Guilds: Options & Ideas

Guilds: Options & Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kitsumeo.8754


Heya all I was looking through the suggestions and didn’t really see a post that was about guilds for options and ideas. I know there are some out there.

So I will start one here on the suggestions section.

Things that should be changed:
Ranks: Admin Lower Ranks
This option should in my opinion be split into 3 options.
- Kick
- Invite
- Promote/Demote
As the option gives a lot of issues as you might want to give invitation option but don’t want those players to be able to promote/demote or kick members.

- Deep Cave Withdraw
- Deep Cave Deposit

Message of the day should be:
- displayed when logging in (Like in Guild Wars 1)
- Able to edit without having to redo everything (Like in Guild Wars 1)
- Increase in amount of text that can be typed

Guild Roster:
Should be able to display:
- Time away from the game
- Race
- Map completion
- Pvp Ranks

Display names + account four digit when someone is kicked or left the guild.
As now only the 4 digit name is displayed and 9/10 times I have no clue who that player was when looking through the history.

Guild Upgrades that might be nice (some ideas that I had read)

- Armor repair costs are reduced by xx% for xx hours.
I would say 2 days build for 10-20% Repair reduction for 1 day.
Amount of Influence needed: 500 Influence

- Waypoint costs are reduced by xx% for xx hours.
I would say 1d 12h build for 15% Traveling reduction for 1 day.
Amount of Influence needed: 500 Influence

- Armor repair costs are reduced by xx% for xx time.
I would say 12h build for 25% Repair reduction for 30 minutes.
Amount of Influence needed: 100 influence

- Waypoint costs are reduced by xx% for xx time.
I would say 12h build for 25% Traveling reduction for 30 minutes.
Amount of Influence needed: 100 Influence

Art of War
- Increase of Glory for xx% for xx hours.
I would say 2 days build for 5% Glory increase for 12 hours.
Amount of Influence needed: 500 influence

- Guild Commander for xx hours.
I would say 1day and 12h building for 4-6 hours Commander option.
Amount of Influence needed: 1000 influence

- Guild Brawling Box
Spawns multiple items that allow players to transform into costume brawlers.
Build time 3 days, 6 hours Lasts 1 hour.
Amount of Influence needed: 1000 Influence

Any more ideas or suggestions are welcome but keep it realistic and constructive.

Kind Regards,

Guild Leader of Whitelions [Claw]
Practise makes perfect.

(edited by Kitsumeo.8754)

Guilds: Options & Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zcotticus.9670


Some of these suggestions are great Kitsu. Particularly the Roster suggestions and Rank options! Let’s hope others agree!

Guilds: Options & Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scarlet Reaper.5614

Scarlet Reaper.5614

I would really like to see some of the options that are written here be implemented and particularly the last online for guild roster because we have 500 player guild booked up and still have players asking us for invites ,it would be really nice to see the activity of a member so to make space for the new ones

Guilds: Options & Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: para.9351


It’s currently impossible to kick or demote someone with the highest rank (I am talking about the ones that haven’t logged on since the first week). The only way around this is to ask them to reinstall Guild Wars 2: A Very Buggy Mess, but that may take a lot of convincing.

[QTS] Cuties for Life is the cutest guild in the world. Ask for an invite. Cuties only!

Guilds: Options & Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


I’d like to be able to see the following information about each member:
- Influence contributed so far. Can be abreviated with a K when it reaches the thousands, and M when it reaches the millions xD
- Last time online & representing
- average time online & representing per day in the last week

Guilds: Options & Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bunny.6185


Those are some fantastic suggestions Kitsu, I’m going to tweet this post right away

Guilds: Options & Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


- Influence contributed so far. [/quote]

i support this. This is better than representing time because people can play in other guilds and spend money on guild drinks to get influence. So they dont need to represent all the time if they don’t want to, but it will show how much interest the player has for the guild . This feature will also show how much people are for the community and not for themselves: influence is earned by doing events not just farming mobs or crafting

Guilds: Options & Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arsalan.5240


I second the option to see when people last logged in in the Guild Panel. We’ve had some inactive guildies that haven’t logged in since launch week and we need to start clearing up the inactive players.

Guilds: Options & Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Karuna.1357


Message of the day should be:
- displayed when logging in (Like in Guild Wars 1)
- Able to edit without having to redo everything (Like in Guild Wars 1)
- Increase in amount of text that can be typed

Yes, yes, and yes again. In my guild I like to keep our web site and ventrilo info in the message of the day so that members always have it there as an easy reference as well as announcements about whatever events we have coming up. The ‘Edit’ button is misleading because you can’t actually edit anything, you are forced to retype an entire message and that is not convenient at all.

Guild Leader/Commander, the Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]
Tarnished Coast

Guilds: Options & Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Veetus.5814


These ideas are truly fantastic.

Let’s hope some may get implemented!