This thread is a product of exam time procrastination
Anyone who played the Dervish, Monk or Paragon classes in GW1 and is carrying on in GW2 surely misses them. Since introducing new weapons will force making it viable for other classes as well, it would be best if all these classes were put together and something new designed to cater to the players that enjoyed fighting while buffing their companions and still be capable of dealing adequate damage. This would be a light armor class, using daggers, swords and greatswords as weapons. Their survivability would rely on evasion. Lastly instead of weapon switching their will be dances assigned to F1-3, switched between like Elementalist attunements, which will switch the mainhand weapons, leave offhand weapons intact.
Class Weapons
Dagger- Control and condition weapon.
Sword- A balanced weapon with control and damage and mobility
Greatsword- Direct damage with evasion, lots of Breathe regeneration.
Warhorn – Offensive buffs[Fury, Might, Retaliation], AoE Debuff [Perhaps randomly apply Confusion with a Daze or Stun]
Focus- Defensive buffs[Swiftness, Vigor, Regeneration], Petal Rain(A Water or Light field that removes a condition and heals)
Class Mechanics
Breathe: A bar above the weapon skills which is at full at the start of combat it decays with switching dances in combat. Breathe can be restored using certain weapon and utility skills. It does not regenerate while using most weapon skills.
Dance of the Lover: Close range mode
-Dagger: Bleed and Burn with fast stabbing attacks, an attack that does extra damage per condition, another that can refresh unique conditions
-Sword: Mobile, bleeds, decent damage, medicore speed with rapier like attacks
-Greatsword: Lots of evasion and high damage with slow slashing attacks.
Dance of the Rose: Long range mode, all weapons have atleast one bleed source
-Dagger: Bleed and Confuse with throwing attacks
-Sword: Piercing attacks that sends needles of air towards targets crippling and immobilizing.
-Greatsword: High damage attacks sending air projectiles that hit multiple targets, knockdown and blowout effects.
Dance of the Snake: Mid range, atleast a Poison attack on each weapon
-Dagger: Bleed and Poison using boomerang/bouncing attacks
-Sword: Highly mobile set, throwing the blade and pulling back with ribbons
-Greatsword: Mobile set with evasion and mediocre damage with a few bouncing attacks
Charm: Charm the world around yourself to bend them to your favor, buff self, control enemies with dazes, immobilizes, cripples and the such.
Perfume: Create a pulsing region around self which adds bonuses to allies and penalties to targets. Similar to Banners but bonus decreases further away from the Blade dancer.
Rain: Creates a light/water field which creates a field and works like a consecration or glamour skill.
Blades: Summon bladed weapons to use in combat(Like conjured weapons)
-Killer Scythe: Large AoE attacks
-Swordmaster: Summon 5 swords that float around you and are used offensively and defensively
-Bloody Crescent: Summons a giant crescent blade to use for throwing and defensive attacks.
-Aromatic Sickle: Summon a pair of sickles to use as dual weapons which adds conditions.
Signet: Standard signet effects
Lover(Power/Healing Power): Buffs attacks and reduces cooldowns in Dance of the Lover. Adds Healing effects to Charm or Regeneration effect to Perfumes. Reduce charm cooldowns.
Rose(Precision/Condition Duration): Buffs attacks and reduces cooldowns in Dance of the Rose. Adds more condition sources and control effects to Perfumes.
Snake(Toughness/Condition Damage): Buffs attacks and reduces cooldowns in Dance of the Snake. Adds Breathe on use Rain skills and reduces their cooldown.
Footwork(Vitality/Boon Duration): Endurance boost, add defensive effects to dodges, condition removal. Gain Signet cooldown effects, maintain passive effect on use.
Breathing(Breathe regeneration boost/Critical damage): Blades have reduced cooldowns, greater duration and leeching effects added. Breathe generation, overall boosts to dances specially to switching between them. Blades do more damage the more breathe you have.
(edited by jpnova.4572)