Reducing Emote range

Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: Llarrian.9074


Hey fellow players, dear team!

German native speaker here, please be patient.

On behalf of the roleplayers on “Drakkar Lake” and in general (I guess) I request thinking about lowering the range of /me-created chat-text. Since you kindly switched off culling (wonderful idea, thank you!), Emotes can be read within the full distance of the emoting charakters visibility. Which is very, very far. Imagine sitting in a tavern in one corner of Ossa and reading roleplayers in the hospital in the other corner of Ossa.

I know, this will not concern many players – but I think, it won’t hurt them either. Roleplayers though are heavily affected by this change. It increases the amount of text-flood within our events and hotspots quite unbearably if we can/must not only read those standing around us but also those behind the next three city corners or in a hut two hills away. Chat options for uns RPers are already limited as they are, having to read the /me’s of half the map we’re currently playing on is really uncomfortable.

Please give this some thought. Turning off culling was really brillant for us, thank you for that! Combined with an – again – lowered emoterange, it would – again! – give us a lot of fun on our beloved playgrounds so generously created and fostered by you.

Thank you!

Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Although I don’t roleplay (though I am on a RP server for immersion purposes) I have to agree. There is no way I should be able to hear /me emotes halfway across Lions Arch!

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lumpy.8760


while we’re at it, cull emote text when loading characters using persistent emotes (dance, sit, etc)

Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


wait what?
I thought culling was only being lifted with tomorrows patch?
Is it in effect already then?

Gunnar’s Hold

Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: Llarrian.9074


It is – and it’s actually really cool.

Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Culling still seems to be in effect in Lion’s Arch on Piken Square server.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: Llarrian.9074


Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jatacid.3725


You can turn this off in your chat options. Just create a chat tab for lions arch which removes NPC dialogue and emotes. Problem solved.

Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Ah, that makes sense. I noticed that culling was off in Divinity’s Reach when I went there. Much improved – I can actually see other players now!

You can turn this off in your chat options. Just create a chat tab for lions arch which removes NPC dialogue and emotes. Problem solved.

Not really. I don’t want to remove the emotes altogether but just limit their range so that the only emotes I’m picking up are from NPCs and other players in my immediate vicinity.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: Llarrian.9074


A few days into a culling-free world and for us roleplayers the change turns out to be a complete desaster. Our hotspots are struggling to come up with solutions, all those maintaining those hotspots and their events are getting quite frustrated.

Please, Arenanet, turn down /me-Emote-range significantly. You did it once, please consider doing it again.

Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608



Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: LiaravV.3726


Switch off the /me-Channel isn’t something, that make sense. (Not only) Roleplayer emote something. It’s a kind of interaction who is a part of gameplay for all player. For switching off the culling (thanks for that!) we all can read emotes and something other in the /s-Channel, who typed a person a hundred miles ago from you. And is not one person who type something in the chat, there are dozen and hundreds. So I hope Arena Net understand the problem and can solve it.

Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tikky.6231


while we’re at it, cull emote text when loading characters using persistent emotes (dance, sit, etc)

Actually, the way the emote is displayed for this is not right. It should only be sent out when they player uses the command, not when the client renders the character.

And as for the main topic, i agree: emotes are visible much too far away. They should have the same range as anything said in /s.

Reducing Emote range

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfesscythe.8056


I can not agree more with this. It’s so frustrating, being an RPer. I used to have no trouble keeping up with RP here on Tarnished Coast, but now that I can stand in the Ossan tavern, and see RP emotes as far away as the Ossan District Waypoint, or the top of Balthazar Highroad, it’s very tough keeping up with emotes.