General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Ok, i give, forums you win. Type a long response about how raids could be complex and actually create the content people seem to want in this game promoting defensive builds, focus on control, support at a premium all while not artificially punishing DPS or using gimmicks to just force diversity… and… forums eat it

I hate that. I try to make sure I put any long posts in my clipboard before pushing “Reply” just to prevent that :P

I don’t think I’ve ever had a short post get eaten, either >.<

I usually do as well, but yeah… alcohol…

And grats Sam, didn’t catch that, pretty cool.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Well, WildStar just got a lot more compelling.

tl;dr, WS is going F2P “sometime this fall” (no date given).

(edited by dlonie.6547)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Skimmed it. Is it turning into Archeage’s F2P model? Because we all know how well that turned out. :P

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Subscribing will definitely have some non-trivial advantages, but I’m happy about this because I’ve wanted to check it out for a while. I’ve just heard a lot of negatives and didn’t want to have to pay to try it out.

It sounds like they’re trying to avoid making a P2W scenario, but we’ll see how long that lasts :P

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Well, WildStar just got a lot more compelling.

tl;dr, WS is going F2P “sometime this fall” (no date given).

Well I’ll give it another chance, i mean the content looks amazing.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Minigrump.4961


well i am gonna try wildstar again. just renewed my sub for a month to try it out and see if i like it still. plus my guilty pleasure of housing

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547



Anyone want to share their experiences with WS combat, content quality/quantity? I’ve heard it’s improved quite a bit since launch, so I’m curious how it is today since I’ve not heard much since launch.

Heh. I’ve realized that this thread is just a halfway house for GW2 combat addicts looking for their next fix.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


Well, WildStar just got a lot more compelling.

tl;dr, WS is going F2P “sometime this fall” (no date given).

B&S finally coming over here, now WS going F2P… I can’t handle this, it’s too much! lol

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Twenty-twenty-twenty for hours to gooooo
I wanna be sedated
Nothing to do, nowhere to go ho
I wanna be sedated…

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NoTrigger.8396


Skimmed it. Is it turning into Archeage’s F2P model? Because we all know how well that turned out. :P

nope. quote from an interview:

There will also be a new currency called Omnibits that can both be bought and found on all mobs in the world. So even completely free players will be able to save up their Omnibits to buy items from the store. The goal, Chad and Mike reminded me, is to make it so that there’s no forced reason to spend money… just incentive and fun reasons to do so. Progression and endgame success will still take skill and teamwork, not a fat wallet.

you dont have to pay for anything. there are some restrictions that you can simply ignore.

well i am gonna try wildstar again. just renewed my sub for a month to try it out and see if i like it still. plus my guilty pleasure of housing

are you on NA or EU?


Anyone want to share their experiences with WS combat, content quality/quantity? I’ve heard it’s improved quite a bit since launch, so I’m curious how it is today since I’ve not heard much since launch.

Heh. I’ve realized that this thread is just a halfway house for GW2 combat addicts looking for their next fix.

what exactly do you want to know?

Skimmed it. Is it turning into Archeage’s F2P model? Because we all know how well that turned out. :P

nope. quote from an interview:

There will also be a new currency called Omnibits that can both be bought and found on all mobs in the world. So even completely free players will be able to save up their Omnibits to buy items from the store. The goal, Chad and Mike reminded me, is to make it so that there’s no forced reason to spend money… just incentive and fun reasons to do so. Progression and endgame success will still take skill and teamwork, not a fat wallet.

you dont have to pay for anything. there are some restrictions that you can simply ignore.

What was the loyalty thing i saw then? Because Archeage had loyalty points. And they were a big part of why it became P2W.

I probably wont play the game anyway. Sci-fi MMO’s arent really my thing. And the art style isnt to my liking either. Rather be inactive and have hope for HoT than play wildstar tbh.

well loyality points are earned by purchases or optional sub. optional sub doesnt really give you stuff that you need, just % on currency rewarded and so on. the f2p version will have the normal values we have now. so optional sub isnt needed either.
what you can do is purchase credd with ingame gold and activate the optional sub with credd. this will also reward loyality points.

loyality points can be used to gain access to ptr and stuff. only really interesting if you are in a hardcore guild and after world firsts.

and even if sci-fi and the art isnt really your thing i can only tell you that much:
when you step into a veteran dungeon you will either run away or be amazed because of the combat and difficulty.

after your first step in GA you will never look back and feel like you wasted your life in gw2.
you should give it a shot.

[qT] Quantify

(edited by NoTrigger.8396)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


The graphics and the sh—- erm, sci-fi thingy disgust me, but I may be persuaded to try out the game, if the combat’s engaging. But it has to be stellar to make up for the sh— the rest.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Skimmed it. Is it turning into Archeage’s F2P model? Because we all know how well that turned out. :P

nope. quote from an interview:

There will also be a new currency called Omnibits that can both be bought and found on all mobs in the world. So even completely free players will be able to save up their Omnibits to buy items from the store. The goal, Chad and Mike reminded me, is to make it so that there’s no forced reason to spend money… just incentive and fun reasons to do so. Progression and endgame success will still take skill and teamwork, not a fat wallet.

you dont have to pay for anything. there are some restrictions that you can simply ignore.

What was the loyalty thing i saw then? Because Archeage had loyalty points. And they were a big part of why it became P2W.

I probably wont play the game anyway. Sci-fi MMO’s arent really my thing. And the art style isnt to my liking either. Rather be inactive and have hope for HoT than play wildstar tbh.

(edited by spoj.9672)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Dungeons, as they stand now, consist of stacking in a corner while wearing zerker gear, dps racing the mobs, and running to the next corner.

/snores softly

Hum! Yeah, right.
Sooo, I told you that thread had potential.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Anyone want to share their experiences with WS combat, content quality/quantity? I’ve heard it’s improved quite a bit since launch, so I’m curious how it is today since I’ve not heard much since launch.

what exactly do you want to know?

Hmm, I suppose there are a few things:

- What are the differences/similarities between combat in GW2 and WS?
- Do they release new endgame content regularly? How much (approx # of raids, etc) and how often?
- Is the lore significant, or just sort of background filler? (Just curious, because I’ve never even heard anything about it :P)
- Do they seem to give a flying kitten about PvE balance?
- Do they introduce large bugs/regressions and then completely ignore them for months/years? (e.g. Alphard, Necrid Bolt, slaying potions, Arah WPs, etc)

well loyality points are earned by purchases or optional sub. optional sub doesnt really give you stuff that you need, just % on currency rewarded and so on. the f2p version will have the normal values we have now. so optional sub isnt needed either.

The thing I noticed about the pay model is that it does seem to have some rather large drawbacks for free players — only 3 TP listings instead of 30, free players can’t have guild invite privs, etc…stuff that would really make it hard to be an active without a sub. But I’m cool with treating the free account as a trial, which is sorta what it sounds like. You may not have to get a sub, but you’re gonna want one at some point.

after your first step in GA you will never look back and feel like you wasted your life in gw2.

Already there — since ArenaNet continues to indicate that they really don’t give two kittens about maintaining instanced content or keeping their players informed, I’m ready to go. They’ve had plenty of time to try to fix things, and it’s quite clear that it’s just not going to happen.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NoTrigger.8396


Do they release new endgame content regularly? How much (approx # of raids, etc) and how often?

yes, they release new endgame content regularly. shiphands, adventures, dungeons and raids. there is a big fat patch with new maps and endgame content every 3 months.
shiphands, adventures and dungeons more often than raids. but you will be busy for a long time with GA and DS (raids), for example it took 6 months until Datascape was cleared for the first time. the next tier of raid content will probably come with drop 7 (in a few months).
augmentors 20, the newest encounter, took us and enigma over 500 pulls + ptr experience to kill it. we worked on it 6h per day and 12h at the weekend and the day it was released for over a week.

after clearing there are challenges and medals. challenges are optional difficulties (nobody in the raid can get hit by X attack or complete this part of a boss fight in X amount of time), but you will earn more rewards. medals in dungeons for example are based on how fast and clean you run the dungeon.
so speedrunning is really supported in this game.
there is even a timer running once you enter a dungeon.

Is the lore significant, or just sort of background filler? (Just curious, because I’ve never even heard anything about it :P)

yes. the story is really cool and part of the dungeons and raids. and you can gather “data” and read parts of the story ingame. the data stuff is sometimes hidden so you have to explore the world a bit.

Do they seem to give a flying kitten about PvE balance?
Do they introduce large bugs/regressions and then completely ignore them for months/years? (e.g. Alphard, Necrid Bolt, slaying potions, Arah WPs, etc)

yes, more than about the pvp balance. timetravel is their dungeon and raid lead designer. he is on our teamspeak every single week to ask for feedback and stuff. also the devs are really cool. if you have a problem, find timetravel somewhere in a twitch stream (he is watching every day during and after work) and he will help you out.

there is also feedback threads on forums for every single dungeon and raid.
bugs are generally fixed in a hotfix patch in the same week or if the bug is really hard to fix in a bi-weekly patch.

if they kitten up something really hard, for example make a boss unkillable (happened in ds 40 once), they even go so far to despawn this one boss for your raid instance until the bug is fixed.

What are the differences/similarities between combat in GW2 and WS?

well each class brings several unique buffs and debuffs, then there is “dodge”.
the wildstar combat is much faster and action based even with the trinity tbh. and the dps rotations are much more complex and harder to pull off.
also wildstar has sprint (for a short amount of time) and double jump.

The thing I noticed about the pay model is that it does seem to have some rather large drawbacks for free players — only 3 TP listings instead of 30, free players can’t have guild invite privs, etc…stuff that would really make it hard to be an active without a sub. But I’m cool with treating the free account as a trial, which is sorta what it sounds like. You may not have to get a sub, but you’re gonna want one at some point.

you dont need the optional sub. and for the guild thing, the way you can handle it, if you are guild leader you can activate an option so 8% of the gold income of the members goes to the guild bank. from that money the guild leader can purchase credd to activate the optional sub. np

[qT] Quantify

(edited by NoTrigger.8396)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


yes, more than about the pvp balance. timetravel is their dungeon and raid lead designer. he is on our teamspeak every single week to ask for feedback and stuff. also the devs are really cool. if you have a problem, find timetravel somewhere in a twitch stream (he is watching every day during and after work) and he will help you out.

there is also feedback threads on forums for every single dungeon and raid.
bugs are generally fixed in a hotfix patch in the same week or if the bug is really hard to fix in a bi-weekly patch.

if they kitten up something really hard, for example make a boss unkillable (happened in ds 40 once), they even go so far to despawn this one boss for your raid instance until the bug is fixed.

Hmmm °_°

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Yeah, ok. kitten it. Sold.

It’s $20 atm for the box and a month sub. Well worth it just to satisfy my curiosity.

Scifi isn’t my bag, and sure, the art is on the silly side (which is fine with me, honestly), but it sounds pretty kittening nice compared to this wasteland.

°_° indeed. That bit reminded me of Hrouda. Before the dark times. The “before” times.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NoTrigger.8396


in the box there can be really expensive stuff like a cat mount. you can sell it for 50 plat+ and buy 2-3 months of playtime via credd.

[qT] Quantify

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547



lols, I just went to their dev tracker. I wanted to count how many dev posts were made in the last week.

I stopped at 50, and hadn’t finished counting today’s posts O.o

What madness is this?!?!?

(ok, seems like most of it was replies to the F2P announcement thread, so this is exceptional, but still. We don’t even see an acknowledgement of “Hey, we completely kittened up the main storyline, we should do something about that” until 8 months later….)

(edited by dlonie.6547)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Oh, anything I should know that the official class descriptions etc won’t tell me? (Read: Are there any “necro” classes?)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NoTrigger.8396


its how devs should be.

you should ask on reddit which fraction is more populated. its Exile on EU. could be different on NA. and play on the PvE megaserver. pvp servers arent really populated.

for classes, each class is different and needed. each class deals competitive dps.
it really depends on what you wanna play.
warrior, engis and stalkers can tank and dps. medics, spellslingers and esper can heal and dps.
warriors and stalkers are melee. engis and medics are like medium ranged. spellslinger and esper ranged.

i recommend to watch the class devspeak videos

[qT] Quantify

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Just did Those videos are hilarious. Thinking of stalker, sounds like fun.

I think some of my guildies might still play. I’ll ask around and see what faction they’re in.

Sigh. Guess I should call out of work tomorrow…

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


The graphics and the sh—- erm, sci-fi thingy disgust me, but I may be persuaded to try out the game, if the combat’s engaging. But it has to be stellar to make up for the sh— the rest.

This, my main problems when I was looking at it was the graphics, the whole big shapes thing, then the design of the classes (I don’t know it just felt a little more strait forward, less situationally OP tricks, which is good, just I enjoy really knowing how to use those tools in the right situations, though I only dabbled and I may be really wrong on this). And lastly, I just don’t know if I can get motivated to play another MMO and climb that hill of knowledge again, it was tough with GW2 and I’m no where near as knowledgeable or as good at this game compared to my older games. Kinda feel like it’s about time to say goodbye to MMOs for me.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


:( that sounds pretty sad. Don’t tell me you feelin’ too old for dis sh—-for games!

And yeah, ws devs seem to be pretty pumped. They remind me of the old gw1 times.

(edited by deSade.9437)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


The graphics and the sh—- erm, sci-fi thingy disgust me, but I may be persuaded to try out the game, if the combat’s engaging. But it has to be stellar to make up for the sh— the rest.

This, my main problems when I was looking at it was the graphics, the whole big shapes thing, then the design of the classes (I don’t know it just felt a little more strait forward, less situationally OP tricks, which is good, just I enjoy really knowing how to use those tools in the right situations, though I only dabbled and I may be really wrong on this).



PvE balance

PvE maintenance


And you crazy mofos are complaining about the artwork. smh :P

And lastly, I just don’t know if I can get motivated to play another MMO and climb that hill of knowledge again, it was tough with GW2 and I’m no where near as knowledgeable or as good at this game compared to my older games. Kinda feel like it’s about time to say goodbye to MMOs for me.


Odds are good that this game isn’t as deep/complex as some other games, in combat or lore, so that may be while you don’t feel as knowledgeable It’s not that you don’t know much, it’s just that there’s not much to know.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NoTrigger.8396


[qT] Quantify

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


And you crazy mofos are complaining about the artwork. smh :P

Hey! I’m a fashionable mofo. When I go mofo, I want to look pretty. I want to be a piece of mofown art.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I’m into the immersion thing. I actually miss the hours of traveling and corpse runs. I want to feel like my carelessness matters even if at the time I get kittened and it’s troublesome. There’s a reason I went back to Project99 after quitting EQ before going to other games. Oldschool EQ had things that no other MMO has come close to immersion wise.

As for “feeling too old for this” well, it’s not that at all. I don’t feel age has anything to do with it. I simply find it depressing to be a scrub, and the feeling of “if I applied myself I could be better” isn’t fun. I play games to avoid that. I simply lack the motivation to excell at games anymore, I’m still very scrubbish at GW2 (though my delayed reactions have much to do with that) jumping into another game… it’s a daunting task and I can’t help but feel that if I were to climb that mountain again I could do so much more choosing a different mountain to climb.

Wildstar very much sounded like the game of my dreams until those other issues got in the way. It’s content looks fantastic, it’s devs seem devoted, just an all around good game I’d never speak ill of other than from a personal standpoint.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Ill be honest i would never have gotten into gw2 in the first place if it wasnt for the cosmetic endgame. Its also what kept me playing before i discovered dungeons and speedrunning.

Challenging/instanced content just happens to be the method i find the most fun to work towards my cosmetic items. Also helps that the combat system doesnt get stale like most other games.

So yeah if the game looks ugly and has a theme im not a fan of then im probably not going to enjoy it for long.

(edited by spoj.9672)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Interesting perspectives, thanks for sharing them.

I like immersion as well, and I’ve been getting that from DA and ESO lately. I’m not really expecting it from WS — it just looks like a fun, silly story, which is fine with me To be honest, I’ve never found this game to be very immersive at all. The GW books are great and have a nice story to them, but the game just doesn’t present stories very well, IMO.

I’ve never been much for the cosmetic side of things, which is very likely why I’ve been unhappy with endgame in GW2. I mean, I don’t have any armor that wasn’t bought with dungeon tokens tbh…I’ve laid down a bit of gold on dyes, but that’s about it, lol.

It’s interesting to me, given GW2’s track record, that the cosmetics would be enough to keep people playing. I just don’t share any piece of that mindset, I suppose.

The “Adventures” thing describes what I’m looking for in a game to a T: Repeatability with choices that matter and take you down a different path each playthrough (think replaying DA). Hopefully it’s not a bunch of fake “diamond” branches that just end up in the same spot regardless of choice, as many games seem to make these days. That diversity in replay…that’s what grabs me.

And I just watched the raid video, NoTrigger. Freaking awesome. Gonna watch the other now

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Now I feel stupid for not giving a serious answer.
Spojjjjj, you do that for me. You read my mind anyway, and I’m simple to explain.

mushroom+kitten+music=raving:books- …. ok I give up, I suck at this.

And yeah, fashion is endgame. It was even more in gw1, and I liked it much better. That was actually grinding for skills and titles only.
Good times.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Funny thing is GW2’s style has me sitting in cheap easy to acquire stuff most of the time, I’m not one that is overly fond of shinies. Style upgrades are very few and very far between. Caithe’s Dagger and the new Chain Sword are the last two items that had me really wanting to get them for style. I mean my Warrior looks like a fresh 80 with decent fashion sense at best, but I love it.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GrimmR.3541


Meh, I will buy HoT anyways simply because of the new stuff i want to give a try! But if there is nothing that keeps me motivated, i might as well move on to a different game. Since i got myself Witcher 3 I just logg into GW2 for dailies but I doubt that Witcher attaches me long enough.
The information about Wildstar sounds interesting indeed.

I guess I will sit back and watch, when my guildies decide to move on, I will most likely follow them!

toxic since 2012

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Yeah, the problem with single player games is they typically only have so much play time. While I dislike GW2’s PVP system it’s been my out in other MMOs to pass the time between new content.

GW2’s been quite the disappointment as far as MMOs go, lots of amazing ideas, just no follow through.

Wildstar f2p sounds interesting, I’m tempted just to buy it now, but a night out drinking with friends simply sounds more interesting to me combine that with 6 day workweeks right now, yeah, doubt I’ll end up picking it up. More likely to pick up a gamepad and finally play some of those crappy port games on steam I have.

I only really keep up with GW2 for the friends I’ve made and the dreams of what GW2 could be if they broadened their scope. Can’t help but feel I’m not long for this place, but I’m not one to announce that I’ve quit, I’ve done it before in other games only to come back and I don’t like being a liar if i can avoid it.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Taku.6352


Announcing that you’ve quit a game is just a last ditch attempt to get some attention and try to get people to convince you to stay. If something doesn’t interest you then just take a time off and see what other games/interests have to offer.

And GW2 being the casual galore and no sub one can easily stop playing it for a month or two and still be in the same footing with everyone else.

I tried playing Wildstar last August nut never managed to settle on a race/class combo I’d find enjoyable but seeing as there’s a free 10 day trial available it won’t hurt to see and try again.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Our challenging group content they’ve been talking about has arrived guys

It starts with a Wild and ends with a Star!

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Skimmed it. Is it turning into Archeage’s F2P model? Because we all know how well that turned out. :P

nope. quote from an interview:

There will also be a new currency called Omnibits that can both be bought and found on all mobs in the world. So even completely free players will be able to save up their Omnibits to buy items from the store. The goal, Chad and Mike reminded me, is to make it so that there’s no forced reason to spend money… just incentive and fun reasons to do so. Progression and endgame success will still take skill and teamwork, not a fat wallet.

you dont have to pay for anything. there are some restrictions that you can simply ignore.

well i am gonna try wildstar again. just renewed my sub for a month to try it out and see if i like it still. plus my guilty pleasure of housing

are you on NA or EU?


Anyone want to share their experiences with WS combat, content quality/quantity? I’ve heard it’s improved quite a bit since launch, so I’m curious how it is today since I’ve not heard much since launch.

Heh. I’ve realized that this thread is just a halfway house for GW2 combat addicts looking for their next fix.

what exactly do you want to know?

Skimmed it. Is it turning into Archeage’s F2P model? Because we all know how well that turned out. :P

nope. quote from an interview:

There will also be a new currency called Omnibits that can both be bought and found on all mobs in the world. So even completely free players will be able to save up their Omnibits to buy items from the store. The goal, Chad and Mike reminded me, is to make it so that there’s no forced reason to spend money… just incentive and fun reasons to do so. Progression and endgame success will still take skill and teamwork, not a fat wallet.

you dont have to pay for anything. there are some restrictions that you can simply ignore.

What was the loyalty thing i saw then? Because Archeage had loyalty points. And they were a big part of why it became P2W.

I probably wont play the game anyway. Sci-fi MMO’s arent really my thing. And the art style isnt to my liking either. Rather be inactive and have hope for HoT than play wildstar tbh.

well loyality points are earned by purchases or optional sub. optional sub doesnt really give you stuff that you need, just % on currency rewarded and so on. the f2p version will have the normal values we have now. so optional sub isnt needed either.
what you can do is purchase credd with ingame gold and activate the optional sub with credd. this will also reward loyality points.

loyality points can be used to gain access to ptr and stuff. only really interesting if you are in a hardcore guild and after world firsts.

and even if sci-fi and the art isnt really your thing i can only tell you that much:
when you step into a veteran dungeon you will either run away or be amazed because of the combat and difficulty.

after your first step in GA you will never look back and feel like you wasted your life in gw2.
you should give it a shot.

Theres only one issue. I saw that F2P players wont be able to invite nor create a guild..

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Theres only one issue. I saw that F2P players wont be able to invite nor create a guild..

You may have missed this in the walls of text :P

The thing I noticed about the pay model is that it does seem to have some rather large drawbacks for free players — only 3 TP listings instead of 30, free players can’t have guild invite privs, etc…stuff that would really make it hard to be an active without a sub. But I’m cool with treating the free account as a trial, which is sorta what it sounds like. You may not have to get a sub, but you’re gonna want one at some point.

you dont need the optional sub. and for the guild thing, the way you can handle it, if you are guild leader you can activate an option so 8% of the gold income of the members goes to the guild bank. from that money the guild leader can purchase credd to activate the optional sub. np

So you can buy the sub with in game currency, and if you start a large enough guild (while paying for a sub?), it sounds like it common for the guild to pay the leader’s sub eventually.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Wildstar f2p sounds interesting, I’m tempted just to buy it now, but a night out drinking with friends simply sounds more interesting to me

Well, yeah :P

combine that with 6 day workweeks right now, yeah, doubt I’ll end up picking it up.


I only really keep up with GW2 for the friends I’ve made and the dreams of what GW2 could be if they broadened their scope. Can’t help but feel I’m not long for this place, but I’m not one to announce that I’ve quit, I’ve done it before in other games only to come back and I don’t like being a liar if i can avoid it.

That’s what’s kept me here for at least the last year: The people. But there are fewer and fewer of them around. And most that remain don’t want to run anything…ever. Hell, I don’t even want to run anything anymore these days…

And as for “I quit” posts, well…here’s mine xD I ended up finding a regular duo partner and that eeked a few more months of fun for me. But now even that’s gotten repetitive.

I don’t necessarily think a big “I quit” thread is necessary, but I do appreciate it when dungeon folks leave a note on this thread when they go. It’s better than just wondering “what the hell happened to X” several months down the road. Well, not that there’s any reason to wonder, the answer is always: They got fed up and bored and left…

We’ve discussed this before, but seriously — so much wasted potential.

Caithe’s Dagger and the new Chain Sword are the last two items that had me really wanting to get them for style.

Haha, that’s funny, we must have similar tastes — the only cosmetic item I’ve gotten from the gem store was Caithe’s Dagger, and then the other day I was about to grab the whip sword, but I noticed the handle is a crappy color that doesn’t match any of my toons :’-(

That’s the thing about GW2. They do a little of everything, but nothing well. The two most publicized aspects of the game, fashion and story, aren’t even that well done. Still can’t dye weapons, and the LS is a joke that stopped being funny 2 years ago. PS? Well, they’ve left it broken for what, a year now? idgi.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Do they seem to give a flying kitten about PvE balance?
Do they introduce large bugs/regressions and then completely ignore them for months/years? (e.g. Alphard, Necrid Bolt, slaying potions, Arah WPs, etc)

yes, more than about the pvp balance. timetravel is their dungeon and raid lead designer. he is on our teamspeak every single week to ask for feedback and stuff. also the devs are really cool. if you have a problem, find timetravel somewhere in a twitch stream (he is watching every day during and after work) and he will help you out.

there is also feedback threads on forums for every single dungeon and raid.
bugs are generally fixed in a hotfix patch in the same week or if the bug is really hard to fix in a bi-weekly patch.

if they kitten up something really hard, for example make a boss unkillable (happened in ds 40 once), they even go so far to despawn this one boss for your raid instance until the bug is fixed.

The devcare is real. I was browsing their forums last night, and they’re very involved with their community. I was freaking out to my wife, who’s playing EQ2 + ESO, “OMG they actually just helped somebody out, right on the forums!” “Holy crap, they’re acknowledging bugs in the last patch and working with the players to fix them!” “They have feedback threads that actually see dev activity!”

She just says “Wow, you GW2 guys are really starved out there. kitten . Is it really that bad?”


That timetravel guy is all over the place. It’s great to see that level of care going into a product.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Minigrump.4961


@no trigger I am NA.

Plus i forgot how fun the combat can be, currently relearning how to play my spellslinger (only max lvl toon I have) and in the midst of leveling up a stalker and warrior.

I also need to get the meta build set up, get all the gear, finish my attunement process (was up to doing the dungeons on vet mode). it feels good to have so much content to do again. just need peeps to do it with that do not mind having a scrub around until i learn how to play properly and get better

adding in that my spellslinger is in some horrible gear I think. And OMG the housing, how I missed the housing. I believe i just spent 2 hours today playing around in the hoverboard skatepark i built around a year ago when the game first came out.

I think i am fanboying too much about this game :/

(edited by Minigrump.4961)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


@no trigger I am NA.

Same, maybe we can run some stuff after I level

just need peeps to do it with that do not mind having a scrub around until i learn how to play properly and get better

I’m really hoping to be able to find a newbie guild (not a teaching guild) to do the raids with. A bunch of inexperienced players trying to figure it all out for the first time sounds fun

Hopefully there are a few around. Shouldn’t be too hard, honestly, with the F2P announcement opening things up.

And OMG the housing, how I missed the housing. I believe i just spent 2 hours today playing around in the hoverboard skatepark i built around a year ago when the game first came out.


The housing looked cool, but that’s a whole new level. Nifty.

I think i am fanboying too much about this game :/

Nonsense — it’s pretty refreshing to see excitement on this forum again. Besides, this’ll all be gone once a mod catches wind of it. Maybe I’ll get enough infractions for a permaban from this place. Wouldn’t that be lovely?

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trice.4598


Wildstar looks great, never really got into it, but depending on what HoT bring as instanced content I will give it a shot.

There is also a game coming out called Skyforge that look interesting, but overall I really hope GW2 get HoT right and give us instanced contents.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Minigrump.4961


what faction are you? dominion or exile?

I went with dominion since I love the chua.

and dlonie i would love to run stuff with you. heck even while levelling (i could roll a toon for the exiles if you aren’t dominion)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


I really hope GW2 get HoT right and give us instanced contents.

You gotta wonder though, how’s it gonna be after HoT?

If we get instanced content, do you think we’ll see them maintain it, tweak it, tune it, etc? The original dungeons rarely see their many bugs fixed, then Aetherpath flopped and they didn’t bother trying to fix anything about it. Then we can talk about fractal leaderboards and ascended chest drops…

Even if they do add new content with HoT, do you think they’ll take it seriously? (Not being snarky, seriously looking for opinions)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


what faction are you? dominion or exile?

I went with dominion since I love the chua.

and dlonie i would love to run stuff with you. heck even while levelling (i could roll a toon for the exiles if you aren’t dominion)

I talked my wife into playing it, too, and I think we settled on Exile. Those Aurin…so cute. I haven’t rolled a toon yet (download didn’t finish last night, and now I’m at work. Boo.), but my ign should be ‘dlonie’ there as well.

Maybe we should start a guild for GW2 dungeoneers looking for something new. Obvs Exiles. That’s what we are, for kitten’s sake.

“The Forgotten Tyrians”

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NoTrigger.8396


@no trigger I am NA.

Plus i forgot how fun the combat can be, currently relearning how to play my spellslinger (only max lvl toon I have) and in the midst of leveling up a stalker and warrior.

I also need to get the meta build set up, get all the gear, finish my attunement process (was up to doing the dungeons on vet mode). it feels good to have so much content to do again. just need peeps to do it with that do not mind having a scrub around until i learn how to play properly and get better

adding in that my spellslinger is in some horrible gear I think. And OMG the housing, how I missed the housing. I believe i just spent 2 hours today playing around in the hoverboard skatepark i built around a year ago when the game first came out.

I think i am fanboying too much about this game :/

for builds:

or you can check wildstarlogs and check the rotation and what people are running. our logs for example (its a bit complicated)

for gear, after release crafted gear was the best pre raid gear. now they buffed dungeon gear to make it better and there is a contract system that will reward you with ilvl 61 gear. you should do the contracts. you can add and reroll runelots now too.

[qT] Quantify

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NikeEU.7690


Considering I enjoy pretty much fractals and dungeons only in GW2, would WS be interesting for me?

Yes, but Wildstar raids and dungeons are the definition of try-hard.


General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


Looks like ill be too casual for ws.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


“The Forgotten Tyrians”

I would’ve picked “the rats in the trashcan”