.

Chaos is what I would like to see. I opened a topic on this in suggestions format call A Random Map: Realm of Chaos. I hope someone sees it and finds it interesting enough to think about.

I wouldn’t care if there were no rewards or point to it myself. I would just like to have a place that is different every time I go.

Maybe it’s not possible with hardware and software to date, but I would love someone to tell me why it can’t be done, because sometime soon in the future someone will make this happen. It will change everything.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: pitrelli.5361


It seems to me a few of the legendary weapons seem rushed and to an extent subpar compared to others.
An idea would be arenanet open up the ‘theme’ of each weapon to other weapons, for example a twilight themed staff, sunrise themed dagger or a bolt themed shortbow …… you get the picture.
The way its currently done feels far too restrictive and leaves people will little choice if they absolutely hate the skins of the current ones on offer.
As an added question it would be useful to know will future legendary recipes use the mastery gift and fortune gift?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Luquatic.3825


We’re still waiting for a Guild Hall and a new Hall of Monuments ArenaNet…

A Thief on Desolation

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: miniL.7361


I have an idea For more guild events,
The game is called Guild wars but there isn’t alot to do for the guild’s .
So i started thinking.

We should let guilds fight to each other to earn lands from Tyria.
The benefits to have a piece of land can be a free teleport to all the waypoints for the guild if they own that piece of land.And some weekly rewards sended to the guild leader for each land they own.+ The guild logo showed so other people can get intrested to join that guild .

How sould it worke ?
there sould be a moment that every guild leader from the game can singn up to participate. They can choose a land to atack .If this land is ownd by an other guild they will fight that guild .If not then they will have to fight mobs and bosses.

More about the gamplay
There will be 2 headquarters
1 for the red team 1 for the bleu (as you can see in the pic)
each headquarters has 3 gates to enter (showed with the numbers 2,3,4,7,8,9)
In each headquarters there will be a crystal that has to get killed. You can give each headquarters 8 catapult. that can be draged by a player (To drag a catapult you sould have a catascroll or somthing .This scroll can be given by the guild leader or somthing so he/she can decide witch player can drag a catapult) .the player with the catapult sould be get slowed a bit not too much but they sould run slower as the normal players.If the player withe the catapult got killed there catapult will be left behind and die slowly ( so the player has a chanche to pic up his catapult again ). If the player that was draginng the catapult die the other team could destroy there cata .When it got destroyed there will be a respawn time on the catapult.

Also you can see there will be 3 main road’s (A,B,C) At each road there will be a tower that the each team can build for blue this will be the numbers 1and 5.
For red it will be 10 and 6 . (maybe you can also put towers infront of each of the 6 gates)
each tower has 2 options slow or damage the player. also each tower can be build only once if the other team takes 1 out i sould be gone for ever.
The goal from the atacker is to push into the enemy base and take down there crystal if they do so the game is over and they are the new owners from that land.
If the defened guild can defend till the time is up (maybe 3 houres or somthing ).then they will keep there lands or if the defened guild can kill the attackers crystal they will win too and keep there land .

To make it all a bit harder you can make it as example.When a guild owns more then 1 land as example 5 then each other guild can atack 1 land but becaus they have 5 lands they can be atackt on 5 difrent lands so you have to choose witch one you will defend and witch one you will let go . but spread it a bit so they have like example 30 mins the time between each atack so when a guild is realy good they have a chanche to defend the 5 lands and maybe lose 1

(I was talking about catapults but maybe you can use golems they are already slowed and it would be nice too )
Oke this took me a realy long time to worke out the idea+ I’m not english so i tried to write it in my best english posible .Sorry for the spelling mistakes and i hope you can do somthing with it

What you mention feels to me like something close to WvW, which is already there and can just be expanded. I do agree guilds need a lot more options, but not just in missions for example and things they can do.

The guild system needs to be reviewed imo and as a priority. There is a really limited way for the guild leader to manage his guild/ranks. And on top of that the guild bank is even worse and needs a lot more layers to be nice & effective in my eyes.

Guilds should be able to customize everything as in ranks and settings for the guild.
And the guild message of the day, if you keep it on 1 day barely anyone will read it.
A nice idea for example would be to display it in the chat when you log in to that guild.

Another way would be a popup, but that would be turning 180, straight to annoyance of the members rather than the guild leaders

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ant Boogy.9673

Ant Boogy.9673

A filter for light, medium, and heavy armor in the Trading Post would be nice instead of having to sift through to find what you need.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Aardwolf.6085


I would really like to be able to put basic info on my account that can be seen by friends and guild members… Very basic info like age, country, and gender and maybe a short status message would be nice…

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Arthxaiz.5947


Often I waste gold making my weapons look like other weapons. I’d rather have the option to buy a (cheaper) skin so that I can make my weapons look like others. I’d restrict it from having Legendary skins, as that would not be fair to people who bought them (Then everyone would be running around with Sunrise and Incinerator)

Some new weapons I would like to see: Gauntlet, Whip, Crossbow(Rapid spike damage, faster than a short bow, hits like a pistol.)

Gauntlet: Elementalist, Guardian, Engineer

Elementalist – I imagine some Water/Fire/Earth/Lighting Bending style attacks (Like Avatar: Last AirBender)

Guardian – Pretty much slams the ground doing support and what I call holds(pretty much holding onto solo/large groups of players acting as a conduit for boons and heals) But in effect there are some downgrades to having it, probably the more likely one, causing the Guardian to be weaker in self-defense. But the Gauntlets would give more mobility to the Guardian.

Engineer – of course I imagine rocket launchers among some other Iron Man style stuff with a more Asuran twist…

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Yeni.3507


1. Dungeon instance ownership transfer.
When previous instance owner left, the dungeon remain open and players in the party remains in dungeon.

2. Fractal weapon skin purchase with fractal token/shards.
RNG is bad!

3. Guild roster panel member last login/represent date.
For easier guild management.

4. Blocked means block!
Still see blocked player message in /say and /guild.

5. Commanders’ ranking system.
So we can tell which one of them is good or bad.

6. Dueling system.
Pretty please?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Saturn.1246


love the housing idea i remember back in FFXI where i had my own home

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: cmlanton.3496


Dear Arenanet,
There is a serious flaw in the system put in place to block other players. That is, blocked players can still hear and see you, and you remain on their contact list. I’m the leader of a small guild, and have learned that two of my members have been verbally harassed in a graphic sexual manner by other players. The content of the harassment involved threats of kitten them, and was extremely explicit. This game is a T rated game, meaning that this shouldn’t even be an issue, and the dialogue was in the say channel for all to hear. This apparently has happened to them more than once, but this particular occasion was three days ago. They reported this to the game mods and the leader of the players’ guild, with screens, in an attempt to have someone take care of it, and so far it has not been addressed. I understand that addressing so many report can take a while, but in the mean time, the players have continued to stalk them. My argument, thus, is that another player shoulder not be allowed any interaction with those who block them outside of perhaps pvp and wvw zones. They should not be allowed to have said person in their contact list in an effort to remember his or her name, hear said person’s dialogue, see the other person, or interact with the other person in any manner. Some form of moderation should also be in place to observe areas and prevent such things from happing. There should be a notification that someone received a report and is reviewing it. The blocking system needs to be overhauled to protect players from stalking and harassment. Reports on such matters should also be dealt with much more swiftly and severely. My guild members are disturbed by what has transgressed, and I’m very disappointed in the lack of response by management. The game is great, but this needs to be addressed.

If anyone would like to further address the issue, there is a thread restating this argument here:

Thank you.

(edited by cmlanton.3496)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gytis.1637


I have recently been stupid enough (I admit it) to buy a Token Amour piece that was not the correct type for my profession i.e. I bought a Medium piece of armour on my Elementalist. When I sent in a ticket, they replied saying they do not have the tools to even do what I asked. Therefore, I have a few suggestions:

- Make the tools available so that the support team can refund/swap armour pieces for a customer when they run into this problem,
- Make all of the Token Armour pieces Account Bound (it does not make any sense for the tokens themselves to be account bound and the armour you buy with it soulbound)
- Have a checkbox within the merchant window to hide/show all unequippable items for your current character

Happened to me too recently, i only cried for an hour or so and even didn’t spam forums.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Make Race Change Kit for 2000 gems.

It will allow you to change only your race.
After this:
All cultural armors and armor with that skins will be unable to wear until it will have your old race armor skins. To will be able wear it again you will need to change their skins with transmutation stones to the allowed to your new race.
You will be able to make new starting choice of the biography. It will affect your already done story also.
Your story will be at the same progress stage, order choice included.
All quests made before the change will marked completed but you will not recieve extra reward for it.
All racial skills will be changed to the new racial skills. All skill points what you have spent to learn old racial skills will be turned back, and new racial skills will be given unlearned.

So i started thinking.
... wall of text ...
Oke this took me a realy long time to worke out the idea+ I’m not english so i tried to write it in my best english posible

long time to copy-paste it from the Perfect World? You even PrtScr-ed territory wars map!

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

(edited by SilverWF.4789)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: caiomacos.1694


2. Fractal weapon skin purchase with fractal token/shards.
RNG is bad!

I second that. Or at least make fractals weapons tradable.

Im not completely against having RNG items in the game. For example, I liked that little touch we had on GW1, where every boss had its personal unique (green) drop that had a small chance to pop out as a loot – and thats something I think would be a good adition to the game: every boss having a specific name (instead of champion this, champion that…) and have its personal rare drop.

But I think, RNG items should at least be tradable, and not account bound. That way, if a person is not lucky enough to get the item as a drop, she could use the money acquired to get the item. Relying only on RNG leads to possible situations where a person could farm an event / dungeon / area / boss for months and months and never get the desired item.

So either make the fractals RNG items tradable or offer than in exchange for fractals tokens.

(edited by caiomacos.1694)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Keida.2608


Wvw resets can be quite exciting for some. Just an idea to add playable drums/ and or horns ect.(only in a certain time slot before the resets, so they aren’t annoying) to hype up the resets in Lion’s arch. Kind of like a hockey game or something. Might encourage people who never do any pvp/wvw to at least check it out.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Wackus.7840


The cause

For some time now I have been playing MMORPG, though never as fervent as some and never really to my satisfaction. I have been pondering why the games lure me in but never really deliver on their promise.
Speaking for myself, I have decided that it is the channelled way of progression that sooner or later takes the fun and energy out of the game. Once the pattern is recognised it makes for a dreary path towards the endgame, which is only fun for a certain type of gamer.
So I wondered: “what kind of game would entice me for a long period of time and satisfy this need in me?”
The answer for me was variation and unpredictability. I do not claim to have made a brilliant discovery with this; I can see how this is the main focus for the developers of all current MMORPG’s.
The trouble with most games is that they try to capture these elements in creative designing and PvP battles. The problem with the first being that there is no way you can keep the questing towards lvl 60 (depending on the game, of course) creative if all you use is prefab programming. The problem with the second is that it is aimed at a very specific kind of player, the endgame battle player, the raider. In itself there is no problem there, but this ignores a, in my opinion, large potential fan base that is not interested in grinding to get that final bit of special equipment that will make you the envy of the masses.
The solution: real working social structures.

Please read the attached document for the full story

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

achievement: i have many titles in GW2 but don´t really know for what. Achievement panel doesn´t work as AP in GW1. F. E.: Been there, done that. You need to browse all achievement list to see what it is and for what. In GW1 were list of achievements and under it it was for what.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

Not sure if this was suggest already but id really like to see ascended items, rings in particular being salvageable to yield – ectoplasm, shard/vials/globs of mist essence.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Mrs Wolf.5123

Mrs Wolf.5123

Funny they (arena net) sell riding clothes…..but nothing to ride

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


Not sure if ppl already said this, but how about to be able to see your Kill / Death – ratio (WvW).
Could be customized to show only kills if you’d like that, as for me, I am always curious how many kills I have done in one day.

Could be added in the goto wvw screen.

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Grin.2578


Dungeon finder. A daily random dungeon would be good also to rotate people through dungeons so they see the content.

So many leave the game due to no end game content, and this is one of the biggest issues.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Jaxson.1593


Someone suggested this about six months ago:
}}} Waypoint costs need readjusting. A reduced cost for completing a zone you can travel to would be nice.

I’d suggest that it’s silly to really penalize someone for transferring directly from Kessex to Caledon. By forcing them to go for “free” through the home city, then Lion’s Arch, then to the home city, you just increase your server load pointlessly.

1) Once you have completed a city, the costs should be negligible to transfer between any WP in one to another.
2) Additional suggestion — once you have completed an AREA then transferring between WPs between that and any completed area should be negligible.

The first seems obvious to reduce pointless server loading… why force your servers to handle the load on Lion’s Arch when the user is only going to transfer right back out again? Even if you do it on the “underside” — that is, you transfer them into LA and then back out again due to some behind-the-scenes server management issues, it gives you the knowledge of what is intended by the user, and saves considerably on what load your servers are placed under, since the entire process of xferring into LA would be lower for an interim transfer… You could even specifically set up interim tranfer servers that handled ONLY people “passing through”.

The second would be convenient and seems obvious but I’ll grant it to be less so.

(edited by Jaxson.1593)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


It would be nice to for a Ranger to stow their pets UNTIL they are in combat.
If we fall during a jumping puzzle, or vista, they pop up, and it can be difficult to see where you’re going with them around, forcing you to repeatedly stow them so that you can proceed.
Traveling around can also be a problem, as they tend to be ahead, and off to the left, which can oft times agro enemies that could otherwise be avoided.
That, in turn, causes further problems when you enter or exit instances, map to new areas, etcetera, requiring you to constantly stow them every few minutes.
Personally, I’d love to see pets only activated in two ways, you activate them, or you enter combat; either by initiating combat, or by being attacked.

I kind of like this with an additional option that the pet doesn’t chase out and aggro someone near to someone you’re trying to draw away.

You have to shoot, then call back the pet… and then they stand there while you’re getting beat on until you tell them to attack your target again.

Something that had them attack things NEAR you (esp. if they are attacking) but not to go out chasing something at the limit of your ranged attack would be good. If this is possible already, I haven’t seen any sign of it.

The obvious problem is you hit something that’s out at the limit of your range, the pet runs out and hits it waaaay out there and also aggros another enemy nearby, while if they’d stayed close you’d only be dealing with one enemy and not a handful.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Jaxson.1593



For God’s sake, PING.

You had this in GW but you appear to have forgotten it. It would be useful to be able to ping a location or direction on the minimap for another user. Trying to define left right up down for someone else when you can see them is silly. Heck, take it a step further and allow you to highlight an NPC for someone else to go to, IF you’re in sight of the NPC would be good… and have it show up highlighted in THEIR main viewscreen (not just the minimap).

It’s 2013. Time to move forward in gaming informatics.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Melfice.5091


Remove A LOT of invissible walls. Exploring is supposed to be a huge part of this game but right now there is absolutely no exploring needed, and everything is blocked by random invissible walls, except for jp and vistas, why is that?

Professional noob guardian