Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: TwoSwords.4687


I find that when farming Orr that the DR does not traverse from Map to Map or even from one area to another.

I did an event at a base, north of Arah, somewhat long, a defense event, noticed that after awhile I wasn’t even seeing lootable corpses.

Went to an event that was an escort quest, started getting good loot again, finished that event, teleported to Arah for a defense event. Again to start off, loot was phenomal, then towards the end noticed bodies were not lootable.

It seems in my many experiences in Orr, that the DR is not limited to the map, or even a huge area, it seems even on different events the DR resets, I’ve witnessed bugged events where hordes of mobs just kept coming at the same location, crazy loot dropping from AE tagging everything, started to dry up about 10 minutes. I decided to go do a Temple Event up north and again, lootable corpses were plentiful.

Through normal playing I haven’t noticed DR on loot, I’m actually glad they have it implemented, because that bugged event with endless waves would have been exploited to no end. Maybe it needs some tweaking, but I’m glad the mechanic is there.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: zun.2905


Most people saying they’re fine with all these restrictions are probably not level 80, or at least not fully geared in exotics.

We’re on a MMO. On any MMO, there will be people with huge playtime, that will be far ahead of others. And listening to their complains is often a good idea, cause they’re at a point that everyone will reach eventually.

About the current topic, when you’re level 80, full exotic and 100% map completion, all that’s left to do is to work some nice looking items. There aren’t a million ways to get some, you pay for them or you farm dungeons. And I’m not talking about getting a small sum like 20 golds to craft a full exotic sets.

Problem is, everything that allowed to gain some money has been nerfed. Dungeon runs too.

Dungeons are the most obvious and astonishing non-sense. For a complete set and some weapons, we need around 1500 tokens. A run will grant ~20 tokens, depending on the dungeon. Meaning we have to do 75 runs of the same dungeon, with the same character (tokens are soulbound)… but we aren’t allowed to farm dungeons.

Same goes for money : we’re supposed to obtain huge amounts of money to pay for cultural armor, but we aren’t allowed to farm for money.

Legendary weapons are a special case : they require us to farm everything, while we can’t farm anything.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


move from dungeon to dungeon and event to event problem solved. if your not already doing that than you have no intreast in playing the game, just makeing you Kitten bigger

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


Whats next ? Stop sign for jumping puzzles ? “You can not do more than 1 jumping puzzle every day” .

This is how I’m feeling about this currently. If ANET wants to restrict my progression from playing this game, I can think of plenty of other games out there that would be GLAD to have me playing their game for hours on end.

And you can guarantee that I am not the only one.

But, I really hope that ANET does the smart thing here, otherwise a good chunk of their playerbase will probably leave.

You are so right. I went from being serious about playing to to not wanting to bother. While there are going to be people taking"like it of leave it/ we won’t miss you" stance. Its a moronic stance to take. Empty servers are bad for everyone. They are not fun to play on. (having to do DE’s almost alone sucks.) They are also bad financially for the host company.

At this point the game is not the problem. Anet is. From a purely mechanical standpoint, I’d be remiss to not say that this the best MMORPG that I ever played. Sad that the Devs are getting in the way of their own game.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcdash.4039


What I don’t get is…if A-Net is so anti farming, then why does all the cool armor cost so much Karma? People will have to farm for that kind of stuff. This anti-farming code just makes the process longer and more arduous.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I got what you say OP, but it seems that you can’t have fun without rewards…
I mean, you say everything is wasted time because of the reward, but what the heck is about the actual gaming time till you get (or think should get) the reward? If it isn’t fun, than don’t do it… If it is fun, how can it be wasted time?

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


I say the game is amazing and quite fun, but with the economy the way it is and everything being so expensive; the idea of diminishing returns outside of dungeons is just overkill. Removing the players options for making money just isn’t smart.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


Botting is a failure not of players I think, but of the event system. Anyone else remember getting hyped about them, before the betas started? It sounded like this elaborate system, where each map was almost like an RTS, and if the enemy was driven back at one point, or successful at another, there would be mapwide consequences, and things would be constantly changing?

If that had been true, you couldn’t just put one of those drinking birds from The Simpsons on the 1 key and go to bed, dynamic events would be too… actually dynamic for that.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wobels.1679


so guys simple solution for DR just log out an log back in it resets….

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Prophet.6954


The reward is drops. When your 80, xp doesnt matter, (if your not getting a legendary for EVER, hitting 80 30 times just isnt a reward, and karma doesn’t matter to some who are happy with dungeon armour and weapons, so all thats left is mats for crafting, and the .
chance to get gold and exotics. When you take away drops for someone like myself who is exploring an area, and hits numerous events and such along the way, I dont want to zone out, just to keep enjoying the events?

I think it’s ‘too’ stringent as it stands…and if nothing else, i don’t mind as much the karma/exp cap, as I do drops. How am I supposed to get 100 icy lodestones for my legendary, when i have to kill icy lvl 80 things, for 1 hour, and I got 1.

The problem is, the gear and legendary requirements were designed, based off originally developed drop rates. Now that I cant farm say icy stuff for icy lodestones longer then 15 minutes, and may not get a single drop I need in that time, the corresponding armor/weapons need to then be adjusted for what they require…

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Anti-farming should be renamed to anti-crafting.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


I think it dawned on ArenaNet that they didn’t have a grasp on the economy like they thought they did. Their artificially designed economy didn’t account for human action. Notice in the state of the economy article a little while ago they didn’t once mention that crafted goods are selling for under the price it takes to actually craft them? Their economy is screwed up and now they are trying to do damage control which will just make everything worse.

(edited by arcaneclarity.5283)

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sjach Darasv.3729

Sjach Darasv.3729

It actually really sucks when you are trying to build a full matched set of gear crafting and there is one area that has a decent droprate of a specific crafting item, and diminishing returns make it a pain to get cause, you have to go to areas where it gets progressively lower to not at all chance in dropping odds.

~Lone Shadow~

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brazensage.1328


as much as the haters say that this game is not for farming. I tell you that it is IMPOSSIBLE to craft without farming…unless you buy from the BLTP. Buying from the BLTP requires you to have money. Getting money requires you to grind/farm/repeat dynamic events. To limit us on how we can craft or lvl is super cruddy.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brazensage.1328


so guys simple solution for DR just log out an log back in it resets….

Actually, no it doesn’t. It seems to accelerate the time the DR diminishes, but it does not reset it. If that were the case it would defeat the purpose of DR.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: TwoSwords.4687


Most people saying they’re fine with all these restrictions are probably not level 80, or at least not fully geared in exotics.

I’m level 80.

Why does one have to be in full exotics in order for their opinion to be validated?

Currently 5-6 exotics equiped, only one crafted.

I’m fine with the restrictions, however after reading this thread, I’m thinking at least there should be some fine tuning, as it seems many of my fellow players aren’t happy with the current system.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gulliger.8963


I think some people misunderstood me when I wrote “normal players shouldn’t be running into these limits”. I was agreeing with the sentiment that this anti-farming stuff sucks, I was saying that you guys are “normal players”, and so this junk shouldn’t be affecting you.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


so guys simple solution for DR just log out an log back in it resets….

seems to help a little, but not a fix.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


as much as the haters say that this game is not for farming. I tell you that it is IMPOSSIBLE to craft without farming…unless you buy from the BLTP. Buying from the BLTP requires you to have money. Getting money requires you to grind/farm/repeat dynamic events. To limit us on how we can craft or lvl is super cruddy.

This is so true. ne way or another you are going to grind. It doesn’t really make sense limitting real players (not bots) who do it.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: TerminalMontage.5693


I’m level 80, and I feel like I’m making money pretty fast.

But I don’t like how if I run a dungeon and get some tokens, the next time I do it I’m rewarded with less tokens for 24 hours. :/

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: zun.2905


move from dungeon to dungeon and event to event problem solved. if your not already doing that than you have no intreast in playing the game, just makeing you Kitten bigger

Give me global dungeon tokens that I can use for any set and i’ll be incredibly happy to farm other dungeons.

When your kitten is fully grown, the only goal left is to make it cuter. And I’m perfectly fine with this, I really enjoyed gearing my toon in GW1. And a lot of people did, since GW1 was only about appearance (gear, titles, minis, etc.).

Unfortunately, in GW2, we have to farm the same dungeon again and again (and again x50) to get a dungeon set. That’s the way this game is designed.

And this thread is about complaining for being punished for playing that way.

Oh, by the way, I guess all of this makes your argument invalid.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: zun.2905


Most people saying they’re fine with all these restrictions are probably not level 80, or at least not fully geared in exotics.

I’m level 80.

Why does one have to be in full exotics in order for their opinion to be validated?

Currently 5-6 exotics equiped, only one crafted.

I’m fine with the restrictions, however after reading this thread, I’m thinking at least there should be some fine tuning, as it seems many of my fellow players aren’t happy with the current system.

Once you’re full exotics, you know your toon won’t gain any more power ever. Which is something I really enjoyed in GW1.

Which means that every goal you’ll aim for afterwards will only be cosmetics. To achieve those goals, we need to figure out a way to reach them. OP just states that current ways to achieve those goals feel like a huge waste of time.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: TwoSwords.4687


Most people saying they’re fine with all these restrictions are probably not level 80, or at least not fully geared in exotics.

I’m level 80.

Why does one have to be in full exotics in order for their opinion to be validated?

Currently 5-6 exotics equiped, only one crafted.

I’m fine with the restrictions, however after reading this thread, I’m thinking at least there should be some fine tuning, as it seems many of my fellow players aren’t happy with the current system.

Once you’re full exotics, you know your toon won’t gain any more power ever. Which is something I really enjoyed in GW1.

Which means that every goal you’ll aim for afterwards will only be cosmetics. To achieve those goals, we need to figure out a way to reach them. OP just states that current ways to achieve those goals feel like a huge waste of time.

So with that reasoning aquiring gold soley for cosmetics and trying to aquire gold/dungeon tokens is mutually exclusive? Because I’m not soley looking for cosmetic upgrades, the game plays differently and grants a different experience?
I have more then one goal in aquiring other exotics but that somehow makes my experience with DR irrelevant? Interesting, are you full exotics, is every person in this thread including the person I quoted in full exotics? Also I’ll make a rule up to, you can’t give your opinion on DR unless you have a legendary with 2 even stats on it. ^.^ I like this game!

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Ya know, I see alot of people whining about diminishing returns and saying how XYZ zone has mainly Risen mobs so you cannot avoid it. Then I hear people saying diminishing returns needs to be removed.

How about instead of removing a good system that prevents constant camping of certain areas and events we focus on either adding a new zone or tweaking to current zone so that you have to move areas but it’s not locked on the mobs in that entire zone?

It strikes me as rather duplicitive and selfish that people are going after the entire system instead of the problem that is causing the system to be overly harsh in one specific area. Because you know what, I want to be able to do content without 50 people camping it because it’s the best farming spot.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

I’ve read the whole thread and not one post have I seen any constructive ideas on how the system can be improved. Not to mention the fact that I’m almost certain I seen a post from arenanet about a bug that is inadvertently affecting normal players. But in reading the thread not everyone posting is a normal player. At least one person is managing to replicate bot like activity in their farming and as a result triggering the code because, outside of not using a bot program, is accomplishing the same. Obviously not everyone is managing to trigger the code while farming. So until there is a bug fix as mention before perhaps everyone can try and put there energy into how to change what they are doing to avoid it?

I do have to agree on one point brought up by more than one person in the thread though is why have content in the game that requires grind/farming if it is their belief that we should not have to grind/farm unless those things are there because they know that at least some of the player base likes to farm. Crafting was a good example. Tier 2 artificer requires over 1,600 soft wood logs and over 100 of each of the fine materials (blood etc) to discover all the recipes. Which is necessary to continue to climb without repeating learned recipes which would require even more materials than that. It is because of this that I question if it is worth it.

Keep in mind as well that when talking what you can sell an item for is based on if you gathered the materials to make it not bought it all from others. I never heard of any game where you can make a crafted item with the materials you bought from others unless that item was the uber best thing ever you can have in the game and so it always fetches a super high price because the demand is continually higher than the supply.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


I do have to agree on one point brought up by more than one person in the thread though is why have content in the game that requires grind/farming if it is their belief that we should not have to grind/farm unless those things are there because they know that at least some of the player base likes to farm. Crafting was a good example. Tier 2 artificer requires over 1,600 soft wood logs and over 100 of each of the fine materials (blood etc) to discover all the recipes. Which is necessary to continue to climb without repeating learned recipes which would require even more materials than that. It is because of this that I question if it is worth it.

Keep in mind as well that when talking what you can sell an item for is based on if you gathered the materials to make it not bought it all from others. I never heard of any game where you can make a crafted item with the materials you bought from others unless that item was the uber best thing ever you can have in the game and so it always fetches a super high price because the demand is continually higher than the supply.

The problem with crafting isn’t the materials required or anything. The problem is the sheer amount of drops available as well as the high amount of crafted items available. Simply put there is too much competition from drops as well as other crafters.

Why is there so much competition? Look at crafting design. As a Warrior I can be a blacksmith AND an armorsmith. So the only person I ever need to buy from is a jewler. Sure you have a few people buying underwater weapons or warhorns but it’s not near as common as your base gear. Besides, you know what you can do for those items? Karma rewards and drops. So most people can essentially easily take care of their own needs, and that of their alts.

Finally the reason people will dislike the most. Honestly ingredients are easy to come by for all the basic recipes. Simple as that. You get it from playing the game, everyone gets them, they are plentiful. They are sold by thousands, but the demand is high currently with everyone leveling crafting and so the price for those materials is higher due to demand. When the game has been out for awhile supply will increase further and demand will taper off. At this point it will be much more equitable for people to buy crafting materials from the market as a regular practice.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

I believe we are already at equilibrium for many materials. The relative cost per each will remain at the same percentage of attainable wealth. Hopefully that makes sense. But what remains is the sheer amount of materials you need to level the craft. By the time one finishes 100% completion of the zone the tiers materials come from, even going completely out of ones way as one goes to collect the materials as one completes the zone.

One will only have 1/3rd of the amount needed to complete the tier. Which requires many more hours of either farming for the materials (gathering and killing mobs that drop the blood etc) or many hours farming for the gold to buy it all. Either way crafting is a farming required activity. And anything that hinders farming will make that a negative activity to the player. I’ve spent personally 8 hours farming for the materials to complete artificer tier 2 and still am not finished getting what I need. And in that time I would not have obtained enough coin to out right buy all the materials needed either. I estimate at least another 8 hours of play is needed to farm the remaining materials.

Not to mention the act of gathering all the materials needed for artificer from beginning until now has resulted in me gaining 30 of my 40 levels. 10 levels worth came from completion of the two zones of content so far that my personal story has taken me to. There has been no reason to leave to new zones since the new higher level zones don’t contain the materials needed for the current tier. If it weren’t for the fact that I’m scaled down to the content everything would be trivial to do and I would have not even bothered with crafting. Seeing how it impacted leveling up like it was quite clear would happen as soon as I realized that crafting was a farming required activity. If tier 1 and 2 are any indicator then each tier will require progressively more time to get what is needed to reach the next tier.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


I believe we are already at equilibrium for many materials.

Absolutely no way. In 6 months there will be a fraction of the people crafting that there are now and supply will only increase. Almost everyone is still leveling their crafting. The game is only nearing a month from release. How could you even make such a ludicrous statement seriously without severe bias?

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ox See Sox.3687

Ox See Sox.3687

I agree with u all, please read my post “Maslow Pyramid for games”.
I believe the rewards for doing stuff arent enough.
We do puzzles to get 3 blues, we die 10 times to Champions to get a “Rare” drop. U batlle a lvl80 Dragon to get a Chest with trash, while u could actually farm 3 hours for an Exotic armor piece. Once we can reach MAX STATS so easy, why drop so much “copper” in the merchant equips drops.

Brains > Brawls
So Much Blur

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hydrophidian.4319


The problem with crafting isn’t the materials required or anything. The problem is the sheer amount of drops available as well as the high amount of crafted items available. Simply put there is too much competition from drops as well as other crafters.


Why is there so much competition?

Why indeed.

To me, so far, it seems unusually difficult to accrue any sort of meaningful wealth in this game. Waypoints, repairs, liberal drop rates that render crafting superfluous, pricey rates for goods that are only obtainable from vendors, trainer costs… it seems as though the game is deliberately engineered to keep players scraping for coin. That’s my current impression, based on my own experience and on a lot of the feedback I’m seeing on these forums.

Why design things that way?

Well, I keep looking over at that gem exchange with ever-increasing suspicion.

I really, really hope that’s not the reason for all of this, but I’ve never felt so nickel-and-dimed in any other game, and that’s including GW1. There’s got to be a reason for it.

Unless, that is, my impression is completely off, which is entirely possible. I might come to look at it differently as I continue to progress. But right now, I can’t shake this nagging feeling that I’m being played.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Why indeed.

To me, so far, it seems unusually difficult to accrue any sort of meaningful wealth in this game. Waypoints, repairs, liberal drop rates that render crafting superfluous, pricey rates for goods that are only obtainable from vendors, trainer costs… it seems as though the game is deliberately engineered to keep players scraping for coin. That’s my current impression, based on my own experience and on a lot of the feedback I’m seeing on these forums.

Why design things that way?

Well, I keep looking over at that gem exchange with ever-increasing suspicion.

I really, really hope that’s not the reason for all of this, but I’ve never felt so nickel-and-dimed in any other game, and that’s including GW1. There’s got to be a reason for it.

Unless, that is, my impression is completely off, which is entirely possible. I might come to look at it differently as I continue to progress. But right now, I can’t shake this nagging feeling that I’m being played.

Step outside of your capitalistic box for a moment. Why do you NEED to accumulate wealth? I’m gonna let that sit there for a moment.

The point of wealth is to get what you need/want. I’ve not had any problems whatsoever doing that in Guild Wars 2. At a reasonable and steady pace. It’s not “snap your fingers you have everything” but it’s also about 500 million times faster than “run this raid 50 times or go farm mats at this location for months”. Honestly things really don’t take that long here and you can stay adequately equipped or better at all times unless you are being blatantly bad at managing money.

Now, as far as crafting goes? The only way to make crafting lucrative is to fullfill 3 requirements. First crafting must produce items significantly better than drops and/or drops must be rare. Secondly crafting needs a significant bar to entry or there will be too much competition. Third you cannot have any easily accessible way to get competitive or better gear that the normal player will likely go through.

In other words to make crafting a lucrative profession you actually have to limit and punish all non-crafters with gear scarcity so that they will have little choice. Ironically this leads directly to inflation because in such games the main customers buying your items are people with higher level characters funding their lower level characters.

It adds capitalism into the game, but ultimately it’s poor game design. Not only does it directly fuel inflation but it penalizes new players to the game that don’t have friends or guildies.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


ChairGraveyard, you don’t kill 100 mobs in 5-6 minutes unless it’s a huge event with waves of mobs and you are severely overgeared (downleveled?).

I do agree the diminishing returns should have a higher treshold, however.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hydrophidian.4319


Step outside of your capitalistic box for a moment. Why do you NEED to accumulate wealth? I’m gonna let that sit there for a moment.

…Why, is it gunna do a dance or sumthin’?

The point of wealth is to get what you need/want.

You don’t say!

I’ve not had any problems whatsoever doing that in Guild Wars 2.

Perhaps, compared to others, you don’t need/want very much?

As I mentioned before, I might feel differently as I progress. But the fact remains that I’ve not felt so nickel-and-dimed in any other game, and it has had an impact on my gameplay thus far.

Now, as far as crafting goes? The only way to make crafting lucrative is to fullfill 3 requirements.

I disagree, professor.

I think a way to make crafting lucrative is to decouple it from base item quality and instead focus it almost entirely on cosmetic alteration, quality enhancement, and consumable goods. If that were done, there would no longer be any competition with drops.

GW2 is uniquely positioned to shift to this approach, because all the building blocks are already there in their system. What it’d require, though, is a big shift in design philosophy.

That might be too tall an order, but I’m hoping that’s not the case.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

I believe we are already at equilibrium for many materials.

Absolutely no way. In 6 months there will be a fraction of the people crafting that there are now and supply will only increase. Almost everyone is still leveling their crafting. The game is only nearing a month from release. How could you even make such a ludicrous statement seriously without severe bias?

I say this looking at data. For the last 30+/- days copper ore has been stable at 17-20c ea. Prior to that it was a rapid fall in price for about 3 days time down to the beginning of the 17-20c. I’m sure this is not the only item. There will always be new crafters and always be people who gather to sell instead or both. So statistically speaking copper ore’s supply and demand should remain relatively constant making this 17-20c range the baseline pivot for if supply and demand change for any particular reason like something new calling for the material for example.

And Hydrophidian.4319, I agree one of the draw backs to a number of crafted items is competition with loot. Which means only certain crafted items are of any value right now. In fact I’m almost certain that the crafted stuff actually is part of the loot tables so the exact items can be obtained that way as well. At least when it comes to caster items like staffs.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daniel Mighty.5012

Daniel Mighty.5012

U guys say GW2 is not for farming but i remember specifically seeing on the GW2 website way before the Beta was even out that they wanted class build diversity so each area would have things like FARMING builds and such (not just farming builds, things like pvp builds, different builds for different dungeons depending if it was story/FARMING) i think a game with a market like GW2 NEEDS farming, BUT there should be an alternative to or fun farming like dungeons and not just looking for a single monster in a map. and besides theres freakin magic find!!! That originated from Diablo, THE KING OF ALL FARMING GAMES

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shwesh.3159


In a nut shell: Arena Net really dropped the ball this game entirely. they made it fun to play, but unplayable.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sunduck.2450


Any bloodbath adventure must have princess or treasure at the end, its a law of the genre.

Antifarm must go away. Give us trash with slight chance of rare/exotic, but give us loot so we feel rewarded.

(edited by Sunduck.2450)

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: hughkok.9847


i agree 100%

this game could be going south quickly.

i had nothing but praise before…but now im worried with these slew of sh** changes that are punishing people for HAVING FUN AND PLAYING THE WAY THEY WANT TO.



Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: bowsaway.3928


I agree with this.

I just hit 80 and heard so many time I can make money in Orr. So looking at my gear that needs upgrading and getting excited I head to Orr. Kill a bunch of mobs and get nothing but moldy bags.

Now I have about 2 gold and per piece of exotic gear is 3 and up. So at that rate I will look for money for a year. This is taking the fun away. It is hard for me to even find reasons to log in.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Ok several things.

1. I’ve heard many people in game state flat out that the this “diminishing returns anti-farm code” doesn’t even exist. People that have farmed 1+ hour in the same spot. Level 400 crafters too. I’ve also never run into this myself.

2. If you are after money then roam and farm and harvest. Crafting materials sell well and you’ll be hitting a variety of mob types if we assume DR isn’t your imagination.

3. If you are farming for specific crafting mats? DON’T. Do #2 and buy additional mats with the money you made.

4. The game consists of more than 1 zone. You can make money in all of them.

Remember folks, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” If what you are doing isn’t working then ADAPT. Use that grey matter, it’s not just there for show.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: LED Head.2439

LED Head.2439

This is not an RPG, Man I almost completely rolled out of my chair in a fit of laughter, an RPG constantly rewards you for completing challenges with rare or wanted upgrades, This doesn’t this a MMO and MMO are meant to reward repetition and time spent/skill, this game clearly falls short somewhere between rewarding and time spent.

I cannot believe I am saying this but I don’t see where anybody gets off saying that WoWs loot system is bad and is a grind this is just as much as a time grind as that game except in that game I can go back and farm with my level 85 gear that actually makes me better than somebody else which is exactly the feeling you want after you put a lot of time and dedication into playing a game like that and this.

Ok several things.

1. I’ve heard many people in game state flat out that the this “diminishing returns anti-farm code” doesn’t even exist. People that have farmed 1+ hour in the same spot. Level 400 crafters too. I’ve also never run into this myself.

2. If you are after money then roam and farm and harvest. Crafting materials sell well and you’ll be hitting a variety of mob types if we assume DR isn’t your imagination.

3. If you are farming for specific crafting mats? DON’T. Do #2 and buy additional mats with the money you made.

4. The game consists of more than 1 zone. You can make money in all of them.

Remember folks, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” If what you are doing isn’t working then ADAPT. Use that grey matter, it’s not just there for show.

Ok that’s all well and good but doing different things still yields the same result which is a tedious and painful grind to get something that is actually worth talking about. I can actually backfire that whole point of logic using the game as my concept.

1. Anet designed the game to be not loot/gear orientated and want players to not be demi goods with the gear they wore.

2. The loot system is purpose built to discourage collecting items.

Insanity comes into play here when you keep playing the game and expecting something in return for your effort and time. Because the game simply was not made to reward you for time spent doing something, anything at all. I still have not figured out what the point is at end game because gear means absolutely nothing your not any more powerful than somebody else which in my point of view defeats the purpose of wanting better gear to begin with. Cosmetic differences do not impress me in the slightest. What would impress me is someone able to come up with an entire action plan within 1/4 of a second which is the average time you get to make a decision when it comes to countering another player or a boss move.

For my final point people have been adapting its called finding exploits its not very well liked but Anet but hey the adapted to find a solution that would work. I guess that is what all the botters are doing as well.

Not that I am affiliated with any such activity I don’t like that anymore than the rest of you legit players.

(edited by LED Head.2439)

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Insanity comes into play…SNIP…1/4 of a second which is the average time you get to make a decision when it comes to countering another player or a boss move.

This is incorrect. The game is not made to reward you in the way of stats or power in return for your time and effort. It only rewards with being fun to play and cosmetic rewards.

Instead of instantly railing on this, use this as a learning experience. This is the heart of an MMORPG, the gameplay. If that is not enough for you then why should any amount of loot in the world make a difference? Not fun to play = not fun to play. If it conversely IS enough for you then loot progression is just a bonus or a different flavor of fun.

In a more cynical light: if the only reason for you playing becomes getting bigger numbers and feeling more powerful then why are you playing the game still? Why wouldn’t you go play something fun in and of itself? Demand better game quality or choose a fun genre of game instead of willingly offering yourself to be exploited.

There are tons of options out there today and with a little research (which obviously you didn’t do on this game) you can make wise choices on games that will be both fun to play and will last you a good while.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battletoad.7632


Went to CoF today, played the first and second paths and got 45 tokens for the first path, and 20 tokens the 2nd path. I had played no dungeons at all today for diminishing returns to set in. What happend to 60 tokens for the first runs? I really liked this game but good grief wasting hours in a dungeon on my only day off to not get the rewards your supposed to sucks. I’m all for stopping exploits, token farming, all the things that make the game less fun for other players but good players are suffering for no reason. Please fix this I know I can’t be the only one getting screwed on tokens.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mistbooster.1803


I logged in an hour and a half ago did a chest run at blazeridge for my daily chests from there, killed some branded, did an event where ogres needed to gather water, then the continuation of that said event, where i needed to escort them back to their kraal, at that point, i decided, i dont want to do more things there, i jump to spark fly fen, help out some quaggans, then kill some krait who try to steal some kitten from the asurans, and then…. an event appears up north, destroy some risen galleon, i go there, buts it apart with couple of others and…. 21 karma. SAY WHAT! i came to the the forums searching for answers and find this thread, the DR system is some serious bullkitten. I cant even have fun utilizing the social aspect of the game(going about doing random events with random people) anymore now? Did i suddenly step into some kind of a police state? I am starting to realize why people get infracted on the forums for criticism, propably because there are so many things wrong with it.

So i would like to know… When are we actually getting the game we were hyped about, and when does the beta end?

Also is this DR thingy a common thing these days? since i would like to know if i can expect to run into it often when wasting my time in random places while waiting for certain world events i want to participate in with friends.

Hmmm Truth hurts does it not?
ANET, looks like you guys weild
your QA’s like a shiny armor.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sister Xing.9072

Sister Xing.9072

-Not sure if an idea like this was said earlier (too impatient to read all this) but here’s what I think-
I suggest that they implement a program that once the player is reported these things happen:
#1 A menu (that can’t be closed) comes up with one of those pictures we all see when we sign up for accounts. (those ones that say “type what you see here”)
#2 Implement a time limit. Ex 1 minute or so
#3 If they don’t type in what the “picture” says then they get kicked from the game.

That keeps normal players from being wrongly reported and bots off the game ^-^
I mean if it works for online accounts why not MMO bots?

Lalaith Nimdae (Nim), Level 80 Ranger
Sactum of Rall
Guild Wars community member since Aug 2006

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

Sister Xing.9072

That doesn’t stop the bots though. RMTs tend to have people monitoring the PCs running the bots to circumvent that kind of thing. I remember watching a special on chinese gold farming companies where that was common place.

For the rest I sometimes play for 4-6 hours in one session. Doing similar activity as recently posted. Going from DE to DE with some random mob kills between. Farming for crafting components. I still don’t get hit with any DR so I’m still not sure why some are having it happen. I know with DE if you only contribute enough to get bronze you get very little karma compared to gold. Like 10 times less.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sister Xing.9072

Sister Xing.9072

after a while tho if you do that event more then once your “prize” goes down. I know I was tryin to get mats in a lvl 63 char area and my karma from each event went form 300 to around 24.

Lalaith Nimdae (Nim), Level 80 Ranger
Sactum of Rall
Guild Wars community member since Aug 2006

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stratzvyda.3921


after a while tho if you do that event more then once your “prize” goes down. I know I was tryin to get mats in a lvl 63 char area and my karma from each event went form 300 to around 24.

Agreed, the DR should kick you in the nuts if you’re doing the same event over and over not the raw number of events. Ironically the current system has no effects on bots that just camp one event permanently.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battletoad.7632


I only see DR as a way of trying to fix something that is just sadly a part of any type of game like this. How can you expect to get anywhere in the game when you can’t farm for the enormous amount of mats you need to make a legendary? How can you play a dungeon if you have to play it over and over again to get tokens, then not even get the right amount your supposed to get in the first place? Honestly, I’ve played a ton of other mmo’s and botters and exploiters never really affected my game play until things like DR are thought up to curb the problem and I get punished for trying to get some tokens or get some mats so I can craft something. Oh well I guess I’m just preaching to the choir gonna go play some more and hope for the better.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

after a while tho if you do that event more then once your “prize” goes down. I know I was tryin to get mats in a lvl 63 char area and my karma from each event went form 300 to around 24.

I could swear I have done a single DE more than once in the same session and this didn’t happen. I’ll watch again for that to happen as I play my next long session. I wonder if there is a special case that is in conjunction with the repeat that is the cause and not the repeat itself?