Legendary Armor and Chak Eggs
You have a chance to get more than 1 egg from the meta. There’s no need to replace it with something else just because you find it difficult.
There nothing currently difficult about doing Gerent as it just a normal world boss. The issue I brought up is that chak eggs only reliable source is Gerent. It’s a boring and tedious component that is just farm a single underplayed world boss repeatedly
I wasn’t referring to the actual difficulty of the Gerent meta itself.
Well, welcome to the making of any legendary since forever. They all require you do do stuff you may/may not like and that’s just how it is.
DPS Benchmarks, Raids, Low-mans etc.
I think Chak Eggs are easy to get. I already have 107 of them, sometimes you get 5 or even 10 eggs at once from the Chak Gerent meta chest. Plus a chance to loot them from the caches.
No changes required at all. You will easily have 90 eggs (to make all 3 sets) by the time we can finally build it. If anything reclaimed metal plate and auric bars need to be changed because they are a joke (as in too easy to only require 30) to get.
(edited by Malediktus.3740)
It’s a full set of legendary armor. Running Gerent event 15 times hardly seems more onerous than anything else needed to be done along the way.
I’m not against ANet adding new sources (since there are plenty for reclaimed plates); I just don’t think it’s worth their time to do so.
I have 420 chak eggs. OP is delusional if he thinks they’re difficult to get.
I have I think 50? of them by now and I haven’t touched gerent in months. They are easy to come by, they drop from chests in TD as well.
I have 31 and I killed chak 5 times so far.
They should make it require 30 chak egg sacs instead