(edited by spoj.9672)
General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1
There are both ascalonian healers and ascalonian monks in that fractal.
i wondered….
well i will let my answer stand because well. its already there
but good to know.
No worries, I would be really surprised if anyone got a perfectly correct answer.
Bah, too late on this one Knew them except for the last one, I think I’ve never seen it.
Why too late? No one has the correct answer yet.
Oh, don’t know why I decided that someone from the rest got the answers right. Okay, lets try this then
Whoa, this is actually much harder once you start thinking about it…
1. Don’t think I’ve seen one in Ascalon, might be in there but I haven’t paid attention to it;
2. Definitely haven’t seen one on the Blizzard level, so I’d say this one doesn’t exist;
3. The Jellyfish fractal but still on the phase where you have to free the prisoners;
4. Cliffside;
5. Veteran Inquest Assassin in the Aetherblade path, he usually uses stealth a bit after you speak with Frizz;
6. I admit I had to google what they look like but once I saw the photo I know you can find them on that weapon testing fractal.
Wupwup for newbish answers! Would be happy if I got at least 2 of them right.
1) Ascalonian Healer – Doesn’t exist in Fractals.
2) Ice Imp – Neither do those
3) Young Barracuda – Are spawns from the Krait in Aquatic Ruins
4) Bone Fiend – Are spawns from the Archdiviner in Cliffside
5) Inquest Assassin – Are part of the Aetherblade Retreat Bossfight
6) Murellow – Can randomly spawn in the Molten Facility in one of the five caves
This really kittened me off to be honest..
This mesmer posted lfg asking for ‘zerkers only experienced melee lupi’
>Opens the dungeon
>No reflects at Belka
> GS Auto at abom
> Skips group after abom even though I said not to,
>says to kick even though they opened
> Staff at lupi.
I left
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
Arah pugs are horrible today. Had pugs for p2 which managed to get up to 7 stacks empowered on him every time…
This really kittened me off to be honest..
This mesmer posted lfg asking for ‘zerkers only experienced melee lupi’
>Opens the dungeon
>No reflects at Belka
> GS Auto at abom
> Skips group after abom even though I said not to,
>says to kick even though they opened
> Staff at lupi.
I left
I would have thrown the kick on that guy, screw it not worth staying anyways right?
I got myself into quite a conundrum this morning: I posted on LFG “p2 melee lupi”, a guildee joined and then we got 3 others. I asked them if they could melee Lupi, and they all responded with an affirmative. We go down the first corridor, and the 3 pugs wipe. They make it a second time, but we had to rez one of them. Belka fight starts, and they wipe again (actually, they may not have all wiped, as I was distracted @ this point). We go to the spider room, and my guildee being a really good thief, puts down shadow refuge and smoke screen and all that jazz for stealth. Somehow, they manage to walk out of it and die. We get to abomination while they try, and fail, the run multiple times. We duo the abomination to open the wp. Get to Lupi. They all die with the first AoE, and my guildee and I duo it. They wipe multiple times on the following skip (Rotten Armada waypoint, not the Lupi one), and we get to alphard. They fall multiple times, and the guard doesn’t use WoR, Sanctuary, SotA, or anything like that. My guildee blocks all the projectiles and we win. They can’t make the following skip, and we duo Brie and end the path.
I realize that I was wrong in expecting a little more from a pug, and not putting “experienced” in the lfg, or any other things like that.
My conundrum is this: If you’re in a party, and they’re NOT contributing to anything, i.e. lying dead while you solo/duo everything, is it “right” to kick them? I didn’t realize how worthless they were at first, and by then we were halfway done with the path, but I wanted to kick them all and sell the path w/ my guildee. Would it have been ok to do so?
I got myself into quite a conundrum this morning: I posted on LFG “p2 melee lupi”, a guildee joined and then we got 3 others. I asked them if they could melee Lupi, and they all responded with an affirmative. We go down the first corridor, and the 3 pugs wipe. They make it a second time, but we had to rez one of them. Belka fight starts, and they wipe again (actually, they may not have all wiped, as I was distracted @ this point). We go to the spider room, and my guildee being a really good thief, puts down shadow refuge and smoke screen and all that jazz for stealth. Somehow, they manage to walk out of it and die. We get to abomination while they try, and fail, the run multiple times. We duo the abomination to open the wp. Get to Lupi. They all die with the first AoE, and my guildee and I duo it. They wipe multiple times on the following skip (Rotten Armada waypoint, not the Lupi one), and we get to alphard. They fall multiple times, and the guard doesn’t use WoR, Sanctuary, SotA, or anything like that. My guildee blocks all the projectiles and we win. They can’t make the following skip, and we duo Brie and end the path.
I realize that I was wrong in expecting a little more from a pug, and not putting “experienced” in the lfg, or any other things like that.
My conundrum is this: If you’re in a party, and they’re NOT contributing to anything, i.e. lying dead while you solo/duo everything, is it “right” to kick them? I didn’t realize how worthless they were at first, and by then we were halfway done with the path, but I wanted to kick them all and sell the path w/ my guildee. Would it have been ok to do so?
Imo it would’ve been okay if you kicked them after Lupi, seeing that they contributed nothing to the party and simply were deadweight. Kicking them at Alphard or even Brie would’ve been… well, not the nicest thing imo but if you can live with that.
Arah pugs are horrible today. Had pugs for p2 which managed to get up to 7 stacks empowered on him every time…
Man how is that even possible?
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
Arah pugs are horrible today. Had pugs for p2 which managed to get up to 7 stacks empowered on him every time…
solo it
Arah pugs are horrible today. Had pugs for p2 which managed to get up to 7 stacks empowered on him every time…
Man how is that even possible?
I don’t know. I even told them to stay ranged for p1 so that the grubs can at least be killed off after telling them multiple times how to dodge them, but they didn’t feel like.
Lupi seemed to be kinda kittened today too, getting a 6-stack-punch in your face because he turned invisible after a shadowstep is not cool at all.
@maha: Ended up doing that, but with that amount of stacks mistakes are punished much harder and I’m far from being 100% fluent with soloing Lupi – or almost any boss that is.
(edited by NovaanVerdiano.6174)
We got John Smith to actually visit the trashcan!!!! I don’t know about you guys, but that made my day! Iris, we really need to co-ordinate for practicing!
lol just kitten those kids over so they can go whine about party system
better luck next time
Though I barely was ever kicked when I was a dead weight but I wouldn’t mind since I learned something by observing and next time people wouldn’t have a reason to.
We got John Smith to actually visit the trashcan!!!! I don’t know about you guys, but that made my day! Iris, we really need to co-ordinate for practicing!
Two red posts in two weeks. My goodness!
-epic long chronicles of pugmania-
They are there to amuse you. Must not kick! Nikki and I have been seeing these kinds of pug a lot. Sometimes they’re honest to goodness to us when we inquired about their experience. Out of compassion/pity, Nikki just taught them how to do stuff properly. By the end of the run, everything turned out good anyways. So don’t be bothered by bad pugs.
Weth = Master of Mind-Blowing!
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Is this real?
So close, yet so far.
I knew all the answers to the quiz but didn’t see it in time. Owell.
Back to my temporary exile….
Equipment question: Which armor is better for elementalist, exotic berserker/assassin with strength runes, or ascended berserker with scholar runes? I’m debating whether to get an extra set of dungeon armor for my elementalist, or let her borrow the mesmer’s ascended berserker/scholar set (a second ascended set unfortunately is out of the question right now).
I’m running full exotic with 3 zerk/3 ptv pieces with runes of the pack and I feel kind of satisfied with my dmg output at this point. I usually have hard time keeping my hp full/very high with the D/F so from my point of view, the exotic zerk gear with runes of strength would be nice.
Edit: Not to mention that you’d probably be able to keep up perma might laik a baws an ele
Depends if you pug a lot. Do fractals a lot. Or care more about doing max damage. Scholar is the best choice for max damage and organised groups. But in pugs and sometimes fractals the extra might duration can really help the group.
Strength runes cost way too much for me to justify them even though i use ele in fractals a lot. So ive just got my one set with scholar.
Strength runes cost way too much for me to justify them even though i use ele in fractals a lot. So ive just got my one set with scholar.
That’s the main reason why I’m wondering if it’s worth it: I should be able to scratch up enough gold to afford a set of strength runes and a set of exotic armor, but I’d be broke afterwards. I might do it if I knew it made a serious difference to the ascended set the mesmer has, but I’m not sure it does …
To be honest, I’m not sure I’d even play the ele a lot in dungeons, since I still have a long way to go with my mesmer and ranger, but she used to be my most-played character, and I’d like to play her a bit more again … then again, I’m almost exclusively pugging at the moment, so ele might not be such a good choice anyway (skill-wise I’m still far from the point where I could carry a group).
Decisions, decisions …
Well even in pugs if you are able to burst the boss down pretty fast, scholar is better. I would just go with that as its best for organised groups and it really doesnt matter that much for pugs. Plus its way cheaper.
Plus its way cheaper.
Actually it’s practically free, since I already have the ascended berserker/scholar set on another character .
Was soloing CM P3 and died :|
Thought that the door where to Wailen’s room had shut and the dungeon had bugged, turned out it was just the ghost a door..
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
Decided to pug AC pt1 today. Everything was going fine, killed the spider queen with no downed players and when we stacked for the gravelings in the corridor, one of the guys asked us to stack (although we were all there already) so all I wrote in chat was “yolo”.
We continued forward, perfectly flawless run when one of the fellas was saying to the other player that his warrior should have been charr instead of norn and all that so I decided to note that charrs are fluffy kitties. We went on towards the scepter pieces phase and this guy suddenly called me a troll for some reason o.o"
Turned out there’s a way not to spawn the oozes in that phase and spawning them seem to have been a great problem … why, however, I’m still trying to figure out.
Sometimes Hodgins decided “lol attack da oozes” so you can’t spawn the WP… Happened today among various other problems in my morning PuG run
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
Sometimes Hodgins decided “lol attack da oozes” so you can’t spawn the WP… Happened today among various other problems in my morning PuG run
I see, never happened to me before.
Yes well, I have the worst luck ever..
Plus it makes the skip to endboss marginally more difficult if the oozes put you in combat before you go into the tunnel.
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
But you can run around them without getting aggro, no? And even if they get the aggro on you, you can still dodge and then jump on the wall and wait to get out of combat.
Decided to pug AC pt1 today.
Morale of the story: Don’t pug next time. Better wait for some tiny asura to go in there with you :-p .
I have to admit I haven’t the faintest idea how to not spawn those oozes or where the stack spots in ac are. The only time I tried to pug ac was before I even knew what stacking is, and ended up with a group of low levels that wiped 10 times on every boss (except Kohler, they skipped him) and looking back probably didn’t have a clue how the stacking they were trying was supposed to work anyway. Other than that, I’ve only ever done ac with my former guild, without stacking or skipping.
Morale of the story: Don’t pug next time. Better wait for some tiny asura to go in there with you :-p .
I shall always keep this in mind. :P
You are meant to run to the left through the arch way so the oozes dont even spawn. Either you or someone else ran straight across the room and spawned the oozes which is probably the reason they called you a troll.
My favourite thing to see when I’m pugging arah :*
I think I might be masochistic..
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
Cotser, you scrub, signet ele best ele =P
Signet ele that plays 1200 range staff earth auto attack even though I asked in LFG and party chat for melee best ele.
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
My favourite thing to see when I’m pugging arah :*
I think I might be masochistic..
Remember, Arah is PHYW extreme.
You are meant to run to the left through the arch way so the oozes dont even spawn. Either you or someone else ran straight across the room and spawned the oozes which is probably the reason they called you a troll.
This is it. It’s mildly helpful if people avoid the oozes. I always tell my pugs how to avoid it in the future if they do it, but it’s not worth getting upset over.
the only time you should ever get upset in pug runs is if people do things just so inexplicably stupid or are just outright sabotaging the group – minor errors, I say just get over it, pugs aren’t going to ever be perfect.
You are meant to run to the left through the arch way so the oozes dont even spawn. Either you or someone else ran straight across the room and spawned the oozes which is probably the reason they called you a troll.
This is it. It’s mildly helpful if people avoid the oozes. I always tell my pugs how to avoid it in the future if they do it, but it’s not worth getting upset over.
I do my best to get there first so I can stand in the correct hallway hoping they run through me rather than off to the right. Usually works out pretty well.
You are meant to run to the left through the arch way so the oozes dont even spawn. Either you or someone else ran straight across the room and spawned the oozes which is probably the reason they called you a troll.
This is it. It’s mildly helpful if people avoid the oozes. I always tell my pugs how to avoid it in the future if they do it, but it’s not worth getting upset over.
I do my best to get there first so I can stand in the correct hallway hoping they run through me rather than off to the right. Usually works out pretty well.
I do this and drop a “this way” in party chat if I think some of the others are just along for the ride.
I actually had someone get lost on the way from kholer to the p3 burrow room. How, I have NO kittening clue…
If I know people are new, I’ll do like Jerus and stand in the correct path, usually yelling “COME THIS WAY”.
But yeah, if people spawn the oozes, I just silently facepalm and die a little inside. If it’s with a guildy, I’ll explain it, but PUGs… it’s usually too much effort to try to explain when I’m only going to have to deal with crazy amounts of defensiveness 95% of the time….
Yeah I generally don’t like talking, in PUGs especially. So I’ll hold off until they make the mistake then inform them about the correct way to do it and leave it at that. Not, “omg you’re an idiot” but just “a little tip, if you go down that left corridor the oozes don’t spawn”.
Just sucks when I get my head bitten off and accused of exploits and what not… which is why I generally don’t like to talk, but I also try to help if I know I can.
My favourite thing to see when I’m pugging arah :*
I think I might be masochistic..
I ran with a DnT guy (don’t remember his name) and he was camping water the whole time. We duo’d lupi and he didn’t dodge once (on purpose). We had a great laugh about it during… Negative DPS. It was the funnest Lupi fight I’ve had in a while I think it took as long as it used to when we all ran around like chickens w/ our heads cut off ranging him and praying not to die. So much fun.
My favourite thing to see when I’m pugging arah :*
I think I might be masochistic..I ran with a DnT guy (don’t remember his name) and he was camping water the whole time. We duo’d lupi and he didn’t dodge once (on purpose). We had a great laugh about it during… Negative DPS. It was the funnest Lupi fight I’ve had in a while
I think it took as long as it used to when we all ran around like chickens w/ our heads cut off ranging him and praying not to die. So much fun.
I saw the poster hendo showing that video, i found it both funny and scary. Funny because well, it’s funny, scary in that, please no one try this ever again!!!