I don’t think the swamp/molten problem can be solved unless they remove them from the higher tiered fractals. To me, the only rewarding part is the daily achievement for it. The big chests at the end of each fractal and the boxes/mats dropped are just not worth the time spent in them at all. But even if those fractals got removed, people would flock to the next “easiest/shortest” fractal. Seriously miss the old random fractal system and would’ve loved to at least see it at the higher tiered fractals, since it’s actually end-game content and should be something that you have to invest your time in.
Yes it can be solved and by a lot of different ways or combination of ways.
1) Balance the number of encryption depending not only by the level, but by the island. For exemple, level 40 Molten Bosses give 3 encryptions. You could give level 38 Dredge give 4 or 5 encryption since it’s an harder and longer fractal.
2) Rebalance the length and difficulty of the fractal themselve. For exemple, you could change Swamp so that each Swamp need you to kill both Mosman and Bloomhunger and not just one. This would make Swamp more on par with other fractal in term of length. Motlen bosses can be a bit harder to balance. There isn’t much room there. The only thing I could see would be to up the difficulty of the 2 bosses.
3) Remove part of the daily reward or remove it completely. Instead give that reward after the player complete a certain amount of level. For exemple. Right now if you do 16 daily (48 islands), you should get around 1-2 pieces of ascended gear. Now replace that with an repeatable achievement that give you 2-3 ascended gear for completing all level 51 to 100 once (49 islands). A bit like the current Fractal Veteran and Fractal Master achievement.
1) I think this is already in place. The last time anet increased the loot/rewards in fractals I remember doing fractal 98 (jade maw) and 99 (molten duo) and remember that molten duo gave less of an reward (in encryption) than jade maw did. Could be wrong, but I still don’t think running either of them is worth any time, still if someone else could test it that would be appreciated
2) I actually like that idea. For the molten duo frac it would be nice if they opened up the part before that fractal. My friends that played the dungeon version of it told me it’s really interesting (and challenging).
3) Could be nice, but I’d rather see 3 random fracs from any of the high lvl’s being chosen for the daily achievements than having to run 49 fracs over again (although having it as a separate achievement, like you said, it could work like that dungeon achievement where you get a bunch of ap for the amount of dungeon paths cleared).
To me, the only rewarding part is the daily achievement for it.
This is the exact problem they would be aiming to solve.
Yeah, and funny enough the old 3 random fracs + boss fracs system from before actually solved it. While the new system is nice to get new people into fracs, the old system was better to keep the older people from actually staying.
I miss the old days
Btw, I think we’re strafing a bit off topic here since the OP was talking about bringing dungeons back and not about making fractals appealing :P