Perhaps we should move away from the burst and damage discussion while we wait for Allie to check in and discuss some of the other issues plagueing this class?
I think now would be a good time to discuss the issues with our utility skills and why many of them don’t seem worth taking until we’ve first invested well over 20 or 30 points in various trees.
Signets for example; their activated portions have no impact on the Ranger as a whole with only a few exceptions unless we first get Signet of the Beastmaster in the Marksmanship line. We have similar issues with Spike trap not being useful without 30points in Skirmishing. Spirits not being useful unless they’re mobile. Guard not having any functional use without Nature’s Voice.
I would rather them not mess up signets. Untraited Signet of the Hunt and Signet of the Wild provide a passive baseline of mobility and survivability for WvW. Many people use them for that.
But the point of a signet is that it should be worth activating… Allowing the untraited active to affect the ranger would not “mess up” with signet, it would allow more build diversity by taking off the obligation to have a GM trait for them to work like what one expect from a signet…
I would rather them not mess up Guard either as I use it often. As I posted earlier in this thread, Guard 1. Gives protection and stealth to the pet which is very useful in keeping it alive in wvw fights… 2. Allows the pet to automatically attack targets in the area without the target having to interact with you first which means less time waiting and more time hitting… 3. Prevents the pet from leaving the specified area, which can be used strategically. While you man the ac on the second floor, your pet can be guarding down in the garrison circle.
Most people who speak about changing gard want to take off the cast time… that is a great repositioning tool, but, if you have it in your bar, it’s not an advantage for you… Shouts in general are a mess. The ress one is not working most of the time, “protect me” hurts the pet…
A pet repositioning thing should be a base mechanic of the pet class, not a utility skill… by adding gard to pet mechanic, we can get a shout that would be useful in more situation, and not just a “trait trigger for buff”.
Too much things in the ranger class is about “ranger or pet”, not enough about “ranger and pet”. So anything I choose, I choose for only part of me.
We need more real synergy, even if it brings more limits (eg, pet and ranger could share boon (addition of ranger), but only from different sources, (while, as it is today, the pet can stack them twice by directly getting them and getting them again from the ranger).
Adding more ranger AND pet effects to pretty much everything (instead of ranger OR pet) would make it less feel like as if we would be better off without the pet…
But shared traits and competency is useless before a rework of the pet AI… (eg: guard could make ranger invisible for 3 seconds too, which would scale with a few traits, and give rangers a reason to equip that skill – BUT, it would then be too op for a 15 sec CD, so either pets benefits would be lowered / or CD, increased). Non working AI with such implementations would just hurt the class more