Legendary Weapons Revamped

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: moose.6973


Okay I am mostly cool with the way Legendary Weapons are done in this game, sure they may take forever to get and require insane amounts of money, but thats part of what makes it fun for me. I know its going to take me forever to get, and it will keep me busy. What I don’t agree with is the low amount of damage bonus you get for all that effort, not to mention the Achievement you get for getting a legendary is what, 5 points? What is that BS?

This is the default GW2 setup
Junk Gray Level Damage Modifier
Basic White 1-80 100%
Fine Blue 1-80 125%
Masterwork Green 10-80 135%
Rare Yellow 30-80 145%
Exotic Orange 60-80 165%
Legendary Purple 80 165%

What I think it should look more like
Junk Gray Level Damage Modifier
Basic White 1-80 100%
Fine Blue 1-80 125%
Masterwork Green 10-80 135%
Rare Yellow 30-80 145%
Exotic Orange 60-80 165%
Epic Red 80 170% + 1 extra sigil slot (cant use the same sigil twice)
Legendary Purple 80 180% + 1 extra sigil slot (cant use the same sigil twice)

Epic should be a tier between Exotic and Legendary that requires around 50-100g worth of mats/items to craft (must craft yourself). This could be done using a combination of dungeon tokens (to avoid pay2win) as well as some mats you can gather, and there are other ideas people could throw around about what could be required (such as story completion, since that reward sucks). Epics should also look AWESOME but not so detailed and crazy as the legendaries.

This would also give legendaries more kick and have much greater use without making them super op. 15% additional damage (over exotic) is a good bit, but not overkill. Worth it for a weapon that costs 500g or more and takes months for many to get. Also raise the achievement for getting a legendary to 50 or 100 points. It is stupid at 5 points (legendary collector).

If you think this is a good idea, please reply and +1 this thread. I’d like to see something like this in game to be honest.

(edited by moose.6973)

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: HellBlack.3478


I agree. Legendary weapons are pretty hard to get, therefore the difference (between Exotic/Legendary ) should be greater than just 5 points due to the effort we have to go through in order to make the weapon and obviously, The legendary weapon are the BEST weapons in this game.

(edited by HellBlack.3478)

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


First I have to say there should totally be Epic Red.

Secondly, Legendaries should NEVER become clearly better than the rest.
It WILL destroy the game.
It will make the game Pay to Win because whoever is rich enough to throw money into the gem store will get the Legendary and have an edge over everyone else.

Legendary weapon “perks” should be:

  1. the skin,
  2. the accomplishment,
  3. either:
    a) instead of stats, give them a special effect (proc, or something of the sorts)
    b) let you change it from Berserker to Knight to Carrion to Valkyrie, etc, whenever you want (outside combat), instead of having to transmute.

You will never feel satisfied as long as all you care about in the game is more stats.

(edited by Nurvus.2891)

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: moose.6973


Legendary should not become mandatory. That’s just ridiculous.
Legendary should be as good as the tier just before them.
Legendary weapon “perks” should be:
- the skin,
- the accomplishment,
- let you pick their “stats” whenever you want, instead of having to transmute.

You will never feel satisfied as long as all you care about in the game is more stats.

How would you ever make a legendary weapon mandatory? They are too hard to get. It would never happen. You make dungeons doable with Exotic weapons, and anything above is a perk.

And yes, I would be satisfied (until something better comes along). I just want to see some sort of progression in damage. Even if its 5% damage increase, better than nothing.

(edited by moose.6973)

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: Druu.9604


Legendary Skins should be a Skin bought from the Online Store and give absolutely NO bonuses.
That’s how you make money out of a Free To Play game, make sure you can’t get something in the game other than using the Online Store so people that really really wants it will just pump money in the game for Esthetic.

You can’t make Legendaries and your Epic thing better than exotic as they will be required to be on top levels of play. It would imbalance the game.

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


Let’s get this straight:
- Getting legendary weapons is about wealth and/or luck. More wealth gives you more shots at being lucky.
- All it takes for Legendary weapons to ruin the game is being 1% better than the next best thing.
Because the best equipment establishes the standard for competition.
Pretending it not to be the case is just denial.

Having 5% of the players being better than you because they’re richer or luckier is a ridiculous design philosophy.

If I want to play with OP legendaries I’ll go back to WoW.
But I won’t.

(edited by Nurvus.2891)

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: moose.6973


Legendary Skins should be a Skin bought from the Online Store and give absolutely NO bonuses.
That’s how you make money out of a Free To Play game, make sure you can’t get something in the game other than using the Online Store so people that really really wants it will just pump money in the game for Esthetic.

You can’t make Legendaries and your Epic thing better than exotic as they will be required to be on top levels of play. It would imbalance the game.

Only when its impossible/nearly impossible to complete with an Exotic. If it’s possible with exotics, it will never make the next tier mandatory.

Not to mention, as I said above, given the time frame it takes to get a legendary weapon, they will never be mandated, simply because no one would be able to find parties with full legendaries. It would be a PERK to get someone with a legendary, which is the whole point.

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Many MANY posts about this subject. Should post there to support those threads or add onto them instead of cluttering up the forums. That way AreaNet can see which threads are popular and will probably look at them. As for OP, I don’t think there should be a bonus stat wise for 1 specific reason: Not all players have the time to get them. Meaning, those who have little time to spare for this game would never get them leaving them to be under-geared for events and dungeons and what not. Additional stats would make Legendaries a necessity not a luxury as its intented. Basically look at mosts Legendary posts and you’ll see, people want more of a reason to obtain legendaries such as optional stat sets(Choose between the stats set you want to fit your playstyle without having to carry around multiple Exotics to fulfill that) and a questline so they arn’t just a grind from hell or an expensive purchase for lazy people who don’t feel like grinding all the mats.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: moose.6973


Let’s get this straight:
- Getting legendary weapons is about wealth and/or luck. More wealth gives you more shots at being lucky.
- All it takes for Legendary weapons to ruin the game is being 1% better than the next best thing.
Because the best equipment establishes the standard for competition.
Pretending it not to be the case is just denial.

Having 5% of the players being better than you because they’re richer or luckier is a ridiculous design philosophy.

More like .1% lol but okay. You seem to think legendaries are just so widespread, but they aren’t.

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


It doesn’t matter how widespread they are.
Not 1 player should be entitled to have an item that is simply better than the rest, when all it takes to get that item is insane wealth or luck – specially when you can buy wealth with real money.

That said, as I wrote above, Legendaries should have perks.
Stuff that makes you feel great about having them.
Skin alone seems lackluster.
If you can change its stats whenever you want (kind of how you change Major Traits); or if it has some unique bonus or effect; or if it adds some extra spice to your combat animations, kind of like enchantments in WoW, it would be perfect.

(edited by Nurvus.2891)

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: Druu.9604


If you play other games Free to play not to mention any, would you Allow people with skins to deal addtional damage or have additional stats only because they put real money into the game ?

You wouldn’t want that, so we don’t. That’s just how things go.

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


By the way, I edited my posts while you were replying to them, it seems.
Might be worth reading them again as I may not have been fully clear at first try.

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: moose.6973


It doesn’t matter how widespread they are.
Not 1 player should be entitled to have an item that is simply better than the rest, when all it takes to get that item is insane wealth or luck – specially when you can buy wealth with real money.

That said, as I wrote above, Legendaries should have perks.
Stuff that makes you feel great about having them.
Skin alone seems lackluster.
If you can change its stats whenever you want (kind of how you change Major Traits); or if it has some unique bonus or effect; or if it adds some extra spice to your combat animations, kind of like enchantments in WoW, it would be perfect.

I agree, but that alone isn’t enough for me to be honest. I know one day I will have a legendary, and I want some damage to show for it, I don’t just want a skin. While the skin is awesome, it has nothing else to show for it.

It’s a perk for you putting your time into the game. And sure, people will probably pay money and get it faster, but with how Legendaries are setup you still have to invest LOTS of time. But you can still get it by investing your time, just as many other people will. I dont care if I dont have it as soon as pay2win’ers, because I will get mine eventually.

You say you cant make that kind of money? I made 1g in 30 mins last night just roaming around gathering mats. Orichalcum is 3-4s each, I found 5 of them in total. Lots of other high tier mats too. You can farm gold if you work at it, and you can make it on the market too. There is no excuse as to why you cant have the same thing you seem to be complaining about (a nice weapon with extra damage).

What it sounds like to me is, the people who are complaining about the extra damage Legendaries could have, are the people who will never actually go out and earn one for themselves. They will just whine when something eventually is implemented that makes the weapon better than it is now.

My 2 cents.

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: moose.6973


If you play other games Free to play not to mention any, would you Allow people with skins to deal addtional damage or have additional stats only because they put real money into the game ?

You wouldn’t want that, so we don’t. That’s just how things go.

I never said anything about a skin, that was another poster.

It should require more than just money, it should require time. Although I don’t agree with how much gold it actually costs to achieve Legendary status in this game, it’s how it is and we have to deal with.

I just want mine to be worth it when I get it. Thats all.

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


moose, if obtaining Legendaries was all about skill & dedication (time), rather than insane farm, wealth and luck, then I would totally agree they should be the best weapons, because you would deserve it from your proven skill and dedication.
As they are right now, however, you don’t prove anything by obtaining them, and as such it’s unfair that you would get gear that is superior to others purely because you’re richer, have no life, or are super lucky.

Think of the Zaishen Elite and Hard modes in GW1.
Think of all the toughest challenges games out there can provide.
If Legendaries required something like that – if they were some sort of super achievement – then you’d deserve them to be extra powerful.

(edited by Nurvus.2891)

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: moose.6973


moose, if obtaining Legendaries was all about skill & dedication (time), rather than insane farm, wealth and luck

I’d say its a good amount of all of those factors that are involved.

Either way, I understand what you are saying, but I just disgaree. If it was about skill&dedication and nothing else, many more people would end up having the weapon, and those with no lives would have one very quickly.

It might sound unorthodox and odd, and people will probably disagree with me, but I think it should involve skill, dedication, wealth, luck, and farm. I don’t think it should be so centric around luck and farm, but to some degree it shouldn’t just be given to you after x amount of time or completion.

They are special for a reason, and if you take away some of the factors that make them so difficult to obtain, you also take away it’s uniqueness in having one.

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


Moose seems to be a no lifer. Don’t worry.

Legendaries should not be changed unless the way to obtain them becomes skill based rather than insane grind and farm.

want to see successful games where legendaries are skill based? Pokemon red/blue/gold/silver.

achievements are only achievements if you achieved something. Wasting away your life farming for precursors to me is not an achievement. It makes me pity those who actually do get a legendary. Man. They have no. simply.no.life.

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: LFk.1408


Unless ArenaNet reverses themselves on their philosophy, this will never happen.

They are adamant about the optimal stat-set being attainable by even casual players.
Their ‘anti-grind’ model revolves around the fact that a player can achieve maximum power relatively quickly. Thus, what people do grind is now completely optional, and only for cosmetic purposes (which many love, and will grind for endlessly).

The plan outlined in the original suggestion completely violates this philosophy, and has no place in Guild Wars 2.

The above is no reflection of whether or not I like the idea. I do however, wish that threads like this would stop popping up, because ANet has so far not shown any inclination to vastly alter their game philosophy. I would not bank on it any time soon, or ever.

(edited by LFk.1408)

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: moose.6973


Moose seems to be a no lifer. Don’t worry.

Legendaries should not be changed unless the way to obtain them becomes skill based rather than insane grind and farm.

want to see successful games where legendaries are skill based? Pokemon red/blue/gold/silver.

achievements are only achievements if you achieved something. Wasting away your life farming for precursors to me is not an achievement. It makes me pity those who actually do get a legendary. Man. They have no. simply.no.life.

You call me a no lifer and you are defending statements with pokemon as your basis. WOW lol. Cool story bro

Legendary Weapons Revamped

in Suggestions

Posted by: moose.6973


Unless ArenaNet reverses themselves on their philosophy, this will never happen.

They are adamant about the optimal stat-set being attainable by even casual players.
Their ‘anti-grind’ model revolves around the fact that a player can achieve maximum power relatively quickly. Thus, what people do grind is now completely optional, and only for cosmetic purposes (which many love, and will grind for endlessly).

The plan outlined in the original suggestion completely violates this philosophy, and has no place in Guild Wars 2.

The above is no reflection of whether or not I like the idea. I actually don’t mind it myself. I do however, wish that threads like this would stop popping up, because ANet has so far not shown any inclination to vastly alter their game philosophy. I would not bank on it any time soon, or ever.

Yep, but that’s why this is a suggestion forum. If enough people backed it, it could possibly happen, but I doubt it ever will.

Anyways until then you’ll never stop seeing threads about it, sorry to say.