Weapon binded Skills Cooldown

Weapon binded Skills Cooldown

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elrond McBong.9372

Elrond McBong.9372

Hi @All,

are you with me, if i (for example)hold 2 swords, 1 in every weapon set.

set 1:
sword + pistol
set 2:
sword + focus

and if you change the weapon, the cooldown is also on the other sword, i would suggest what the topic title says:
Weapon binded Skill Cooldown, so you can change your weapon without having the cooldown from the other sword.
but this should only work if you actually have 2 swords and not just only 1 and two offhand weapons, like:

set 1:
sword + pistol
set 2:
—- + focus

i hope my bad english will not impair the quality of my suggest

Weapon binded Skills Cooldown

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sir Richter Belmont.3258

Sir Richter Belmont.3258

I want to make sure I am understanding you correctly, cause if not, we are bot not on the same page,

what you are saying :
set 1:
sword + pistol
set 2:
sword + focus

and you used the Sword cooldowns and the pistol cooldowns, THEN you swtched to set 2, now you have CDs on both Sword and focus? if you have CDs on sword that’s normal, if you have it on the Focus then that is a bug, and it should not be happening.

on the other hand, if you are saying:
set 1:
sword + pistol
set 2:
sword + focus

and you used both CDs, and switched to Set 2, and dont want to get any CDs on the sword because its a different set?

Weapon binded Skills Cooldown

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


Elrond McBong, I disagree with your suggestion.

Your particular case may be somewhat legitimate, but giving in to your suggestion would bring terrible results.

If players are allowed to use the same weapon’s skills twice by swapping sets, everyone will use the same weapon combo twice.

Let’s pretend that Sword + Pistol is considered the best Mesmer combo for damage dealing.
If your suggestion was implemented, then every Mesmer that aims for damage would equip 2 sets of Sword + Pistol.

This can never be allowed.

(edited by Nurvus.2891)