Ok, so you might have seen my previous post about legendary weapons being a poorly implemented idea… And now Ive just realised something that is gonna make me not bother with them at all…
Legendaries only do the same damage as exotics?… SERIOUSLY!?
Your gonna make us do all that work just for a skin!? Epic fail ANET, epic fail…
The only reason that I had for considering making one was because I thought “well, at least it will have higher damage and better stats…”
But nope, they are just animated skins… I dont even like the skins. Well, of the greatswords anyway.
I cant believe that the only benefit of all that hard work is aesthetic… And even then the aesthetics suck.
One of my fave hobbies is weapon and armor designing. Ive been studying arms and armor since I first learnt to draw… I’ll do you some truly legendary designs that you can use in the game for FREE, just to see some good looking legendaries in this game… But only if you bump up the stats on legendaries to reflect their legendary status. This is a serious offer Im making… Custom sword/knife makers have shown interest in my designs, so I am offering some high quality work… Get in touch and let me know if you are interested, and I’ll do you 2 or 3 designs of a couple of weapon types to show you what I can do. But Im not gonna waste my time doing designs to show you unless you say your interested.
Im honestly shocked and majorly disappointed at how poorly legendaries have been implemented…
Anyways, I’ll attach a couple of examples of my work. They are only simple concept designs, but it should give you an idea of what I can do. I can churn out weapon designs non stop, and i can go from authentic looking weapons to full on fantasy weapons.
The sword design attached is inspired by the eastern “Nagimaki” which is basicaly the merging of a katana, and a naginata (a pole arm with a short katana/saber style blade)
The Nagimaki itself is in effect a greatsword. My design was basically a “dark elf” styled version of it.
Bare in mind these designs were quick concept designs, quick sketch’s. The quality of a final piece would be greater than what I have shown here, as I specialize in high detail art work as you can see in the armor design. Unfortunately I lost most of my old designs when I moved house, so I dont have many more to show.
(you’ll have to forgive the poor image quality of the armor design, it was the only pic i could find of it.)