General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2
That’s… kinda cruel
Not as cruel as forcing my poor victims to dress in pink, though.
Oh, and
PLZ, I too want elves and giant mushrooms. Maybe it’s my Mario genes calling in.
been practicing my orb runs on guardian solo. so close. just need to time my heals and dodges a bit better.
been practicing my orb runs on guardian solo. so close. just need to time my heals and dodges a bit better.
That’s pretty impressive, didn’t expect it to be possible on guardian, did you use norn elite rush?
i used full cleric gear with water runes. 00635 was the build. i got it down. it was incredibly fun to try. meditations heal was the main trait i was using. healing signet, 3 meditations and renewed focus were the utilities. and staff to apply swiftness at the very start instead of retreat.
(edited by Minigrump.4961)
RIP that thread about dungeon changes
It will be missed
Seeing as I’ve got a few days off work coming up, I’ve decided to set myself a new goal: reach Fractal reward level 50 before the end of the year. It might become an interesting experiment: I have rarely pugged fractals before, and never beyond level 9. I only have two characters with enough ar for lvl 40-50, mesmer and guardian, and only have decent experience with one of them (the mesmer). My experience in and knowledge of high-level fractals is ok-ish, but certainly far from perfect.
I’m taking bets on whether or not I’ll make that goal (considering that I did a total of three fractal runs across two accounts last month, one each on reward level 49, 29 and 9, it certainly isn’t going to be done automatically ), and of course invitations to be carried through some 49/50 fractals (never did a 50 before) are always welcome, too
A question to those of you who know the pug-scene on EU servers: Is there any chance of pugging high-level fractals in the mornings? Starting next week, my most-uninterrupted playtimes will probably be when my kids are off to school .
Got a fractal dagger from lv 20 :D
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
i used full cleric gear with water runes. 00635 was the build. i got it down. it was incredibly fun to try. meditations heal was the main trait i was using. healing signet, 3 meditations and renewed focus were the utilities. and staff to apply swiftness at the very start instead of retreat.
Dunno if you were already doing this (Using RF makes me think you are…) but are you traiting Altruistic Healing and popping your virtues for a little extra heal? It might not be much, but you’re sooooooo close
Goodbye dungeon subforum.
/sits in a corner and cries
Cloud of Sparrows [CoS]
Haa, they must be pretty desperate to shut this place up.
RIP dungeon forum.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Gaile hates us :(
So they’re taking away our sanctuary?
It’s been a pleasure, folks. I’ll miss you.
Well, we’ll probably just move on to general discussion after the destruction of our beloved corner of the forums… maybe we can have a discussion thread there too?
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Take over an even larger subforum. evil grin
OMG, rip dungeon forum :’(
Well, we’ll probably just move on to general discussion after the destruction of our beloved corner of the forums… maybe we can have a discussion thread there too?
Lol, hell no — too visible. We only got away with this one because we more or less quarantined ourselves to the trashcan.
bullkitten level: Anet
Well, we need a tag of some sorts when posting real things, and let the others do their anti stacking threads. Something like putting a [dungeon] tag before the thread name, to filtrate dungeon posts and toxic phiw posts.
Edit: What about going to the norn or charr subforum? No one ever go there, they won’t notice.
(edited by oxtred.7658)
So every reasonable and logical topic will either get buried or invaded by a huge crowd of definitely not disrespectful players.
The general forum is going to move so fast. Every topic will be pushed onto the 2nd page within minutes.
wow, well that is depressing.
Well, we’ll probably just move on to general discussion after the destruction of our beloved corner of the forums… maybe we can have a discussion thread there too?
Lol, hell no — too visible. We only got away with this one because we more or less quarantined ourselves to the trashcan.
Am I going to be unable to practice my arts as a Mind Brain after the move?
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Just adapt and get as agressive as the game discussion subforum. Let’s break this comunity.
Well, we’ll probably just move on to general discussion after the destruction of our beloved corner of the forums… maybe we can have a discussion thread there too?
Lol, hell no — too visible. We only got away with this one because we more or less quarantined ourselves to the trashcan.
The nice thing about this subforum was that the regular white knights never visit. Now all of the dungeon threads (if anyone is around to make them anymore…) will be covered with Vayne posts.
Edit: OMG now Vayne will probably be one of those volunteer forum moderators.
(edited by Nevets Crimsonwing.5271)
We are plenty outnumbered; we won’t even make a dent. With this move even more will drop off from this game. All is lost.
’tis been a honor mingling with you ladies and gents.
Let’s just hope this won’t burnout even more of the active players.
Gaile GrayOur hope is that when we’re asking the developers to look at fewer forums — to not have to scroll down 11 times to get to the bottom group, to not have to play a guessing game of “Where would players look for this info?” — there will be increased developer participation.
This has to be the worst joke I’ve ever read in my life
Gaile GrayOur hope is that when we’re asking the developers to look at fewer forums — to not have to scroll down 11 times to get to the bottom group, to not have to play a guessing game of “Where would players look for this info?” — there will be increased developer participation.
This has to be the worst joke I’ve ever read in my life
she meant to type more “forum specialist” participation.
“Forum specialists”
More like “Volunteer Moderators”.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Guys, lets simply create a thread with a super secret name to create our own sanctuary again..
Can’t believe this will happen..
Guys, lets simply create a thread with a super secret name to create our own sanctuary again..
Can’t believe this will happen..
As has already been suggested, I recommend the Norn subforum. Also, everyone on here should flood their application address with forum specialist applications. Try to load it with dungeon people. Ya’ll are the best at PvF anyway.
It’s hard to say what will really happen.
What I did want to say in the Questions thread though, I shall say it here instead: This is a kittening terrible idea.
That is all.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
There wont be a norn subforum.
Nevets, they won’t accept me as a specialist.
a) I am not american.
b) I got too many infractions.
c) I have a hang for sarcasm and self irony.
d) I am a bad person.
We’re all bad people Grimm, because we actually give a kitten about the future of this game.
At least that’s the message they seem to be sending out.
There are 3 game modes ( pvp , wvw and living world). So 3 subforums.
Water clear.
There wont be a norn subforum.
Just realized this
And yeah, I suppose when they look at dungeon forumers’ post history most will be excluded. Maybe people like Iris and Ivan (Dan) and maybe Lilith can come back just to send in an application.
Edit: dlonie too, he had that huge thread with Gail.
Feel free to join the discussion
All refugees welcome.
Yeah, there are a few with us who can still stand this kitten.
Meh, I can’t!
Feel free to join the discussion
All refugees welcome.
Cheers mate, good move!
dlonie too, he had that huge thread with Gail.
I couldn’t:
must have a Guild Wars 2 forum account in good standing with a history that includes minimal, if any, warnings or infractions
I’ve racked up quite a bit of PvF XP over the years, starting with the time I politely asked if Alphard’s bug was indeed a bug or intended. That first infraction was the beginning of the end for me.
Besides, would I want to be stuck in a role where I’m part of the problem, unable to give information to people who, by any measure of common sense, should be getting it? To be the middle-man between the mobs and the…other…middle-men (Gaile mentioned the FS would report to the FCT)?
No thanks. The Forum Communication “team” (I’m pretty sure the team is just Gaile, I’ve never seen anyone else post in that capacity) gets paid to do what they’re asking. I’m not doing their jobs for free, and certainly not with the restrictions they have in place.
Well said.
The purpose of those volunteers are nothing more than acting official “white knights”. If and when those players assume that role, they will have no other option than to be the scapegoat behind of all of Anet’s decisions.
Anet knows what they are doing; they will pick out influential people who will act as some vague representative between both players and company. These players will have to be both champion for Anet and the voice of the general players. Yea no conflicts there. However, it wraps up everything pretty nicely for Anet… to tell all the dissenters to kitten.
Expect more changes to come that we will not like.
(edited by Tom Yzf.5872)
Looks like I picked a great time to walk away from the game. This move is very LOL worthy. GL to all those that stick around.
Are you happy now Anet ?
“Forum Specialists” are GW2’s version of Blizzard’s MVPs.
I have 99 problems, and the forum restructuring is all of them.
Looks like this change was in the works for a while. Gaile said there was an “approved” list of sub-forums and this one didn’t make the cut. Wonder why…
Before I quit this cesspool of a forum for good.
I’m biting my hands in the desperate attempt not to kitten all over that idiot. I don’t even care about my account anymore, because I won’t be posting with thos elittle whiny kittens in the general forum.
Goooo kitten yourselves anet.
Let’s push this kitten to another 100 pages before it goes away forever.