Hello friend and reader! Are you looking for a new place to call home? Look no further as Eredon Terrace would love to have you!
ET is a thriving place with organized PvE scheduled weekly and a burgeoning WvW scene. We have a large community of faithful players and guilds as well as many newer PvX/WvW guilds. Server pride is something that abounds on ET so if you’re looking for a group of faithful and fun adventurers, find it here!
Some of our many guilds are:
Pirate Knights [PK] a senior guild on ET, usually has a lot of PvE, dungeon activity, many active players.
contact Ashen:7630 or visit
, 400+ players
Partners n Cryme [PIC] . A somewhat new guild formed mid last year. Very large and active PvE guild with at least 100+ active daily. Also quite active in WvW. Has 400+ members
The Forgers of Orr [TFoR]- Another ‘senior’ guild on ET. Very active and influential on ET. Primarily a PvE guild.
Contact: Phantomknight:2183 or visit http://forgersoforr.com/
End Ascends [end] One of the oldest and most OP guilds on here. Whether it’s dungeons, pvp, or WvW, they play hard and play to win.
Contact Duke Marco ( Shanks.8793 ) or Kokoro Mori ( Allyson.6932 ) website is http://www.endascends.com/ ~130. They have Aussie and SEA members for those non NA players.
Below are some of our WvW focused guilds:
[EoH] Extermination of Hope: One of our newest WvW guilds. Does it all. Lead by the charismatic Mr. Freeman
[BoM] Brotherwood of the Machine is mostly a non-NA (OCX) time guild and has many people from different countries! Also another one of our advance forces. They like to get drunk and flip waypoints with 20 omegas hence the ‘Machine’ in the name ^^… Active on other borderlands, assist’s homeland during emergencies
[TAC] Tactical Terror is a dedicated and senior guild on ET. They are a community of great players and a tight-knit team that are enthusiastic about WvW.
[MoD] Mercenaries of Death; another transfer guild. A support guilds style assisting the main forces by running upgrades, fortifying objectives and taking the heat off of our main commanders and supporting secondary operations.
[MoS] Marauders of Serenity; an 11 year old guild formed in GW1. Been on ET since launch and are an assault type guild, keeping objectives flipped to keep a high PPT revolution.
[EoH]: Contact: Dudu:7514
[BoM]: Firkin:9123 or Ozzy:4736 (mostly non-NA guild, lots of Aussies and bad jokes, good times in here)
[TAC]: Kodar.8194
[MoD]: Guinness:2704
[MoS]: Corvin Bloodmyst:9216
So if you’re an individual or a guild looking for a new change or a WvW challenge, get in contact with any of the guild leaders and check out the websites.
We also have an active community website, that is: http://eredonterrace.enjin.com/home and a TeamSpeak3 channel!
Good luck out there and have a good one!
-Marshall (Muramasa:6487)
(edited by Muramasa.6487)