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This is
The rich orichalcum node in Southsun Cove is dramatically increasing the supply of orichalcum ore in the game, lowering its price significantly.
Take a look for yourself. You can see the price go up because people were not farming orichalcum as much during the event, then a sudden drop. This is when everyone who did the one day event learned where a static rich orichalcum node lived. Now anyone can reliably pick up 12+ orichalcum a day without a significant time investment. All you have to do is distract a champion mob.
To farm orichalcum before, you had to:
- Keep track of where the nodes are after each patch.
- Work out a path through Orr where you could survive, move quickly, and not waste too much money on teleports.
- Learn how to survive while running through Orr (possibly even modifying your build for it).
^^^ This is challenging, fun, and rewarding.
However this new node is different. All you have to do is:
- Distract a champion
^^^ This is easy, boring, and ruins the reward of the old way
So Anet, if you are listening: Please remove the rich orichalcum node from the game. Those of us who loving fighting off zombies to mine precious metals will thank you.
Stop being so selfish. Everyone is entitled to the same content. These type of posts really disgust me.
The ori nodes in Orr still spawn, don’t they? Your fun, challenge, and reward are still there. Surely you can find something better to complain about than being able to mine twice as much ori as all those people who just do it the easy way.
So basically you’re saying that your “fun” was ruined because Orichalcum got cheaper.
That’s no different from saying that your “fun” is about the money you make rather than anything else. After all, the money you make is there only because of the difficulty of farming Orichalcum.
OP is not selfish but have a valid point. The rich ore is way too easy and because of that the market get flooded and idiots keep undercutting by 10c, 20c, 1s etc because they want to sell first and dont mind less profit because its easy to obtain.
the reward for collecting all other ori ore is diminishing each day and the price drops more and more non stop.
the selfish ones if those of you who actually think the rich ori ore where it is right now is a good thing. because your most likely the lazy ones who dont go collecting ori ore elsewhere because it takes time. the amount of ori ore you get in Southsun Cove is a lot more than either cursed shore or malchors leap. one of these areas + frostgorge equals the same amount you get easily with no effort in Southsun Cove.
Au contraire, good sirs; they should add a Rich Powerful Blood Vein to the game instead! :P
Is it that big of a deal?
It isn’t like Charged Lodestones where the item goes to a supposedly Legendary weapon.
Diversify your portfolio if one thing you farm goes down in price. Because Ori wasn’t even worth my time to farm unless I happened to bump into it.
(edited by xxxzavulonxxx.8413)
It IS as selfish to say “change this because it’s making things too cheap” as it is to say “change this because it’s making things too expensive”.
Prices WILL lower as supply increases. Even without the rich node, the fact there are two standard nodes in the zone makes it an increase in supply. And indeed, most of the time people will ignore the rich node precisely because they cannot get a group to coordinate the distraction, much less defeat, of the champion.
Plus, as more high-level zones are added, they will undoubtedly have orichalcum nodes as well. This will further increase supply. This will affect its price.
And in the end, what is wrong with lowering the price? Keeping it high benefits only those who wish to profit off it. Lowering it benefits people who actually wish to use it. It is a crafting material, not a commodity. Perhaps Arenanet added this node because they wanted to lower its price?
(Then again, I neither buy nor sell it – I mine my own, and I use it myself. I will do that whether this node stays or goes. But I support making it more accessible to others.)
Oh… and might I add, Orr seems rather abandoned lately. The entire argument about the supply increase is going to fall flat if nobokitteneps mining in Orr; you get about the same amount from the rich node as from one of the two mining zones, and there are two such zones to work with.
Frostgorge: 6
Malchor’s: 15
Shore: 15
Southsun: 6 + (14 to 17)
Or about 56-59 orichalcum possible per day, compared to an old total of 36. Which doesn’t count the rich node in the Eternal Battleground, which is extremely situational and often guarded. (Yes, technically rich nodes can offer anywhere from 10 to 20, but in practice, I rarely see it outside the 14-17 range.)
If players got industrious enough to really mine all these sources, it could lower the price more than a couple silver.
Yeah I sure do like doing math and doing research to level up my crafting, or alternatively spending all of my gold on material purchases. That sure is that thing that I like doing!
Instead of being forced to either aimlessly wander Orr and hope I stumble across what I need (frustrating), or doing research and camping node spawns to get it (boring/tedious), I can just have someone distract a huge monster a couple times per day (exploitative).
Excuse me for taking advantage of a game mechanic that’s functioning correctly (monster aggro) — if not in its intended way — to avoid a bit of the grind. I just want to be self sufficient — is that too much to ask?
Edit: since I know some internet wizard is going to try to “Gotcha!” me on this: I think that the current mining/gathering system is fine. What’s frustrating about it is needing orichalcum when 90%+ of the nodes are mithril, and it changes at random. It’s like trying to find a single red marble in a bag of 100 green ones. Luck isn’t fun.
(edited by Kerithlan.1659)
Well put Duke.
OP your idea of fun is mind numbingly boring to me, and a lot of other folks im sure.
Each to their own though, and the good news is, Anet is not stoping you from continuing to farm Orr if thats whats exciting and fun for you.
If your only real complaint is that you are not making as much money as you did before, as previous posters have advised….farm something else?
OP is not selfish but have a valid point. The rich ore is way too easy and because of that the market get flooded and idiots keep undercutting by 10c, 20c, 1s etc because they want to sell first and dont mind less profit because its easy to obtain.
a) Welcome to the free market. Take an econ class; a competitive market is better for an economy than a less competitive one.
b) I undercut that much all the time, regardless of rarity of the item. I sell faster, therefore I get my money faster, and I get to frustrate people who try to play the market.
OP is not selfish but have a valid point. The rich ore is way too easy and because of that the market get flooded and idiots keep undercutting by 10c, 20c, 1s etc because they want to sell first and dont mind less profit because its easy to obtain.
a) Welcome to the free market. Take an econ class; a competitive market is better for an economy than a less competitive one.
b) I undercut that much all the time, regardless of rarity of the item. I sell faster, therefore I get my money faster, and I get to frustrate people who try to play the market.
Lets say you play this game for 365 days. You undercut 20c on 10 items 365 times (once daily). You would leak 146 gold during that year. If you farm 1g/hr, you have just effectively wasted six days of your life. I am an econ major and I have never heard such nonsense lol.
ps – You actually probably don’t frustrate the TP traders much. Their game is based off of having patience, not get rich overnight Ponzi schemes.
Lets say you play this game for 365 days. You undercut 20c on 10 items 365 times (once daily). You would leak 146 gold during that year. If you farm 1g/hr, you have just effectively wasted six days of your life. I am an econ major and I have never heard such nonsense lol.
365*10*20c=73000 copper coins = 7,3g
great math for an econ major!
No wonder world economy is in ruins if all economists calculate like you.
For me, the rich ori node in SC is a daily hide-and-seek with the Champion Karka.
Don’t take away my fun please
Lets say you play this game for 365 days. You undercut 20c on 10 items 365 times (once daily). You would leak 146 gold during that year. If you farm 1g/hr, you have just effectively wasted six days of your life. I am an econ major and I have never heard such nonsense lol.
365*10*20c=73000 copper coins = 7,3g
great math for an econ major!
No wonder world economy is in ruins if all economists calculate like you.[/quote]
Hit a button twice on my calc… kitten happens.. but 73g is a money leak not to sneeze at…
And the economy is in ruins to who exactly?
7.3g not 73g
100*100 copper is one gold
so 73k is 7.4g
7.3g not 73g
100*100 copper is one gold
so 73k is 7.4g
Ok, yeah. I will admit to borking the conversion there. Was using dollars/dime/cents that is natural to me. But I still would maintain when you leak money, even in small increments, it does add up over time.
There are smart economists, and those that can’t calculate things right, twice.
146g —> 73g when the real number is still 7.3g.
Yes, you are not making maximum potential profit, but those that sell lower actually get money, whereas those with items in perpetual “hold” in the TP do not.
Stop being so selfish. Everyone is entitled to the same content. These type of posts really disgust me.
I agree, hopefully Anet gives everyone a free Legendary of their choice this christmas as well, everyone is entitled to it.
(Sarcasm ^)
They should remove that node, and instead place some regular ori nodes around the island to encourage actually playing/roaming around the map instead of just parking alts next to the rich node to get free ore daily. Pretty silly.
Think it’d be a good idea to stick a free rich node of every type of material in the game in LA? People can just log on daily and get their free mats, and ruin the market for each of them? I don’t think so. =p
There are smart economists, and those that can’t calculate things right, twice.
146g —> 73g when the real number is still 7.3g.Yes, you are not making maximum potential profit, but those that sell lower actually get money, whereas those with items in perpetual “hold” in the TP do not.
There’s a difference between learning real world economies and virtual world ones. I am not prone to making mistakes around the multiplier, money multiplier,AFC/ATC/MC,etc..
I am not being graded on game currencies after all. And the TP already converts #s for me without me even thinking about it. Nor am I an active trader in GW2, besides splashing around in one particular market that is profitable that is super easy :p
i like the new node, now i don’t have to waste time running around orr and i can get back to running dungeons or other things.
Whether he’s right or wrong about this being a bad thing, he is right about the change in market value. See for yourself on spidey; November 18th (Day the hive is opened) the price dives and carries on going down.
Would have been nice if advertised this game for what it really is….a stock market simulator. The only people who seem to be having any fun in this game are the TP barons, and they don’t actually ‘play’ the game. So many things in this game have been such a let down. =(
I agree with Rylek
On a different note… if I want to craft exotics I farm my ore. It’s so much more fun and cheaper than buying it. Making it a bit easier doesn’t make it less fun for me. Why? I have one 80. With a new node, maybe I’ll be encouraged to work on and equip my alts.
The only reason this would upset someone is if they log in solely to play the market, which goes back to Rylek: It’s not really playing. There are still PLENTY of mats and items you can screw casual players with using the TP. You want a challenge? Go do some slimy research.
Disclaimer: I’m not against playing the market. I do it occasionally. I don’t buy 1000s of a single item, and I’m not saying it’s wrong to do so. I also farm for my own use and I’m NOT saying that farming to sell is wrong either. It just sickens me when I read “this is too easy, make it harder”. When I get nerfed, I adapt. I don’t go looking to make gaming for less adept players more difficult.
Whether he’s right or wrong about this being a bad thing, he is right about the change in market value. See for yourself on spidey; November 18th (Day the hive is opened) the price dives and carries on going down.
It’s also the day where Arenanet signals that exotics are no longer the best gear around. Less people need to use orichalcum to make rings as Fotm gives better rings, there will be some that stop gearing their alts in craftable exotics and wait for alternate means for ascendant gear to come. Overall, this will lead to less demand for orichalcum .
Unless Arenanet indicate that there will be craftable ascendant gear which uses orichalcum, I doubt the trend will reverse anytime soon.
The rich orichalcum node in Southsun Cove is dramatically increasing the supply of orichalcum ore in the game, lowering its price significantly.
A perfect reason to leave it alone. Anything that lowers prices on the TP = good.
Prices going down helps the PLAYERS, because it means that the things they want to make using Ori are cheaper to make. Prices going up only helps gold farmers, market exploiters, and other people who game the economy for their own economic benefit (at the expense of anyone who actually wants those resources).
If ANet has to side with one group over the other, they should side with the players over the Trader’s Forum fat cats any day of the week.
It sounds like the OP is only concerned with protecting the price of Ori so he can make more money selling it.
Lower prices are good for everyone IMO and it doesn’t need to be changed at all. If anything they should introduce Rich Ori nodes in CS and Orr!
Here’s a pro tip – price of ori won’t go down.
Your deffinition of something being fun, its only YOURs…
For instance, this:
“- Keep track of where the nodes are after each patch.
- Work out a path through Orr where you could survive, move quickly, and not waste too much money on teleports.
- Learn how to survive while running through Orr (possibly even modifying your build for it).”
For me it’s insanely tedious, stupid and boring, but that’s just me…
Following your example though, I should ask for a couple of rich ori in Queensdale or Celadon so it fits my play style… hmmm.
The price of Ori goes down because it’s useless now, not because there’s too much. All monetary effort from players is put into T6 mats for the ascended back slots instead
I think the OP was making most of his/her coin in the TP for selling Orichalcum. They said it their self:
“To farm orichalcum before, you had to:
– Keep track of where the nodes are after each patch.
– Work out a path through Orr where you could survive, move quickly, and not waste too much money on teleports.
– Learn how to survive while running through Orr (possibly even modifying your build for it)”.
^^^ This is challenging, fun, and rewarding.
Now all the people that bought the Ores off of him/her, now can just go and farm the Rich Orichalcum node in Southsun Cove themselves.
And pardon me, but I don’t think changeing a build specificly, just to run around Orr looking for Orichalcum is fun by no means in my book. Respecing cost coin each time we do it. There are FAR to many coin sinks in the game already. I am not gonna waste my coin, just to constanly respec my characters to farm for ore. Thats not fun for me.
More nodes = less grinding = good
So as OmniPotentes.4817 said – stop being selfish.
Also agree with drifter.8453
To farm orichalcum before, you had to:
- Keep track of where the nodes are after each patch.
- Work out a path through Orr where you could survive, move quickly, and not waste too much money on teleports.
- Learn how to survive while running through Orr (possibly even modifying your build for it).^^^ This is easy, dull and repetitive.
Google location, move to area, ???, profit.However this new node is different. All you have to do is:
- Distract a champion^^^ This is just as easy, dull and repetitive
Google location, move to area, ???, profit.
I had a "modest" amount of ori ore up for sale on the trading post when folks found out about that node and the prices dived. I must of lost 4 or 5 gold thanks to that, but I just took the loss and adjusted prices accordingly.
You don’t see me making a post complaining about it do you?
im kind of on the fence here.
I think it should remain but i think salso its too easy to get.
Maybe tie the champ to the ori vein so that if someone mines it it aggros on them immediatly..
This will cause it to be as it seems intended that you kill champ b4 mining it.
The reason why Ori is decreasing in price is not because of an increase in supply, but because the complements for Ori have gone up in price due to Ascended gear and the Legendary precursor lottery both functioning as gigantic T6 mat sinks.
Demand for T6 going up, means making items out of Ori is more expensive, means fewer people making items out of Ori, means less demand for Ori.
Also, with the treadmill implemented, people are not making as much jewellery as they were before, nor are they dumping as much Ori into cool Mystic Forge recipes for skins anymore (or making new alts that will need Ori jewellery), because catching up to the gear treadmill is more important than pretty skins.
Yes, the recent Lost Shores patch is the reason why Ori is plummeting in price. No, it is not because there is a single Ori node.
The rich orichalcum node in Southsun Cove is dramatically increasing the supply of orichalcum ore in the game, lowering its price significantly.<snip>
I would say the reason the price of Ori has lowered significantly is because every server now has a map of ori locations that gets updated after every restart where before there were only a few servers with maps. 12-14 ore on a rich node isn’t the straw that broke the camels back, the bottom was falling out of that market before the new map became available.
I think it’s pretty fair that ori prices normalize to a cheaper price lol.
It keeps TP nice and healthy :P. I remember when I messed on the TP, putting a slightly higher offer price than those mass 1000+ buyers, and watching them adjust their prices to beat mine, and I’d keep on putting higher and higher prices and selling lower and lower until the offer price was no longer profitable to sell XD. Oh how I laughed when I saw a guy lose money for every item he bought and resell…
It keeps the market flowing and prevents one or two individuals from just controlling the TP on a certain supply, and that’s healthy for the TP.
So where exactly in Southsun Cove is this rich node that is ruining the game? I would like to test out the theory myself.
Ok, yeah. I will admit to borking the conversion there. Was using dollars/dime/cents that is natural to me. But I still would maintain when you leak money, even in small increments, it does add up over time.
It adds up over time?
When you finally got your maths sorted you should have released that we’re talking about around 60 silver per month. The amount of “leakage” we’re talking about here is easily rectified by, for example, running at least 0.4 dungeons per month.
Yes, you’re correct that small losses will add up over time. Extending your scenario, in a decade you will have leaked 73 gold. So as long as you sell at least 0.33 legendary weapons per 10 years, you’ll be okay.
It adds up over time?
When you finally got your maths sorted you should have released that we’re talking about around 60 silver per month. The amount of “leakage” we’re talking about here is easily rectified by, for example, running at least 0.4 dungeons per month.
Yes, you’re correct that small losses will add up over time. Extending your scenario, in a decade you will have leaked 73 gold. So as long as you sell at least 0.33 legendary weapons per 10 years, you’ll be okay.
If the conversation is going to remain on this little math error, then at discuss the issue raised and not an ever further tangent. If someone is undercutting their Ori sales by 0.5-1 silver, they are giving up 15%-50% of their profits on those Ori sales.
Having a “cheap” market is not necessarily a good thing for everyone.
I’m trying to save up money for my T3 culture armor set. That’s 119g. So far I’ve made the majority of my gold from selling on the TP, and much of it from selling Orichalcum. If prices on everything on the trader go down, I will lose a huge chunk of my income.
With that said though, I have noticed an increase in the amount of money u get from running dungeons. 10+ silver per boss.
Edit: This post is mostly for those who think cheap resources on the trader is a good thing
(edited by Vitu.3580)
If the conversation is going to remain on this little math error, then at discuss the issue raised and not an ever further tangent. If someone is undercutting their Ori sales by 0.5-1 silver, they are giving up 15%-50% of their profits on those Ori sales.
Simply because you fail to see the relevance does not mean it was not present. If someone chooses to charge any amount of money less for their Orichalcum, that’s still a competitive market working as intended.
In the hypothetical scenario, the “losses” in profit by undercutting by a factor of 20 copper is essentially negligible when you consider the methods of making money currently in game. The point in my post was that “losses” in the range proposed by the hypothetical scenario are easily made up with little to no effort.
Additionally, referring to them as “losses” or “leakage” is entirely subjective. Since the item in question is a pre-processed material, its value is determined solely by the player selling it and the player buying it. If I choose to sell it for less than you, I haven’t lost money and I stand a better chance at attracting customers. Competitive markets are all about undercutting.
Does anyone in this thread seriously believe that ANet is not paying close attention to the economy? The recent adjustment in rarity of dyes and the introduction of new back slot items which require bulk amounts of Tier 6 fine crafting materials have caused the values of some goods to skyrocket. The introduction of a reliable Rich Orichalcum node at the same time has almost certainly been weighted against the other major economic factors in play here.
(edited by Blueshield.6291)
Edit: This post is mostly for those who think cheap resources on the trader is a good thing
Uhm, I was assuming exactly that as well as I assume increasing the police is a good thing from the point of view of the thief…
Au contraire, good sirs; they should add a Rich Powerful Blood Vein to the game instead! :P
They definitely should! LOL I completely agree with this one. I have to transmute three sets today just to get 30
So where exactly in Southsun Cove is this rich node that is ruining the game? I would like to test out the theory myself.
Top floor of the Karka Hive, which ironically now only contains one living karka.
They could always just put more crab faces in there to make in more challenging.
How about quit complaining about the ori and concern ourselves with the fact that everything on theBLTC is inflated.
How about quit complaining about the ori and concern ourselves with the fact that everything on theBLTC is inflated.
Agreed. Needlessly focusing on one comparatively minor aspect of the economy (even an increase in potential supply of 100% is minor when it only effects a single commodity) is non-productive. The economy on the whole is what matters.
If your reasoning was really you love the old way of getting it there is nothing stopping you TC. On the otherhand if your reasoning happened to be you’ve lost a way of earning money then you would have a reason to make this topic, not that admitting your reason would make me agree with you.
Having a “cheap” market is not necessarily a good thing for everyone.
I’m trying to save up money for my T3 culture armor set. That’s 119g. So far I’ve made the majority of my gold from selling on the TP, and much of it from selling Orichalcum. If prices on everything on the trader go down, I will lose a huge chunk of my income.
With that said though, I have noticed an increase in the amount of money u get from running dungeons. 10+ silver per boss.
Edit: This post is mostly for those who think cheap resources on the trader is a good thing
Cheap resources on the TP are definitely, without question, a good thing. Yes, it may lower your profit margins on various items and reduce your total income, but the number of items that one would want to buy on the TP far outweigh the number of items with a fixed-by-the-system price (like T3 armor), and there are plenty of ways to make money in the game that do not involve the TP at all.
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