General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1
Awwwww yeeees.
Everyone put this comment into a quote because we have some white knights to knock off their high horses.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
(edited by Lilith Ajit.6173)
We have absolutely no problem if you solo a dungeon… However when you start doing that for profit… (“selling” runs), then we have a problem
Can be interpreted both ways :/
I did misread that.
That’s interesting.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I think it is a little bit better explained in Chris Cleary’s post before that.
To quote:
“Skips” generally require abuse of terrain to accomplish. An example of this would be “breaking out” of the map in order to bypass content. Doing such would be quantified as exploitation, using an exploit and profiting (“selling” runs) would be quantified as selling an exploit.
I guess that might be why he places the seling in quotation marks. Because there is legal selling and exploit selling.
But sadly even that leaves room for (mis)interpretation.
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
(edited by Silberfisch.3046)
Had my first “Uninstall the game” troll today. Was helping people through Arah p4 and the necro pulled an illusionist, hunter and mage in the room before Lupi, after I told (suggested) everyone to stay on the ledge and I would take care of the turrets. Oh well. No good deed, right?
Kicked him, called in Jerus and finished the dungeon with some very happy pugs.
I’m sorry it happened that way but I was happy I got in was fun finishing it up.
This is getting out of hand I say. Out of hand.
This is getting out of hand I say. Out of hand.
Just the way we like it 8^)
Honestly I go away to class to hand in assignments and do an exam today and I miss out on heaps.
/curses Shakespeare and the need for English as a prerequisite for a uni course for a bachelors in programming
So, how do you guys feel since the dungeons sub-forum seems to be getting some attention? I’m sorry, but I’m too lazy to go through 200+ posts, 150 of which are prolly off-topic, so that I can make my own conclusion.
It’s mostly just PR talk to sooth the masses and give them something else to think of.
Maybe. In fact, very likely, but maybe not. Even if ANet plans on any changes it will probably be in the distant future, I don’t really put any hopes in changes to happen in the next few months. Still, they might actually write down and think on some of the ideas that we give them as a feedback on the current PvE state.
So, how do you guys feel since the dungeons sub-forum seems to be getting some attention? I’m sorry, but I’m too lazy to go through 200+ posts, 150 of which are prolly off-topic, so that I can make my own conclusion.
I have to admit that I tried to read up on what I missed the last few days (being home sick doesn’t leave me enough time to check the forums it seems ), but gave up pretty quickly. Not because of off-topic posts, but rather because I quickly got the impression that most people posting right now (not just in the dungeon forum but all over the place) are too busy convincing each other that everything (not) said or done must be interpreted in the worst possible way, and everyone is just out to ruin our fun
Personally, I like reading (and participating in) forums to interact with people of similar interests and talk about the things I like … if the talk is only about what’s wrong and bad and how things will never improve but only get worse, it defeats its purpose for me. So I’ll probably reduce my forum activity a lot and concentrate on what fun I have in-game. While playing “head in the sand” towards forum interactions won’t be any help to changing the game, it will certainly help me to keep enjoying what fun I have in game.
Well, to be honest I read a few posts and I was left with the same impression. It seems as if the people from this sub-forum have a bit too much bitterness left from all the neglecting on dungeons and general PvE content. I’m too new to this game and this part of the forums to be able to comment anyway, but I hope that slowly things will start changing for the better.
Anyway, I’m 5 AR away from 50 fwakhtulz, am not a kazul anymore, mum! I should totally start doing 50, 49, 38 and 29, God, I luw fwakhtulz.
Well, to be honest I read a few posts and I was left with the same impression. It seems as if the people from this sub-forum have a bit too much bitterness left from all the neglecting on dungeons and general PvE content. I’m too new to this game and this part of the forums to be able to comment anyway, but I hope that slowly things will start changing for the better.
Anyway, I’m 5 AR away from 50 fwakhtulz, am not a kazul anymore, mum!
I should totally start doing 50, 49, 38 and 29, God, I luw fwakhtulz.
Welp, I’ve seen this happen before. Everyone feels all warm fuzzies because there’s a red post, then a couple months down the track and the reality sets in again. Tumbleweed central. The PR attempt is just there to quell the storm.
Oh well, back to grinding for my next legendary. Imo nothing’s changed, better to ignore the ‘we care about your feedback’ crap and just keep swimming.
Butbut, I like the warm fuzzies :<
Oh, well, okay.
/stalks your kitty guardian
Edit: ^ Oi, lol!
I’m making a frostfang offhand for my ranger. I’m HYPED for the ranger changes whewwww.
I want to make another legendary, but I am not sure if i want incinerator, frostfang or bolt
Anyway, I’m 5 AR away from 50 fwakhtulz, am not a kazul anymore, mum!
I should totally start doing 50, 49, 38 and 29, God, I luw fwakhtulz.
Take your time … I won’t have time to play tonight or tomorrow, and I totally want to be there . How about fractals 49 on Wednesday evening?
Off-topic: it actually turned out to be a good thing that I didn’t go into fractals with you yesterday, I finally got myself to gather all the pieces for the 2nd living story backpiece. Now on to farming foxglove for the ascended one …
I want to make another legendary, but I am not sure if i want incinerator, frostfang or bolt
Is there really a choice there? Incinerator all the way!
Anyway, I’m 5 AR away from 50 fwakhtulz, am not a kazul anymore, mum!
I should totally start doing 50, 49, 38 and 29, God, I luw fwakhtulz.
49 and 50 are part of the same daily tier so there’s no point doing both of them. Also 37 and 40 are better alternatives to 38 since the instabilities aren’t as annoying and dont discriminate certain classes.
Anyway, I’m 5 AR away from 50 fwakhtulz, am not a kazul anymore, mum!
I should totally start doing 50, 49, 38 and 29, God, I luw fwakhtulz.
49 and 50 are part of the same daily tier so there’s no point doing both of them. Also 37 and 40 are better alternatives to 38 since the instabilities aren’t as annoying and dont discriminate certain classes.
Oh …. oh …. Boo! :< Well, 50, 37/8, 29 and 19 then
Winter, just do 9-19-29-38-49.
I usually end up doing 50/40/30/20 each day simple because they are the highest levels for each tier and the instability at 40/50 is just a gearcheck that very rarely hinders actual gameplay.
Hai guys. Want teh shinez?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Hai guys. Want teh shinez?
Bookmarked… Maybe I don’t forget about it this time.
Hai guys. Want teh shinez?
So many of my characters are based off of images from teh intarwebz… How many can we submit? >_>;;
Hai guys. Want teh shinez?
So many of my characters are based off of images from teh intarwebz… How many can we submit? >_>;;
As many as you like!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I really need people to frequently run fractals with..
Hm, I may actually participate this time Lilith. I have an idea, but I’m not sure if I can do it with what the game offers.
I need to get better at fractals since my level is only 33 (I feel so dirty saying that here)
I need to get better at fractals since my level is only 33 (I feel so dirty saying that here)
We all were there… probably twice.
I need to get better at fractals since my level is only 33 (I feel so dirty saying that here)
We all were there… probably twice.
Oh god haha haha hahaha I’m dying
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I need to get better at fractals since my level is only 33 (I feel so dirty saying that here)
We all were there… probably twice.
Oh god haha haha hahaha I’m dying
My pleasure. :P
whoah. what’s going on? Inb4 everything with [Suggestion] in the thread name is stickied. Much care.
kittenstorm and ANet says they’re “listening” now and want us to help.
Also, godkitten pugs at Mai Trin. It’s like they pull her around the electric fields and pick crappy weapon sets on purpose.
Taku feeding Lion’s Arch cake!!
Gotta share the sweeties. :>
Not going to lie, feeling kinda burnt. I’m trying really hard to remain positive in the face of all this attention that the dungeon sub-forum is getting, but it’s difficult. I feel that I’ve reached all my goals in game, soloing dungeons and Arah, paying forward to others what Iaharal and Leo did for me, earning good $$$ on the tp, etc. I logged in to do the living story stuff and realized for the first time in my 20+ years of being an RPG fan, I really just didn’t give a flying crap about the story, or the characters. In fact, I was rooting for the inquest to smash Tami, or do something brutal to Braham, or just out and out SOMETHING that would mix things up a bit, SOMETHING to catch me by surprise. Of course, nothing did.
I went back to pugging dungeons, as running w/ my guild is just too easy (and they don’t like my TS for some reason). Helped some people, solo’d some stuff, worked on ele, and just stopped for a sec and realized that there’s nothing else that I want to do. I honestly can’t imagine what you guys (and girls) who’ve been playing for 2 years now feel like.
You already know what it feels like
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Not going to lie, feeling kinda burnt. I’m trying really hard to remain positive in the face of all this attention that the dungeon sub-forum is getting, but it’s difficult. I feel that I’ve reached all my goals in game, soloing dungeons and Arah, paying forward to others what Iaharal and Leo did for me, earning good $$$ on the tp, etc. I logged in to do the living story stuff and realized for the first time in my 20+ years of being an RPG fan, I really just didn’t give a flying crap about the story, or the characters. In fact, I was rooting for the inquest to smash Tami, or do something brutal to Braham, or just out and out SOMETHING that would mix things up a bit, SOMETHING to catch me by surprise. Of course, nothing did.
I went back to pugging dungeons, as running w/ my guild is just too easy (and they don’t like my TS for some reason). Helped some people, solo’d some stuff, worked on ele, and just stopped for a sec and realized that there’s nothing else that I want to do. I honestly can’t imagine what you guys (and girls) who’ve been playing for 2 years now feel like.
inb4, just like laharl, you quit the game for at least 6 months.
Perhaps I will write a narrative on how the LS should have gone.
*heavy breathing*
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Perhaps I will write a narrative on how the LS should have gone.
I think is is a fantastic idea. You should do it. o_o;;
Yay I have the right of speech again!
Realised my signature is locked and I can’t open new threads.
(edited by Miku Lawrence.6329)
Yay I have the right of speech again!
Realised my signature is locked and I can’t open new threads.
Can you post the TA thing here so I can just steal it and post it in your stead? Going to be super busy at work today so the leas work the better!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Just want to say hello to everyone and pass this info around:
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Finally! They figured out a non-RNG precursor path!
Oh wait. One of their customers did it for them.
Not going to lie, feeling kinda burnt. I’m trying really hard to remain positive in the face of all this attention that the dungeon sub-forum is getting, but it’s difficult. I feel that I’ve reached all my goals in game, soloing dungeons and Arah, paying forward to others what Iaharal and Leo did for me, earning good $$$ on the tp, etc. I logged in to do the living story stuff and realized for the first time in my 20+ years of being an RPG fan, I really just didn’t give a flying crap about the story, or the characters. In fact, I was rooting for the inquest to smash Tami, or do something brutal to Braham, or just out and out SOMETHING that would mix things up a bit, SOMETHING to catch me by surprise. Of course, nothing did.
I went back to pugging dungeons, as running w/ my guild is just too easy (and they don’t like my TS for some reason). Helped some people, solo’d some stuff, worked on ele, and just stopped for a sec and realized that there’s nothing else that I want to do. I honestly can’t imagine what you guys (and girls) who’ve been playing for 2 years now feel like.
I know the feeling. I actually just posted this in my guild’s forum this morning:
Hiatus Time. Please mark me as inactive/retired as I will not be playing GW2 anytime in the forseeable future.
I’m happy that they seem interested in fixing the communication problems, but at the same time, they’ve announced that they’re not adding any new dungeon content any time soon. They’ve even posted in the dungeon forum asking for feedback — if you haven’t been following the thread, it went something like this:
ANet: We don’t have enough people to add new dungeons, but we want to let you guys know we’re listening. Please let us know what bugs and issues existing the current dungeons and we’ll pass that info along to the team!
Customers: ~15 pages of “It’s been two years. Running less buggy versions of the same 8 dungeons isn’t what we want. We need new things to do if we’re going to stick around. You have an amazing combat system, and we really would like more challenging content to use it on!”
ANet: Thanks for starting work on bugfix suggestions! I’ll be back in three weeks to collect and pass the results along to the team!
Now, I don’t blame Regina for her reply. She’s actually making it pretty clear that her hands are bound by company policies and she can’t really express any opinion about new dungeons without starting a fire. But the attitude of the company seems clear at this point.
I really think that there is a chance ANet will wake up and start hiring and putting in more content, I really do. Chris Whiteside has been very receptive to suggestions and seems very fed up with the company policies that are causing most of the issues, and he’s high enough up that he might be able to enact some changes. But I’ve gotten my hopes up before, and even if they do start caring about non-LS aspects….it’s going to be years before they can catch up with where they needed to be by now. Nothing in the works == nothing for at least a year and a half.
With the announcement that they are not working on new dungeons combined with the attitude, both in the posts and the interview, that new content on par with Arah isn’t going to happen…I have no reason to stay. I’m glad they seem to be opening up, but…the future of this game looks even more hopeless than ever for non-casual players. For two years we’ve been saying “LS is not enough”, and they respond with “MOAR LS AND GEM STORE!!! HYPEHYPEHYPE AREN’T YOU EXCITED??? SEXY LESBIANS!!!”.
Not going to lie, feeling kinda burnt. I’m trying really hard to remain positive in the face of all this attention that the dungeon sub-forum is getting, but it’s difficult. I feel that I’ve reached all my goals in game, soloing dungeons and Arah, paying forward to others what Iaharal and Leo did for me, earning good $$$ on the tp, etc. I logged in to do the living story stuff and realized for the first time in my 20+ years of being an RPG fan, I really just didn’t give a flying crap about the story, or the characters. In fact, I was rooting for the inquest to smash Tami, or do something brutal to Braham, or just out and out SOMETHING that would mix things up a bit, SOMETHING to catch me by surprise. Of course, nothing did.
I went back to pugging dungeons, as running w/ my guild is just too easy (and they don’t like my TS for some reason). Helped some people, solo’d some stuff, worked on ele, and just stopped for a sec and realized that there’s nothing else that I want to do. I honestly can’t imagine what you guys (and girls) who’ve been playing for 2 years now feel like.
I know the feeling. I actually just posted this in my guild’s forum this morning:
Hiatus Time. Please mark me as inactive/retired as I will not be playing GW2 anytime in the forseeable future.
I’m happy that they seem interested in fixing the communication problems, but at the same time, they’ve announced that they’re not adding any new dungeon content any time soon. They’ve even posted in the dungeon forum asking for feedback — if you haven’t been following the thread, it went something like this:
ANet: We don’t have enough people to add new dungeons, but we want to let you guys know we’re listening. Please let us know what bugs and issues existing the current dungeons and we’ll pass that info along to the team!
Customers: ~15 pages of “It’s been two years. Running less buggy versions of the same 8 dungeons isn’t what we want. We need new things to do if we’re going to stick around. You have an amazing combat system, and we really would like more challenging content to use it on!”
ANet: Thanks for starting work on bugfix suggestions! I’ll be back in three weeks to collect and pass the results along to the team!
Now, I don’t blame Regina for her reply. She’s actually making it pretty clear that her hands are bound by company policies and she can’t really express any opinion about new dungeons without starting a fire. But the attitude of the company seems clear at this point.
I really think that there is a chance ANet will wake up and start hiring and putting in more content, I really do. Chris Whiteside has been very receptive to suggestions and seems very fed up with the company policies that are causing most of the issues, and he’s high enough up that he might be able to enact some changes. But I’ve gotten my hopes up before, and even if they do start caring about non-LS aspects….it’s going to be years before they can catch up with where they needed to be by now. Nothing in the works == nothing for at least a year and a half.
With the announcement that they are not working on new dungeons combined with the attitude, both in the posts and the interview, that new content on par with Arah isn’t going to happen…I have no reason to stay. I’m glad they seem to be opening up, but…the future of this game looks even more hopeless than ever for non-casual players. For two years we’ve been saying “LS is not enough”, and they respond with “MOAR LS AND GEM STORE!!! HYPEHYPEHYPE AREN’T YOU EXCITED??? SEXY LESBIANS!!!”.
That last line, lol. Good luck with everything