Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]
I cant sell anything.. Blank page.. can anyone fix it please ?!?!?!
This. I get it all the time. Perhaps 3 times a day.
(Gems in the gemstore is blurred out and the gems at the bottom says ‘…’ instead of the correct number of gems. You can’t buy nor sell anything.)
Nothing works for me except rebooting the client, which I hate because my loading times sometimes take up to 2 minutes.
Would be nice to see it get fixed some time.
I cant sell anything.. Blank page.. can anyone fix it please ?!?!?!
This. I get it all the time. Perhaps 3 times a day.
(Gems in the gemstore is blurred out and the gems at the bottom says ‘…’ instead of the correct number of gems. You can’t buy nor sell anything.)
Nothing works for me except rebooting the client, which I hate because my loading times sometimes take up to 2 minutes.
Would be nice to see it get fixed some time.
This is exactly what has been happening to me since I started playing the game. Today it’s happened 5 times. I’ve been trying to log out and log back in to attempt to get a working Trading Post, but no dice.
This will be the 6th time that I’ve had to do it in a row. I’m getting really fed up with the lack of changes that the Trading Post gets, it’s always broken or it’s always down for someone. Come on already.
Well, i sent in a bug report about this in-game about 3-4 days ago now. no reply.
anyways, i just got the game about 5 days ago and i noticed when i opened TP that i could buy from the gem store, but i could not buy from the post itself nor could i sell either. i don’t know if anyone else is having this issue or if it is just me, but it is getting pretty irritating to be quite honest.
so if anyone could help me resolve this issue i would GREATLY appreciate it.
Same Bug since DAYS now. I wrote, and no reply. I really dont know whats going on. Why is there no solution or fix yet.
(edited by Atrast.5809)
Same Bug since DAYS now. I wrote, and no reply. I really dont know whats going on. Why is there no solution or fix yet.
Today I bought a quaggan backpack cover but I couldn’t retrieve my quaggan backpack. The transaction was completed but there was no quaggan backpack cover. So I’ve spend 6 gold 28 silver on the tradingpost without anything gained from it.
i noticed when i opened TP that i could buy from the gem store
You can’t buy from the gemstore either when you get that bug. Notice the blurred gems at the top left of the TP window and the ‘… <gem icon>’ down below.
I just got it myself again, rebooting my client… AGAIN.
The sell tab for TP isn’t working for me. All the other tabs are fine.
Just can’t sell anything. Inventory is full; if I sell to a non-TP market, I’m losing out on a lot of coin. But I can’t pick up anymore items unless I sell, so I’m losing out on coin either way.
I listed for a stack of weak blood for 80s. I paid the 80s but the buy order was not in my buying list. What gives?
For those who cant sell because they dont see the items, for those who cant buy( may also fix other issues), i found this (myself):
Search for your GW2 folder. And there you will see GW2.exe , GW2.dat and GW2.tmp.
Maybe you will even see a lock on its icon.
Give them every rights/permissions.
How? (WIN7) : Right click — > Properties --> Security — > Special -->
On the Permissions or Rights ( i dont know how does it called on eng. version) you will see : Change/Edit Permissions/Rights. —> Click on it -->
ADD —> Speacial --> Search now —> "Select"the first, which is already selected -->
OK—> OK—> Then tick the “Full Access” and press OK.
Run your GW2 as an administrator!
(sorry i dont know how buttons called in english but i hope you can figure out)
Do this with the GW2.exe mainly, then with the others. Start GW2 and never experience this issue again!
This worked for me, and im so glad i can use my TP again.
Post/Send PMs if question!
<If someone could make photos of an english version and post it, that would be greatly appriciated>
(edited by Atrast.5809)
my english isnt verry good so if I say it wrong pls dont make a big point of it I try to use the right words.
Just a few minutes ago from now i made this screenshot of BLTC with this error in the screen you can see i have enough money to buy the dreamer but i get that red text, but after a refreshing i still didnt had the dreamer, money gone and nothing in the pick up tabblad, so my qeustion was the trading company hungry when i did my purchace or what happened to al my money, because the dreamer of the same price was still in the BLTC. picture made ad 17.10(you can see if you look in tiny map in the left corner) and this support made ad 18.00 (had to figure out where to set and eat).
I hope this will be soon fixed, already thx
Hi guys,
These issues you’re reporting (TP not loading, buttons being grayed out) sound like it might be an issue with your browser settings. You may want to make sure you don’t have a firewall or a strict browser setting that could be interfering with the operation of the Trading Post. If you do find that altering a setting does help, please let us know!
I don’t see how this could possibly have anything to do with an error, in game, that is clearly on your end. So many people have been having the same issue, and yet, you do nothing about it.
New patches are great and all, but for some reason you can’t fix current problems in those patches? Even worse, you blame it on the players; I expected more from arena net.
I’m tired of seeing responses for every little issue, except for the large problem that the majority of people posting in this thread appear to have. The only one I saw, that I am quoting, is blaming users.
Really? Get it together.
Hi guys,
These issues you’re reporting (TP not loading, buttons being grayed out) sound like it might be an issue with your browser settings. You may want to make sure you don’t have a firewall or a strict browser setting that could be interfering with the operation of the Trading Post. If you do find that altering a setting does help, please let us know!
I don’t see how this could possibly have anything to do with an error, in game, that is clearly on your end. So many people have been having the same issue, and yet, you do nothing about it.
New patches are great and all, but for some reason you can’t fix current problems in those patches? Even worse, you blame it on the players; I expected more from arena net.
I’m tired of seeing responses for every little issue, except for the large problem that the majority of people posting in this thread appear to have. The only one I saw, that I am quoting, is blaming users.Really? Get it together.
Hey Captains,
First of all, let me say that I can understand your frustration. We are working very hard to squash all of these edge case problems with the BLTC. Unfortunately, due to the nature of using an in-game web browser, the user’s firewall settings or anti-virus programs can indeed affect the performance or connectivity of the BLTC window. If you are experiencing an issue that not every other user is experiencing, it is usually necessary for us to have you support a Customer Support ticket so that we can get your system information and help you out.
We are certainly not blaming users, and we apologize if our words are being taken that way. We honestly want to do what we can to help you experience Guild Wars 2 in the way it was intended.
Again, apologies for any unintended meaning taken from our responses.
Thanks for playing, and I hope that we can help you solve your issue!
Hey Captains,
First of all, let me say that I can understand your frustration. We are working very hard to squash all of these edge case problems with the BLTC. Unfortunately, due to the nature of using an in-game web browser, the user’s firewall settings or anti-virus programs can indeed affect the performance or connectivity of the BLTC window. If you are experiencing an issue that not every other user is experiencing, it is usually necessary for us to have you support a Customer Support ticket so that we can get your system information and help you out.
We are certainly not blaming users, and we apologize if our words are being taken that way. We honestly want to do what we can to help you experience Guild Wars 2 in the way it was intended.
Again, apologies for any unintended meaning taken from our responses.
Thanks for playing, and I hope that we can help you solve your issue!
Thanks for assuring me you’re working on this!
I have no firewalls or antivirus on, so unfortunately, this will not be an easy fix, but thanks for explaining how that could work!
Some days ago there was some sales in the bag expansion slots and bank expansion slots i bought 2 bag expansion slots and 1 bank expansion slots and i didnt get any of them i lost 22 of GOLD. Now everytime i login i do 1 bug report and i will do it until i get or my money back or the 3 expansion slots i bought so i hope you can do something arenanet!!!
Hey Captains,
First of all, let me say that I can understand your frustration. We are working very hard to squash all of these edge case problems with the BLTC. Unfortunately, due to the nature of using an in-game web browser, the user’s firewall settings or anti-virus programs can indeed affect the performance or connectivity of the BLTC window. If you are experiencing an issue that not every other user is experiencing, it is usually necessary for us to have you support a Customer Support ticket so that we can get your system information and help you out.
We are certainly not blaming users, and we apologize if our words are being taken that way. We honestly want to do what we can to help you experience Guild Wars 2 in the way it was intended.
Again, apologies for any unintended meaning taken from our responses.
Thanks for playing, and I hope that we can help you solve your issue!
Thanks for assuring me you’re working on this!
I have no firewalls or antivirus on, so unfortunately, this will not be an easy fix, but thanks for explaining how that could work!
yeah same here,
I turned everythink off: Firewall, Antivir, Adblock…and so on…
I opened Ports, I started everything in admin mode, I tryed everything user sayed to fix the problem.
Nothing helped.
Well, sometime it is working, after restarting the game hundred of times. So i dont think its a blocking problem from my firewall or adblock.
Some days ago there was some sales in the bag expansion slots and bank expansion slots i bought 2 bag expansion slots and 1 bank expansion slots and i didnt get any of them i lost 22 of GOLD. Now everytime i login i do 1 bug report and i will do it until i get or my money back or the 3 expansion slots i bought so i hope you can do something arenanet!!!
Does this really belong here? Regardless, did you try clearing out your in-game mailbox?
Some days ago there was some sales in the bag expansion slots and bank expansion slots i bought 2 bag expansion slots and 1 bank expansion slots and i didnt get any of them i lost 22 of GOLD. Now everytime i login i do 1 bug report and i will do it until i get or my money back or the 3 expansion slots i bought so i hope you can do something arenanet!!!
Does this really belong here? Regardless, did you try clearing out your in-game mailbox?
TY :$
All I see is: ERROR invalid Authorisation.
2 accounts, same problem for a couple of days.
6 days later, still no access to the tp. Same error
I’ve lost my gold, I had at least 4g transactions made and received only 2g 79s 57c, when it shows that items which were worth more were sold already. Could somebody fix this please?
and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”
Since the patch last night, I’ve been having an issue with the TP where I can’t sell certain items. So far, I’ve only noticed it with unidentified dyes or runes and sigils. The option just isn’t there and they don’t show up in my inventory when I click the sell tab in the TP window. When I right click, I get the option to preview, buy more on the TP and to destroy the item but no sell.
3/8/2013. I tried to place and order for iron ore, at 250, one stack. should of worked but I got the red “sorry” screen. so I try a smaller amount and so on, and then I get mad and spamm click the buy button (cause in the past I have got my bltp to work that way lol) BUT…. not this time about a minute later I see my gold start to drain… from the amount of 54 gold to the amount of 48 gold and 80s very angry. sigh >:(
All I see is: ERROR invalid Authorisation.
2 accounts, same problem for a couple of days.
6 days later, still no access to the tp. Same error
Your not alone, ive been like this for quite some time, i have even unauthorized my ip in an attempt to fix it but to no avail.
You could try getting on the game on a another pc. This works for me but is a huge invconvience
havent found anything similar to my problem (well, recent posts anyways). me and my housemate are very keen on buying gems to convert to gold to try and play the game. anyways, recently, we are not able to buy gem, either from credit card or paypal. we even switch credit card to try on each other’s account. but it still would not work. and our support ticket is not being replied/responded. this is getting really annoying, as we both (not proud of this) really enjoy buying gem. ^^
I’ve lost my gold, I had at least 4g transactions made and received only 2g 79s 57c, when it shows that items which were worth more were sold already. Could somebody fix this please?
To make things worse I have another issue with tp now, my buy, sell, sold actually all lists are showing ‘No results’. I’m scared to sell anything because it does not show on the list and I don’t know if I’m going to get my gold or not again. This is becoming really annoying
and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”
Just logged in for 4 minutes, and Trading Post window became blank.
Restarting the game is so tedious.
Losing gold here too, is this a known bug? I logged in this morning and had 84 silver or something to collect. I thought, kitten I guess I didn’t sell much last night and just took it and went to see what wasn’t selling, only to realize most everything was sold. I checked the log and it records around 3 gold in sales in the last hour before I logged on…
Where did the gold go? Anyone else having this issue? I think this is the second time it’s happened. The first I thought I must just be mistaken and recalling wrong…but this time the amounts are much larger…for me at least.
I would just like to confirm the problems many others have with trading window . I have it since the game started. I can not use the trading interface after longer playing sessions beacause of black window or greyed buy/sell buttons. It seems the only chance to use BLTC is immidietally after loging into the game – but it works only sometimes.
The sell window is usually the first one to be black/not loading followed by buy window. Gem store items load allways or nearly so.
Explanation of firewall or browser setings interfering is strange to me as BLTC works sometimes. I tried the .exe – repair, but it did nothing for me. I am runing on Win XP as administrator, if it helps.
If you got any hints what to do to improve the situation, I am one big ear.
Thanks for great game and good luck
P.S.: Suggestion from this post to change DNS to automatic does not work either.
(edited by Augiash.1285)
Hi all, Please help me to fix this issue. I tried clearing caches, turning off firewalls, restarting the client aghain and again. But still the issue is occuring. I cannot buy stuff at BLTC and sell my stuff properly. Please help me. :’(
I do not know when and how it started… all I know is that it is recent. Nowadays I cannot even bring up the BLTC window w/o it giving me a blank content. This only happens after a lengthy session. It’ll work at first. But later on or at some point, it dies out.
Restarting the game? Not an option. I’m trying to play the game while selling a few good items off. This isn’t Windows 9x where rebooting is a recurring theme. It all worked fine before. So something really broke in one of these updates.
21 days later and still not getting paid for about 25% of things that sell. Still no response here or from the ticket I submitted in game. Reading through the posts since mine I see there are others having the same problems and not getting responses either. Terrible CS from Anet!
I have been having a problem lately where I can’t browse the Gem Store. I can open up the main page, and even make purchases from there, but if I try clicking on the individual categories (Minis, Style etc.), or click the Browse All button beneath the Hot Items, nothing happens. Anyone else getting a similar error?
The Trading Post itself is working normally and I can post and buy items normally.
hello arenanet,
almost 2 weeks ago i posted a error here(page 40) the only mod of you placed a reaction of the person who set a complaint direct under my message about something else. My question is can you pls let me know ingame (same name) you are working on that problem because all that amount gone isnt fun at all for me and really throwt the most of the fun i had in the game in the bottomless pith for me if you dont can fix it either then I suggest you can let me know something aswell. How longer I have to wait the more i dont wanna play the game anymore and people who ask me now about the game I cant recommend the game in this situation.
And if i think right you wanna have more people play a arenanet game.
ruins of surmia
hello arenanet,
almost 2 weeks ago i posted a error here(page 40) the only mod of you placed a reaction of the person who set a complaint direct under my message about something else. My question is can you pls let me know ingame (same name) you are working on that problem because all that amount gone isnt fun at all for me and really throwt the most of the fun i had in the game in the bottomless pith for me if you dont can fix it either then I suggest you can let me know something aswell. How longer I have to wait the more i dont wanna play the game anymore and people who ask me now about the game I cant recommend the game in this situation.
And if i think right you wanna have more people play a arenanet game.pktje.5097
ruins of surmia
Hi Pktje,
We are unable to address your specific issue on the forums. Please file a customer support ticket at Good luck! I hope support will be able to resolve this issue for you.
Still BLTC is still broken for a week now. My drive for playing this game dropped. Please help me.
I can’t preview weapons anymore from the TP I was able to for about a week after the update and now i can’t anymore
havnt been able to for a good week or so now.. Any suggestions why?
Greyed “Buy” button. Tried the fixes listed above, nothing works. Please help.
Starting yesterday morning, the Black Lion Trader in WvW was not working. Anyone know if this is intentional?
I can play the game pretty well on my comp but whenever I try to sell it usually doesn’t work and trying to buy has the greyed out buy icon.
It works very rarely but only when the loading screens are really fast. It’s a real problem and kind of making me bored of the game which I really don’t want, I just get tired of hoping to get really rare drops because I can’t reliably buy them.
This album shows my trading post items I have sold, the profit I am able to pick up and the Vials of Powerful Blood listing for: 62 at 37s27c gone. I should have at least 19 gold to pick up but only have 1 gold, not to mention the fact that I sold pages of other items too yet no profit is being made.
I picked up the profit after seeing my items were continuing to sell with no impact on the funds I could pick up. This bug has cost me a lot of gold, I have submitted a support ticket and to anyone else with a similar problem I suggest you do the same, hopefully it gets resolved. I’ll edit the post with the outcome.
*Edit – Issue has been fixed, there was a backlog on the TP, make sure to pick up all your items from the TP and if this doesn’t fix it wait an extra 24 hours or so.
(edited by JPB.2476)
I was selling 35 ecto’s, and I clicked on sell.. It said Error attempting to sell, I didn’t got my ecto’s back, and it’s not in my transactions and I didn’t get money.. Is there anything I can do? Any way to get them back?
Let’s say you made some search and closed TP window. After that, if you open the TP if always opened with last search informations and then goes back the Gemstore page. This creates 3-5 sec time without being able to do nothing on every TP opening.
And it is annoying that the TP opens with default Gemstore tab which is web page request everytime.
I perefer default TP search tab. At least i can type something while the page is loading.
This album shows my trading post items I have sold, the profit I am able to pick up and the Vials of Powerful Blood listing for: 62 at 37s27c gone. I should have at least 19 gold to pick up but only have 1 gold, not to mention the fact that I sold pages of other items too yet no profit is being made.
I picked up the profit after seeing my items were continuing to sell with no impact on the funds I could pick up. This bug has cost me a lot of gold, I have submitted a support ticket and to anyone else with a similar problem I suggest you do the same, hopefully it gets resolved. I’ll edit the post with the outcome.
*Edit – My Items are continuing to sell but no profit is available to pick up, as these screenshots show: Items sold today at 13:42
Items Sold today at 17:47
‘Pick Up’ today at 17:47 needs to be fixed.
From your screenshots, it appears that your pick up tab is very full. If you clear it out and collect all your items waiting to be picked up, the rest of your gold should show up.
I have written here a couple of times. I have also sent some tickets in game.
Like alot of people here, my TP is broken. The buy button is greyed out and that means I cannot buy anything.
When trying to sell something, the game never founds my items.
This is making me loose ALOT of money AND not being able to gear myself with what I want. It has been like that since I bought the game in october. Any chance of getting something fix soon?
I’ve try stopping my anti-virus, being an admin (which I was already…), etc. Nothing works for more than 1 hour.
With all the people having the same issue, NCSOFT should be able to find out what is HAPPENING.
Any help here?
I’m lucky that I can even sell items, but browsing/buying -tab remains blank. It’s been like this for a week now.
Just adding my two cents to a thread full of problems. I’ve only been playing for a month and a half now and although the gameplay has very much impressed me, the trading post has been a continual trial. It is no fun to have to restart every time you wish to sell something, especially with the very limited bag space. That was bad enough, but yesterday even restarting didn’t help. Running repair didn’t help. A bunch of other vaguely esoteric fixes regarding changing permissions, running as administrator, etc etc, did not work. I finally took the last option I could find, and one that I absolutely hate doing – I turned off my firewall and antivirus. It now (still requiring a restart!) ‘works’. For obvious reasons , I have a huge problem with having to turn off all security on my computer just to play a game.
Unfortunately the solution i posted, was not permanent and only worked for some of us. Those who have this issue, cant send a mail either, its blocked like the other actions via BLTC.
I agree with Psychomaniack.1953, that this is a huge problem, yet unsolved since months.
It is time to take the support’s stats, and check what is the solution for it, and make a post or announcement here. Its been going for months, and those who turn to support got nothing, as for me the 5th answer was to “restart the computer”, after the “run in administrator mode” + the Ctrl+Vs.
I’m not suggesting anything, but to find a solution for this finally. As Pktje.5097, I can’t recommend the game anymore due to this MASSIVE instability, which ruins the gameplay, and its common and harsh enough to make me stop playing aswell.
same here, i guess. i tried to buy a mini from the trade post. i have the money but it wouldn’t let me buy it. any solutions? :/