VS Risen Thralls: Horrid lack of enemy types in this game.

VS Risen Thralls: Horrid lack of enemy types in this game.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bad Element.4613

Bad Element.4613

Hi everyone,

Let me start off by saying that I love this game, as a long-time player of the original, I truly love the detail put in to the lore, the maps, the events… the whole package.

Ok, now that that is out of the way:

Why is it that the Same Old Models of Risen Thralls are used from the time you create a character until the time you loot phat legendaries in Orr you are fighting the same villians?

Why does every Giant in the game use the same skin, just going in different sizes?

Why are there Gorilla Thralls?

Risen Krait, Risen Hileaks, Risen Chickens and Bulls. Come on ANet…. Is this really the extent of what your creative development squad can come up with? Its cool for a few main quests and one or two maps; but seriously you take an EPIC map like Malchor’s Leap and fill it with those garbage models AGAIN? Here i am in the FINAL LEVEL OF THE GAME and i am fighting the same creatures i would fight if i rolled up a new Sylvari Toon in CALEDON FRIGGIN FOREST?!?!

Please tell me you have some models that just needed a bit of polishing before you put them in…?
…again ANet I ask you, Is this Really the Best Job you Could Have Done??
This game could be much better in this particular aspect, I WANT it to be better; for all our sake.

VS Risen Thralls: Horrid lack of enemy types in this game.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mantis.2850


Sadly this seems to be a common issues with MMOs.. Always fighting similar enemies, maybe of different sizes with different color tones.

It is a shame that ANet didn’t avoid this though.

VS Risen Thralls: Horrid lack of enemy types in this game.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


For a recently launched game, I don’t see that as an issue.
The game is very well done.
Has its bugs, has its recycled stuff, but all of the bad things I’ve seen so far are quite minor.

I agree it would be nice if ANet gives as many creatures as possible a unique look, and I believe they will, in time.

VS Risen Thralls: Horrid lack of enemy types in this game.

in Suggestions

Posted by: qontroL.1276


Zombie theme, disappointed me very very very very very much.
Also, instead of Cursed Shore, I suggest Jersey Shore, it`s filled with zombies after all . . .
(hope that doesn`t offend anyone o.o)

Madskillz – Stormbluff Isle (NA)