General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1
I’d like to know something too.
The Fire Storm of the Imbued Grawl Shaman in the Volcanic Fractal… Is there any telegraph to this? I watched him but I see no animation, it just appears out of nowhere. Does he simply cast it under certain circumstances/every x seconds or am I just missing something?
I personally have not seen an animation. from what i have noticed its just a red aoe ring that appears and you have about 1 second to react before doom.
I’d like to know something too.
The Fire Storm of the Imbued Grawl Shaman in the Volcanic Fractal… Is there any telegraph to this? I watched him but I see no animation, it just appears out of nowhere. Does he simply cast it under certain circumstances/every x seconds or am I just missing something?I personally have not seen an animation. from what i have noticed its just a red aoe ring that appears and you have about 1 second to react before doom.
The first damage tick comes as soon as the skill is used. It’s pretty much impossible to dodge it unless you are 100% certain he has agro on you.
Can anyone on EU /w Lé Coq and tell him I can’t come back online to finish the cof run ._. ?
thx guises /
Ok, so I gotta ask: I’m new to mmos, but I think I have a right to assume that a large portion of the people that I see online are of the male gender. Why then, do most of my male, heterosexual friends play as girls? My inquiring mind wants to know.
I want to look at something I like.
Then again, that’s what I do in all games I play: the main character which I can relate to -so a regular vanilla male…. with the harem.
And armors for females are better crafted and thought-out. Male versions are extremely lazy and cheap-looking.
Commission done on my guardian ^^
I think its great!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Commission done on my guardian ^^
I think its great!
That is beautiful.
Can anyone on EU /w Lé Coq and tell him I can’t come back online to finish the cof run ._. ?thx guises /
You can whisper cross-region lol :P
I <3 people who do art just for the love of making art :’-)
GJ, looks great.
I <3 people who do art just for the love of making art :’-)
GJ, looks great.
Well the artists do it for gold too. I’m happy to fund their endeavors if they draw my perfectly fashionable characters!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Godkitten kicked in CMp1 just because I aggroed a part where this group wanted to skip (the part with 3-4 elites before the Rifleman/Bombers in front of Bloody Alice). Then proceeded to call me “newbie”, “go play second life”, “12k ap dont know kitten” (I only have 7k ap). Pseudo-elitism makes me butt——hurt.
More so because I don’t even remember the last time I got kicked for something so trivial. Think I’ll auto leave if I see a guild run in CM now.
(edited by Tachii.3506)
Godkitten kicked in CMp1 just because I aggroed a part where this group wanted to skip (the part with 3-4 elites before the Rifleman/Bombers in front of Bloody Alice). Then proceeded to call me “newbie”, “go play second life”, “12k ap dont know kitten” (I only have 7k ap). Pseudo-elitism makes me kitten.
More so because I don’t even remember the last time I got kicked for something so trivial. Think I’ll auto leave if I see a guild run in CM now.
Lawl, I always kill those. No need to skip them at all… Prolly the most stupid kick I’ve heard of in a long time.
7th fractal run in a row without getting any special reward at the end, this is getting ridiculous.
Not dungeon related but did I get kittened off at Tequatl today. Got a commander, that I see for the first time, calling us bad because we were trying not to over-DSP Teq (which usually happens when you let 150 people smash the 1 button). Makes me sad. :c
Godkitten kicked in CMp1 just because I aggroed a part where this group wanted to skip (the part with 3-4 elites before the Rifleman/Bombers in front of Bloody Alice). Then proceeded to call me “newbie”, “go play second life”, “12k ap dont know kitten” (I only have 7k ap). Pseudo-elitism makes me kitten.
More so because I don’t even remember the last time I got kicked for something so trivial. Think I’ll auto leave if I see a guild run in CM now.
I always run cm with “minimal skips” in the line and cringe whenever I see a thief. Yea you can skip it all/ you are useful but I dont want to. 7 extra seconds isnt going to kill meh
I have a confession, sometime when someone aggro mobs, and we have to kill them, which usually takes 2-3 second, I ask myself, is it really worth saving those 2-3 seconds I mean skipping is easy for those who have done it before, but every time a pug struggle at skipping I feel like it would have been easier to just DPS them in 3 seconds.
Yeah, if someone do aggro them, I just adapt and kill. There’s no point trying to get out of combat by that point or in my case, kicking me straight then starting another lfg for a fifth. I’ve 4manned this dungeon under 10 minutes, so I find it frustrating when a group filled with elitism kicks you out for aggroing a mob that gets beaten in sub10seconds, then ironically waste more time looking for a fifth.
I’m getting more and more into wvw. Inb4 becoming a PvX scrub
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles
The Guardian is the Best GW2 Supporter Class. Expecially in wvsw and dungeons.
You can make your build, but you’re required to be a supporter, or a bunker. DPS is not the best build for a guardian. A dps guardian can deal a high damage, expeccialy in a team of warriors that give might and inflict vulnerability to the enemy (dungeon fights), but you have only 12k of hp… If you don’t play as a Meditation build or if you’re not a skilled player that know when use it’s block skills in every single moment, whit a specific build, you can’t play as a dps (not in dungeons that require a lot of capacity).
If you chose to be a Supporter you’re welcome in almost all the teams for enithing more harder than CoF 1. About the Support Build. there’s a lot of builds and hybrids, but the best is always 0/0/6/6/2 for pve and 0/0/2/6/6 for wvsw whit Soldier equipment.
Weapons: If you’re not a dps you can ignore the following weapons: Sword. Scepter, Torch. Scepter+Focus can give you high dps, but if you’re not a dps you don’t need it, because that weapons don’t give to your team any advantage. But if you chose to make a dps guardian (guardian dps is good, but harder than other classes to play) you can play whit GS and Scepter+Focus, that is a good combo, expecially for spvp.
But don’t use a berserker guardian in wvsw, because you drop dead before you can use your healing skill.
Whit a Support/Bunker build (and the best/only-really-good build for the guardian is the support/bunker build) your perfect weapon is the Staff, whit Hammer or Greatsword.
Staff give Empower (12 stack of Might and a lot of heal), a Line that the enemy can’t cross, good for wvsw and some dungeons, and is a AoE weapon, whit huge range, good to attack a large amount of enemy at the same time. And give swiftness.
GS grant you a good dps and you can pull your enemy to you. That is good for wvsw (you can grab and pull dosn an enemy on the wall. It’s funny) and in pve you can do the same whit monsters to obtain “aggro”.
Hammer is expecially good in pve, that give you Protection (perma-protection whit a good build) and you can obtain a Blast skill (skill 2), that is always good. In wvsw you can hold the enemy in place, knock them back and immobilize. That’s really good in Zerg fights. And your Blast Finisher is good. (Hammer skill 2 is the only Blast Finisher of the guardian. Focus skill 5 give you a blast, but do a combo whit that blast is hard).Then:
Guardian is the Perfect Supporter. Give defensive boons, clean conditions whie every whout to itself and to allies, high defensive and self-healing ability, a lot of stability skills and some CC (GS skill 2, Staff skill 5 and Hammer skill 3-4-5).
The weakness of the Guardian is the low amount of possible builds. On 20 utility skills, only 12 can really be played. And 4 of them only whit Meditation Build. And only sometimes you can use Hallowed Ground and Purging Flames: in wvsw, whit a specific build.
If you make a Guardian you probably end whit a Support Build whit Shouts.There’s a lot of funny builds that grant you to use spirit weapons or signets, but only for fun.
You can make a personal Build, expecially in PvE, but in High level Dungeons (fractal, for example) and WvsW you have to be a Supporter.
Sad but True.
What did I just read?
What did I just read?
Content and features.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
That caused my mental anguish.
Seems like I’ve found a way to shock dem thick-skinned elitists and trashc…forum veterans.
There, I’ve got the antidote.
So I did fractals level 34 with my regular fractal group last night, and got told off by our (wvw-)warrior for using one-handed swords in close quarters instead of the proper mesmer weapon greatsword sigh.
Is there any group on EU willing to adopt a moderately lousy mesmer (or ranger, or possibly even ele or guard) eager to learn and improve in the art of dungeon running? I guess I’m pretty good at picking up the theories, but slow at putting it into practice, so might require some patience .
It’s a sad day when you realize that you’ve outgrown your friends that taught you all the basics of dungeon running …
So I did fractals level 34 with my regular fractal group last night, and got told off by our (wvw-)warrior for using one-handed swords in close quarters instead of the proper mesmer weapon greatsword sigh.
Is there any group on EU willing to adopt a moderately lousy mesmer (or ranger, or possibly even ele or guard) eager to learn and improve in the art of dungeon running? I guess I’m pretty good at picking up the theories, but slow at putting it into practice, so might require some patience
It’s a sad day when you realize that you’ve outgrown your friends that taught you all the basics of dungeon running …
It’s always a wonderful sight to see a mesmer outgrow his greatsword. Congratulations!
/grabs souls and holds tightly
NOPE, mine. My stuff. Can’t have them.
Yeah, we’re nearly always full, soooo.
dangles a kitten
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
We’re still in the low level fracatals. Sorry that you’ve been disappointed, Ras. :c
Sometimes the devs on the forum make me smile…
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Sometimes the devs on the forum make me smile…
Ouch. He’ll need some cold water.
dangles a kitten
Sometimes the devs on the forum make me smile…
lol. Love that Chris dev.
Hmmmm can’t decide… I want another ascended weapon for my mes in preparation for fracs and I don’t know which one I should do.
I already have a sword… I believe focus and sword off are th eones I use the most, but I also often switch to pistol.
Which one should I do first?
Focus. Sheer utility
Ehhhhhh but I have 25 mithrillthingys and only 5 wood thingys…. I’d need 8 so 3 more days of wait <.< Gahh stressing.
/rubs kitty
And btw, assassin or berserker?
(edited by deSade.9437)
I hope you realise I am about as experienced and knowledgeable as a skritt.
Waaa I don’t want to spend 80g based on the opinions of a skritt…!
And armor I guess.
…. aaaand I will pretend I totally DON’T have a zerk sword. Hum.
(edited by deSade.9437)
Assassin’s for mesmer weapons always always.
:D Been looking for your guide all I could find was the other one. <3 Skritt learned something today.
deSade has 80g. Mesmers also have weapons.
ty DnT warriors for carrying my teef in arahp3.
(pls dun report me pls i didnt do nothin have mercy great lords of pve)
Ironically I went on Warrior for arahp1 and didn’t wipe once. :<
:D Been looking for your guide all I could find was the other one. <3 Skritt learned something today.
deSade has 80g. Mesmers also have weapons.
Nop, I don’t have 80g, I have 30.
Ehhhhhh but I have 25 mithrillthingys and only 5 wood thingys…. I’d need 8 so 3 more days of wait <.< Gahh stressing.
/rubs kitty
And btw, assassin or berserker?
Make the minstrel. Problem solved
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Belka opened on me with pulsing orb and point blank shot effectively pushing me in the orb. Six times in a row. I can’t tell if I’m unlucky or just not learning.
Belka opened on me with pulsing orb and point blank shot effectively pushing me in the orb. Six times in a row. I can’t tell if I’m unlucky or just not learning.
Next time dodge after she shoots the orb at you and you might avoid the arrow. :P
Yeah, I just whirlwinded in. It’s just that I can’t tell why I let her kill me that way 6 times in a row.
Mind brain blown.
kitten . with the current g/gems and lowest serv transfer price.. it’s gotten quite a pain in the *.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”