Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that I’m sending my first report based on this information tonight. After I get that out, I’ll want to shift the discussion to the other four professions we haven’t reviewed much yet:
- Thief
- Warrior
- Engineer
- Ranger
I don’t have much to say about thief for PvE. Change are small and don’t screw up the meta much. Some change are a little bit annoying, but not game breaking.
- Critical Strikes Grandmaster is lacking. Hidden Killer is pretty useless since we already are near if not at 100% critical chance for a PvE Meta thief. The other options are about pistol (forget about it) and a healing trait. Nothing really appealing to the dungeon meta.
- We have SA as a good third line for better stealth (ok), we have Acro as a good third line for survival (ok), but Trickery is pretty bad as third line for dps, as it work right now. Flaking strike is a huge gamble, not sure is worth the risk since you don’t control when it gonna trigger. And any of the grandmaster trait are worth using for Dungeon meta. Essentially, we gonna take Trickery as a third line only for the grandmaster minor, which is kind of sad.Warrior
- It’s generalize to pretty much most the lines. I can’t find a trait line where you can choice three major trait that help toward the Dungeon meta. In Strenght it’s the adept that is lacking, while master is only about GS (even if that same line give a axe grandmaster trait). In Arms the adept trait have the same problem. In discipline you have none, Destructing of the Empowered and Burst Mastery don’t work very well in Dungeons. That left us with only tactics that feel complete as you have three major that work with the Dungeon meta.
- Warrior was never a champion of diversity when it come to dungeon meta. It was always GS + Axe/Mace, but you chould choose between a full dps or phalanx build. But now? It’s gonna be one build to rule them all. And worst is the fact that GS camping will be almost our only option. Warrior already didn’t have the most entertaining rotation, now it’s will be so boring to play warrior in dungeon.Engineer
- We can’t really give feedback since we got almost no information.
I’d still say gs + axe/mace. even with PS ( should be able to maintain might with a str sigil on the axe/mace set fairly well).
I see there being room for an axe/axe + axe/mace dps option also ( certainly true if when you have 2 wars in a pug group).
Distracting strikes + tremor could be very nice for short fights with trash mobs.
New berserkers power encouraging rather than hindering burst skill use is nice too.
Other than that I’d have to agree with the comments about lack of useful traits for pve in a few slots.
edit: engi has too many TBC to really have too much opinion on it.
As Thad pointed out, we’re missing all the details, so can’t really comment too thoroughly, and the strength of many things will surely come down to the details. Combined with the OP TDB traits (:D) there is just a lot to be seen. I do have one big concern with the loss of Condi Duration on traits. That’s a huge kick in the teeth. Where are we going to get that back? Are Givers weapons going to be like 40% condi duration now? Could we get that all back somehow? It’s a real concern, especially with the kind of weird nature of Vuln. I want a Power Build but to get my Condi Duration I’ll need to choose runes that are condi focused, or gear that has tank stats.
To start though…
Speedy Kit+ Kit Refinement: Currently kit refinement triggers while out of combat, this could be potentially harmful when you’re trying to run through things and recharge your swiftness just to drop a bomb that plops you into combat. I’d ask that they make kit refinement “in combat” only, however not a huge deal you can just selectively choose your kits for swiftness, (Toolkit = superspeed, Med kit = Magnetic Aura, and Flamethrower = fire shield).
The other big issue is the global cooldown for ALL kits. This basically means you’ll get an opening one and one later down the road, it’s the big limiting factor for this trait currently and while the potential bonus is nice (ignoring agro issues) it just doesn’t have the flavor it could. What I’d recommend is raise the recharge to 30s but give each kit it’s own recharge(Could even give each a more personalized refresh as some are better/worse). This would greatly increase it’s tactical usage as it wouldn’t be “wasted” when using a kit you didn’t want the refinement on for any other purpose.
Excited about getting this trait for “free” but worried about it’s ability to actually be used.
Inventions: Just a comment here… looks freakin awesome! not OP awesome just like something I may potentially use outside of strict meta groups, lots of support potential. Fury from Flame Turret w/Experimental Turrets. Extra Reflects with Fortified Turrets. Heals through blasts and blasts through heals and condi removal through heals all making Med kit look like it may get more use. Very synergistic trait line.
My one concern is the cooldowns. If the “heals blast” is at 10s, very nice. 15s, ok, 20s, meh. Same with the minor condi removal. The main reason it has me excited is because I see all this synergy going very well with Med Kit possibly giving us a reason to not use Healing Turret, but if the cooldowns are so long that It’s 1 blast every 20s with med kit or 2 blasts every 20s with healing turret… well guess which one I’m going to pick? So I just hope they keep that in mind when they determine these things.
Tools: Lots of TBD, overall looks fine except the speedy kit thing which is my main concern overall (aside from really hoping they don’t slaughter the usefulness of the inventions line with extended cooldowns).
Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that I’m sending my first report based on this information tonight. After I get that out, I’ll want to shift the discussion to the other four professions we haven’t reviewed much yet:
- Thief
- Warrior
- Engineer
- Ranger
I don’t have much to say about thief for PvE. Change are small and don’t screw up the meta much. Some change are a little bit annoying, but not game breaking.
- Critical Strikes Grandmaster is lacking. Hidden Killer is pretty useless since we already are near if not at 100% critical chance for a PvE Meta thief. The other options are about pistol (forget about it) and a healing trait. Nothing really appealing to the dungeon meta.
- We have SA as a good third line for better stealth (ok), we have Acro as a good third line for survival (ok), but Trickery is pretty bad as third line for dps, as it work right now. Flaking strike is a huge gamble, not sure is worth the risk since you don’t control when it gonna trigger. And any of the grandmaster trait are worth using for Dungeon meta. Essentially, we gonna take Trickery as a third line only for the grandmaster minor, which is kind of sad.Warrior
- It’s generalize to pretty much most the lines. I can’t find a trait line where you can choice three major trait that help toward the Dungeon meta. In Strenght it’s the adept that is lacking, while master is only about GS (even if that same line give a axe grandmaster trait). In Arms the adept trait have the same problem. In discipline you have none, Destructing of the Empowered and Burst Mastery don’t work very well in Dungeons. That left us with only tactics that feel complete as you have three major that work with the Dungeon meta.
- Warrior was never a champion of diversity when it come to dungeon meta. It was always GS + Axe/Mace, but you chould choose between a full dps or phalanx build. But now? It’s gonna be one build to rule them all. And worst is the fact that GS camping will be almost our only option. Warrior already didn’t have the most entertaining rotation, now it’s will be so boring to play warrior in dungeon.Engineer
- We can’t really give feedback since we got almost no information.I’d still say gs + axe/mace. even with PS ( should be able to maintain might with a str sigil on the axe/mace set fairly well).
I see there being room for an axe/axe + axe/mace dps option also ( certainly true
ifwhen you have 2 wars in a pug group).Distracting strikes + tremor could be very nice for short fights with trash mobs.
New berserkers power encouraging rather than hindering burst skill use is nice too.
Other than that I’d have to agree with the comments about lack of useful traits for pve in a few slots.
edit: engi has too many TBC to really have too much opinion on it.
With Fast hands the rotation with Axe and GS made sense, you could get 10 vuln on mace and 2X your 4 vuln on axe and swap back after 6-7s. Now you’ll have to hold on for a full 10, 5 less than a second mace4, and 2-3 less than a third axe2. I really can’t see it beating out the more consistent might production of just camping GS and the damage too I’d be curious on how it compared but I’d bet on GS camping winning out.
I’d still say gs + axe/mace. even with PS ( should be able to maintain might with a str sigil on the axe/mace set fairly well).
I see there being room for an axe/axe + axe/mace dps option also ( certainly true
ifwhen you have 2 wars in a pug group).Distracting strikes + tremor could be very nice for short fights with trash mobs.
New berserkers power encouraging rather than hindering burst skill use is nice too.
Other than that I’d have to agree with the comments about lack of useful traits for pve in a few slots.
Right now GS camping is higher dps than GS + Axe/Mace, but the additional vulnerability of the second make it better overall. Without Fast Hands, that difference in dps is getting bigger and bigger. Especially since now you also gonna have to sacrifice damage modifier sigil for a sigil of strength.
Ya you will be able to use GS – Axe/Mace, but pure GS build will be far superior.
Distracting strikes + tremor : Ya I suppose that it could in theory give you 25 stack of might at the beginning of a fight if you are really lucky (most likely that you will interrupt only between zero and 2 mobs, not 5). But then you would have to sacrifice berserker power. That’s insane.
The new berserker power fix a problem that exist since the launch of the game so it’s nice. But the greastsword F1 is still kitten in dungeon. It would be a nice addition if GS + Axe/Mace would still be the meta, but with the new trait it will impact PvP way more than PvE.
With Fast hands the rotation with Axe and GS made sense, you could get 10 vuln on mace and 2X your 4 vuln on axe and swap back after 6-7s. Now you’ll have to hold on for a full 10, 5 less than a second mace4, and 2-3 less than a third axe2. I really can’t see it beating out the more consistent might production of just camping GS and the damage too I’d be curious on how it compared but I’d bet on GS camping winning out.
dual-wielding having a 15% attack speed boost ( and 5% damage boost) means foregoing a lot of dps while autoing though. I’m thinking strength sigil & maybe golden dumplings for might while on the axe/mace. also the multi-hitting axe auto for adrenaline gain for t3 evis spam.
comparing it to furious and HB spam – could probably get arcing to fire off at t3 more often for the 20% boost.
hmm, thinking about it I suspect there won’t be too much in it ( for adrenaline gain), but not having to swap to sw/wh while ooc for running would make it more convenient. & cheaper food options, which is what most people will be seeing.
Which opens up the possibility of final thrust to end a fight ( and maybe bloodlust sigil on a warhorn?).
GS + sw/wh has some interesting potential actually.. Not to mention making weapon swapping ooc unnecessary making it even easier to play.
Sacing berserks power for a trash mob that will be dead before you can really charge a burst skill wouldn’t really matter. So for trash mobs that shouldn’t even be surviving a single HB & whirlwind..
Aiming tramor would indeed take some skill and luck to interrupt multiple foes.
I suspect most will be too lazy to bother swapping and let HB do the might building, even though the KD is nice on some trash.
Arcing looks like it wouldn’t be bad to fill time between 2-5 rotations when camping gs, especially given we will no longer lose a % mod for using it (disregarding the fact we’ll have to use t3 arcing every 10s for ideal damage mod anyway).
(edited by Artemis Thuras.8795)
Aye, It seems like it’ll be similar to guardian Hammer builds. Main weapon so strong that you can just take a utility setup secondary.
S/W would surely be viable for running. I could see Hammer possibly making an entrance just for the new breakbar stuff, swap CC, swap back asap. Axe or Mace + Sword for blocks. Whatever you feel you might need in addition to your combat weapon that will be GS.
I hope guardian doesn’t camp hammer. I’ll be so bored.
I really dislike the idea of camping 1 weapon most of the time.
Hammer or mace/sword could lead to some interesting play for sure.
dual-wielding having a 15% attack speed boost ( and 5% damage boost) means foregoing a lot of dps while autoing though.
And? Those buff are already in the game, what changed? Yup ok, now it’s 15% attack speed compare to the current 10% attack speed. But what is different now, that would make Axe more competitive against GS? You know what is different? GS can now have max dps AND phalanx/EA support in one build.
I hope guardian doesn’t camp hammer. I’ll be so bored.
I really dislike the idea of camping 1 weapon most of the time.Hammer or mace/sword could lead to some interesting play for sure.
Pretty sure GS+Mace and torch or focus for meta. 66060 dps build 66006 or 60066 for meta build.
Hammer might make a play though.
Looking at it, you should be able to maintain 18/20s of symbol coverage with 60066 GS/mace build. 100% on mace, then time it right and just have 2s in GS you will have it down and you can time it while you auto attack so the loss isn’t as big.
So while Hammer has the 100% symbol thing on them, you also have to consider the 20% decrease in GS and mace skills that are possible, meaning basically a 20% increase in effectiveness of whirling Wrath and Mace2, you’ll be able to get your 2 whirling wraths out within the 10s weapon swap and same with mace, where I believe currently there’s a small delay.
And? Those buff are already in the game, what changed? Yup ok, now it’s 15% attack speed compare to the current 10% attack speed. But what is different now, that would make Axe more competitive against GS? You know what is different? GS can now have max dps AND phalanx/EA support in one build.
Remember that a non-PS build scores a bonus ~13% damage bonus from Heightened Focus in Discipline now thanks to a 25% uptime of Quickness once the enemy goes under 50% HP and picks up Destruction of the Empowered, which scales really well in certain encounters.
when is destruction of the empowered good?
coe turret golem, ginva, dredge trash, anything else?
66060 DPS build? Don’t you forget Unscathed Contender so easily.
I think it’s either a crit build with 66006 or a symbol build with 60066 with either
Greatsword + Mace/Focus/Torch
Hammer + Mace/Focus/Torch
and if you want full deeps take Unscathed Contender (if you can keep it up), while also getting some nice burning traits to keep up Fiery Wrath such as Supreme Justice and Permeating Wrath.
That’s the big caveat of UC, “if you can keep it up”, quite often it’s just not reasonable to even try.
And before I worry about burning uptime I think we need to see their intentions on burning a bit more fleshed out.
Good and Fair points though.
That’s the big caveat of UC, “if you can keep it up”, quite often it’s just not reasonable to even try.
And before I worry about burning uptime I think we need to see their intentions on burning a bit more fleshed out.
Good and Fair points though.
Edit: though thinking about it, I really think Honor/Rad would give UC a run for it’s money even at 100% uptime.
Well, I can’t be kitten d to rewrite everything again to indulge in your fantasies of control, so I guess you can either scroll back or the mindbrain will write something much better than my useless stuff – with a lot more style.
dual-wielding having a 15% attack speed boost ( and 5% damage boost) means foregoing a lot of dps while autoing though.
And? Those buff are already in the game, what changed? Yup ok, now it’s 15% attack speed compare to the current 10% attack speed. But what is different now, that would make Axe more competitive against GS? You know what is different? GS can now have max dps AND phalanx/EA support in one build.
Not sure why there is a need for the aggressive tone of this post..
From my experience, and what I’ve heard others state, is axe auto has a higher dps than the gs auto.
evis also has much greater damage than arcing. & since we will want to be spamming the t3 version of that as much as possible, seemed like it might be better spamming evis.
but jerus helped me see the pros and cons with a much nicer manner. It goes a long way toward better discussion
Remember that a non-PS build scores a bonus ~13% damage bonus from Heightened Focus in Discipline now thanks to a 25% uptime of Quickness once the enemy goes under 50% HP and picks up Destruction of the Empowered, which scales really well in certain encounters.
Heightened Focus will never give you 13% damage bonus. It’s the theoretical maximum, but it will almost never happen. I guess between 5 and 10% during group fight, but against a boss it will be a really small advantage.
Destruction of the Empowered scale a bit with some very specific encounters. Not much mobs have boons, and usually you want to remove boons from mobs that do have them. Yes for a second warrior it will be good option, but never for the first warrior of a party.
dual-wielding having a 15% attack speed boost ( and 5% damage boost) means foregoing a lot of dps while autoing though.
And? Those buff are already in the game, what changed? Yup ok, now it’s 15% attack speed compare to the current 10% attack speed. But what is different now, that would make Axe more competitive against GS? You know what is different? GS can now have max dps AND phalanx/EA support in one build.
Not sure why there is a need for the aggressive tone of this post..
From my experience, and what I’ve heard others state, is axe auto has a higher dps than the gs auto.
evis also has much greater damage than arcing. & since we will want to be spamming the t3 version of that as much as possible, seemed like it might be better spamming evis.
but jerus helped me see the pros and cons with a much nicer manner. It goes a long way toward better discussion
Remember, some people aren’t native English speakers and tact is not necessarily the easiest thing to do in a second language Thad’s a good guy, just felt like speaking up for him because I have nothing but respect for him and all the people in this community like him, even if we’re arguing sometimes it all comes from the same place, an attempt to figure out the best way to do things.
… I guess I’m drunk and sappy right now but posting it anyways!
Concerning Warrior, i am wondering if they deleted the inspiring banners trait or if it was made baseline?
Concerning Warrior, i am wondering if they deleted the inspiring banners trait or if it was made baseline?
It was made baseline.
Warrior: Axe mastery should be adept level. Having to pick a 100% necessary axe DPS trait at GM versus Berserker’s Power at the same slot means that pure axe will never have even the possibility of being good.
The 3-4 average vuln that warrior will lose by using Tactics instead of Discipline is a fair price to pay for getting a 60%ish personal DPS boost when using Phalanx Strength.
If they remove the blind, maybe switch it for quickness or another buff that won’t make it OP for their stronghold? And fix the rest of its utilities accordingly, #2 could have the blind, #4 vuln on hit, stuff like so.
If they remove the blind, maybe switch it for quickness or another buff that won’t make it OP for their stronghold? And fix the rest of its utilities accordingly, #2 could have the blind, #4 vuln on hit, stuff like so.
Why would they actually put effort into a silly pve skill when they could reduce the damage by 66% and call it a day? Hm?
Lol i’m not sure why I even try :P, what little hope is left that they actually use our feedback, which obviously is not a thing. I think we all delude ourselves or hype ourselves down just to not get as hurt in the end.
I agree, Nike. Berserker’s Power will always win out over Axe Mastery and that will push Axe out of the meta pretty much entirely. This is generally how I feel about the Warrior changes and what they mean for dungeons and fractals.
I welcome feedback on my ideas here.
(edited by Rising Dusk.2408)
I feel its hard to comment on some of the traits seeing as they are reworking conditions. So while the condition increase might be negligible, at the same time, maybe it won’t? (probably will). That and the fact that they are changing the coefficients for all of them.
I agree, Nike. Berserker’s Power will always win out over Axe Mastery and that will push Axe out of the meta pretty much entirely. This is generally how I feel about the Warrior changes and what they mean for dungeons and fractals.
- Axe Mastery
- Axe Mastery as a GM trait will compete with Berserker’s Power and push Axe builds out of PvE in favor of Greatsword-only builds. Axe Mastery needs to be an Adept trait in the place of something like Restorative Strength in order to keep Axe in the PvE meta.
- Powerful Synergy
- This trait is horrible in its current form. Leap finishers are not that desirable, and don’t provide enough effect to merit sacrificing Phalanx Strength / Vigorous Shouts if you’re going into this line. If you want this trait to be relevant, have it affect all finishers, including blast finishers.
- Powerful Synergy: All finishers you use activate combo fields twice.
- Furious & Deep Strike
- These traits should add Power and Condition Damage instead of just Condition Damage. In their current forms they’re really not very useful trait, and should be useful with a more variable set of skill types for the Warrior.
- Heightened Focus
- This is an interesting trait, but isn’t particularly great. It would be more generally useful and have far more play/counterplay as follows.
- Heightened Focus: Gain Quickness for a few seconds when you hit with a burst skill. 3 seconds with L1 burst, 4.5 seconds with L2 burst, 6 seconds with L3 burst.
- Burst Mastery
- This trait really isn’t that powerful, and unfortunately doesn’t benefit the less damaging burst skills very much. Doing the following will enable it to benefit a wider variety of mainhand weapons better.
- Burst Mastery: Burst skills have increased effects (Eviscerate / Kill Shot / Earthshaker / Arcing Slice get +7% damage, Flurry gets +50% bleed duration, Skull Crack gets +1 second stun) and restore adrenaline on use.
I welcome feedback on my ideas here.
heightened focus, sorry 6 seconds of quickness on a possible 8 second cool down is a bit over the top.
heightened focus, sorry 6 seconds of quickness on a possible 8 second cool down is a bit over the top.
The internal cooldown is 15 seconds.
EDIT: I edited the post to clarify this detail.
(edited by Rising Dusk.2408)
What I find interesting about the Warrior traits is that we can currently run PS/EA and can run the Elite Specialization. PS/EA will hurt a little without fast hands from Discipline, but was given more damage and more potential variety without changing it’s base use.
Also, Rising that increased effect proposal for Flurry isn’t that great, sword builds already get +50% bleeding duration anyways.
Also, Rising that increased effect proposal for Flurry isn’t that great, sword builds already get +50% bleeding duration anyways.
Sure, but more is better here. It could also affect the base duration instead of acting as a modifier if they wanted it to not count against the maximum. The point is that Burst Mastery should absolutely benefit all burst skills, not just the directly damaging ones. If you’re using a MH sword, you’ll want the bleeds lasting as long as possible.
So I wanted to continue this series of class analyses because this weekend I’d like to send the second half of my dungeon balance in response to specialization changes report to the balance team. I decided that today I would look closely at Rangers, and see where they stood with respect to the new changes.
I’ve got to say I’m very impressed. Some changes, but overall Rangers stand to gain a lot. Below is a summary of what Ranger’s had as key traits before using a 6/5/0/3/0 build.
Here’s what a Marksmanship / Skirmishing / Beastmastery setup with specializations gets.
The only thing lost here if we opt for Beastmastery is Fortifying Bond. If we go for Nature Magic instead of Beastmastery we lose Companion’s Might and Pet’s Prowess and the other perks therein, but gain 1% damage per boon, get back Fortifying Bond, and then get some defensive options for GM. I think BM is a better line overall for DPS, but Fortifying Bond is pretty great for Mighting and Furying the pet.
Some initial thoughts outside of this:
Can anyone think of any other issues or things related to the Ranger that I should bring up here? I honestly think the changes were very kind to them and put them in a really good place.
(edited by Rising Dusk.2408)
Has offhand Axe range/radius increase from the old trait been baselined? Why can’t Fortifying Bond replace/swap with useless Instinctual Bond in Beast or made baseline since pets are weak without sharing boons.
GM Honed Axes +Ferocity affecting only main hand is not useful in pve, or pvp either.
A suggestion from the Ranger forum is to merge Trapper’s defense with Healer’s Celerity:
Healers Defense
- Lay a Spike trap when you start reviving an ally
- Grant 10s of swiftness to allies when you revive them.
- Revive speed increased by 10%.
Search and Rescue is still bad, doesnt work on defeated npcs unlike other professions. Besides not sure how it can be improved since it isnt used much.
Edit: Thanks Dusk!
(edited by rojak.1894)
Has offhand Axe range/radius increase from the old trait been baselined?
They didn’t call this out in the livestream, so probably not. Honed Axes should definitely retain that.
Why can’t Fortifying Bond replace/swap with useless Instinctual Bond in Beast or made baseline since pets are weak without sharing boons.
This is a good point. I’ll suggest it to them. Instinctual Bond is a pretty terrible trait, so I think this would be good.
A suggestion from the Ranger forum is to merge Trapper’s defense with Healer’s Celerity:
Healers Defense
- Lay a Spike trap when you start reviving an ally
- Grant 10s of swiftness to allies when you revive them.
- Revive speed increased by 10%.
I definitely agree with this. I’ll incorporate it in.
I feel like ranger will become the new fresh air ele.
Looks like this thread is mostly dying, but I’m still going to post the Thief review so people can comment on it before I send it on to ANet. Thief in general looks to be in a pretty good place, although the changes to the trait lines mixing up Critical Strikes and Deadly Arts are pretty weird. We’ll review it one at a time, though.
So mostly a wash for the meta PvE build (slight gain on average), but it’ll be nice having more initiative to work with and faster initiative replenishment if you go with Hastened Replenishment in Trickery as the GM.
My thoughts otherwise:
NOTE: Thieves are good, but they are in the unenviable position where an entire two sets of their utility skills (8 whole skills) are utterly worthless in all game formats (traps and venoms). Beyond that, half of their tricks also never get used, so they get a fairly long list below. Furthermore, they have a lot of unbalanced options in traits where one trait is obscenely good and all other options are really bad. I’ve attempted to suggest improvements below to ameliorate these issues.
Dagger Training
Trapper’s Respite
Panic Strike
Resourceful Trapper
Unrelenting Strikes
First Strikes
Combo Critical Chance
Continued below…
(edited by Rising Dusk.2408)
Ankle Shots & Ricochet
Last Refuge
Resilience of Shadows
Cloaked in Shadow
Guarded Initiation
Flanking Strikes
Sleight of Hand & Bewildering Ambush
Is it really worth being concerned with trait details when the new specializations seem to be set on a power creep level that will render all previous ideas invalid? The specializations will take over and render all old content (dungeons/fractals included) pointless, it’s pretty clear.
The new content is gonna have to be pretty challenging, based on the power creep of the first two specialties.
Looks like this thread is mostly dying, but I’m still going to post the Thief review so people can comment on it before I send it on to ANet. Thief in general looks to be in a pretty good place, although the changes to the trait lines mixing up Critical Strikes and Deadly Arts are pretty weird. We’ll review it one at a time, though.
- 100% critical chance backstab
- +3 max initiative
- +1% damage per initiatve (max 15%, average around ~8% with PvE rotation)
- GM Trickery Trait
- First Strikes adds critical damage instead of damage now (damage loss if under 100% crit chance)
- Flanking Strikes activates Haste instead of adding damage (5% damage lost)
- Combo Critical Chance competes with Side Strike for S/P sets
So mostly a wash for the meta PvE build (slight gain on average), but it’ll be nice having more initiative to work with and faster initiative replenishment if you go with Hastened Replenishment in Trickery as the GM.
My thoughts otherwise:
NOTE: Thieves are good, but they are in the unenviable position where an entire two sets of their utility skills (8 whole skills) are utterly worthless in all game formats (traps and venoms). Beyond that, half of their tricks also never get used, so they get a fairly long list below. Furthermore, they have a lot of unbalanced options in traits where one trait is obscenely good and all other options are really bad. I’ve attempted to suggest improvements below to ameliorate these issues.
Dagger Training
- This trait now has too many conditions. It should have one less condition for an adept trait.
- Dagger Training: Deal 5% more damage to poisoned foes.
Trapper’s Respite
- This is a really fun trait. Hopefully it stays for release!
Panic Strike
- If this is to be moved to the Major slot, it needs to be toned down in some way. Reducing the immobilize from 2.5 seconds to 2 seconds would suffice.
Resourceful Trapper
- This is neat, but traps need more to be given some relevance. Merge the old Corrosive Traps trait into this and it will be a bit better.
- Resourceful Trapper: Traps inflict 10 stacks of vulnerability for 15 seconds when triggered and stealing reduces the cooldown of currently recharging traps by 10 seconds.
- The randomness of this trait makes it unreliable and either too strong when it works in your favor or worthless when it doesn’t. The following is more reliable and meaningful.
- Improvisation: You can use stolen items twice. Reduces the cooldowns of all skills of the skill type that is most present on your skill bar by 10 seconds when you steal.
Unrelenting Strikes
- The tooltip on this when it was shown during the live stream had an ICD and showed Might, so it seemed weird. It makes the most sense as follows.
- Unrelenting Strikes: Ferocity is increased by 400 against foes under 33% health.
First Strikes
- This needs to go back to full damage instead of critical damage. This is a nerf in basically all cases currently, and this line needs the help.
- First Strikes: Damage is increased by 10% when you have 6 or more initiative.
Combo Critical Chance
- This is fairly weak and should be merged with the old Combined Training trait to beef it up and keep S/P relevant in PvE for mob clearing.
- Combined Training: Dual skills deal 5% more damage and have 5% higher critical hit chance.
Continued below…
i like the roulette nature of improv, and to make sure you always benefit, pick multiple types.
with everything getting a type, this will be even better.
i get why some would want to change it, but its just for a certain style of play, the reactive gambler.
now i doubt speed dungeoneer would use it, but if they change it one place they change it every place
The new content is gonna have to be pretty challenging, based on the power creep of the first two specialties.
people are overestimating the raw power of the specs, they arent gonna be that crazy in practice.
So Engineer is the last one I have to review, and I know everyone is sick of me bumping this thread up so much but I want to ensure everyone has a chance to respond before I send them along. This is also the class that was given the Powerpoint treatment in the stream, so we don’t have a perfect idea of what any of the traits do exactly (ICDs, etc), so you’ll see a lot of suggestions here to add interesting traits to the mix.
(edited by Rising Dusk.2408)
(edited by Rising Dusk.2408)
Is it really worth being concerned with trait details when the new specializations seem to be set on a power creep level that will render all previous ideas invalid? The specializations will take over and render all old content (dungeons/fractals included) pointless, it’s pretty clear.
Yes, it is, because if we don’t concern ourselves with these details then every class will simply use the new elite specializations without any build diversity whatsoever. Additionally, I have every confidence that some of the numbers of the elite specializations will be dialed back before release to bring them more in-line with current power levels.
i like the roulette nature of improv, and to make sure you always benefit, pick multiple types.
with everything getting a type, this will be even better.
i get why some would want to change it, but its just for a certain style of play, the reactive gambler.
Perhaps. I’ll make sure your opinion is represented in my report.
Yeah sorry, just being pessimistic about all this power creep with no real hope of any fun new content. Forgive me.
As for Grenade changes, I disagree, I really enjoy the current targetting thing, it’s one of the things I like about Engi (one of many things ) Map your keys right and it’s not bad at all. I have it on a side button of my mouse, little squeeze and I’m rocking.
As for Adept Explosions, there’s a TBD, so who knows. Grenadier looks nice, but not “I need this” nice considering that the current radius does pretty well in most situations.
Short Fuse does have a 20% cooldown unless I’m misreading something.
Like you said, really have a lot of questions that need to be answered on Engi to make good commentary, for instance will Mortar still have a minimum range? If so blast on 1 seems fine and all, if not, it’d render blasting evasive powder keg pretty pointless wouldn’kitten
I’ll also say I don’t think you give Inventions enough credit in PVE. Will it be used in Meta groups, naw, but will it be used in non meta groups, I really think it has potential… IF they didn’t completely kitten over turrets because of kittening PVP. Flameturret = Fury, any Turret = reflects, that’s some nice support that I always wanted to use more but simply wasn’t worth the sacrifices, with all the changes the sacrifices wouldn’t be nearly as much. I do like your idea for the TBD though. I wish they would put a bit more thought in how to fix turrets and get rid of that complete horsemanure of a change. “we think this will work without hurting it’s use in PVE” yeah kitten off on this one devs, you made a mistake here, please please please fix it.
Speedy Kit + Kit Refinement shouldn’t be too big of an issue for agro. Half our kits won’t get us in agro, if we’re doing a skip, make sure to have one of them on. Med Kit, Toolkit, and Flamethrower are all non agroing. What I’m more conserned about is “wasting” it with it’s long cooldown and it popping while your running your rotation. Yes you could say it’s a skill check to time it right, but I can’t help but feel that it will greatly limit it’s usefulness. I mean, who uses it now? Having it as a freebie with speedy kits is nice because you aren’t sacrificing something for this irritatingly difficult to use trait, and I don’t think 20% fury uptime would be enough to make me want to take it outside of maybe solo situations depending on if I want that endurance regen, or whatever the TBD is. I think a solid change to it would simply make it require “in combat” to trigger kit refinement, this would at least give us one “smart” use at the begining of a fight. Get to an area with spread out mobs, have your bomb kit ready pop it and drop a magnet bomb. If you do get in combat during a run you can pop your EG to slow them down or toolkit to speed you up. Or just grenade for an extra bit of damage at the start. It’d also go far in avoiding the “getting in combat” issue.
(edited by Jerus.4350)
I also think grenade targeting is fine as is. It encourages you to actually think about what skills you’re using, instead of just autoattacking, which you really shouldn’t be doing all that much on engi. The underwater grenades are terrible though, 2/3rds of them won’t even hit unless you’re practically inside your enemies model. (Slightly off-topic, but I think the underwater grenade kit needs to be reworked into a grenade launcher type thing, with a single fast projectile with the total effect the 3 grenades had previously.)
The solution we all want to the Speedy Kit Refinement issue, as Jerus said, is to make the Kit Refinement portion proc only in combat. We’ve been asking for PvP for ages already.
I also think you’re looking at this wrong. Engineers don’t need a ton more damage to be meta, we do truckloads of it already. We’re coming out ahead in damage and vulnerability with the changes already shown anyway, unless they screw up the condition duration thing. If anything, we should work to improve versatility further. We’re pretty bad on projectile defense right now, and our options for giving allies things like fury and protection are pretty terrible (as well as our solo fury access). We also don’t do much in terms of allied defenses in boss fights, with no aegis or stability for allies, and one terrible turret option for protection for allies.
Some of your suggestions would also be terribly OP for PvP. Always Prepared as a minor, really? And as much as I’d like 100nades to return, it’s a pretty kitten bad idea. No more instant grenade barrages. And no double AED. I’d love for ANet to suddenly start balancing PvP and PvE separately, but I seriously doubt it’s going to happen, and certainly not to this degree.
The tools GM TBD definitely needs to be useful for PvE though. I’d like to see the tools master TBD slot include a damage modifier as well if Enduring Damage doesn’t return for the third minor.
The Explosives line looks good now, though I certainly hope the adept TBD trait is useful. Firearms looks okay. I’d like to see the Rifle trait increase damage instead of critical chance though; the line has enough crit chance increases as is. I don’t see a problem with both Juggernaut and Mod Ammo as grandmasters. Camping flamethrower is bad in PvE and would remain bad even if you could take both. It isn’t really a problem in PvP either, as you’d only take both in a zerker FT build which aren’t that good anyway. Not to mention that for PvP zerker FT you can now take +crit chance < 600 range as well as the combination rifle trait, and still have rifled barrels, as well as gaining stability. So buffed pretty hard as is.
Totally agree Sins. And to add, FT is pretty much the Guardian Staff for Engi. It has it’s niche use (massive tagging) and for that lacks the damage to be a good choice. I think that’s good design. You take it for the other skills which are good, but if you’re taking it for the auto you’re doing sub par damage. The Retal issue would be nice to have addressed, but /shrug it’s tough being that I think players that like it like the channeled effect, but having it do spurts of fire making it very similar to Guard staff would surely help address that issue. I just don’t see that being a preferred change for those that want to use it.
And, I’d imagine you’d want to go incendiary powder over MA with FT for a more damage focused build. MA is power damage, based on different conditions. FT has 1 condition, 2 if you count bleed procs, is 4% damage or more burning (which now stacks) going to be superior for a low power weapon? Of course without actual numbers who knows, just a thought.
Plus again, I think the people running with FT main will like picking up Robo Legs & Jugg, just as a play style thing. I can imagine it being a decent/easy to use WvW build. Swap for condi damage and incendiary power to go more offensive with a Rabid set or something.
(edited by Jerus.4350)
The new content is gonna have to be pretty challenging, based on the power creep of the first two specialties.
people are overestimating the raw power of the specs, they arent gonna be that crazy in practice.
I’m not over-estimating anything. A mesmer using Domination, Dueling and Chronomancer is strictly better for PvE than any other mesmer combination. It’s a strict upgrade.
Dragon Hunter is for all intents and purposes an upgrade. More DPS and more Vuln. The only question is do you replace Virtues or Honor with Dragon Hunter, whether you will replace one of them or not is not up for debate at this point.
The only professions where I don’t expect the ES to be a power creep is Warrior and Thief since warrior gets a ton out of it’s worst line (Arms) and Thief’s Trickery is really strong.
The new content is gonna have to be pretty challenging, based on the power creep of the first two specialties.
people are overestimating the raw power of the specs, they arent gonna be that crazy in practice.
I’m not over-estimating anything. A mesmer using Domination, Dueling and Chronomancer is strictly better for PvE than any other mesmer combination. It’s a strict upgrade.
Dragon Hunter is for all intents and purposes an upgrade. More DPS and more Vuln. The only question is do you replace Virtues or Honor with Dragon Hunter, whether you will replace one of them or not is not up for debate at this point.
The only professions where I don’t expect the ES to be a power creep is Warrior and Thief since warrior gets a ton out of it’s worst line (Arms) and Thief’s Trickery is really strong.
mesmer using chronomancer would be better for your style of PVE no matter what it does based soley on the 30 second boss meta.
fact is the chronomancer is worse at direct dps, worse at condi dps, worse at phantasm, worse at shatters and worse at interupts.
its good at unique party buffs, and increasing party burst.
so yeah its better for the 30 second party spike, but better overall? not really.
(edited by phys.7689)
its good at unique party buffs, and increasing party burst.
so yeah its better for the 30 second party spike, but better overall? not really.
Yeah so double Time Warp double quickness well will only be good in short fights. FWIW, time warp is like casting a skill that does about 250k-300k damage. Getting to cast it twice in any fight is by far the most OP single thing in the game. So yeah, you’re totally right that other specs are way better for PvE.
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