Guild System Improvements

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


I posted on this topic months ago and also had my own topic about it:

I really had hoped we would have had these options by now. Most of them are not even so difficult to make. Not more work (no, less work) then the guild-mission. Talking about that. Except for the fact that I am afraid they will get boring pretty fast still a good job. We really needed that but we needed the better guild-tools even more months ago.

And while being busy with the guild once in a while you notice yet another option your missing. So I came here to add that to the list.

Please make it possible to export a list of all members including all there chars (only that they use to represent the guild, for private reasons) and information like current level, rank, profession, race and crafts.

The members page on our guild-forum that was supposed to show this information is still empty because it’s almost impossible to get all that information. You don’t see all there chars so need to ask them all one by one. New members come, old members go or stop playing. People get new chars, people get higher levels and so on. It’s an impossible task to do by hand.

It would be great if you could make it possible to export that information to a CSV or XML file so we can just export that like one a week so it’s always updated on the site. A scrip can then show in on the site in the way they like.

(edited by Devata.6589)

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: mexay.3902


No. Guild tax should never be a thing. Ever.

Other than that, I agree with almost everything you say, especially roster improvements.


Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kim Bussiere.5283

Kim Bussiere.5283

there needs to be a way to have the next in line officer to become leader if a leader leaves a guild. i currently have a guild that i created and have a friend in guild with me… just the 2 of us as was intended so that we could have a guild bank. the problem is i was leader and he was officer but did not have access to guild bank withdrawl. now since the button for leave guild and the one for represent guild are so close together i accidently left guild. leaving the guild with only an officer no leader and a bank full of items that no one can access. and now that im back in the guild as a new member and cannot be made a leader as there is no option to do so. we have a locked up guild bank. and no leader to fix the issue. Please fix this and also make it so that leaders cant quit with out first typing in guild name or something as a safe guard. Thank you

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


I’m definitely behind some of these features, especially:
- Message of the Day showing up whenever you log in
- Guild info/description and character notes
- Notifications when players log in/out
- Not sure if anyone mentioned an in-game guild calendar, but this would be cool too.

Some of these seem like they would be pretty simple things to implement, and I’ve seen a lot of requests for it, for a while now. Don’t see why they haven’t been added yet, but I’d be disappointed if somebody’s not working on it.

Can’t get behind a guild tax or individual influence tracker, though. Doesn’t seem very fair/useful, and seems like it would breed hassling of individual players. Maybe this is just my perspective as a “casual” guild member.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


Actually the guild tax/tithe system used in warhammer was fantastic for helping guilds.

Basically a player could choose to donate a % of money directly to the guild vault from NPC looted coin only. This didn’t effect items sold to merchants, or trading posts… just coin looted from a mob you killed. You could also turn it on and off if you were doing heavy farming.

That 1% of a silver from a mob you kill over time is hardly noticeable.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torca.5162


This is all very much needed.

I belong to a mostly doing random stuff social guild. With guild missions came great excitement but also a problem → influence. Now dnt get me wrong, we have the numbers – it is just that most rep MORE drivin guilds, like a driven pve or wvw and such. I Personally do not like to guild hop. So it would be great if influence is still being earned from non-rep players.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


I went true the whole topic and linked topics to make a list of all options mentioned. Just to get a clear list of everything.

So this are not just my suggestions and I don’t say I would even agree on all and the order has also nothing to do with it (for example I disagree with the first point) it’s just in the order I read them.

This is just to help ArenaNet to get one list, I did try to make the explanation smaller so for details I would suggest reading everything in this thread and linked threads.

Because it is so big I had to split the post up in multiple post.

-Also getting XP for not representing members. There are multiple options given how this would be done.
-More options for ranks. Like splitting admin rights, kick / invite, promote / demote and so on
-More options to sort / organize the guild-roster (Like sort by representing)
-Chat-channels based on ranks. So a channel for only leaders or only officers of only leaders and officers and so on
-MotD should be editable in stead of making one whole message. [FIXED! September 2013]
-Have an option to be able to control to show the message of the day when user log on/off or the message changes.
-Guild Description / info. MotD is a short message about something that will happen soon but there also needs to be place for more information.
-The possibility to make notes. Public (notes everybody can make) en rank-based.
-Show in the chat when a player comes online and logs off.
-Last time online should be visible
-Influence tracker
-More and better ways to show the guild-emblem like on your back
-More options for in sPvP like influence increase for PvP or guild Finishing move and so on
-Guild hall
-Mailing to multiple people (in the guild) at once. Rank based or just multiple names at ones or multiple ranks at once.
-Guild calendar to help organize guild-events
-Guild tax. There are also multiple options given how this then should be done. The big difference is some say members should have the option other says guilds should be able to force it.
-Guild Repair Contract an option in “economy” for the guild to pay X amount (determined by Guild leader , customizable per rank ) for guild repairs.
-Guild Bank Change allow for guild leaders to customize the Stacks withdrawn per rank for the guild bank option.
-Confirmation before promoting member
-Guild PvP Server
-Option for alliances
-Option for bigger guilds
-Custom guild emblems that can be uploaded.
-Guild Server Transfer option. Being able to move the whole guild including influence consumables and so on.
-Option for no emblem (Pretty sure you don’t have to use an emblem if you don’t want)
-Confirmation for guild-kick and only available in the guild-roster
-Guild Bound Items
-Guild Badges of Honor for guild-members when doing guild-related things
-Option to make bigger groups with guild-members (permission based)
-Guild vs Guild
-Guild Missions (Well we did get those)
-Guild Daily/Monthly events
-Possibility to put guild-emblem on normal armor
-Guild Banner/Capes like in gw1.
-More guild permissions for the bank like max amount of money they can take.
-Rename Feature for guild-names
-Show information about all the (representing) chars from a guild-member
-The ability to search for guilds in game. Including linking to them (like way points)
-Guilds must be able to enable or disable the option to represent multiple guilds.
-Make it possible to demote or kick another guild-leader. Like an extra option permission I think.
-More then 10 ranks
-Bigger message of the day
-Guild Advertising in the Forums Improvements (Recruitment boards)
-Guild Funded Repairs
-Notes in Roster on each Member
-Limited Withdrawals from Guild Stash etc. (e.g. 1 withdraw per 24 hours) (has already come up as permission but somebody else mentions it as general option)
-Rank Option to have some form of “highlighted” comment feature. For announcements etc.
-Auto-Represent the first Guild you join, but show a tool-tip explaining this feature
-ability to set times for consumables to auto-activate so it doesn’t rely on a guild officer being online to make it happen
-add fields for entering the guild’s website and voice-chat information
-guild chat should have a feature where it alerts you to guild members talking in guild chat but also allows you the option to turn it off.
-Allow guilds to identify a home server and notify members not on that server of their status.
-Player Notes (I guess it’s the same as Notes in Roster on each Member)
-Include a crafting pane similar to the personal bank for sharing mats with other guild members.
-No “Message suppressed due to excessive messaging” message when mailing guild-members
-Unlocking upgrades / building up a guild should also be possible for newer smaller guilds.

(edited by Devata.6589)

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


Part 2:
-Uninvite vs Kick when people have not yet joined
-Guild control area options like in GW1
-Guild pays for repairs / waypoints and places to put money for these goals
-Notification of achievements of individual players (eg. XYZ has gained 100% world map completion!)
-Look at giving guilds rewards for doing stuff together, eg. completing a dungeon, or an event etc.
-Guild PvP or WvW rewards or achievements that could be noted or listed on the guild panel, or encouraged
-Make guild-banners that work like the warrior banner. So you can pick them up, place them and they will buff everybody in the area. In WvW they can be captured by the enemy and using permissions to carry the guild-banner
-Possibility for a transparent emblem background (think that is already possible)
-a simple forum in-game private to only your guild or a message board that uses sticky notes or is essentially a daily message with more room are very viable. (roles on ‘forum’ permission based)
-Guild members have got to show up on the map. (like party members but then orange)
-Option Guild Deep Cave Withdraw and Deposit
-If a member leaves also show the name of the character that left apart from the account-name.
-An option to automatically let people get to one (or more) higher ranks when they reach a certain time of representing, or influence or time member. Of course that should be variable for the guild-leaders to choose.
-Show how much they are online (like in actual time and in percentage)
-Show how much they represent (again in actual time and in percentage)
-Show when they represent for the last time. (This is something else then list time online)
-Show how much influence they have earned for the guild
-Show when they earned influence for the last time.
-Show a full and detailed history going back to the beginning of the guild or (if the information is not being saved at this moment) to the moment this option would be implemented.
-Show who buys and uses guild-armor and other guild related stuff (how much, when and so on) So now that would also mean showing who joined guild-missions
-An options to see account-names in the guild-chat (and party chat).
-guild-message of the day should have a date/time option you can fill (not required) when the message will automatically be deleted. (this is when there is also an options for a bigger message besides the message of the day like suggested before)
-Split permission about money and bank tab
-Stack items in guild-bank directly out of your bags
-Option to select members by criteria like ‘all members who have not been online since x.’ and do something with that selection like changing the rank or sending a message/ mail or adding a note (if the option to make notes for users would become available)
-Option that guild-leaders can send a mail to the real mail from members. But only if members allow that and guild-leaders don’t see the real e-mail addresses. (this to contact members that have not been online or whatever)
-Show date and time spent representing
-Add confirmation when changing important things.
-Automated sorting option in guild-bank
-Option to not show the not representing / or not count the not representing members.
-More guild representation in WvW, not only showing the banner for a claimed keep
-Guild-unlocks not per server
-Be able to see guild-chat when not representing as an option that leaders can set on or off
-Make it possible to export a list of all members including all there chars (only that they use to represent the guild, for private reasons) and information like current level, rank, profession, race and crafts to a CSV or XML file.
-Next in line officer to become leader if a leader leaves a guild
-Show join date
-Show total Influence earned for Guild
-Show total time online and representing
-Transfer influence from one guild to another guild
-export mails (I guess you can say that might be guild-related in a way)
-progression-line per member showing, time online, time represented, influence gained over time.
-Have the option for people to show server-time and local-time together.
-Special option in the ranks to activate a guild-mission @ location.
- An API option to get all the claimed camps, towers, keeps, castles by a given guild-name.
- See who accepted / declined credits for another guilds mission.
- Open world guild-houses / guild-castles that guilds can design and build themselves in WvW-like maps with ground around it. On that ground people can then build there own houses and people can fight and defend land.
- See guild-chat from multiple guilds. (See FF14?)
- Option for guild-members to share influence to multiple (selected) guilds.

It’s really time ArenaNet tells us when we can expect most of them. It’s a big list but most are just needed to be able to run a guild efficiently.

(edited by Devata.6589)

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bita.1402


Guild management needs a lot of love. This game should have all the best qualities of all MMO game guild systems put together and more on top. And qhy’s that? Well look at the title of the game. This is GUILD wars after all?! Right now our guild is frustrated by the new guild missions and not being able to create groups larger than 5 – how the heck are we supposed to be able to do these as a GUILD without larger “raid” type groups. Expecting any of us to dish out 100 euros to buy “commander” is ridiculous. What if the person (who would make a great commander) leaves the guild? I’ve been very supportive of Arenanet’s F2P solutions and have paid happily for the “nice to have” features, but this is one I strongly disagree with and which angers and frustrates me. MMOs are all about being social (otherwise we might as well be playing single player games) – why restrict group sizes to 5 for guild missions???

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Thumbs up for that awesome thread.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dubious.5379


Please respond ArenaNet, I feel (as most do) that these are important features that need addressing.

If you don’t plan on adding a last seen field to the roster, we want to know! If it will be ready when its ready, at least that’s something, right?

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oremir.8027


Oh god those Time Stamps , those flippin time Stamps. I dont really understand why they wernt added in the first place seeing the previous iteration of the game had it. And the lack of ’em makes managing big guilds so bothersome.

Officer chat and whatnot would be nice aswell but right now i think Timestamps are just NEEDED for propper guild managing.

For a game called Guild Wars the features for the Guilds really are lacking, before annyone comments yes i know the name stems from the Historical GW Events in-game but i couldnt pass to make the comment.

(edited by Oremir.8027)

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Yeahhhh. We wants an answer ANET

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phadde.7362


Just made a topic about the feature below. Really good suggestions. Hopefully ANet is planning to add something like this.

“-Notes- Both Officer and Public, Because Guilds are account based it is easy to lose characters in their alts. This would help Guild Leaders identify “Mains” for PvP teams, and PvE teams. Also this needs to be done to form a communication between officers if a member is being rude while one Officer is on they can leave a note so if it comes up again another officer can follow through. Also with positive influence, if an officer sees some leadership qualities they can write that in so the Guild Leader can keep an eye on them. "

Vote for/against <dueling>:
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


I have another option to add to the list. It would be great to have the option to not only show local time or server-time but also an option to show both. I see this as a guild-option because international guilds will use the server-time a lot to organize events. However people like to see the local time so it happens more then once that people got the time wrong. Having the option to show server-time and local-time would solve this problem and be great for guilds.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485

Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485

What about Recruitment boards. Somewhere you can post your guild rather then yelling it about.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


What about Recruitment boards. Somewhere you can post your guild rather then yelling it about.

It was already in the list “-Guild Advertising in the Forums Improvements” but I will put “Recruitment boards” behind it.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dezarys.1372


Anet, take some notes. I think an update must come in place.

Guild Leader of Oakvale [Vale]

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


Special option in the ranks to activate a guild-mission @ location.

To many times somebody who should not activate it does activate it.

The longer you wait fixing this, the longer the list gets so it’s about time this get fixed. It was something I expected to be fixed in the first 2 months.

Then again, seeing how the right clicking problem has also still not been fix I do start to wonder what is going on in the hq.

If you guys don’t fix these kinds of basic things you will not only lose people like is already happening but they will also stop coming back. I mean now they come back after 2 months, still see the same basic problems and so leave again. 2 months later they are back, still the same problems so they leave a gain. How long does anybody expect players to come back?

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


I would like to see a API option to get all the claimed camps, towers, keeps, castles by a given guild-name. Useful for on a guild-side.

[An Error Prevented Saving:
Bump Warning: You are bumping a topic whose last post was seven days ago. Please select the manual override below if you still wish to post this.]
No I am not bumping I am adding a new reaction and the last post was 22 days ago, not 7. The override option force me to agree that I bump. Well I am not!

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Parlourbeatflex.5970


Really good suggestions i like them all.

The problem is though, these suggestions have been around since early beta. Why the hell havnt anet introduced any of these I really have no idea.

A clear confirmation from the developers of whats been worked on, whats definately not being introduced and whats a maybe would help alot. It does worry me that guild functionality has been overlooked this long. I really doubt simple features would require much dev time and some quality of life improvements would be welcomed outside of a focused guild update.
I understand the lore of guild wars, HOWEVER a lack of guild features in a game called guild wars is STILL a complete joke in itself. Im not even going to mention guild vs guild… Whoops!

(edited by Parlourbeatflex.5970)

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Maybe they didn’t have any intention to make this game guild-rotated, and just used the name guild wars, cause it was so well-known from the original game.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wartna.8671


I dno’t agree on the firts part, that multi-guild stuff.

I WANT THE REST. I saw this thread is 7 months old, I was like whaaaaat. Why Anet hasn’t done anything yet is beyond my understanding and really dissapointing

Far Shiverpeaks
Kalevala [KALE]

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kissa.4586


Wow thanks Anet! After a year you’ve done ONE thing to help Guild Leaders out. Increase the Message of the Day character limits to 999 and make it so it doesn’t erase what was previously there.
Maybe in 10 years we will get “Last Online” timestamp.
It’s really pathetic! No wonder so many Guild Leaders get burned out.

Purplekissa: Level 80 Elementalist with BiFrost plus 8 other characters
A Leader and the webmaster of on Fort Aspenwood server

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


im not sure about MultiGuilds. or guild tax. but most of these are great ideas. Get on it ANET

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


See who accepted / declined credits for another guilds mission. We always have some member pressing accept when we tell them not to because we want to so a run for ourself because some member missed it. This extremely bad guild management told however do not show it.

Also it would be nice if we could not just have guild-houses but really could build our own guild houses / castles in the open world and defend them. Inside can then be a room that really is an instance litke the standard guild-house. There could be done on a new map where people fight for terrain and people can build there on houses there. Thats then similar to WvW but now there is a real reason to defend and something to work for with the guild. If the building part is dynamic it will keep people busy because you can always make it better or bigger.

Edit message of the day is finally possible. We need much more then that change for the MotD but heey it’s something after more then a year.

Meanwhile the list here just keeps growing. The longer the list gets the more it shows negligence from Anets side.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: XiniX.3208


I have to admit it is sort of problematic that so few of these -extremely- basic -guild- features aren’t present in -Guild- Wars. A lot of these should have been there at launch, or atleast have been implemented over half a year ago, instead of guild missions and the like. We need these things, guild management is hellish and ruins the experience for so many trying to do it. Please Anet, for the sake of the collective sanity of all the guild leaders out there, please make it atleast a little easier to create a fun, organized experience for our members.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: SchuMidas.4782


look how Final Fantasy XIV handle the multiple guild / chat feature
now thats how it supposed to b in Guild Wars 2 a YEAR ago

SchuMidas – Guardian
Guild Pro Baddies [Pro] @ Tarnished Coast

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katz.5143


Some great suggestions in this thread. To me the best change would be to be able to see chat from all guilds AND for influence to go to all guilds. If that would happen I would join one of the larger active guilds. Right now I won’t because my own small friends and family guild needs the influence.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


Some great suggestions in this thread. To me the best change would be to be able to see chat from all guilds AND for influence to go to all guilds. If that would happen I would join one of the larger active guilds. Right now I won’t because my own small friends and family guild needs the influence.

I added yout suggestions. Also added SchuMidas’s suggestion to have a look at FF14.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: JonathanT.8147


I think we can also add a Guild Castle

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talenna.4052


Adding my support as a guild leader, for some badly needed improvements.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: heyoldguy.2578


I have read this entire thread, and one major problem has not been mentioned, and that is how difficult it is to grow a very small guild once there’s large guilds in place. The enhancement builds get downright absurdly difficult for a guild of 7 members to attempt, yet without them, attracting members gets absurdly difficult. As one message noted, under the current system, you might as well make it server against server now, rather than wait for the large guilds to eventually merge to that point. Building a guild should not just count on the ability to attract members who pound the crap out of their environment, but also on the ability to attract members by simply being friendly and helpful. For the second way to attract members, that means there should be guild scaling, just as the environment scales.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: owaine.7513


I’d really like a way to filter or sort on repping status. Right now actively repping members are mixed in with active but non-repping folks.

I love the ability to have ‘allied’ guilds handy to help each other out with missions or events, I would just prefer less clutter in the roster :-D