Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alzager.7265


So, we have “Fast-Cast Ground Targeting”, where a ground-targeted skill is immediately activated on “button down”, and normal ground targeting (“Slow-Cast Ground Targeting”?), where on first “button down” a ground-targeted skill will go into an aiming-mode, with a highlighted area of effect, and a second “button down” (or alternatively a “mouse down”) will activate the skill.

I would like to have a “Medium-Cast Ground Targeting” option, where on “button down” a ground-targeted skill will go into aiming-mode, and on “button up” the skill will be activated.

Why? Because I like to be able to aime ground-targeted skills with the highlighted area of effect, but this way, I would only need one keystroke to use a ground-targeted skill.

This, of course, would require to replace the checkbox with a drop-down list for all options.

Also it should work like the “Slow-Cast Ground Targeting” in that a skill has to be in aiming-mod when its button is released, to be activated, and not when it was somehow aborted beforehand.

If there already is a way to do this, without scripts, could someone explain to me how?

(edited by Alzager.7265)

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


I find it amazing that after 5 hours no one responded to a good thread like this.
Instead, people spam worthless threads all the time, and actually get replies.

The idea is very good and practical and I would surely use it myself (currently using fast-cast).

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


I like this. On fast cast I have to guess where my spell is going to hit. I’m pretty good at the guessing but since I mouse-move it does take a moment to orient myself before casting, plus my cursor can vanish in particle effects.

Holding the hotkey down to spawn a green circle and releasing it to cast might be just the ticket.

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ratty.5176


I was wondering something similar. An alternate Cursor which along with the pointer put a small cross hair on the ground (with a lengthened cross hair), so you could get a gist of where an AOE or wall would be placed without turning off fast casting.

You could even combine it with your idea, so you have a reticule on the ground while in combat mode, and when you hold down the key for a AOE Ability the full size circle is displayed until you release.

Something along these lines would make working with an Engi much easier.


Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alzager.7265


I think that is a good idea Ratty. This cross hair should have an option to be turned off and on and I think it should be visible even if the pointer is invisible, for example when you are moving the camera with the mouse.

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


+1 for good idea

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nretep.2564


I rather press the button twice than holding it pressed. Keeps you from pressing other buttons during aiming.

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luthan.5236


I’m fine without fast ground targeting – just because I can’t aim cause I find it hard to guess the max distance. Now an option like this would be nice… would make me use fast ground targeting.

Also I’d like(even for non fast ground targeting) an option to see the max range of skills – like in an RTS. For all skills.

Make an “eye” button(very small) above your 1-5 – default on 1 autoattack showing a circle around you.

Especially important for other skills that are ground targeted(at other slots or 1-5 especially if you use grenade kit).

This should show where you can move your mouse max… meaning if you move your mouse to the circle(max range) it will still hit a bit further cause of the AoE radius(but that is not a problem – knowing how big the radius is is much easier).

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nretep.2564


I’m fine without fast ground targeting – just because I can’t aim cause I find it hard to guess the max distance. Now an option like this would be nice… would make me use fast ground targeting.

as the TS said … just press the button twice. So you can control to either fast cast (pressing twice) or “slow cast” press once and use your mouse.

But if you’d use the “pressed down <> pressed up”, you’re force to release your spell (unless you keep your button pressed for the whole time).

Also I’d like(even for non fast ground targeting) an option to see the max range of skills – like in an RTS. For all skills.

Make an “eye” button(very small) above your 1-5 – default on 1 autoattack showing a circle around you.

Especially important for other skills that are ground targeted(at other slots or 1-5 especially if you use grenade kit).

This should show where you can move your mouse max… meaning if you move your mouse to the circle(max range) it will still hit a bit further cause of the AoE radius(but that is not a problem – knowing how big the radius is is much easier).

A easier-to-implement, less visual-disturbing and for other uses would be to display the range from your target (to you) as number.

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hosen.6801


Could see it being used, I know I would +1

Lord and Commander of all things Pants.

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alzager.7265


I’m fine without fast ground targeting – just because I can’t aim cause I find it hard to guess the max distance. Now an option like this would be nice… would make me use fast ground targeting.

as the TS said … just press the button twice. So you can control to either fast cast (pressing twice) or “slow cast” press once and use your mouse.

But if you’d use the “pressed down <> pressed up”, you’re force to release your spell (unless you keep your button pressed for the whole time).

As I have said, in medium-casting a ground-targeted skill should be aborted if between the original “button down” and the original “button up” there is another skill “button down” or “esc down” or a secondary mouse click (or any other action that aborts ground-targeted skills in slow-casting).

Your suggestion to use slow-casting is not very helpful, since that is obviously what you should do in the absence of better alternatives for you.
But my medium-casting is a suggestion for such an alternative.

Also I am not suggesting to replace fast- or slow-casting but adding another alternative, since I can see advantages and disadvantages in all three modes.

You on the other hand seem to be arguing against my suggestion, because you do not want to use it and there are workarounds using slow-casting. But these workarouns are worse than an actual medium-cast mode.

Also I’d like(even for non fast ground targeting) an option to see the max range of skills – like in an RTS. For all skills.

Make an “eye” button(very small) above your 1-5 – default on 1 autoattack showing a circle around you.

Especially important for other skills that are ground targeted(at other slots or 1-5 especially if you use grenade kit).

This should show where you can move your mouse max… meaning if you move your mouse to the circle(max range) it will still hit a bit further cause of the AoE radius(but that is not a problem – knowing how big the radius is is much easier).

A easier-to-implement, less visual-disturbing and for other uses would be to display the range from your target (to you) as number.

The problem with that is, that you would have to select a target to display a range to it.
But what Luthan apparently wants is a way to see how far a skill can get in all directions at all times without having to select a target or moving the mouse there.

Also all suggestions like that should be viewed as optional, with an option to enable them in the options menu (and in case it is not clear yet: the key word here is optional). So arguments like “I do not want to use this” or “that would be visually disturbing” are meaningless since you would not be forced to use these options.

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ratty.5176


I think that is a good idea Ratty. This cross hair should have an option to be turned off and on and I think it should be visible even if the pointer is invisible, for example when you are moving the camera with the mouse.

Definitely, I play my Engi quite often like this, will move the mouse to the center of the screen, hold down the right mouse button, and use the center of my screen as my target point, while strafing.

So having a small reticule like that would make this infinitely easier.

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reisinger.4203


Doesn’t hinder anyone’s play. Good suggestion.

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