Guilds: Activate Recruit Mode!
•The Death Watch Knights [DwK]
•Type of Guild: Fractals, PvE, sPvP, and Tournament sPvP
•Server: Crystal Desert; Preferred Language: English;
•Event Times —> Scheduling is flexible is based around player availability
•POC → Candy Mountain Website →
•Website is constantly updating and provides special content to guildies.
Valiant Resolution [VR] is primarily looking for active and social members.
Game type: Very active PvX, a lot of guild events.
Primetime: 8:00pm-midnight Eastern. Growing in outside time zones.
Keiz Darkheart (OMGimAnoobLOLOL.4730)
Lillie Darkheart (Lillie.1279)
VR is a PvX guild that strives for equality and a fun experience for everyone. Our leaders put a lot of effort into individual members. You are not invisible and you’re not a faceless influence fountain. We accept new and veteran players. This is an adult guild or at least anyone that can handle adult conversations.
Our events include: Achievements, Dungeons, Fractals, Yak’s Bend WvW (with a growing Gates of Madness community), Organized Silverwastes, casual SPvP, RAFFLES. We also have a teamspeak and event calendar on the website.
We have leadership that are experienced progression raid leaders and we’re excited to get into raid content. Our leaders are ex-military and our rank structure is very military, we have promotion criteria all outlined.
[OSD] Order of the Silver Dragons is looking for more good people to help grow our community. We are a PvX guild that plays on the US server: Isle of Janthir, but if you aren’t into WvW feel free to join from any server. Most of our players are from North America and we are busiest during prime time in the evenings and on the weekends.
We regularly run Guild Missions throughout the week along with dungeons, fractals of the mists, and the living story events.
We also have a Teamspeak server for our members and although it is not required, an active website and forums to post on. You can check us out on
If you are interested in joining us, you can contact one of the following people in game for an invite or to answer any of your questions:
The Official Thief Forum Guild
[Teef] is a large collection of thief and non-thief players dedicated to the health of the thief profession and it’s community. We are an extension of the thief forum itself containing every kind of thief, from the stumbling scrub to the most avid theorycrafter to high tier gameplay. We do our best to make the profession more enjoyable for everyone who play it and those who play against them. You’ll never find a better wellspring of thiefy experience than in [Teef]!
- International (sept china :c)
- Multiserver, Origins from Crystal Desert
- Extremely relaxed!
- Very friendly atmosphere!
- Events are member driven! Anyone can host an event!
- No rep required! (but dropping by once in a while would be nice)
- EU and NA Arenas
- Signing up is braindead easy!
- Brownies!
- Also bacon!
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta
Rift Legion [Mist] is a WvW guild on Sorrow’s Furnace (SF or better known as Sad Oven) with a focus on havoc and home BL defense seeking more members to bolster our ranks. New and veteran players who find enjoyment in being outnumbered in fights are welcomed.
The guild is laid back with no enforced builds, though we will gladly work with anyone who seeks to improve their builds. Every profession is currently accepted and repping is only required when running with us.
While running we are usually on the SF server’s teamspeak, and it is suggested any new members download the TS client.
We are primarily active between 7-12pm eastern on weekdays, and longer into the night on weekends. We run on WvW reset night and do guild missions on Sunday at 9pm eastern. We tend to run in WvW daily and occasionally we group up in pve/spvp content depending what everyone wants.
If you are interested whisper Silverah Shadowhart ( Varylnard.4328 ) or Rorey ( cozzybob.9175 )
Additionally I am seeking an additional commander or two to help me lead in WvW and other events such as guild missions when I am unavailable. New or expert commanders are welcomed in this and I’m perfectly fine sharing my knowledge where its needed.
WvW Commander of Sorrow’s Furnace
Crafters [CRFT] wants people, new or old (very new perfectly fine), who may or may not actually be interested in crafting. We do a bit of everything: PvE (open world and instanced, including raids when they become available), SPvP, and WvW, though for WvW, we’re generally more in the Anvil Rock server. English preferred.
We run guild missions on Sunday nights 7 PM Central/8 Eastern/5 Pacific, but are fairly active around daily reset time and several hours after each night. Our missions are open to non-guild members, as well, if you just want to jump in temporarily for commendations and/or loot.
We have TeamSpeak available, when needed. We also have a variety of bad puns, but they are probably not as useful as TeamSpeak. Willing to help people gear up, raise crafts, and learn the various dungeons.
Contact Mistoffelees (int randInt return.3280) if interested in joining us.
We do open missions every Sunday night.
Contact Mistoffelees in game if you’re interested.
The Dawn Fox [Fox] is a brand new guild looking for ambitious, enthusiastic players of all experience levels.
The Dawn Fox may be a little different than other guilds you’ve seen. Rather than using guild ranks as a strictly hierarchical food chain of authority, we use ranks to distinguish players according to the different House they choose to associate with!
Each house represents a different aspect of the game, such as WvW, sPvP, or challenging PvE encounters. Most houses have a member role and a leader role. Leaders are in charge of coordinating events and on-boarding new initiates.
Are you interested in leading The Dusk Wolves in WvW conquests as a Dusk Wolf Alpha? Do you want to uncover the darkest mysteries of Tyria by facing her most challenging foes in the House of The Grey Mantle?
Learn more and apply today at
…or contact me in game. Daelfe or sanadin.8317
Guild Name: Perma Frost [ICE]
Play Choice: Casual PvE, we dabble in PvP, and recently have been running the personal stories of our char’s.
Home World: … America… ok, we are not big on WvW does it matter? Type in english and it won’t.
Active: From the beginning of the Guild Wars day to about 3 or 4 AM EST.
Contact: Wolf.4703, HWDaniel.2651 , or through our website
- Being small we don’t yet have guild missions. We are working on this with the guild bounty training.
- On Sunday’s we are able to get together with another guild for guild bounty.
- We have recently been running the accumulated stories on our Char’s sometime between midnight EST to about 0300 AM EST, it is a way to gain exp and if you and a party member share that story both of you can have it completed when you come out.
- We still have room for guild high officials if you can meet the necessary requirements and communicate your wish to be a high official aka Champion.
(edited by Wolf.4703)
Our Guild Name and Tag:
Modified Soul Society [SOUL]
Our Guild’s Preferred Gameplay Choices:
We pretty much do everything in the game, but we lean more towards the PvE side.
Our Guild’s Home World and Our Guild’s Preferred Language:
Most of us are on Fort Aspenwood and we mainly speak english
Time Our Guild Is Particularly Active:
Usually 5 pm to midnight EST
What We Look For In A Member:
We like people to be active, join in guild events, need to be age 18 or older,we like to joke around and have fun together, It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the game or you been playing since the beginning all are welcomed, we prefer people to represent us most the time.
How To Contact Us If Interested:
I am the leader of the guild and my main character is Angelina Caprice so if you are interested in being a part of our tight knit gaming community full of amazing people feel free to send me a mail or whisper in-game.
(edited by Rozalina.3196)
Name: Crusaders of the Phoenix [EOS]-English Please.
Main Focus: We’re a multi-server guild, so we tend to to stick to anything PvE Related, however we have many players who are interested in doing PvP and WvW. Especially myself the guild leader, I tend to do WvW daily. We do weekly events. At least three events each week, but we also have members who run dungeon rotations, and fractals daily.
Home World: We were located on Dragonbrand before the megaserver, if you like to do world vs world with us then Dragonbrand would be the go to server for us. However as I said we’re a multi-guild sever now, due to megaserver.
Primetime: Weekdays: 7 pm to 12 am Eastern Time. Weekends: 7 pm to 2 or 3 am. But we have players on throughout the day.
Events: Our events are usually hosted at 9 pm eastern time.
Guild Leader: Philthou, or Sveargith both are my characters. Please feel free to send a mail to me.
Information/Overview: Crusaders of Phoenix is a small guild. We pride ourselves on our community and our code of not excluding anyone for a certain build they are running, new or returning players, and/or anything. We are a very tight-knit group of players, and once you join us it doesn’t take long to feel at home with us. We’re a very casual base guild, and we are always willing to help, answer questions or even teaching you how to play your class if you wish. As a guild we tend to be family-like where we tend to know about each other personal life and are willing to be there for each other when push comes to shove.
As our slogan says “We Rise Above The Depths” and like the Phoenix we always rise from the ashes of the past and be reborn. We welcome those of who wish to join our guild with open arms and you won’t regret joining us.
(edited by Legionnaire.9478)
- Chronicle of Black Dragons [CHoD]
- Jsme predevsim zamereni na PvE hrani, ale nebranime se ani PvP / WvW
- Jakykoliv EU server pro CZ/SK hrace
- Plnime pravidelne Guild mise, tombolu, Triple Trouble a dalsi
- Guilda existuje skoro uz 3 roky
- Pocet clenu 300+, aktualne aktivnich clenu 40-60
- Nase guilda ma TS, FB, WEB
- Vyzadujeme slusne chovani a reprezent v PvE svete
Pro vice informaci:
Akane Cz (Belldandy nature.1697)
Jaruna Ze Zlína (Shamboody.6275)
Tysha Bloodleaf (jjunior.8935)
Wargern (rchristianhk.3914)
(edited by Belldandy nature.1697)
Faerie Law [FL] is looking for active players to join our ranks!
- We’re a small-medium sized WvW focused guild on Blackgate, though we also dabble in PvP and PvE on the side. We have a long history on the server and actively take part in the server’s WvW activities. Because we’re a WvW focused guild, we require all applicants to be on Blackgate, or in the process of transferring to Blackgate.
- We’re based in the Oceanic and South East Asian region, though we also are home to many Americans and Canadians who play odd hours. We’re mainly made up of Australians and Singaporeans. Mandarin speakers welcome!
- Guild missions on Friday nights (NA Friday mornings)!
- We absolutely require all members to have access to teamspeak
If you’re interested, contact us today!
Guild leader – Reverence.6915
NA Officer – Chaos.2405
SEA Officer – Raykun4158
OCX/SEA Officer – Keykat.9734
OCX Officer – Muffinsnail.7520
OCX Officer – Lazaro.3251
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
(edited by Reverence.6915)
Our Guild Name and Tag: Protectors of the Forgotten [PotF]
Our Guild’s Preferred Gameplay Choices: PvX but most of focus on PvE but at times we wing things such as do Dungeons or Fractals. At the moment we are adding more active players to start Bounty. We do it all if we can Guild. We have done WvW, daily PvP, Fractals, Dungeons, Personal Story…. We as well do GW1 mostly maxing out our HoM.
Home World is: Sea of Sorrows [NA] (SoS) and guild’s preferred language is English.
Times: We dont have times set up. But when we do Bounties we are planning Friday or/and Saturday nights.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Where the name of the Guild from? : The Guild’s name is name after a race from Gw1 from the Crystal Desert. Click HERE to learn more about the Forgotten.
- What is the avenge age of the members? i would guess 21 years old. Many members i spoke are 23+
- Not from the States. Can I still join? Of course you can! We accept anyone as well people from other Home Worlds. Most are from Singapore or Australia part of the world.
- 100% Rep? Of course NOT! Once in a great while would be awesome of course. But in a game where you can join up to FIVE (5) guilds, 100% rep will not work. I will message you if the guild is doing event if you are not repping the guild at the time.
Guild leader in-game contact info: Alk Jabbar.2950 –
Co-Guild Leader in-game contact info: Marsha Lynn.9243 –
Guild’s Facebook Website: Click HERE
If you have any questions please send Marsha Lynn.9243 an email or message in-game. Or if you wish someone to talk to please don’t hesitant .
Guild Name and Tag – Blackvale [VALE]
Blackvale is a small guild that is looking for friendly active players who want to join a guild where the chat is open and friendly.
We have veteran players who are always willing to help new players with any in game content.
We are open to members from any server though many of us are on the SFR () we do guild missions every week! So be sure to join us!
We also have a FB page where we just post anything worth talking about!
Our guild is mostly PvE but we have players who often go into PvP and WvW.
If you are keen to join our family please whisper or send an ingame mail to:
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]
We are a Desolation (EU) based guild that was formed in 2013 by merging several smaller Finnish guilds.
We are always on a look out for more finnish speaking players above the age of 18.
We are PvX, offering our members
- PvE: dungeon runs, guild missions
- WWW: events commanded by our veteran commanders in finnish
- PvP: fellow PvPrs and occasional custom arena
- Other: special events like you have never seen before
We have a large guild roster and are most active on the evening, time zone GMT+2. Our guild is also a community and we occasionally play other games together as well as GW2. We allow our members to rep other guilds as well as us.
You can contact us by sending a message to one of us: Skythace.2345, Targuil.3741, Gadian.4792
And then to the Finnish part:
[TLA] Thousand Lakes Alliance on suomalainen tonttupeliyhdistys. Kokeneet vetäjät johtavat taistelua quagganien hirmuvaltaa vastaan pelin kaikilla osa-alueilla. Liity kamppailuun!
Tarjoamme jäsenillemme:
- Pelikokemuksen suomalaisten pelikavereiden kanssa.
- Suomeksi johdetut WvW-eventit 2-4 kertaa viikossa
- PvE: dungeoneita, guild missioneita, fraktaaleita ja omia erikoiseventtejä pitkin viikkoa.
- PvP seuraa, custom areena tarpeen mukaan
- Peliseuraa myös muissa peleissä, mm. ARMA 3, Battlefield 3, Minecraft, Terraria, Prop hunt, Killing Floor… Ajoittain killassa pyörii myös omia servereitä näille peleille tarpeiden mukaan.
Jäseniltämme odotamme:
- Huumorintajua, tiimityöskentelytaitoa ja rehtiä asennetta.
- Täysi-ikäisyyttä, killan keski-ikä on n. 26 vuotta.
- Valmiutta kommunikoida vilkkaan (no, niin vilkkaan kun nyt suomalaisilta voi odottaa) kiltachätin lisäksi Teamspeakin 3:n kautta. Teamspeakin käyttö (ainakin kuuntelu) on pakollista guild missionien ja WwW-eventtien aikana.
Meihin voi tutustua:
- TLA foorumilla
- TLA youtubessa
- Steam-ryhmässä
Kaikki rekrytoinnit tapahtuvat foorumin “TLA Rekry” osion kautta.
Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, voit olla yhteydessä johtoomme:
Skythace.2345, Targuil.3741, Gadian.4792
Parhaiten meidät tavoittaa whisperillä tai in-game maililla.
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]
(edited by Gadian.4792)
Age of Destiny [AoD]
Guild Leader - English Wolf.4198 AKA Stiles
Co-Leaders - Nanen.9785, Dudu.1972 & Metal disorder.4692
Server - Far Shiverpeaks [FSP]
*all welcome in the guild even if you are not on FSP
Focus - PvE , PvP & a little WvW
*Within PvE we run all dungeons and fractals, world events (and no we don’t kick you if you are a ranger).
*We have PvP and WvW Leaders who can help you with your PvP build and how to use your chosen class against other players.
Activity - Activity varies from day to day, Guild missions on Wednesdays and Fridays. Champ Train and Farm Saturday, WvW Sunday. Guild Events can happen any day including games and competitions.
Extra - We have our own TeamSpeak (info on Guild Message of the day) and are a social international guild (mainly English speaking)
*We also have a website and a closed FB page dedicated to AoD
AoD is a friendly guild and community with many different nationalities cultures, genders, sexualities and ages. We encourage all our members to get involved and to enjoy their time with us, We love new ideas so if you have any please feel free to let us know! We can also be a little crazy at times so apologies in advance!!
(edited by English Wolf.4198)
Triple Velocity of Blackgate [TVB]
- PvE (Dungeons, Fractals, Open World, and coming soon: Raids)
- Blackgate (not that it really matters for PvE
) all of our members speak English
- Most active around reset (8 pm EST) with 15-30 members online possibly more
- Guild Missions every Sunday an hour after reset (9 pm EST) with a raffle to follow
Hey Everyone! [TVB] is a PvE guild, focused on running dungeons, fractals, open world, etc. We are not an elitist group, however, we do enjoy getting through paths quickly. We are happy to teach those willing to learn how to power run, we just ask you to be open to suggestions and respectful. Teamspeak 3 is our VoIP of choice, if you are looking to learn, please have this available to you. A mic is not required, just be able to hear us. For those who already know their classes inside and out and have dungeon experience, we are always accepting more established members as well. If you are tired of pugging and looking to learn how to get through those paths no one ever wants to run in a relaxed, fun atmosphere look no further! [TVB] houses just over 100 members and we are looking to add quality members to our roster.
Most of our members are on the mature side (aged 21+ years) please be the same. We have several individuals who enjoy solo-ing and smaller groups (duo or trio), so if you are looking to learn that we can offer you a teacher as well. [TVB] asks our members to rep 100% of the time while in PvE (outside of minor cases such as a personal guild bank), however we do not require rep if you are in PvP or WvW. Our members enjoy 24/7 buffs that are rotated as they come. The only “rule” our guild has is to respect others in the game and most importantly, other guildies. If we sound like a good fit for you please feel free to contact myself or one of our officers in-game:
- Leader: RichGonga.6103
- Officer: Kazath Alam.5918
- Officer: Aster Sage.5417
- Officer: Aegis Creed.4708
We look forward to working with and teaching new members, give us a shout and join the fun today!
- Your guild name and tag
Messorum [Mess]
- Your guild’s preferred gameplay choices
We are mostly a “do it all” people, pretty much doing everything the game has to offer.
- Your home world and, if you wish, your guild’s preferred language
Messurom is playing on the Desolation server, although it is only important if you want to run WvW with us, we have players from other servers aswell.
The preferred language is English.
- Times you are particularly active
We are mostly active at the afternoon hours, especially after 4 pm (GMT+2), when the work / school / university is over.
- Guild leader in-game contact info or a link to your guild’s website or forums
- Other info you’d like to include
We are a Social Guild, our aim is to have a good time in a friendly, family like environment. We are not elitist players, we put 100% effort into what we are doing. But having tons of fun and conversation meanwhile we are doing them (other than DPS here and there, or dodge this and that).
We are not a big Guild, we don’t plan to be, we are aiming to grow our Community (what is so rare nowadays) a little bit. If you want to belong to niche Community where people know you and care about you just as you would do to them, don’t hesitate, search us ingame!
Hope to see you ingame and enjoy your time in Tyria.
(edited by Kouta.4159)
Hey new and existing players,
I’m Zohayn, I am a guild leader for Kiryn [Kyrn], we are a small but humble guild.
We main mostly PvE and PvP but we do a bit of everything else as well. We can mentor you in how to make gold, craft, jumping puzzles etc.
We aim to help new players grow, so don’t be afraid to ask questions.
We have rules of guild conduct for the wellbeing of all members (basically being nice and encouraging).
We do weekly guild missions and guild lottos with multiple prizes to win (mainly on weekends)
We are an English speaking guild and Operate during US & AUS time zones but we have many members from around the world. We are also operating on US SERVERS
We are maxed in all guild upgrades levels (ie 6) and therefore we are always having guild buffs active such as increased Magic Find and XP gain. We are always up to date with Gw2 news and provide updates via our message boards.
My account contact details are linked with this post. Come say hello and check us out, if you like us then continue repping us!! We look forward to seeing and exploring the upcoming events and expansion ((:
Good Luck & Have a blast peeps.
(edited by Crux Marionn.7925)
Wrath Guard (WG) is recruiting
PVE/pvx guild
English speaking EU based guild
over 200 members
server open to all
Guild time every night at 8pm for fractals/dungeons or other assorted guild fun.
Guild missions 8pm on sunday
All levels and free accounts welcome
Huge core of GW1 players and a friendly and helpful environment, a very good place to start your guild wars 2 journey.
contact Twisted mirrage or tyrant yameon or visit
Name: Children of Eden CoE
Gameplay Choice: Mostly PVE stuff but we are up for anything
Server: Mainly Gandara but we are mostly every where
Active Time: Mostly European times
Contact info: Thuza.4738
Number of members: 8-15 active daily, 560 members in total
Other info:
We share news on a closed facebook page.
We talk chitchat and game chat mostly on teamspeak
“Thou shalt be everywhere and always the Champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.”
Guild Name: The Order of the Round Table [ORT]
Home Server: Dragonbrand
Guild Leader: Anaxilea Pendragon (Alkaia.4532)
Gameplay Choice: All aspects of the game – PvX
- Dungeons
- Fractals
- Guild Missions
- PvP
- World Boss Events/Open World Content
ORT was established on 30 November 2014 with a strong focus on guild solidarity and member quality.
As some of you may have noticed, our guild is very much Arthurian themed. It is built on the Arthurian ideals of Moral Character and Values, such as Loyalty, Honour, Fairness and Equality.
We are currently a small to medium size guild with around 10 – 20 members active at any given time. Majority of our members are from around the Oceanic region and NA, but we also have members from other parts of the world. The guild’s main and preferred language is English.
We embrace a culturally diverse and rich environment, and our members are best described as friendly, helpful and courteous.
The guild is currently looking for more loyal and dedicated members who will be involved with the guild long term and who are looking for a community-minded family guild.
The guild encourages and has a supportive atmosphere, where members can freely ask and receive help.
We invite cross-server, veteran and new players alike to our family.
- Anaxilea – Alkaia.4532
- Maklor – maklor.1374
- Ulysees – Icthyosmasher.1039
- Rich – colin.7584
(edited by Alkaia.4532)
NA guild: RUIN
Are you a new player and looking to join a large community of gamers to share you interest with?
RUIN openly PVE and WvW, with a bit of PVP to spread activities and provide self made content and social experiences among players. We are a close gaming organisation that spans through multiple online games with a big community.
Come and join popular streamers or guide creators such as Kalisi and Ayin and a diverse range of people with a creative minds.
Shino Kemtsu
Server: Sea of Sorrows.
The guild is most active during 8pm to midnight EST. We do have Oceanic and EU players as well but we are mostly an NA guild.
We run guild missions every Friday and Saturday at 7pm EST
We are in WvW as a guild event every reset night and during organized weekly raids.
The player base is primarily mature and friendly with lots of laughter and a solid active social Teamspeak.
You can check us out to find out more and write to us on our forums.
Name: The Tyrian Old Guard [TOG] (of
Ages: 25 or older
Server: Yak’s Bend (recommended but not required)
Representation: Non-exclusive, but needed for Guild Missions participation
Size: Over 400 with 2 overflow guilds available as growth fluctuates
Times Zones: North American (58%), Oceanic (36%), and European (6%)
Guild Missions: Multiple organized offerings each week
Services: Forums, TeamSpeak, Guild Buffs, Private Arena, Full Unlocks, and Drama/Abuse policing
Participation Requirement: Periodic cleanup for extended absences (e.g., a month of inactivity) but you can reapply when you return
IMPORTANT: Application for guild membership is a TWO step process. FIRST, you must create an account and apply in “The Barracks” (a public forum at ) Don’t forget to read the STICKY posts at the top of that forum. After you have been accepted into “The Older Gamers” organization you’ll then have access to the various divisions (games). So your SECOND step is to apply to the “Guild Wars 2” division under the MMORPG forums at (again, the STICKY posts will have important instructions to guide you in this process and to document the resources TOG offers).
Xangxa (toon first names: Khangga) — NA TOG Guild Captain
Greetings, i’m here to tell you about a newly founded Scandinavian guild (although we do accept people from other countries as well, you might just not understand everything we say).
So who are we?
We are called Vikings Of Darkness [VOD] and we do not reside on any particular server. My own homeserver is Seafarers Rest whilst the others in command are based on Far Shiverpeaks, but this does not bring any problems since we do not involve ourselves in World versus World regularly.
So what DO we do?
Anything we feel like doing, we’re not a big guild as of right now and many of us recently started playing the game. But we do whatever we feel like, be it just random leveling, jumping puzzles or being completely obliterated in sPvP. Our philosophy is that it does not matter how many times we die to something, no matter how easy it is, as long as we’re having fun. So no matter if you’ve played this game for a week or two years, you can find something to do with us and we’d love to have you.
We do not require of you to represent us 100%, neither do you need to be online every evening. We are really laid back and do not care how good are bad you are, you will always be able to improve no matter how skilled you are.
I recently decided to start a Fractals team within the guild as well, so you are more then welcome to tag along for that as well. No current fractal level is needed and you don’t need to be the best at your class. Just be decent geared and have a will for learning. If everything goes well we will try to expand the team and take on raids in HoT, but first we have to get there.
Most of us plays during the evenings, from about 19.00 until 22.00 and that is when we’re most active, sometimes people leaver earlier sometimes later. Since most of us are from Sweden, that’s the timezone you’ll find us in (except when i decide to go pub crawling and decides to do Citadel of Flame at 3 am).
If anything of this sounds interesting to you, please contact me in-game, either just send me an in game mail or try to catch me online and we can talk some more.
If you’ve come this far, thank you for reading this and good luck in your adventures.
Guild Name: Warriors In Night [WIN]
Gameplay Choices: PvE / WvW / PvP
Home World: Aurora Glade
Guild Leaders: AwesomeOutlaw.3052, SovietWalrus.4197, Hawk.7135
Some More Information:
We are a small, casual guild with all buffs and guild missions unlocked. We do guild missions weekly, have a WvW raid once a week, as well as do dungeons and PvP. We use TS3 for all events. The guild has no level requirements to join and mainly we look for active players that have a positive attitude. All new players are welcome and you can expect to gain help with anything from various members of the guild.
Invincible Force IF Sorrows Furnace based Guild. We are a few friends that came over from Another MMO that went down hill . If you wonder which one ask a Hobbit.
We are looking for players who like all aspects of the game. Some of us do WVW and PVP some do not. Also we welcome new players F2P or paid. We want people top play what they want how they want. IF you want to play a necro with a ton of toughness . great come on . we will not kick you from dungeons . We are not a speed run only guild.
Message drachenjager.7420.
We are the Thornwolves [BiTE]
Our main focus in this game lies mostly in challanging ourselves in PVE through more controversial means and having fun with our friends! We are here for new players but our guild unique content is primarily focused towards veterans.(Not stopping the youngblood from joining in!)
We have no set server and are spread out everywhere, leaders come from Gunnars Hold and Whiteside Ridge. Therefore we use english at all times regarding the guildchat!
We do guild missions on Sundays and Tuesdays but our events are spread out throughout the week, you cannot schedule fun!
GM info: LordGarviel.9840
We are a guild that fancy to go our own way and reward creativity at every turn! Our ranks are based on the personal skill of players rather than it being my buddies that runs the guild with me (Granted I might not be the best player, all system has flaws)
We challange anyone to come and have fun with us! (make sure your insurance covers it)
[RotA] Ravens of the Abyss
- 250+ players
- Very active
- Friendly
- Guild event friday
- PVP Team
- Growing Fast!
- Ready for HoT
- Fractal runners
- Team speak
- Off-line messaging app
- Guild private arena
- FREE Cookies
Message tooreal.8963
Everything written in the finest 12 Arial detail so please do look this through
And NOW you know what we were talking about.
It’s time to guild up and get out there to take out those nasty Mordrem. I mean, the nerve of them, making an attack on our beloved fellow Tyrians and their homes?
The event will take place from Thursday morning, 9:00 AM Pacific time through Monday morning at the same hour.
Join your guildies! Join your fellow players! Join the devs! Let’s give the Mordrem insurgents a taste of our mettle!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Unwavering Kingdom [KING]
We are the Kings/Queens of the Veil. Loyalty to our friends. Strength and Honor to our Kingdom.
-Currently 127 members with a daily login average of about 50-70. A very high activity percentage. We currently use teamspeak.
- PvX guild so we play in all sections of the game. With veterans that specialize in each.
- WvW home server is Dragonbrand. We accept people from all servers. But our WvW players are here. If you show promise in the guild and an interest in WvW. We may help you transfer like we did other KING’s. We also have veteran WvW players and commanders if knowledge is what you seek.
- We accept brand new players and veterans willing to live in the KINGdom.
- Every new member starts as a trial rank. Your considered a visitor to the veil and are not truly a KING until about 1 week of showing promise maybe more depending on the officers
- We are the most active U.S. western/eastern prime time.
-English is our preferred language
Are you a future Lord of the Veil? Or are you another commoner passing through our land?
Mail me @ Remus.1270
or add me as a friend and pm me.
Guild leader of Unwavering Kingdom [KING] – Comrades of the Unified Kingdom.
RIOT – Righteous Idiots Order Tacos
Hello I am the current leader of RIOT and we are recruiting active and friendly players, new or veteran.
We are a PvX guild that focuses on PvE Dungeon, Fractal, and instance based content, but we also do sPvP, world events, farm trains, and weekly guild missions. RIOT was founded in 2005 with members from Guild Wars 1 and still has many members who also play Guild Wars 1
RIOT is a fully upgraded guild with 200+ members most of which are from NA, but we have members all over the world from South America to Europe to Australia. We have an active TS3 as well as a website and forum and we also run 24/7 guild buffs Anyone who wishes to be active participate with us is welcome!!!
RIOT does not do guild WvW (past random groups in EoTM). We do not have a home server and have no server preference for new members.
COME JOIN US!!! We will be doing BETA weekends, the new guild content, and are already preparing for guild halls and raids in HoT!!!!! Hope to see you there!
Whisper or send me mail in game to me: Cbgamefreak.6175 or character name: Master Blastaa
There is no application or requirements to join other than active and friendly participation, and feel free to ask any questions you may come up with.
_NOTE: Our GW1 guild is still active and you can feel free to whisper me about joining RIOT in GW1 as well. _
~~~~More Violests I say, Less Violence~~~~
We’re Anime and Manga Club [AMC] and we’re ready to accept new members of any kind! It doesn’t matter if you played since the launch or started yesterday! We can provide support and company!
We’re mostly casual medium-sized PvX guild, which means we’re doing everything that is available in game. At the same time we also have players that are dedicated only to certain parts of game, like: PvP, WvW (we don’t do guild raids), dungeons and fractals, but also things like lore or very thorough exploring. Thanks to this we can provide mentors that can teach you how to do certain parts of game or just simply join you in them.
Most of members are located on *Far Shiverpeaks server (EU), but we don’t mind accepting players from other servers as long as they’re not seeking for WvW related activities with us.
- [AMC] also provides unique Guild Events* – different one each week with rewards and a lot of fun. Some of our events made it even to Reddit’s hot page and more will get there soon. We always do them after Guild Missions, which begin at 7pm GMT+1 on Sunday.
Our chats are spoiler free, so doesn’t matter if you watched one anime series or thousand, no one will destroy the pleasure of watching (or reading if it comes to manga). If you didn’t watch any anime or never read manga and don’t mind occassionally reading or listening (we have TS3 server!) to conversations about them, you’re also welcome to join us!
Guild Leader: NSFW.1246 or Aru.7894 or Sparrow.2178 (guild officers)
Name: Anime and Manga Club [AMC]
Size: Medium
Activities: Dungeons/Fractals runs, PvP teams, unique Guild Events, Guild Missions
Server: Far Shiverpeaks (EU) mostly, other servers welcome
Language: English
Other: We have Teamspeak 3 server
Contact: NSFW.1246 or Aru.7894 or Sparrow.2178 ; or check website
Mistforged Heroes are a casual guild focused on having friendly and helpful members who likes to play much if not all content Guild Wars 2 has to offer. That means that we play World vs World WvW (World vs World), PvP (Player vs Player) and PvE (Player vs Environment) all together known as PvX. While representing the guild is optional we like to see you representing this guild as your main guild. That means it is OK to represent another guild while playing with them.
The name Mistforged Heroes comes from The Mists and the guild was created on 28th of April 2015. Today we have 470+ members and growing. Our Home server is Far Shiverpeaks but anyone is welcome to join, the home server is only used for WvW.
You will see us playing:
- Dungeons and Fractals both casually and hardcore.
- World boss events with the community.
- World vs World both roaming and in pug groups with out own commanders.
- Tournaments and guild parties in the Mists PvP.
… and more to come in the expansion!
You can send me a mail for an invite to the guild or sign up at our forum at:
(edited by KRUSSIDULL.6845)
The Lunar Wolves [WPAK]
- 490+ members. All players, new or experienced, are welcome.
- Highly active PvX Guild. We like to enjoy all aspects of GW2.
- We started off in JQ from day 1 of the headstart where we still are, but thanks to megaservers we have members from all servers.
- We do daily reset Teq. Guild missions are on Saturday and makeup missions are on Friday. We do sPvP, WvW, and also EotM raids.
- We have our own Mumble server and a guild website/forum.
We like to do events as a guild and are always looking for new ways or ideas of trying to get people together. We also like to run dungeons, fractals, world events/world bosses, etc. There are guild buffs constantly active so guild members get a little something extra while they are playing.
The atmosphere of the guild is relaxed most of the time. Be yourself and have fun but we do ask all our members to be respectful of others. We have a lot of members so a little respect goes a long way and you’ll be making new friends in no time.
Our most active times is usually NA prime time ranging from 8am pst to 10pm pst but you will always find people online at any given time. We understand people may have guilds with friends or may not be on JQ so we ask you just rep around 50% of the time.
Try us out and see if we’re the right guild for you.
Feel free to contact us by mail or PM if you any question or would like an invite.
Shuggatank.5397 (Shuggatank)
xthebell.3584 (Kinran Bledri)
Gaut.8254 (Bananaramajama)
bluwoo.9385 (Bluwoo)
Brazollus.5396 (Warden Flynn)
Lunaleigh.4673 (Glace Of The Wolves)
Degneva.6974 (Luukii)
Reaper.8634 (Travis Krieger)
Jack Imeret.6531 (Jack Imeret)
(edited by Shuggatank.5397)
Children of Lost Caves [colc]
We are a friendly and family oriented guild of 400+ that does a mix of everything (dungeons/fractals, PvP, WvW, mapping etc.). We have no rep requirements except for guild events. We have members spread over on all servers, but we call Isle of Janthir our home as that’s where we started and have our biggest WvW contribution. We have our own TS, Facebook, and recently started website ( We also do Thursday night Guild events with bounty prizes, holiday events, and quite a few laughs at each others expense! If your a new or returning player we are always willing to show you the ropes. And if your a vet player we will welcome your experience and knowledge.
If we sound like the right fit for you send me a message on here or message in game to:
grogar the mighty.3894 (guild leader)
End Time Elijah.6308 (officer)
Siadina.1047 (officer)
[Duel] – Masters of Combat is rebuilding and looking for members to get in on the ground floor!
Having been established on Guild Wars 2 three years ago, Duel grew into a major player on the Dragonbrand server with a full 500 member roster running across every game mode available.
Well, that was a long time ago.
We’re a group of about 30 members looking to rebuild ourselves from the ground up (And I mean the ground), while still maintaining the image this guild was founded on. We’re aiming to be a laid back guild with people who want to play the game well and experience everything GW2 has to offer, but without any of the pressure associated with those other guilds.
You could consider us somewhere between “Casual-to-Semi-Hardcore”.
We’re based on DRAGONBRAND, but we welcome people from any server!
Our Goal?
—We want to get back into the routine of doing Guild Missions
—A healthy dungeon/fractal running population
—Get ready for Raids
—PvP Teams!
—Secondary participation in WvW
-As a guild welcoming members from any server, participation in WvW will never be mandatory!
Some things:
—We’re accepting of people from every server,
-Though if you want to WvW with us, our home will forever be on Dragonbrand.
—Got other guilds? No problem! We do NOT enforce mandatory repping, though we would like to see you from time to time.
-Otherwise, what’s the point?
Have Questions?
Want an invite?
Feel free to respond to this thread, or contact me directly in game @ EnRohbi.2187 and I will get back to you at the very earliest convenience!
New and Free Players Welcome!
[Strats] is a multi-title gaming community that is currently expanding our Guild Wars 2 player-base. Our goal is to create an environment for mature players to enjoy gaming with like-minded people.
We are PvX guild with an emphasis on PvE. We are located on Yak’s Bend and Ehmry Bay, but we welcome people from any server!
We always have people online to play with, answer questions, or just talk with, during normal prime-time [NA] hours.
To check us out and join, head over to and post a short introduction. We can’t wait to meet you!
Hello prospective future guild mates! Allow me to introduce Seraphic Dawn [ANGL].
Seraphic Dawn is a sanctuary, a place where members are friends, and friends are helpful. We have a family friendly, courteous, and active Guild Wars 2 community. We are looking for those who would help to build such an environment. We have been a small guild. Now we seek to grow, so we can continue to provide the support to our members necessary for them to accomplish their goals as the scale of challenge increases in the upcoming expansion. We are veterans who have conquered every challenge Tyria could throw at us, and are looking to make new friends to tackle raids, stronghold, and wreak havoc on the new borderlands map.
Seraphic Dawn [ANGL] is a PvX guild. Though we focus primarily on PvE, we PvP quite a bit, and do a little WvW. Most of our members are based in Sanctum of Rall, where our WvW activities take place. We are primarily English speaking, but have a couple members who can also speak Spanish. We are most active around server reset, with the most significant online presence continuing for several hours after. We usually do at least one difficult group activity around reset, with guild missions at reset on Saturday.
You may apply for membership by sending an in game mail or whisper to Kovacs Zoltan.9386.
Come join the most dedicated group of friends you will ever know.
TL;DR – Children of the Forgotten [IONO]; PvE/PvP Megaserver Guild for fun loving, older gamers who are casually hardcore. Dungeons/FotM/JPs/Events/FUN. Guild Missions Fridays or Saturdays depending on player population (minimum 10 required). 120 members strong and growing. TS3 enabled, but not required. 100% rep not required. Steam Forum enabled for mass communication.
Hi All,
I’m Uruz.7261, the leader of the Children of the Forgotten [IONO]. We’re a generally older group who considers themselves Casually Hardcore. We are primarily a PvE/PvP guild though we do have some small groups who organize for WvW on occasion.
What’s Casually Hardcore, you ask? Its for anyone who wants to challenge the hardest things but maybe can’t be active 100% of the time in order to do so with the “elite” groups. Or perhaps you love to play but your real life pressures (job, family, etc.) mean that you are aware from the game for a large stretch of time and those other guilds would remove you from the roster for inactivity. Well, we understand all of that. As I said, we’re older so we get that life gets in the way and should come first; but when the game is ready for you to come back, IONO would be waiting.
How old is older, you say? We have an average age range of upper 20s to low 50s. This means we have a lot of people who are the first generation of gamers (yes, that generation is that old <shudder>), so we understand roughly where you are in life circumstances. You will never be judged for missing a game night because your kids were being monkeys and wouldn’t get to bed on time. You’ll be teased; but not judged.
You have a sense of humour? That’s good, because we generally sass each other all night; be it in the guild chat or in the TS channel. The TS is encouraged but not required. We also have a steam group set up to share announcements, events and general planning.
Like what you read? Message me or some of my officers like TeknikRevolt.8245, AshG.1039, Willow.5126, King Arenth.8237, Altaro.6905 or evoles.3859 to get an invite.
Eternal Wolfpack [WOLF], an established casual PvX-focused, mid-sized guild, is currently recruiting active, dedicated, and self-motivated players who foster an interest in all areas of the game.
Region — All North American time zones
Server — Blackgate (NA)
Prime Time — 7:00pm – 2:00am EST
VoIP — TeamSpeak
Age — Minimum 18+, most are 21+
Website —
What We Offer:
- Active, mature, and friendly community
- Private TeamSpeak
- Scheduled events (JP races, Dueling, Fashion Shows, Hide n Seek, Hunger Games, etc)
- Weekly Guild Missions
- High-level fractal progression and fractal mentoring/beginner and exp dungeon runs
- Knowledgeable players and officers
Member Expectations:
- Be 18 years or older
- Utilize TeamSpeak often; required for progression in guild rank
- Represent us 80%
- Always be respectful to everyone in the guild
- Participate in scheduled guild events
- Be an active, committed, long-term member
We are well established, well funded and committed to the enjoyment of each and every one of our members, whether serious play or casual fun. We are not a mega-guild, with a goal of keeping our roster under 200 very active members.
Joining Us:
If all of the above sounds like a good fit for you, head on over to our website ( and fill out an application on the home page. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me in-game (LizLemon.7843) or send a PM.
Name: April Rhain[AR]
Main Focus: We like to encourage our members to be involved in all aspects of GW2. Many of us spend the majority of our time in PvE, but we have WvW’ers, our own PvP arena, do dungeon runs and help with challenging content. We are mainly English speakers.
Home World: We were located on Isle of Janthir before the megaserver, if you like to do world vs world with us then that’s where you should be, but otherwise server doesn’t matter.
Primetime: Fluctuates frequently. We’re a worldwide guild, mostly adults with active off-game lives, but we are dedicated players as well and make time where we can.
Events: Our events are usually on the weekends when we can get the numbers, generally Saturday at 8:30pm EST.
Guild Leaders: Liiara Wolfborn, Rubia Trueheart, SneakyJosh, Flophawk Jones
Information/Overview: April Rhain is a moderately small-sized guild. Our core members have been together since 2005 and have been under the guild name April Rhain since 2007 in another game. We came over to Guild Wars2 late in its first year and have only grown since then. We have always considered ourselves to be a family. Helping each other grow, partying together, putting the Guild first have always been core tenants. We don’t have to be number one, but we want each member to feel at home, and feel their not losing out by being in our guild. For that reason, dedicated members make sure to have all guild unlocks, and to keep bonuses running all weekend. You can always reach out to officers with any complaints or suggestions, and you can become an officer yourself one day. We have our own Teamspeak server and there’s usually someone on it. We like to get to know you. We’re open to casual and hard-core gamers alike.
Hi all we are National Servicemen Fulltime [NSF], a tight knit guild of around 20+ for now.
As of now we are a casual, PvE-centered, fun guild based in Fergusson’s Crossing (NA) with dungeons and future raids in mind. There are no restrictions on which home-server you are on as we welcome all players. Veterans will find a place with us as we regularly do PvE content and PvP/WvW occasionally. We would also be a good place for new players to start off.
We are a Singaporean-based guild, but we welcome the global community. Because we already have members of diverse ethnicities, we only communicate in English.
We are on all the time, but our guild events usually fall on Fridays and weekends. We understand that each of our members would like to still have some time for themselves and progress at a more personal level.
You can look for my name in game or apply to us directly at
Looking forward to see you in Tyria!
Edge of Oblivion [EDGE]
EDGE is a casual, mature, and helpful NA guild looking to find other fun people to come hang out and play with us! We have people from all skill levels ranging from veterans to new members that just started the game. We run dungeons, fractals, world boss train, mapping completions, PvP and sometimes just dancing parties. Our members range in age with most located within the US (PST/CST/EST timezones).
Other things about us:
- Guild missions: Fridays at 11pm EST
- We don’t have rep requirements or attendance rules
- Our only rule is that we ask of our members to respect and treat each other well
- Fully unlocked guild, active website and mobile platform, Teamspeak, guild PvP server, guild contests and more!
Our guild is a smaller, more concentrated version of the awesome community GW2 already is! Come join our PvX-experienced members and be part of a tight-knit family.
Visit or contact me for more information!
(edited by wintermute.9024)
Your guild name and tag: Obsessive Completion Disorder [OCD]
Your guild’s preferred gameplay choices: Anything and everything. Mostly PVE/dungeons/fractals/guild missions.
Your home world and, if you wish, your guild’s preferred language: Tarnished Coast (NA), we are all English speakers.
Times you are particularly active, such as guild events, meetings, new character runs, PvP practices, etc:
Guild Schedule (server time)
Guilds Wars 1 playthroughs – Mondays
Guild Missions – Sunday nights (12.45 am)
Guild Dungeons – Wednesdays
Guild Fractals – Fridays
(Feel free to ask on any other day for dungeons and fractals!)
Guild leader in-game contact info or a link to your guild’s website or forums:
Leader – Count Charrkilla.9061
Website –
Mumble (VOIP) info –
Name: Fish Sphere [pH]
Gameplay Choice: PvE with a bit of PvP
Server: Jade Quarry (We accept across servers)
Active Time: 4pm till midnight PST
Contact Info: Tobley.6138
Numbers of Members: 15-20 active daily, 30 members in the guild.
Fish Sphere [pH] is an NA based PvE guild that focuses heavily on advanced dungeon and fractal tactics. We are composed of friendly, English speaking players and we look for the same qualities in the people we recruit. We like to think of ourselves as “casual elitists”. While we strive to constantly improve the quality of our team play, we also try to minimize the negative characteristics that often arise in high-end PvE communities. Our ambition is to create a close group of friends that are comfortable with running daily dungeon and fractal tours while still enjoying the game. While we do not consider ourselves a teaching guild, we do not shy from helping members within the guild learn the more neglected dungeon paths or strategies used in our regular tours. Repping is highly encouraged as we want to build a community, not an LFG. Representing a wvw guild or personal guild bank is fine.
Be friendly & have a good attitude
Interest to learn new strategies and improve your gameplay consistently.
Knowledge of the intricacies of these dungeons: AC, CM, TA, SE, CoF, HoTW, Arah
Have two classes with meta geared armor/weapons, sigils/runes (multiple weapon sets preferred) and the appropriate consumables.
So why join [pH]?
We are a group of people that want to have a relaxed environment with others that have a like mind of playing smart, but not more difficult. We like to have a good time while still using optimal group compositions and strategies that have shown excellent results in keeping a team alive without compromising DPS.
How To Join:
We ask anyone interested in joining to fill out an application on our forums:
Guild Name: Hylian Knights
Tag: [HYKN]
We are a small guild that partake in all gamemodes (PvE, sPvP and WvW). We are built around a friendly community that take very little seriously. Though we do not participate in metazerk-style gameplay, we appreciate good build variance.
We value good players and friendly individuals more than speedrunners and current meta stats.
Guild chat is usually very active. We perform various activities, exploring tucked away corners of maps you wouldn’t usually visit, holding guild missions on most weekends (usually Sunday nights), frequently performing dungeon runs, fractal runs of all levels, WvW roaming, and enjoying PvP play.
The guild is quite small (currently weighing in about <30 members) so we organise any events ingame via guild chat and guild messages. If we think you are interested in an activity, don’t worry, we will let you know about it!
What we expect from our members?
A community to enjoy the game with. People with a good sense of humour. We encourage members to be vocal. We do not care about age or nationality. All welcome. Especially if you get the reference. The Hylian reference.
Home World: Ring of Fire
Preferred Language: English. Though we have many nationalities within the guild, the commonly spoke language between us all is English.
We are most active around 8PM to 11PM (GMT) on most days
Guild Leader: Deku Shadowshiekah
Second-in-Command: Ripfang Flameheart
Feel free to contact either of us if you’d like to join us in game.
Masquerading Synesthetic Feux [MaSF] recruiting fellow Faeries!
We’re a PvX guild based on Gate of Madness (but will accept people from other servers)
We would like people for
a) PvP Guild Teams
b) Groups to wreak havok in WvW
c) PvE stuff (dungeons, fractals, now raids :o, and other)
We have a TeamSpeak through the lovely GoM server.
The only requirement is that you’re friendly (which seems to be no problem for the GW2 community)
We chose GoM for a reason… we love to have/create fun We’ve been having fun since GW1.
Message me in-game if interested.