Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here…
Raid team introductions?
Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here…
Anything else you feel like sharing!
Fun fact, during the WvW Adopt a Dev program both guilds that I joined ended up disbanding during the event.
I was ecstatic when you guys did the Adopt-a-Dev Program, even more so when you chose us at [Nob]. It was great to have you along, however short lived it was. It is a shame that we imploded the next week. Thank you for remembering us.
It is great to see/read more about the Human side of Anet and the game that many of us still enjoy.
Raid Hype~
I’d like to be the first person to say WELCOME
and I’m sorry. Hopefully most of you have jobs lined up, anet doesn’t have a good history with their pve content teams
And I think it’s safe to say that those decisions blew up in their faces…big time.
Here’s hoping they learned a lesson from that.
What feature of Raids are you most excited about?
The tears. Honestly, I’m excited about pretty much everything.
Wat r u, casul?
What’s your name?
- Tirzah!
What do you do at ArenaNet?
- I’m an environment artist, I make the worlds that your characters run around in. So I was involved in creating the look and feel of this first wing of raids.
What feature of Raids are you most excited about?
- Watching people troubleshoot and figure out different ways of getting past epic content. Really looking forward to some livestreams.
What’s a funny story about something that’s happened to you or your party while play-testing Raids?
- Trying to figure out who was crippling a certain type of enemy after repeated wipes and Byron yelling at us all (in a good way).
Anything else you feel like sharing
- I had a lot of fun on this project. Working closely with designers as an artist to make something epic and fun is a real treat.
- Oh, and my aura-sharing Tempest healer is crazy fun >.>
(edited by TirzahBauer.7238)
Hmm, all this talk of crippling has me interested…sounds as if crippling a certain boss makes them more powerful.
Ah, got it! Did you guys give a boss a pre-nerf FGS? :P
Hmm, all this talk of crippling has me interested…sounds as if crippling a certain boss makes them more powerful.
Ah, got it! Did you guys give a boss a pre-nerf FGS? :P
They just slapped in a few teragriffs and made them gain 25 might from being crippled.
This topic is so full of win! Thank you OP for creating it, and thank you developers for playing along.
Crystal, I can’t say how much I appreciate your post. And I would like to highlight this:
What’s a funny story about something that’s happened to you or your party while play-testing Raids?
Getting ready to pull Gorseval during nightly raid, Byron being salty about us repeatedly wiping , and saying on TS before the pull “Byron you’re going to need a glass of water to lower those sodium levels”, which caused everyone to laugh so hard we failed to kill one of the walls and wiped.
This is almost the reason alone I play these games. My previous Raid friends were so funny I literally had to stand up and walk a little bit so I would recuperate my breath. All that because of Raids. If you can bring that back… well… <3
Hmm, all this talk of crippling has me interested…sounds as if crippling a certain boss makes them more powerful.
Ah, got it! Did you guys give a boss a pre-nerf FGS? :P
They just slapped in a few teragriffs and made them gain 25 might from being crippled.
Not funny =__=
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
What do you do at ArenaNet?
I make internet dragons. .
Best one liner ever! I wish I could put that on my resume.
What’s your name?
Bobby Stein
What do you do at ArenaNet?
I’m the Lead Narrative Designer (formerly known as Lead Writer). I work with narrative folk, designers, artists, audio engineers, and programmers to bring out the story in our game. It’s a collaborative effort from concept to completion, and I’m honored to work with such awesome people on a daily basis. I mostly help or collaborate with others on polishing and presenting story ideas inside our game. The work is a mix of technical and creative, with management responsibilities thrown in for good measure.
I’ve been with ArenaNet for about a decade and have worked on just about every title and release. (My invisible beard is long.)
What has been your involvement with Raids?
Writing scripts, consulting on VO sessions, and working with the team to present the narrative bits in new ways that synchronize with gameplay, art, and audio. Basically, working with the awesome folks on this team to deliver a story that’s fitting for this kind of content, while trying to innovate in the process.
What feature of Raids are you most excited about?
We’re trying an evolved approach to how, when, and where the characters speak inside raids. Really interested to hear player feedback from the beta, because we’re doing some exciting new things with our narrative tech that deviate a bit from how we do things inside story instances. Also working with artists to tell visual stories.
What’s a funny story about something that’s happened to you or your party while play-testing Raids?
I have a few!
I sat in on one of the internal play sessions. Everyone in the raid squad was busy setting up their characters for the upcoming fight but one person started walking around inspecting stuff. Then, above the usual chatter, she said, “Hey! My character just said something cool when I [redacted]!”
When I later explained to the team that we were experimenting with ways to mix up the dialog, and that in one particular case there were something like 3 dozen possible combinations a player could hear when X happens, they smiled. Small things like that make me very happy. There are a lot of little details with how we’re presenting this stuff that hopefully add up to form an immersive, satisfying experience.
Lastly, there was this one time where I was running around the map inside an area that Tirzah had recently arted, and I noticed that she added some new props where we had placed an interactive gadget. At first I didn’t really think about what I was looking at, but when I realized that the objects and their placement told a mini story about how that stuff got there, I gave her a high five over Communicator. (I won’t spoil what it was. You’ll have to find it—and all the other cool things that are scattered around—when the first wing releases.)
What was your favorite encounter from the existing dungeon/fotm content? Why?
Running with an experienced party who didn’t mind showing a less-experienced player (a.k.a. me) how to beat Caudecus’s Manor. Disclosure: I’m not a hardcore dungeon runner or raider, so being on this team has been really educational!
Anything else you feel like sharing!
This is a great team and I’m honored to be a part of it. Special shout out to Charlie, our Content Programmer, on all his wonderful work and input in building a lot of these narrative bits.
(edited by BobbyStein.2315)
I could be wrong, but it seems like someone at Anet decided to encourage the raid team to post in this thread. Of course it’s possible that each individual is posting of their own accord. Regardless, the flood of employee tags in this thread is really great to see. I hope Anet recognizes the positive response I know they’ll receive for such simple communication. Furthermore, I really hope this encourages the leadership to mandate more community interactions. This kind of thing really is great for the health of the game and community.
I could be wrong, but it seems like someone at Anet decided to encourage the raid team to post in this thread. Of course it’s possible that each individual is posting of their own accord. Regardless, the flood of employee tags in this thread is really great to see. I hope Anet recognizes the positive response I know they’ll receive for such simple communication. Furthermore, I really hope this encourages the leadership to mandate more community interactions. This kind of thing really is great for the health of the game and community.
I’d say it’s probably Gaile
Fort Aspenwood
I could be wrong, but it seems like someone at Anet decided to encourage the raid team to post in this thread. [snip]
It’s pretty simple, you all wanted to know who we are, and we’re big on peer pressure here so we’ll see who else we can force ask to respond as well.
I could be wrong, but it seems like someone at Anet decided to encourage the raid team to post in this thread. [snip]
It’s pretty simple, you all wanted to know who we are, and we’re big on peer pressure here so we’ll see who else we can
forceask to respond as well.
heh heh heh heh heh….good.
Looking forward to the more dynamic elements that are going into the raid story! Sounds like these should be a significant improvement on the first generation of instances.
I could be wrong, but it seems like someone at Anet decided to encourage the raid team to post in this thread. [snip]
It’s pretty simple, you all wanted to know who we are, and we’re big on peer pressure here so we’ll see who else we can
forceask to respond as well.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
I could be wrong, but it seems like someone at Anet decided to encourage the raid team to post in this thread. [snip]
It’s pretty simple, you all wanted to know who we are, and we’re big on peer pressure here so we’ll see who else we can
forceask to respond as well.
When you have something to sell, communication is wide and open. How long after launch before it goes back to the usual silence, and even ban on talking with the playerbase?
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.”
I could be wrong, but it seems like someone at Anet decided to encourage the raid team to post in this thread. [snip]
It’s pretty simple, you all wanted to know who we are, and we’re big on peer pressure here so we’ll see who else we can
forceask to respond as well.When you have something to sell, communication is wide and open. How long after launch before it goes back to the usual silence, and even ban on talking with the playerbase?
This is the salt free zone, lets take it to the other threads
I just go Heart of Thorns just because the Dev communication on this thread, fun read and seeing what people (like Jason Reynold) is involved in this I think I got covered as a hardcore player with raids.
What’s your name?
What do you do at ArenaNet? (Descriptions of the work you do are preferred over just a job title!)
I work with cross-discipline teams to help them make the best possible releases we can. I previously worked on the original Halloween and Wintersday in 2012, the Molten Weapons Facilities, Labyrinthine Cliffs, Tower of Nightmares, all of Season 2 Living World and the new Lion’s Arch.
What has been your involvement with Raids?
I’m the team’s Product Owner. It’s a combination of helping keep things moving forward and staying out of the way.
What feature of Raids are you most excited about? (Obviously just the bits you’re authorized to talk about!)
I’m looking forward to players having moments when they know something bad is about to happen if they don’t react in time and everyone’s voices raise a notch in anticipation. It’s at those times you can almost see our designers standing in the wings with their buckets ready to collect tears.
What’s a funny story about something that’s happened to you or your party while play-testing Raids? (Obviously no spoilers! )
Trying to make the glider getaway you see in the raids trailer and instead falling to my death and having to shamefully admit “Bad down!”
What was your favorite encounter from the existing dungeon/fotm content? Why?
The Molten Furnace. I’m obviously biased.
Anything else you feel like sharing!
The team has been working hard to make something that we really hope you enjoy. Thanks for all your passion for GW2!
What a fantastic initiative Nice to meet you all and read about your in game stories, it’s always a great feeling for us to see how much passion your guys are putting into it.
It’s always nice to see developers communicating with players.
What a excellent idea for a thread, and what great responses from the developers! It’s so nice to hear from you guys in person about the new content.
Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
This is like the most red-post topic ever! Nice reads.
Holy moly this thread, dlonie is the real MVP.
Great thread and super fun to read the responses! Thank you devs for participating!
~Hokie —
~Red Kiwi
What’s your name?
- I’ll never tell!
What do you do at ArenaNet? (Descriptions of the work you do are preferred over just a job title!)
- I work in Customer Support doing a bunch of back-end stuff. I’m the one that makes sure your tickets get to the GMs and their replies get to you. I also handle the support website and various other Support-related stuffs.
What has been your involvement with Raids?
- Cannon fodder! I’m on one of the 10-person test teams. We raid together for a few hours every day and wipe constantly. It’s great!
What feature of Raids are you most excited about? (Obviously just the bits you’re authorized to talk about!)
- Getting to raid again (I ran a casual raiding guild in WoW and miss the comraderie that comes with constant wiping and fleeting triumph). Other than that, I was really wowed by Tirzah’s beautiful environments. “Tongue boss” and the area leading up to him are my favorite.
What’s a funny story about something that’s happened to you or your party while play-testing Raids? (Obviously no spoilers!)
A few of my favorites:
- Watching Chris Cleary break things and send the devs into a flurry
- Learning fun little ways to die like “butt cleave,” “rock boss,” and glider fails
- Being dynamic (this is our raid leader’s term for recovering from horrible mistakes)
What was your favorite encounter from the existing dungeon/fotm content? Why?
- Probably the kitty golems, because they are highly amusing. MEOW!
Anything else you feel like sharing!
- I know that it’s impossible to please everyone with raids, but I hope the countless hours that literally hundreds of people have put in to this project will shine through and make it a great experience. Remember that what you see in the Beta isn’t finished, and what you see at launch will also be tweaked going forward. And above all else, embrace the wipe.
“Being dynamic” lol
(edited by Tom Yzf.5872)
I think I’ll use the term being dynamic while playing games with my friends from now on. Thanks for that. :^)
Are we going to need to unlock gliding to access or complete the raid beta?
What’s your name?
What do you do at ArenaNet? (Descriptions of the work you do are preferred over just a job title!)
I worked on creature skills and other game systems largely involved with PvE combat (i.e. sidekicking and stuff like that) for several years. Most recently, I was responsible for the Mordrem in Dry Top and Silverwastes and I got to design the Wyvern skills before moving off to the rewards team. I’ve worked on the Map Bonuses system and Precursor crafting in HoT.
What has been your involvement with Raids?
I’m the guy designing and setting up the rewards.
What feature of Raids are you most excited about? (Obviously just the bits you’re authorized to talk about!)
I’m really looking forward to having content that is really challenging and seeing the unexpected ways that everyone finds to beat it.
What’s a funny story about something that’s happened to you or your party while play-testing Raids? (Obviously no spoilers! )
In a test of a prototype boss encounter, due to some of the mechanics of the fight, I accidentally stomped Chris Cleary’s character.
What was your favorite encounter from the existing dungeon/fotm content? Why?
Molten Boss Fractal – because it rewards situational awareness and paying attention to the boss skills
Are we going to need to unlock gliding to access or complete the raid beta?
You will not need gliding to complete the encounter. Gliding would be helpful to explore some of the other areas after you have defeated the boss – but it’s not entirely necessary.
Are we going to need to unlock gliding to access or complete the raid beta?
Later encounters will require gliding, but the one you’ll see in the Beta doesn’t.
Another thing I’d like to add that I’ve really enjoyed – getting better at playing my character. I’d never really done a deep dive into different builds before, and it was fun to play around with the different ways to optimize. I hope raids will provide motive and opportunity for more casual players to explore some of those intricacies and find a new way to enjoy the depth of this game.
Thanks y’all was trying to get this confirmed before all of my team gathered for the raid tonight. Looking forward to what you got in store for us tonight.
Just wanted to say thanks for making this thread and thanks to all the devs for responding, it makes this community seem so fun and interactive. Thank you
Dances/animation as raid rewards.
So, maybe. . . HOW TO DANCE VOLUME 2.
Yeah? Right. Looking forward to it.
What’s your name?
What do you do at ArenaNet? (Descriptions of the work you do are preferred over just a job title!)
I worked on creature skills and other game systems largely involved with PvE combat (i.e. sidekicking and stuff like that) for several years. Most recently, I was responsible for the Mordrem in Dry Top and Silverwastes and I got to design the Wyvern skills before moving off to the rewards team. I’ve worked on the Map Bonuses system and Precursor crafting in HoT.
What has been your involvement with Raids?
I’m the guy designing and setting up the rewards.
What feature of Raids are you most excited about? (Obviously just the bits you’re authorized to talk about!)
I’m really looking forward to having content that is really challenging and seeing the unexpected ways that everyone finds to beat it.
What’s a funny story about something that’s happened to you or your party while play-testing Raids? (Obviously no spoilers! )
In a test of a prototype boss encounter, due to some of the mechanics of the fight, I accidentally stomped Chris Cleary’s character.
What was your favorite encounter from the existing dungeon/fotm content? Why?
Molten Boss Fractal – because it rewards situational awareness and paying attention to the boss skills
And this time from the correct account
Fantastic thread, and a very very epic welcome to the raids team and all of ANet who is involved
Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
Nice to see all the raid devs gather and tell a bit about their awesome jobs. Strength in numbers!
The Knights Temple [TKT] — Aurora Glade
I ended up getting into a raid instance during the last window that the squad UI was up, but I couldn’t get the rest of my party in before it was broken again. It didn’t kick me out when the UI was disabled, so I’ve just been exploring around solo.
Not much of a spoiler below, but just in case anyone is super fickle, I’ll tag it anyway
The new dynamic dialog is nice, it adds a more immersive feel that was absent in a lot of the earlier content. I appreciate the small hidden jumping puzzle, too. I won’t give much away, but it was hidden (yet easily discoverable if you’re used to looking for these things) and tricky enough (in a “That can’t be how they really want you to get there…it shouldn’t work” way) that it reminded me of goating in other dungeons. Thanks for that. It’s not as much fun as actual map breaking, but it’s cool that you guys picked up on how much some of us enjoyed that (now pls take down the invis walls in Arah thx). I hope there are more of these, and if so, I’d suggest making them larger and always accessible without a party (goating isn’t really a good group activity IMO).
Sorry for all of the parenthesis…it’s late, and I’m too tired to write any better than this :-P
That’s all for now, I gotta go, those pocket raptors keep respawning and interrupting me….
tl;dr Thumbs up on the narrative improvements and level design. Can’t wait to get a party in here to try out the encounter.
Nice to meet all you guys, nice to see all the positive responses, great idea dlonie
This is the best thread this forum has seen in ages. Nicely done.
tl;dr Thumbs up on the narrative improvements and level design. Can’t wait to get a party in here to try out the encounter.
Thank you for the kind words!
This thread wins the internet. So much awesomeness.
And greetings to all the devs.
What has been your involvement with Raids?
I’m the guy designing and setting up the rewards.
aha! so you’re the rng lord!!!