New weapon class for Engineers

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

I have put some thought into this for a while now but I think these weapons are reasonable as to balance out the engineer problem.

First off id like to say that Both Theif and Warrior have Rapid fire attacks that can result in an Instant KO or severe damage. Also Theif has a skill that lets it Fire pistols rapidly even though something like that would require something more on the technological side, This isn’t fair cause engineer being technologically affiliated should have a rapid fire skill. And should have something just as powerful as a warrior’s steamroll capabilities. (with in reason of course)

Another thing that has been irking me is that Since there is infact Quantum Technology on the game, why isn’t there a portable laser kit for engineers? Or something that can do Relevant damage, Like a Minigun.

I Propose that Engineer be given Either a new kit OR an entirely new weapon class that only it can use.

1. Since engineer is technologically affiliated It should have easy access to Quantum Tech, Just like asurians. Or at least steam tech Like the Charrs have.

a. Make either a family of Laser Rifles(quantum tech) Or Mini guns(steam tech) that Only engineer can use.
b. Make a weapon kit Laser Rifle (quantum tech) or Mini Gun(steam tech) that only engineer can use.

2. If Laser Rifle(quantum tech) is chosen IT should be able to do mass stun and burning damage in its firing spread, If Minigun Is chosen(steam tech) is chosen it should be able to do occasional knock back and bleed damage in its firing spread.


a: Laser Rifle abilites:
1: Fire, Create a beam that burns everything in its path, Range 1200, Cast time: 3 seconds. Recharge: 0.5 seconds
2: Plasma ball: Create a ball of energy that dazes everything in its blast radius. Range: 700, Cast time: Instant, Recharge time: 8 seconds
3: Energy pulse: Create an electromagnetic wave that pushes everything in front of you (yes a function just like air blast on flame thrower)
4: Plasma wall: Create a Combo field that dazes and cripples enemies: cast time: 5 seconds Recharge 8 seconds
5: Plasma Shield: Create a shield around yourself that Deflects attacks: cast time: 5 seconds, Recharge 15 seconds.

b: Minigun Abilities:
1. Fire: Create a barrage of bullets that damages everything in its path: Range: 1200 Cast time: 15 seconds, Recharge time: 2.5 seconds. # of shots: 200, Damage per shot: 75
2. Mini Mortars: Fire a volley or miniature mortar shells that cause knockback and bleed damage, AoE: 120, Cast time: 2 seconds Recharge time: 8 seconds
3. Armor Peircing ammo: Causes bleeding and vulnerability 5 stacks: Cast time: 4 seconds. Recharge time: 9 seconds.
4. Magnetic Micro Explosives: Shoot a voley of Micro explosives that cause cripple and bleed damage on impact: Cast time: 2 seconds, recharge time: 10 seconds. (this is supposed to have an effect like engineer’s “box of nails” or Theif’s “Cattletrops”)
5. Smoke screen: Discharge the Minigun’s air canister causing blindness: Cast time: instant, Recharge time: 15 seconds.

I look forward to people opinions on this, If you play engineer you probably know what I’m talking about with the unbalance.

(edited by Azmuth Divarchchron.8059)

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Well, you could grind for the Predator instead of Arenanet add something as ridiculous as the top post.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Well, you could grind for the Predator instead of Arenanet add something as ridiculous as the top post.

This isn’t about effects its about balance. the predator doesn’t offer any sort of strategic or battle advantage.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Then you could ask for a buff for flamethrower or pistol #2 instead. Those skills are rapid fire.

Mini-guns and laser techs are going to be poor aesthetics to the game.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Mini-guns and laser techs are going to be poor aesthetics to the game.

A Volley gun not so much . Though this also depends on if you go with the hand held versions like the Nock Gun or Peiper Volley gun

or the Field artillery versions

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrysheight.1805


Then you could ask for a buff for flamethrower or pistol #2 instead. Those skills are rapid fire.

Mini-guns and laser techs are going to be poor aesthetics to the game.

Oh what about the machine guns that the charr have?

I would substantially agree with Azmuth’s suggestions. He does have a point in respect to the technological affiliations of engineers. If Asurans as a race have access to the golems which are their hallmark technology then surely ought not a similar technological consideration be made for engineers?

While I don’t entirely agree with the notion of a laser gun (I would prefer something like a plasma rifle for instance), I feel that Azmuth’s suggestion for a mini gun has merit. However I would modify some of the abilities; i) reduce the range of the first ability to 900; ii) Rename Magnetic Micro Explosives as “high explosive munitions” – causes knockback (not cripple) but burns instead of bleeds.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brokenstaff.8194


I think that this idea is a good one. Engineers need something like all the other classes. It really isn’t fair.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Then you could ask for a buff for flamethrower or pistol #2 instead. Those skills are rapid fire.

Mini-guns and laser techs are going to be poor aesthetics to the game.

Oh what about the machine guns that the charr have?

I would substantially agree with Azmuth’s suggestions. He does have a point in respect to the technological affiliations of engineers. If Asurans as a race have access to the golems which are their hallmark technology then surely ought not a similar technological consideration be made for engineers?

While I don’t entirely agree with the notion of a laser gun (I would prefer something like a plasma rifle for instance), I feel that Azmuth’s suggestion for a mini gun has merit. However I would modify some of the abilities; i) reduce the range of the first ability to 900; ii) Rename Magnetic Micro Explosives as “high explosive munitions” – causes knockback (not cripple) but burns instead of bleeds.

magnetic micro explosives is actually supposed to be like cattletrops, I’ve updated the 4th skill so there’s more info, but thanks for the input

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goloith.6349


Engineers are an absolute mess. Our weapons and kits do not specialize well. For example, bleed on the rifle…..that’s for power builds. Pistols need to trade DMG for condition DMG, same thing with Wrench. Its pretty obvious the flamethrower is mix and that’s fine, but make it the only kit that’s both power and conditions. Grenades need to make up their minds and be power and conditions, not both. I’d say, make grenades condition and bombs just power. Hell if enough power users complain give people a sniper kit. Right now our kits have no identity.

i7 920 OC 4.2Ghz, 2x 6970s in Eyefinity mode
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Engineers are an absolute mess. Our weapons and kits do not specialize well. For example, bleed on the rifle…..that’s for power builds. Pistols need to trade DMG for condition DMG, same thing with Wrench. Its pretty obvious the flamethrower is mix and that’s fine, but make it the only kit that’s both power and conditions. Grenades need to make up their minds and be power and conditions, not both. I’d say, make grenades condition and bombs just power. Hell if enough power users complain give people a sniper kit. Right now our kits have no identity.

Yeah that’s true, I mean anet did do a pretty good start on engineer, but for the most part engineer is still under-balanced, I believe the decision to nerf grenade kit was a poor one.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Support this. There are other threads about this too:

The more people vote on all these posts, the more chance we actually get the changes!!

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

I think Anet prefers working on one class at a time but okay ill help.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChaosElement.5017


They need to add the 2h hammer to the engineer’s weapon list. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t. It could even replace the melee kit! Some cool animations are needed too when the the engineer swings his hammer such as when it touches an enemy it has a mini explosion that does a knock back. (obviously this would have a long cool down). I’d also like to see nuts and bolts fly out of an enemy when the engineer hits. I’d also like the hammer to be completely mechanical looking. There also needs to be a nice animation when the engineer sheathes the hammer. It would be pretty BA if it would fold up and fit into a kit and unfold when the engineer unsheathes it.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Thnx Azmuth, keep up the good suggestions

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

They need to add the 2h hammer to the engineer’s weapon list. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t. It could even replace the melee kit! Some cool animations are needed too when the the engineer swings his hammer such as when it touches an enemy it has a mini explosion that does a knock back. (obviously this would have a long cool down). I’d also like to see nuts and bolts fly out of an enemy when the engineer hits. I’d also like the hammer to be completely mechanical looking. There also needs to be a nice animation when the engineer sheathes the hammer. It would be pretty BA if it would fold up and fit into a kit and unfold when the engineer unsheathes it.

Why would adding a 2h hammer to engineer make sense, I think making engineer a Gun master is more ideal. But I guess If you consider That engineer can forge gears and cogs with a hammer it kinda makes sense, so ok. But in the long aspect, I dont see a Hammer being very, engineer related.

(edited by Azmuth Divarchchron.8059)

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


you just answered your own question. Thats exactly why a hammer would make sense .

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Edo.5862


I’m tired of seeing Warriors chop up Engineers like Garen on steroids. Giving engineers a Minigun to keep them at bay would balance things out.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

I’m tired of seeing Warriors chop up Engineers like Garen on steroids. Giving engineers a Minigun to keep them at bay would balance things out.

Yeah I am too, I’m hoping anet does something about that soon.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Thnx Azmuth, keep up the good suggestions

thanks ill try

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


All I will say on this is to please fix/balance/redesign current abilities/weapons before adding new ones.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

All I will say on this is to please fix/balance/redesign current abilities/weapons before adding new ones.

I sent in a request to buff Engineer grenades ealier… they nerfed them instead

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Introducing new weapons at this point doesn’t make sense. Engineers are limited when it comes to weapon selection, because they have the kits. But this is also a strong counter argument against Anet’s design: engineer should be the king of versatility. Hmm, how can be so versatile, if you need to sacrifice your utility skill slots for the kits?

Please first fix the bugged weapons, traits and speed up the animations e.g. rifle #2 and #5 and elixir gun #2 should be animated twice as path, the animation itself is fine. And make the weapon damage up to the same level other professions can do.

Engineers are also lacking viable stun breaks (elixir S has 60 s recharge, compare that with thief sword skill #2, shadow return with mere 2 initiative cost for a stun break). Engineers lack condition removal. If you take medkit, you can use antidote every 15 seconds to cure just one condition (the skill description says it removes conditions, but it removes just one condition). And to make matters worse the antidote is not auto consumed, but it is in front of your nose, utterly useless condition removal if you get immobilized.

I simply cannot understand why Anet developers are thinking that engineers are overpowered. If they would be as overpowered as developers think, then engineer would not be the least popular profession. Most people always flock towards the easiest choices: easiest for wins and points. I am not claiming you cannot get good results with engineer, but currently engineer seems to be the “only for elites” profession and “work twice as hard to get the results of another class” profession.

Deniara / Ayna

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ian Kennedy.4563

Ian Kennedy.4563

What about an alchemical engineer? you could use a staff or scepter as like different control rods or some such thing.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrForz.1953


The only thing I’d like to see is a huge, oversized, customized (And stationary if you want) sniper rifle kit, that would be placed in your Elite utility skill.

Make it happen.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumped this post for good suggestion

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: PWNcakesAndROFLs.8263


I agree, Engineers should have the option for a new weapon/kit.

I lean towards the idea that it should be a mace/hammer since you can get already existing skins for them, opposed to kits, which can’t be customized cosmetically at all.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I’m tired of seeing Warriors chop up Engineers like Garen on steroids. Giving engineers a Minigun to keep them at bay would balance things out.

Warriors are voted the weakest sPvP class. If your engineer have trouble fighting warriors, I think you need to l2p.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

I’m tired of seeing Warriors chop up Engineers like Garen on steroids. Giving engineers a Minigun to keep them at bay would balance things out.

Warriors are voted the weakest sPvP class. If your engineer have trouble fighting warriors, I think you need to l2p.

What you say is utter nonsense, Warrior is capable of doing 13k damage in a single skill volley. the only other class capable of doing this is theif. and even then theif loses out to warrior. so i suggest you do research instead of posting some nonsense about how weak warrior is because it isn’t.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: theceddy.8347


I think we just need that little something thats makes other classes fear us, becaus we are the only ones who has not a massive AoE attack. The discription on the wiki says that evry race has seen the effectiveness of engeniers in battel. I don’ t see it and are already lvl 80. ???

Let them burn, bleed and suffer.
They deserve it !!!!!

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Yeah the only thing we really have going for us is flamethrower and its not very effective in battle unless you’re in a rush vs a rush.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: katarochan.3158


I totally agree we engineers only do limited damage with limited weaponry while other classes have their own speciality, there should be a particular one for the engineer and minigun or laser cannon would be totally agreeable. I understand we get the flamethrower but in the actual game they are pretty useless…they deal very low damage at a not so decent rate.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I’m tired of seeing Warriors chop up Engineers like Garen on steroids. Giving engineers a Minigun to keep them at bay would balance things out.

Warriors are voted the weakest sPvP class. If your engineer have trouble fighting warriors, I think you need to l2p.

What you say is utter nonsense, Warrior is capable of doing 13k damage in a single skill volley. the only other class capable of doing this is theif. and even then theif loses out to warrior. so i suggest you do research instead of posting some nonsense about how weak warrior is because it isn’t.

No, how about you do some research?

To do 13k in volley, you have to spec for it. That means sacrificing all toughness for offensive stats. Which means, anyone poking the warrior will kill him.

You also need the target to not dodge, and not move. Which won’t happen at all. Every Warrior sPvPer knows that rifle is a terrible weapon.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkace.8925


I’m tired of seeing Warriors chop up Engineers like Garen on steroids. Giving engineers a Minigun to keep them at bay would balance things out.

Is there a reason engineers can’t use a rifle to keep the warrior at bay?

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

I’m tired of seeing Warriors chop up Engineers like Garen on steroids. Giving engineers a Minigun to keep them at bay would balance things out.

Is there a reason engineers can’t use a rifle to keep the warrior at bay?

Rifle may have knock back but not all the time its effective due to the warrior able to pop stability especially since theres a cooldown for knockback on rifle.

(edited by Azmuth Divarchchron.8059)

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeivu.3615


I’d rather they buff what they have already. Engineers have a lot of options, though none that particularly excels.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

I’d rather they buff what they have already. Engineers have a lot of options, though none that particularly excels.

I agree what engineer has could use some buffs, but it might be nice to use something that is more affiliated with engineer’s knowledge yeild. after all asurians have golems with freaken gattling lasers. and the charrs have rocket launchers..

(edited by Azmuth Divarchchron.8059)

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raziel.5910


I wholeheartedly support the idea of the laser/plasma or minigun kit for engineers. Personally I’d prefer the plasma cannon, but anything with a long range like that would be superb. Buffing what’s already there would involve completely rebuilding a lot of the skills that we already get (see turrets), and that seems like it might just be a non-starter.

The biggest problem I see with the class really isn’t the kits, it’s that (and this has been said) the class lacks focus. I jokingly refer to it as ‘schizophrenic’ but really, the design philosophy seems to have been diluted to the point of being meaningless. We’re told we are supposed to be a versatile class, and even penalized for it, but with the way that traits function we are more or less required to pick one facet of the class and then go for the brass ring.

(edited by Raziel.5910)

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I wholeheartedly support the idea of the laser/plasma or minigun kit for engineers. Personally I’d prefer the plasma cannon, but anything with a long range like that would be superb. Buffing what’s already there would involve completely rebuilding a lot of the skills that we already get (see turrets), and that seems like it might just be a non-starter.

The biggest problem I see with the class really isn’t the kits, it’s that (and this has been said) the class lacks focus. I jokingly refer to it as ‘schizophrenic’ but really, the design philosophy seems to have been diluted to the point of being meaningless. We’re told we are supposed to be a versatile class, and even penalized for it, but with the way that traits function we are more or less required to pick one facet of the class and then go for the brass ring.

That, sir, is a perfect description of the up-to-date situation. Engineer lacks the focus as you say, cause it seems to be a mix of totally different ‘playtoys’, and doesn’t seem to have anything other than throwing out all kinds of gadgets, pointless elixir guns, a one-time mine, a set of bombs whose only use is the “Big Ol’ Bomb”…
The engineer, as a technologically advanced class, should have some long-range weapon with a steady amount of damage, like the warrior volley or thief unload.
I’m in favor of a laser rifle (long-range, sniping), minigun (knockback, CC, fast fire?) or hand cannon (slow with very high damage).

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I’m tired of seeing Warriors chop up Engineers like Garen on steroids. Giving engineers a Minigun to keep them at bay would balance things out.

Warriors are voted the weakest sPvP class. If your engineer have trouble fighting warriors, I think you need to l2p.

What you say is utter nonsense, Warrior is capable of doing 13k damage in a single skill volley. the only other class capable of doing this is theif. and even then theif loses out to warrior. so i suggest you do research instead of posting some nonsense about how weak warrior is because it isn’t.

No, how about you do some research?

To do 13k in volley, you have to spec for it. That means sacrificing all toughness for offensive stats. Which means, anyone poking the warrior will kill him.

You also need the target to not dodge, and not move. Which won’t happen at all. Every Warrior sPvPer knows that rifle is a terrible weapon.

That is untrue. I played rifle/hammer warrior several times in SPvP, with different rune combinations and trait set-ups and in the end it was very viable for me. Only problem were mesmers. Even if people dodged away from the volley I had at least 10k damage AND also don’t forget the Kill Shot burst skill, hitting for 10k on it’s own.
Of course you shouldn’t go rifle only, you need to combine it with a steady AoE damage weapon, like hammer or axe/axe.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkace.8925


I’m tired of seeing Warriors chop up Engineers like Garen on steroids. Giving engineers a Minigun to keep them at bay would balance things out.

Is there a reason engineers can’t use a rifle to keep the warrior at bay?

Rifle may have knock back but not all the time its effective due to the warrior able to pop stability especially since theres a cooldown for knockback on rifle.

So you’re proposing a crowd control skill with little to no cooldown and the ability to bypass Stability?

PS – Engineer’s rifle also has Net Shot. That’s two crowd control skills. If you can’t get it done with two cc skills on one weapon, they you’re doing something wrong.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Demonic Spirit.3157

The Demonic Spirit.3157

+1 for the minigun

All 80es > MM necro is my best ,cleric
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


I want machine-guns and Uzi’s

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


PS – Engineer’s rifle also has Net Shot. That’s two crowd control skills. If you can’t get it done with two cc skills on one weapon, they you’re doing something wrong.

Sorry but I don’t agree with that. If you have 2 CC skills, that leaves 3 damage skills.
The n°1 rifle autoattack hits a single target for 1,5k per hit.
The n°3 spread-shot hits several targets for 3k max.
The n°5 has a delay, which makes it hard to actually get it off right on the spot where your enemy is standing. If it does hit, it hits 3k max.

All in all not very impressive. Imagine following scenario:
You’re the engineer, you see a warrior. You pop net shot, try to get n°3 off but ooohhh the warrior breaks out of it with a nice stun break. Next thing you blow him away, actually knocking yourself down? Not an advantage to you either. You then have one last big damage skill but due to it having a delay before hitting, the enemy can easily dodge out of the way. This leaves you with 4 skills on CD, your enemy with all skills ready and he only lost 1 stunbreak. Guess who wins.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkace.8925


PS – Engineer’s rifle also has Net Shot. That’s two crowd control skills. If you can’t get it done with two cc skills on one weapon, they you’re doing something wrong.

Sorry but I don’t agree with that. If you have 2 CC skills, that leaves 3 damage skills.
The n°1 rifle autoattack hits a single target for 1,5k per hit.
The n°3 spread-shot hits several targets for 3k max.
The n°5 has a delay, which makes it hard to actually get it off right on the spot where your enemy is standing. If it does hit, it hits 3k max.

All in all not very impressive. Imagine following scenario:
You’re the engineer, you see a warrior. You pop net shot, try to get n°3 off but ooohhh the warrior breaks out of it with a nice stun break. Next thing you blow him away, actually knocking yourself down? Not an advantage to you either. You then have one last big damage skill but due to it having a delay before hitting, the enemy can easily dodge out of the way. This leaves you with 4 skills on CD, your enemy with all skills ready and he only lost 1 stunbreak. Guess who wins.

How is that not an advantage. Setting aside the fact that you get to your feet before he does, you’re still keeping him at bay, all the while the short CD on your Net Shot is recharging.

And you’re not comparing apples to apples. Because you gave the warrior a utility – a stun-breaker, conveniently enough – it’s only fair I give the engineer a utility as well. If I choose Net Turret for that utility, what, then are you going to do with that stun-breaker on cooldown?

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

PS – Engineer’s rifle also has Net Shot. That’s two crowd control skills. If you can’t get it done with two cc skills on one weapon, they you’re doing something wrong.

Sorry but I don’t agree with that. If you have 2 CC skills, that leaves 3 damage skills.
The n°1 rifle autoattack hits a single target for 1,5k per hit.
The n°3 spread-shot hits several targets for 3k max.
The n°5 has a delay, which makes it hard to actually get it off right on the spot where your enemy is standing. If it does hit, it hits 3k max.

All in all not very impressive. Imagine following scenario:
You’re the engineer, you see a warrior. You pop net shot, try to get n°3 off but ooohhh the warrior breaks out of it with a nice stun break. Next thing you blow him away, actually knocking yourself down? Not an advantage to you either. You then have one last big damage skill but due to it having a delay before hitting, the enemy can easily dodge out of the way. This leaves you with 4 skills on CD, your enemy with all skills ready and he only lost 1 stunbreak. Guess who wins.

How is that not an advantage. Setting aside the fact that you get to your feet before he does, you’re still keeping him at bay, all the while the short CD on your Net Shot is recharging.

And you’re not comparing apples to apples. Because you gave the warrior a utility – a stun-breaker, conveniently enough – it’s only fair I give the engineer a utility as well. If I choose Net Turret for that utility, what, then are you going to do with that stun-breaker on cooldown?

I have to agree with Sirendor, Engineers are not very impressive in WvW at the moment and the only thing I’ve played since launch is engineer, At the moment a good warrior can completely overpower engineer in 1v1. We either need a new game dynamic or a buff for all our kits.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brutality.9631


there are some quite boss engineers in pvp, warrior is far weaker in that realm.

New weapon class for Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Yes however there are still people that can come by and one hit the **** out of us, Im getting very annoyed at anets incapability to balance out the classes on the game

(edited by Azmuth Divarchchron.8059)