Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Bumping Thread so I can get out of the non visible post bug.

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hobgoblyn.7984


Could there be some sort of reward system for collecting many different varieties of pets? So even if there are pets one will never use, perhaps having a large collection (not requiring a COMPLETE collection) could give a stat boost to any pet you are currently using. Something like each pet you have gives a +1 to a particular stat of all pets. Or, it could just be an achievement point thing.

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: zippo burntfur.9307

zippo burntfur.9307

Bring back the melandru’s stalker, I want mah bojangle’s back! yes in gw1 i had a melandru’s stalker from pre named bojangle’s.

“We don’t need to make gear treadmills”
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: solanu.3784


Yes, yes and yes!

I refuse to play my Ranger again until I can tame a Dolyak!

Necromancer 80 – Guardian 80 – Thief 80 – Warrior 80 – Mesmer 33

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: ParaMythos.6379


I completely agree with this post, I find the pets overall boring and majority are useless with their command ability (Seriously, a boar gets "search area for improvised weapon’? most useless skill of all).

I like the idea of pet progression (it starts of as “Juvenile”) and taming of pets. It would also be nice to obtain potentially rare pets, I want my own “Sourfang” (if you played the Order of Whispers you would remember this).

Right Hand (Guild Leader)
The Scarlet Hand [HAND] – Borlis Pass

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: trianglecubed.3750


The title says it all “Much needed.” I don’t know exactly what went wrong with the pet system when they were developing it yet from what I’ve read it seems like they had tons of great ideas.. and then just kinda forgot they ever had them.

Pet progression is a big one for me, if I’m decked out in 80 legendary gear some day with a massive long bow and axes the size of myself in each hand I sure do not want to have a juvenile -anything- standing by my side. I’d rather just go it alone and leave the “kids” in my pocket dimension.

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Could there be some sort of reward system for collecting many different varieties of pets? So even if there are pets one will never use, perhaps having a large collection (not requiring a COMPLETE collection) could give a stat boost to any pet you are currently using. Something like each pet you have gives a +1 to a particular stat of all pets. Or, it could just be an achievement point thing.

I’m not sure if Anet would add the +1 stat, but the achivement for collecting every available pet is certainly a great idea.

Bring back the melandru’s stalker, I want mah bojangle’s back! yes in gw1 i had a melandru’s stalker from pre named bojangle’s.

Added to the list.

Yes, yes and yes!

I refuse to play my Ranger again until I can tame a Dolyak!

The Dolyak is a popular request.

I completely agree with this post, I find the pets overall boring and majority are useless with their command ability (Seriously, a boar gets "search area for improvised weapon’? most useless skill of all).

I like the idea of pet progression (it starts of as “Juvenile”) and taming of pets. It would also be nice to obtain potentially rare pets, I want my own “Sourfang” (if you played the Order of Whispers you would remember this).

I would love it if they added the pet evolution idea. The thought of my pet progressing with me, getting physically and visually stronger as I get physically and visually stronger (gear) is something that would make playing the Ranger extremely fun and enjoyable.

The title says it all “Much needed.” I don’t know exactly what went wrong with the pet system when they were developing it yet from what I’ve read it seems like they had tons of great ideas.. and then just kinda forgot they ever had them.

Pet progression is a big one for me, if I’m decked out in 80 legendary gear some day with a massive long bow and axes the size of myself in each hand I sure do not want to have a juvenile -anything- standing by my side. I’d rather just go it alone and leave the “kids” in my pocket dimension.

Glad I’m not the only one who noticed that most of what was talked about when it came to Rangers and their pets before the game came out, was never actually implemented.

Having the pet visually change to a tougher/meaner/powerful/graceful/awesome adult form while the player/pet progresses would be an enjoyable accomplishment for anyone playing a Ranger.

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigilence.4902



  • Various achievements could be added to the game that are class specific, in this case Ranger specific.
  • One such achievement, as suggested by Hobgoblyn.7984 could be completed when a Ranger collects all the various pets available.
  • Another can be given to the player when the pet finally reaches adult form.
  • Another type can be given for collecting all the animals of a specific species.

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.3289


This is a feature I think should be introduced to the game, Rangers have a variety of choices but adding & polishing some more options would do them well.

“A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom”
StormBluff Isle

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: eric.8203


i would love all the pets mentioned in the op espicially the raptors and malendru stalker maybe a possible gem store purchase as a skin in the future would be ok for me

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


I like some of the suggestions.
Alot of them, however, are the usual “more this and more that” that we all want but will have to wait for.

What I want changed about pets is the predefined roles becoming customizable.

If I like bears, I would like to be able to use a bear offensively, defensively or for control, rather than being forced to use it as a “tank”.

Currently, each pet “family” has a certain stat distribution and fixed set of skills that enforce a role upon it, and even affect what kind of builds you can use it for.

Bears and Moas, for example, are more into defensive stats.
Felines and Drakes, for example, are more into offensive stats.

This should change.
Each pet should still keep its flavor, but every pet should be customizable in order to produce a reasonably equivalent amount of damage dealing or survivability.

To do this, the offensive and defensive stats would be balanced individually:
- A Feline is more about avoiding damage, while a Bear is more about withstanding it, and the defensive stats should reflect that.
- A Feline is more about Precision, while a Bear is more about raw power, and the offensive stats should reflect that.

The difference between Felines and Bears would not be how much damage or survival they have, but HOW they pull it off.

To help accomplish this without simply adjusting stats, each pet would unlock 2 additional “F2” skills, so that you have 3 distinct types of skills to choose from – Survival, Control and Aggression.
The 2nd and 3rd “F2” skill could be unlocked at specific levels, like 10 and 20 or 20 and 40.

Alternatively, instead of simply unlocking 2 additional skills, it could unlock 2 additional “combat modes” – each with its own set of 4 skills (including the F2 skill) – one for Aggression, one for Survival and one for Control.

(edited by Nurvus.2891)

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esha.1842


As I play a ranger as my main, I think there are some really great suggestions here. I’d love to see an evolution system of sorts as well. I think the ranger is an incredible class, and this would just make it so much more enjoyable.

And as Nurvus stated, I also would love to see a variety of roles each animal can run. I’m a huge cat person personally, so I would love to have some sort of “tankier” cat.

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


I always wished that Pets were more then what they made out to be. I would love to see them have their own trait tree, and more skills.

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

I want WoW hunter-style pets. Meaning, I want to control ALL of their abilities how and when I want to. Not just having ONE skill I can use. GW2 needs more complexity and depth, ranger pets included.

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Monki.5012


Some of the animals you listed as Pets you like to tame are just critters. You know those lvl 1 White creatures you bash for fun.

I doubt that they should be tameable because their counterparts do no real damage at all.

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Wait. Gender? Where could you see the gender of your animal companions in GW1, other than the Lion and Lioness?

No exceptions!

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: DejaVuGurl.8023


I came on here particularly to suggest that GW2 should have the Alpine Stalker as a ranger pet. Some of the other suggestions sound good, too. I would love to have an alpine stalker as a pet as it is so pretty.

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: RobotWalk.5436


Osprey! Osprey! Osprey!

I would love an Osprey.

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: LumAnth.5124


Wait. Gender? Where could you see the gender of your animal companions in GW1, other than the Lion and Lioness?

Was thinking the same thing.

Would love for them to add some Guild Wars pets back like Tiger, Lion, Crab “Lurkers”, Alligators, Dune Lizards. (I’m also hoping for a Rainbow Phoenix available in Hall of Monuments because it’s where you could charm one, but I know this is unlikely )

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: moose.6973


+1 fully agreed and would be pumped for something like this